清明(Tomb Sweeping Day )禁忌:
There is something comforting about any system that provides quick answers to difficult problems, helpful tips about how to live one's life or even a quick look into the future. This is why nearly every human culture has developed rituals, beliefs in omens and supernatural beings, and magical and religious practices.
A report from India last winter shows just how far people will go in following superstitious beliefs. A 33-year-old Indian man by the name of P.Selvakumar said that he was "cursed". Shortly after killing two dogs 15 years earlier, he had mysteriously become paralysed and had partly lost his hearing.
Unable to regain his health through conventional remedies, Selvakumar asked an astrologer for help. He was advised that he could remove the curse by marrying a female dog. The wedding actually took place at a Hindu temple in Tamil Nadu state, with the dog bride wearing an orange sari and flowers.
How open are you to superstitious thinking? Do you avoid walking under ladders because you think it's unlucky? Would you ever have an operation on Friday the 13th? Do you say "Bless you!" when someone sneezes? Many superstitons are such a part of our culture, traditions and language that we hardly notice them any more.
The history of superstitious pratices can often help to explain them. In the old days, before the invention of the gallows, criminals were hanged from the top rung of a ladder. They died, but their spirits were believed to remain underneath. That's why, in the English-speaking world, it's thought to be bad luck to wander under an open ladder--in other words, through the evil spirits. We rationalize walking around ladders as a way to avoid being hit on the head by
Here's a tip: should you ever find you've walked under a ladder, you can undo the bad luck by walking backwards beneath the ladder or by crossing your fingers until you see a dog.
We don't really believe in superstitions, do we? Still, there's no harm in respecting traditions, just in case. If you do respect them, you'll find yourself in good company.
Niels Bohr, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, surprised his colleagues by hanging a horseshoe on the wall of his office. When asked if he really believed that it would bring him good luck, he said, "I am told that it works even if you don't believe in it."