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David Greenglass, the Brother Who Doomed Ethel Rosenberg, Dies at 92


It was the most notorious spy case of the Cold War — the conviction and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union — and it rested largely on the testimony of Ms. Rosenberg’s brother David Greenglass, whose name to many became synonymous with betrayal.

那是冷戰(zhàn)中最為臭名昭著的一樁間諜案—— 朱利葉斯與埃塞爾·羅森伯格夫婦(Julius and Ethel Rosenberg)被認(rèn)定將原子彈的機(jī)密信息交給蘇聯(lián),并因此被處以極刑——案件的基礎(chǔ)大部分維系于埃塞爾的弟弟戴維·格林格拉斯(David Greenglass)的證詞。在很多人看來,他的名字是“背叛”的同義詞。

For his role in the conspiracy, Mr. Greenglass, an Army sergeant who had stolen nuclear intelligence from Los Alamos, N.M., went to prison for almost a decade, then changed his name and lived quietly until a journalist tracked him down. He admitted then, nearly a half-century later, that he had lied on the witness stand to save his wife from prosecution, giving testimony that he was never sure about but that nevertheless helped send his sister and her husband to the electric chair in 1953.


Mr. Greenglass died on July 1, a family member confirmed. He was 92. His family did not announce his death; The New York Times learned of it in a call to the nursing home where he had been living under his assumed name. Mr. Greenglass’s wife, Ruth, who had played a minor role in the conspiracy and also gave damning testimony against the Rosenbergs, died in 2008.


In today’s world, where spying has more to do with greed than ideology, the story of David Greenglass and the Rosenbergs is an enduring time capsule from an age of uncertainties — of world war against fascism, Cold War with the Soviets, and shifting alliances that led some Americans to embrace utopian communism and others to denounce such ideas, and their exponents, as un-American.


Mr. Greenglass, who grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in a household that believed Marxism would save humanity, was an ardent, preachy Communist when drafted by the Army in World War II, but no one in the barracks took him very seriously, much less believed him capable of spying.


He was not well educated, but his skills as a machinist — and pure luck — led to his assignment in 1944 to the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos, where America’s first atomic bombs were being developed. After being picked to replace a soldier who had gone AWOL, he lied on his security clearance report and was assigned to a team making precision molds for high-explosive lenses used to detonate the nuclear core.


When Mr. Rosenberg, already a Soviet spy, learned of his brother-in-law’s work, he recruited him. Security was often lax at Los Alamos, with safes and file cabinets left unlocked and classified documents lying on desks. Mr. Greenglass had no need for Hollywood spy tricks. He kept his eyes and ears open, and in mid-1945 sent Mr. Rosenberg a crude sketch and 12 pages of technical details on the bomb.


That September, after the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed with atomic bombs, ending the war, David and Ruth Greenglass visited the Rosenbergs’ apartment in New York. What happened there later became a matter of life and death, for as Mr. Greenglass delivered his latest spy notes, a woman — either his wife or his sister — sat at a Remington typewriter and typed them out.


The significance of that act did not become evident for five years. By then the Soviet Union, once America’s ally, had become a Cold War foe, witch hunts for suspected Communists were underway, and spy networks were being broken up. Klaus Fuchs, a physicist who had worked at Los Alamos, was caught, and named Harry Gold as a courier. Mr. Gold then named the Greenglasses and the Rosenbergs, who were arrested in 1950.

此舉的重要性在接下來的五年里還不明顯。然而,五年后,曾經(jīng)的盟友蘇聯(lián)已成為美國在冷戰(zhàn)中的敵手。對涉嫌共產(chǎn)主義的人士的迫害正在展開,間諜網(wǎng)絡(luò)遭到了破壞。在洛斯阿拉莫斯工作過的物理學(xué)家克勞斯·富克斯(Klaus Fuchs)被抓,供出了情報員哈里·戈爾德(Harry Gold)。戈爾德隨后供出了格林格拉斯夫婦和羅森伯格夫婦,使得他們于1950年被捕。

Mr. Greenglass admitted passing secrets to Mr. Rosenberg, but refused at first to implicate his sister. But just before the Rosenberg trial, Mr. Greenglass changed his story. Told that Ruth had informed F.B.I. agents that Ethel had typed his notes, he supported his wife’s account and agreed to testify against his sister and her husband.


Mr. Greenglass was under intense pressure. He had not yet been sentenced, and his wife, the mother of his two small children, faced possible prosecution, though her role had been minimal. In federal court in Manhattan in 1951, Mr. Greenglass’s testimony — corroborated by his wife’s — clinched the case against Mr. Rosenberg and implicated Mrs. Rosenberg.


Referring to Ethel Rosenberg in ringing hyperbolic phrases, the chief prosecutor, Irving H. Saypol, declared, “Just so had she, on countless other occasions, sat at that typewriter and struck the keys, blow by blow, against her own country in the interests of the Soviets.”

首席檢察官歐文·H·塞波爾(Irving H. Saypol)提到埃塞爾·羅森伯格時使用了非??鋸埖拇朕o,他宣稱,“這樣的場面她已經(jīng)經(jīng)歷過無數(shù)次,她坐在打字機(jī)旁,敲打鍵盤,一字一字地敲打,為了蘇聯(lián)的利益背叛了自己的國家。”

The jury found the Rosenbergs guilty of espionage conspiracy, and the presiding judge, Irving R. Kaufman, sentenced them to death. Appeals failed, and the Rosenbergs, who rejected all entreaties to name collaborators and insisted they were not guilty, were executed at Sing Sing on June 19, 1953. A co-defendant, Morton Sobell, was also convicted and was imprisoned for 18 years.

陪審團(tuán)裁定羅森伯格夫婦犯有間諜共謀罪,首席法官歐文·R·考夫曼(Irving R. Kaufman)對他們處以死刑判決。上訴失敗,羅森伯格夫婦于1953年6月19在新新懲教所(Sing Sing)被執(zhí)行死刑。兩人拒絕了所有希望他們供出通敵者的懇求,并堅稱自己無罪。共同被告莫頓·索貝爾(Morton Sobell)也被定罪,并被監(jiān)禁了18年。

Mrs. Greenglass was not prosecuted. Mr. Greenglass was sentenced to 15 years, but was released in 1960 after nine and a half. He rejoined his wife and for decades lived quietly in the New York area, working as a machinist and inventor.


A 1983 book by Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, “The Rosenberg File: A Search for the Truth,” rekindled interest, concluding that Mr. Rosenberg was a dedicated spy but that his wife had played only a minor role, and raising questions about the evidence and the government’s tactics in the case. Mr. Radosh and Sol Stern also interviewed Mr. Greenglass for an article in The New Republic.

羅納德·拉多什(Ronald Radosh)和喬伊斯·米爾頓(Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton)1983年出版的《羅森伯格案:尋求真相》(The Rosenberg File: A Search for the Truth)再次引發(fā)興趣,該書斷定,朱利葉斯·羅森伯格是一名專業(yè)間諜,但他妻子的作用非常小,并對該案中的證據(jù)及政府策略提出質(zhì)疑。拉多什和索爾·斯特恩(Sol Stern)在為《新共和》(The New Republic)撰稿時采訪了格林格拉斯。

Sam Roberts, a Times editor and reporter, later found Mr. Greenglass and, after a 13-year effort, obtained 50 hours of interviews that led to a book, “The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case.” In the book, Mr. Greenglass admitted that, to spare his wife from prosecution, he had testified that his sister typed his notes. In fact, he said, he could not recall who had done it.

《紐約時報》編輯、記者薩姆·羅伯茨(Sam Roberts)后來找到了格林格拉斯,經(jīng)過13年的努力,對他進(jìn)行了50個小時的采訪,并出版了《解密羅森伯格案》(The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case)一書。格林格拉斯在書中承認(rèn),為了讓妻子免遭起訴,他作證稱是姐姐打字發(fā)出情報。他表示,實際上,他記不起是誰發(fā)出的情報。

“I don’t remember that at all,” Mr. Greenglass said. “I frankly think my wife did the typing, but I don’t remember.”


He said he had no regrets. “My wife is more important to me than my sister. Or my mother or my father, O.K.? And she was the mother of my children.”


In a 2008 interview with Mr. Roberts, Mr. Sobell admitted that he had given military secrets to the Soviet Union, and concurred in what has become a consensus among historians: that the Greenglass-Rosenberg atomic bomb details were of little value to the Soviets, except to corroborate what they already knew, and that Ethel Rosenberg had played no active role in the conspiracy.


David Greenglass was born on the Lower East Side on March 2, 1922, to immigrants from Russia and Austria. He was 14 when he met Julius Rosenberg, who began courting Ethel, who was seven years older than David, in 1936. The Rosenbergs were married in 1939.


David graduated from Haaren High School in 1940 with only fair grades. He attended Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, but flunked out.

1940年,戴維從哈倫高中(Haaren High School)畢業(yè),成績一般。他進(jìn)入布魯克林理工學(xué)院(Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute)學(xué)習(xí),但最終退學(xué)。

Mr. Greenglass and Ruth Printz, who had been neighbors, childhood sweethearts and members of the Young Communist League, were married in 1942. They had a son and a daughter, who survive him.

格林格拉斯與鄰居露絲·普林茨(Ruth Printz)青梅竹馬,并于1942年結(jié)婚。他們都是共青團(tuán)(Young Communist League)成員。兩人育有一兒一女,目前仍然在世。


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