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英語世界文摘:10 Fascinating Uses for Virtual-reality Tech





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10 Fascinating Uses for Virtual-reality Tech


By Knvul Sheikh


Virtual-reality (VR) headsets are now being used in many industries as a way of training people or providing a new way to experience things. Here are 10 ways virtual-reality technology is being used.




Theater audiences can already enjoy 3D movies, but with apps like Oculus[1] Cinema, users can be even more deeply immersed in their movie experiences. They can watch movies on a huge virtual screen, something like their own personal theater, or even watch as if they were inside the movie itself, surrounded by the imagery and sound effects. And if you are a sports fan, the virtual-reality platform company LiveLike VR has built a virtual stadium so you can have the thrill of game day experiences with your friends, right from the comfort of your couch. Similarly, virtual reality can also transport users to a Cirque du Soleil[2] performance, or a Coldplay concert as shot by the virtual reality filming company Next VR[3], minus all the rowdy fans.

電影觀眾已經(jīng)能體驗(yàn)3D電影帶來的樂趣,但如果再配合Oculus Cinema 這類應(yīng)用,使用者將擁有更深入的沉浸式觀影體驗(yàn)。觀眾可以通過VR頭顯設(shè)備投射出的巨大虛擬屏幕觀看影片,好似擁有一個(gè)個(gè)人專享的影院一般,畫面、聲效縈繞,觀眾仿佛身臨其境。如果你是體育迷,你和朋友舒服地窩在沙發(fā)上也能體驗(yàn)到比賽現(xiàn)場的刺激;而這只需要通過LiveLike VR 這款虛擬球場應(yīng)用便可實(shí)現(xiàn)。同理,通過VR 電影拍攝公司Next VR提供的服務(wù),你可以置身其中觀看太陽馬戲團(tuán)的表演或酷玩樂隊(duì)的演唱會(huì),不受喧鬧粉絲的干擾。

[1] 〈法語〉加拿大蒙特利爾的一家娛樂公司及表演團(tuán)體,是與美國迪士尼相媲美的世界級文化品牌。

[2] 虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù)頭戴設(shè)備制造商,成立于2012年,于2014年被收購。

[3] Next VR主要提供大型體育賽事和娛樂盛事的3D流媒體內(nèi)容,通過專有的3D攝像機(jī)拍攝畫面制作成虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)影像,其中包括NBA球賽、F1賽車等。

Even the tourism industry has jumped onboard, with Marriott’s Travel Brilliantly collaboration with Oculus promising to satisfy people’s wanderlust[4]. Using the app, you can be transported virtually to Hawaii in just 90 seconds, according to its website. Say goodbye to those winter blues[5]!

旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)也加入了VR技術(shù)應(yīng)用大軍:萬豪集團(tuán)旗下的Travel Brilliantly 網(wǎng)站與 Oculus合作,旨在滿足人們的旅游癖。其網(wǎng)站介紹,通過這個(gè)應(yīng)用程序,只需90秒便能置身于虛擬的夏威夷,從此告別“冬季憂郁癥”。

[4] wanderlust漫游癖;旅行癖。

[5] winter blue冬季憂郁癥,秋冬季節(jié)晝間時(shí)間變短導(dǎo)致人體生物鐘改變而引發(fā)的情緒波動(dòng)現(xiàn)象。

Health care


The health care industry has been a big adopter of virtual-reality tech, with some institutions using the computer-generated images for diagnosis and treatment. Virtual-reality simulations, such as those created by software companies Surgical Theater and Conquer Mobile, use actual diagnostic images from CAT scans or ultrasounds to construct 3D models of a patient’s anatomy. The virtual models help both new and experienced surgeons determine the safest and most efficient way to locate tumors, place surgical incisions or practice difficult procedures ahead of time.

醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生一直以來都是VR技術(shù)的主要應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域,一些機(jī)構(gòu)利用電腦生成的圖像進(jìn)行診斷和治療。Surgical Theater 和 Conquer Mobile 等軟件公司研發(fā)的VR仿真模擬軟件使用CAT掃描或者超聲波診斷圖像來生成患者身體構(gòu)造的3D模型。虛擬模型可以幫助新手或有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的外科醫(yī)生找到最安全、最有效的方法來定位腫瘤和手術(shù)切口位置,或是提前練習(xí)有操作難度的手術(shù)流程。

Beyond surgery, virtual reality could also serve as a cost-effective and engaging tool for rehabilitation. Stroke and brain injury victims across Europe can now use an immersive virtual-reality therapy created by MindMaze6 to regain motor and cognitive function faster than with traditional physical therapy, according to the company. The virtual exercises and real-time feedback in MindMaze[6] are made to feel like games, helping to motivate patients to practice everyday activities.

除了手術(shù),VR同時(shí)也可作為一種高性價(jià)比康復(fù)工具,對病患頗具吸引力。MindMaze公司稱,在歐洲,中風(fēng)及腦損傷患者現(xiàn)在可以使用其研發(fā)的沉浸式VR療法來恢復(fù)運(yùn)動(dòng)和認(rèn)知能力,使用這種療法的恢復(fù)速度要比傳統(tǒng)的物理治療更快。MindMaze 的虛擬練習(xí)和實(shí)時(shí)反饋?zhàn)尰謴?fù)過程好似玩游戲一般,有助于激勵(lì)患者完成每天的練習(xí)任務(wù)。

[6] 瑞士一家神經(jīng)科學(xué)公司,專注于將虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)和運(yùn)動(dòng)捕捉跟大腦機(jī)器界面結(jié)合,幫助病人從創(chuàng)傷中恢復(fù)。



Scientists at NASA have a tough mission: to search for life on other planets. That’s why they look to cutting-edge virtual-reality technology to control robots on Mars and to provide astronauts with a way to de-stress. At NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, researchers connected the Oculus Rift with motion-sensing equipment from the Kinect 2 sensor and Xbox One game console to control a robotic arm with the operator’s gestures. The setup could one day be used to control rovers[7] or other instruments millions of miles away, according to NASA. By adding a Virtuix Omni treadmill to the setup, researchers were also able to simulate a walk on Mars to prepare astronauts for a potential human landing.

美國航空航天局(NASA)的科學(xué)家面臨一個(gè)艱巨的任務(wù),即搜尋其他星球上的生命。因此,他們希望用前沿的VR技術(shù)控制火星上的機(jī)器人,并為宇航員提供一種解壓方式。在NASA的噴氣推進(jìn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,研究人員把Oculus Rift和Kinect 2傳感器上的運(yùn)動(dòng)傳感設(shè)備以及Xbox One游戲主機(jī)連接起來,利用操作者的動(dòng)作控制機(jī)械臂。NASA宣稱,這套設(shè)備未來可能被用來控制火星車或其他幾百萬英里以外的設(shè)備。如果把Virtuix Omni跑步機(jī)與這套設(shè)備連接,研究者也可以模擬在火星表面行走,為未來人類登陸火星做準(zhǔn)備。

[7] rover = Mars rover 火星探測器。



Virtual reality could add a lot of culture to our lives. The technology could instantly transport users to the Louvre in Paris, the Acropolis in Athens and the Guggenheim in New York City, all in one day. In fact, a number of museums have already collaborated with developers to create virtual spaces where people can experience the museums’ physical collections. In 2015, the American Museum of Natural History in New York City made some of its collections virtually accessible through Google Cardboard.


Automotive manufacturing


In Ford Motor’s Immersion Lab in Dearborn, Michigan, employees can don[8] a virtual-reality headset and inspect the interior and exterior of a car, as well as have a seat inside an automobile before it is manufactured. The virtual prototype allows designers and engineers from various departments to closely inspect different elements, such as the engine or upholstery, and spot potential problems before they arise.


[8] don 穿上;戴上。



Toyota is using Oculus headsets as part of its TeenDrive365 campaign, to educate teenagers and parents about distracted driving. By making field trips and simulations of complicated concepts accessible to people of all ages, virtual reality can make cognitive learning faster, more effective and efficient. Unimersiv and Cerevrum are examples of two such apps that offer an immense resource of educational VR content online.

豐田正使用Oculus頭盔作為其TeenDrive365活動(dòng)的一部分,讓青少年及其父母了解分心駕駛的危害。通過VR技術(shù),各年齡段的人們可以參與復(fù)雜概念的實(shí)操和模擬,其認(rèn)知學(xué)習(xí)速度會(huì)變得更快、更有效。Unimersiv和 Cerevrum是其中具有代表性的兩大應(yīng)用,提供了海量的線上VR教育資源。



Jury members may no longer have to evaluate crime scenes by looking at dull, two-dimensional photographs. Seeing a crime scene in 3D could help jurors visualize how people and objects, such as bullets, move through space. The use of interactive technology made it easier for people to visualize and understand the details of a case and make a decision regarding whether a suspect was guilty or not.


Meditation and mental health


Virtual reality can also act as a therapeutic tool for those who experience debilitating[9] stress, including PTSD, and panic disorders or phobias[10], researchers say. Virtual-reality tech could provide a safe environment for patients to come in contact with the things they fear, while remaining in a safe, controlled environment.


[9] debilitate 使身心衰弱。

[10] phobia(病態(tài)的)恐懼。



Many people are already familiar with online shopping websites, but virtual-reality apps like Trillenium could be the next step in how consumers purchase products on the Web. These apps can provide a virtual tour of an entire store, improving on the traditional online shopping experience. Instead of looking through catalogs on a website, shoppers can get a real-time shopping experience and even shop with their friends. Shoppers will soon be able to purchase items from ASOS[11] through the use of their headset as easily as buying something on Amazon.


[11] 創(chuàng)立于2000年的全球性的時(shí)尚服飾及美妝產(chǎn)品線上零售商。



The U.S. military often uses virtualreality simulators to train soldiers before they are deployed. Noncommercial versions of games like Virtual Battlespace 2 and Unity 3D are used to prepare troops for combat. The gamelike simulations allow teams to practice working together in realistically replicated environments before they have to use real-world tactical equipment. And this immersive environment is extremely important, because training that captures the attention of the learner is often retained longer and is better understood.

美國軍方經(jīng)常使用VR模擬器訓(xùn)練新兵。虛擬戰(zhàn)場2和Unity 3D等游戲的非商業(yè)性版本被用于部隊(duì)備戰(zhàn)練習(xí)。這種游戲式模擬可以幫助多個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)在復(fù)制的現(xiàn)實(shí)環(huán)境中練習(xí)協(xié)作,為真實(shí)世界的戰(zhàn)術(shù)裝備使用打基礎(chǔ)。這種沉浸式環(huán)境極其重要,因?yàn)槟茏寣W(xué)員集中注意力,培訓(xùn)效果常常更持久,培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容也更容易被領(lǐng)會(huì)。





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