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Cyprus in emergency talks over EU bailout

Cyprus’s embattled president was last night in talks with Brussels and political rivals to ease the terms of a planned levy on smaller deposit holders as he tried to scrape together a parliamentary majority for a €10bn bailout for the debt-laden island.塞浦路斯深陷困境的總統(tǒng)昨晚與歐盟官員和政治對手展開談判,以期放寬針對較小儲戶的征稅計劃,他正在努力爭取議會多數(shù)通過對這個深陷債務(wù)的島國的100億歐元紓困。

President Nicos Anastasiades is still intending to raise €5.8bn from Cypriot bank accounts to help fund the bailout, an unprecedented move that has sparked anger in Cyprus and wider concerns about the safety of eurozone bank deposits.尼科斯•阿納斯塔夏季斯(Nicos Anastasiades)總統(tǒng)仍在尋求向塞浦路斯的銀行儲戶征收58億歐元資金,從而為此項紓困提供資金支持。這一史無前例的舉措在塞浦路斯引起了公憤,也引發(fā)了人們對歐元區(qū)銀行存款安全的普遍擔憂。

Cypriot authorities were weighing an additional bank holiday on Tuesday pending emergency parliamentary ratification of the deal, which would mitigate the danger of a bank run. However, officials involved in the talks say a revised deal being discussed in Nicosia, with the blessing of the European Commission, would shift more of the burden on to deposits larger than €100,000.在議會就紓困協(xié)議舉行緊急表決之前,塞浦路斯當局考慮將周二列為又一個公眾假日,以降低銀行擠兌風險。然而,參與談判的官員表示,在歐盟委員會(European Commission)的指導(dǎo)下,尼科西亞正在討論的一個修訂版協(xié)議將把更大負擔轉(zhuǎn)移到存款高于10萬歐元的儲戶身上。

Under a controversial deal struck with international bailout lenders in the early hours on Saturday, a 6.75 per cent levy would be imposed on all deposits under €100,000 while accounts over that threshold would be hit with 9.9 per cent levy. The levy was demanded by a Germany-led group of creditor countries to reduce the bailout’s pricetag from €17bn.根據(jù)上周六凌晨與國際紓困債權(quán)人達成的一項具有爭議的協(xié)議,所有10萬歐元以下的存款都將被征收6.75%的稅,而10萬歐元以上存款的稅率則為9.9%。這一征稅是由以德國為首的債權(quán)人國家群體提出來的要求,旨在降低170億歐元的紓困總價碼。

The parliamentary passage of the levy is in the balance. Several lawmakers from the Democratic party, the junior partner in the governing coalition, have threatened to vote no. The government controls only 28 of 56 seats and is seeking backing from two deputies from a small pro-European party.議會能否通過該征稅議案還懸而未決。執(zhí)政聯(lián)盟中的小黨民主黨的幾名議員曾威脅要投反對票。政府只控制著56個席位中的28個,正在尋求一個親歐洲的小黨兩名代表的支持。


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