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  All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ____wild.

  A. that once grow B. once they grow C. they once grew D. once grew

  2. By the time you graduate, we____in Australia for one year.

  A. will be staying B. will have stayed C. would have stayed D. have stayed

  3. He appreciated____the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.

  A. having given B. to have been given C. to have given D. having been given

  4. The government official can hardly find sufficient grounds ____his arguments in favor of the revision of the tax law.

  A. on which to base B. which to be based on C. to base on which D. on which to be based

  5. Living in the desert involves a lot of problems, ____ water shortage is the worst.

  A. not to mention B. of which C. let alone D. for what

  6. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe ____it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.

  A.so that B. but that C. provided that D. in that

  7. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives,____stress.

  A.so is B. as it is C. and so is D. the same is

  8. Victor took a bus and headed for home, ____if his wife would have him back.

  A. not to know B. not known C. not knowing D. not having known

  9. We can make an exception ____.

  A. in any case of John B. in case of John C. in case of John’s D. in the case of John

  10. When the Cultural Revolution was launched in China, his father ___ college.

  A. attended B. had been attending C. was attending D. has been attending

  11. My cat is a fussy eater, but my dog is so ____that she’ll swallow down anything that is put in front of her.

  A. indiscriminate B. choosy C. indefinite D. picky

  12. “This house is more ____than the federal government!” Mac complained to his parents. “You have rules for everything.”

  A. systematic B. democratic C. bureaucratic D. public

  13. The American people’s ____of being polite is different from that held here in China.

  A. mind B. concept C. consideration D. thought

  14. Well, that is probably all I can say about sports. Next time I’ll take up the topic of some other ____activities.

  A. refreshment B. entertainment C. pleasure D. leisure

  15. Where there is an earthquake, energy is ____in one area along a crack in the earth crust.

  A. repelled B. released C. run D. rushed

  16. The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do it yourself equipment in a ____in the garden.

  A. barn B. room C. hut D. shed

  17. I’ve got a big coffee____on the front of my dress.

  A. pore B. patch C. stain D. grease

  18. She broke her leg, but the ____healed quickly.

  A. fracture B. injury C. skeleton D. cavity

  19. You’d better add them up. I’m not good at ____.

  A. figures B. characters C. summaries D. counters

  20. The girl chose some very pretty ____paper for the present.

  A. covering B. wrapping C. packing D.collecting


  1. A) 【句意】大規(guī)模種植的農(nóng)作物都繁衍于野生植物。

  【難 點(diǎn)】 that引導(dǎo)限制性定語從句,修飾plants.

  2. B) 【句意】到你畢業(yè)的時(shí)候,我們在澳洲居住就會有一年了。

  【難 點(diǎn)】將來完成時(shí)常和by the time+句子的結(jié)構(gòu)連用。

  3. D) 【句意】他得到一個(gè)在比較文學(xué)年度討論會上宣讀論文的機(jī)會,他對此表示感激。

  【難點(diǎn)】appreciate后面必須接名詞或動(dòng)名詞,本句 題意要求使用被動(dòng)語態(tài),故選D)。

  4. A) 【句意】那位政府官員找不到足夠的證據(jù)去說明他為什么贊成修改稅法。

  【難 點(diǎn)】to base sth on sth 意為“把……建立在……的基礎(chǔ)上”。which指代grounds.

  5. B) 【句意】居住在沙漠里牽涉很多問題,其中缺水是最嚴(yán)重的問題。

  【難點(diǎn)】of which 引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,which指代problems。

  6. D)【句意】氫是宇宙中最重要的元素之一,因?yàn)樗峁┝似渌刭囈援a(chǎn)生的建構(gòu)框架。

  【難點(diǎn)】in that相當(dāng)于because,引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。

  7. A) 【句意】正象休閑一樣,緊張也是我們生活中的一個(gè)重要部分。

  【難 點(diǎn)】just as...,so...意為“如同…,也是…”。

  8. C) 【句意】維格坐公共汽車回家去了,不知道他的妻子對他的歸來能否接受。

  【難點(diǎn)】not knowing為現(xiàn)在分詞短語,作伴隨狀語。

  9. D) 【句意】我們可以把約翰的事作為例外。

  【難點(diǎn)】 in the case of...意為“在…的情況下”;in case of 意為“以防,萬一”

  10. C) 【句意】文化大革命在中國開始的時(shí)候,他父親在上大學(xué)。

  【難點(diǎn)】這是一個(gè)簡單的 過去進(jìn)行時(shí)的練習(xí)。

  11. A) 【句意】我的貓很挑食,可我的狗一點(diǎn)也不挑,你給她什么她就吃什么。

  【難點(diǎn)】 indiscriminate意為“不加區(qū)別的;一視同仁的”;choosy意為“愛挑剔的,過于講究的”;indefinite意為“不確定 的”;picky意為 “吹毛求疵的;愛挑剔的”。

  12. C) 【句意】“這個(gè)家比聯(lián)邦政府還官僚”,麥克跟父母抱怨道,“你們什么事都有條條框框”。

  【難點(diǎn)】 bureaucratic意為“官僚主義的”;systematic意為“系統(tǒng)的”;democratic意為“民主的”;public意為“公共的”。

  13. B) 【句意】美國人的禮貌觀念和中國人的不同。

  【難點(diǎn)】concept意為“概念;觀念”;mind意為“想法;見解;主 意”;consideration意為“考慮,思考”;thought意為“想法;意見,見解”。

  14. D) 【句意】好,有關(guān)體育運(yùn)動(dòng)我就說這么多。下次我要選一個(gè)關(guān)于其它休閑活動(dòng)的話題來談。

  【難點(diǎn)】leisure意為“休 閑”;refreshment意為“活力恢復(fù);爽快”;entertainment意為“娛樂;文藝”;pleasure意為“娛樂消遣”。

  15. B) 【句意】在發(fā)生地震的地方,能量會沿著地殼的一條縫隙在一個(gè)地區(qū)釋放出來。

  【難點(diǎn)】release意為“釋放;排 放”;repel意為“擊退”;run意為“(水)流動(dòng)”;rush意為“沖過,沖越”。

  16. D) 【句意】那位老園丁以前總是把他所有的工具和可組裝的設(shè)備放在花園的棚子里。

  【難點(diǎn)】shed意為“車棚,工棚”;barn意為“谷倉, 糧倉”;room意為“房間”;hut意為“(簡陋的)小屋”。

  17. C)【句意】我連衣裙的前部有一個(gè)很大的咖啡污漬。

  【難 點(diǎn)】stain意為“污點(diǎn),污跡”;pore意為“毛孔,氣孔”;patch意為“斑,與周圍不同的部分”;grease意為“油脂;潤滑脂”。

  18. A)【句意】她的腿摔斷了,可是骨折處很快就痊愈了。

  【難點(diǎn)】fracture意為“骨折”,injury意為“傷害;受傷 處”;skeleton意為“骸骨”;cavity意為“腔”。

  19. A)【句意】你最好把它們加起來。我不擅長算數(shù)。

  【難 點(diǎn)】figure意為“數(shù)字”;character意為“文字”;summary意為“摘要,梗概”;counter為“計(jì)數(shù)器”。

  20. B)【句意】女孩選了一些非常漂亮的包裝紙包禮物。

  【難點(diǎn)】這四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中只有wrapping paper有“包裝紙”的意思,符合題意。


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