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After living in a Moscow airport since June, National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden began his temporary asylum Thursday by staying with Americans in the Russian capital whom he met online, his attorney said。自六月起,美國(guó)國(guó)家安全局泄密人愛德華·斯諾登就一直住在莫斯科機(jī)場(chǎng)里。他的律師說,從這周四開始,斯諾登就可以以臨時(shí)避難人的身份去往俄羅斯首都,和他在網(wǎng)上認(rèn)識(shí)的幾個(gè)美國(guó)人住在一起了。

"He made a lot of friends here -- and great for him that those Americans who live here and found about his situation and were in touch with him," his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said。斯諾登的俄羅斯律師安納托利·庫(kù)切列納說:“他在這兒交了很多朋友——這些美國(guó)人居住在這里,知道了斯諾登的情況并和他保持聯(lián)系,他真是太幸運(yùn)了。”

Sought by American authorities, Snowden is putting high emphasis on his security now that he can roam freely in Russia, according to his lawyer. "He's concerned about life and health because he believes that people from the American intelligence service are chasing him," Kucherena said. "This is a superpower. And the statements made by the State Department recently are threatening to him."據(jù)斯諾登的律師說,美國(guó)當(dāng)局一直在搜尋斯諾登,現(xiàn)在他可以在俄羅斯境內(nèi)自由活動(dòng),會(huì)更加注意自身安全。“斯諾登很在意自己的生命健康,因?yàn)樗钚琶绹?guó)情報(bào)機(jī)構(gòu)人員還并未放棄抓捕行動(dòng)。”庫(kù)切列納還說:“美國(guó)是個(gè)超級(jí)大國(guó),最近國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)表的聲明對(duì)他來說也是個(gè)威脅。”

Russia's awarding temporary asylum to Snowden -- he can legally stay in Russia for one year, his lawyer said -- has infuriated U.S. officials, so much so that they are reconsidering a planned meeting between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin next month in Moscow before a G-20 gathering in St. Petersburg, Russia。俄羅斯向斯諾登提供了臨時(shí)庇護(hù),他的律師說斯諾登可以在俄羅斯合法居住一年。俄方的這個(gè)舉動(dòng)令美國(guó)官員大為憤怒,以至于他們正在考慮重新安排下月奧巴馬總統(tǒng)和普京總統(tǒng)在莫斯科的會(huì)面。該首腦會(huì)晤原定于在俄羅斯圣彼得堡G20峰會(huì)之前舉行。

In an interview with state-run Russia 24, Kucherena said that Russia "didn't have a choice" in granting his client asylum. "It was a humane decision because Edward couldn't come and buy himself tickets to Havana or any other countries since he had no passport," the attorney told the news outlet。庫(kù)切列納在接受俄羅斯國(guó)家電視臺(tái)24節(jié)目專訪時(shí)說,俄羅斯除了為他提供庇護(hù)外“別無選擇”。他告訴新聞媒體:“這是一個(gè)人道的決定,因?yàn)閻鄣氯A沒法出去給自己買張飛往哈瓦那或其他國(guó)家的機(jī)票,因?yàn)樗麤]有護(hù)照。”

"So Russia behaved very honest in this situation." The lawyer added: "It's not right to implement any sanctions" against Russia。這位律師還說:“所以俄羅斯此舉十分正確。對(duì)俄羅斯實(shí)行任何制裁都會(huì)有失公允。”

Snowden has said he is afraid he would not get a fair trial if he came back to the United States. If he stays in Russia, he might have a job waiting for him. Pavel Durov, the founder of the social website V Kontakte, offered Snowden a job as a developer in his company's St. Petersburg office。斯諾登曾說若回到美國(guó),他恐怕要面臨不公證裁決;但若留在俄羅斯或許還能找到一份工作。俄羅斯社交網(wǎng)V Kontakt創(chuàng)始立人帕維爾·杜羅夫向斯諾登提供了一份網(wǎng)絡(luò)開發(fā)員的工作,就在公司圣彼得堡的辦公室里。

"We would like to thank the Russian people and all those others who have helped to protect Mr. Snowden. We have won the battle -- now the war," WikiLeaks said on Twitter。維基解密也在網(wǎng)上發(fā)布了一條推特:“我們感謝俄羅斯人民和幫助保護(hù)斯諾登先生的所有人。我們贏得了一場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)斗,但戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)還在繼續(xù)。”


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