Forget wrinkles and gray hair. There are lots of reasons to celebrate each time you add a candle to your birthday cake. You gain wisdom and many other benefits with age.
Here's a look at just a few of the good things that come with growing older.
An ability to manage social conflicts
Researchers at the University of Michigan put this to the test. For their study published in the journal PNAS, they asked 200 participants to read "Dear Abby" letters and offer up their best advice. People in their 60s were better than their younger counterparts at coming up with multiple outcomes for a social conflict and were better at imagining different points of view, while preferring solutions that involved compromise.
From fewer headaches to greater self-esteem, there's more to look forward to with each added year than you might realize. (Photo: Tom Wang/Shutterstock)
An encyclopedic knowledge
Psychologists often refer to two main types of intelligence: fluid and crystallized. Fluid intelligence is someone's ability to solve problems, learn new things and use logical thinking in unfamiliar situations.Crystallized intelligence, however, is based on what you've learned in the past. It makes use of information and skills you've already mastered.
A greater sense of well-being
Older people are usually happier because they have less anxiety and stress. (Photo: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock)
Older people often have increased financial well-being, so that takes the monetary element out of the stress equation. In addition, they tend to let go of negative emotions and focus on positive events.
An immunity window
Little kids get sick all the time. They pass colds around at school and catch everything because their growing immune systems are still developing. The good news is that as you age, your adult immune system recognizes these microbes as they invade your body and forms an "immune memory."
Becoming more agreeable
People get less grumpy as they age. (Photo: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock)
Forget about getting older and crankier. As you age, there's a good chance you'll become more agreeable and easier to get along with.This even happened among men, which debunks the concept of "grumpy old men," said lead researcher and psychologist Sanjay Srivastava, Ph.D.
Fewer migraines
Only 10% of women and 5% of men over 70 still report migraines, reports WebMD. And if you still have a migraine then, it may come without actually headache pain. As people get older, some may only experience migraines as visual or sensory disturbances without any pain.
Less sweat
You won't be as sweaty when you exercise. (Photo: kudla/Shutterstock)
A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that women in their 20s sweat more than women in their 50s and 60s. Researchers attributed the difference to either "a diminished response of the sweat glands to central and/or peripheral stimuli" or "an age-related structural alteration in the eccrine glands or surrounding skin cells."
Change in self-esteem
Long gone is the insecurity of youth. Self-esteem is highest right around age 60, research finds.That self-confidence stays strong for about a decade, then drops around age 90, often because of health reasons.