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When Gwyneth Paltrow was 22 years old, she got a role that would take her from actress to star: The film producer Harvey Weinstein hired her for the lead in the Jane Austen adaptation “Emma.” Before shooting began, he summoned her to his suite at the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for a work meeting that began uneventfully.

22歲時(shí),格溫妮絲·帕特洛(Gwyneth Palthrow)得到了一個(gè)會(huì)讓她從演員躋身為明星的角色:電影制片人哈維·韋恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)請(qǐng)她在改編自簡(jiǎn)·奧斯汀(Jane Austen)同名小說(shuō)的影片《愛(ài)瑪》(Emma)中出演女主角。在開(kāi)拍前,韋恩斯坦把叫到自己在比佛利山莊半島酒店(Peninsula Beverly Hills)的套房開(kāi)工作會(huì)議。一開(kāi)始,平靜無(wú)事。

It ended with Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting they head to the bedroom for massages, she said.


“I was a kid, I was signed up, I was petrified,” she said in an interview, publicly disclosing that she was sexually harassed by the man who ignited her career and later helped her win an Academy Award.

“我還是個(gè)小孩,已經(jīng)簽約,當(dāng)時(shí)嚇傻了,”她在采訪中公開(kāi)披露自己曾遭到這個(gè)點(diǎn)亮她的事業(yè)、后來(lái)還幫她贏得學(xué)院獎(jiǎng)(Academy Award)的男人的性騷擾。

She refused his advances, she said, and confided in Brad Pitt, her boyfriend at the time. Pitt confronted Weinstein, and soon after, the producer threatened her not to tell anyone else about his come-on. “I thought he was going to fire me,” she said.

她說(shuō)自己拒絕了他的勾引,并向當(dāng)時(shí)的男友布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)說(shuō)了此事。皮特去找過(guò)韋恩斯坦,不久這名制片人威脅她不許跟任何人說(shuō)起這件事。“我以為他會(huì)開(kāi)除我,”她說(shuō)。

Rosanna Arquette, a star of “Pulp Fiction,” has a similar account of Weinstein’s behavior, as does Judith Godrèche, a leading French actress. So does Angelina Jolie, who said that during the release of “Playing by Heart” in the late 1990s, he made unwanted advances on her in a hotel room, which she rejected.

《低俗小說(shuō)》(Pulp Fiction)中的女星羅姍娜·阿奎特(Rosanna Arquette)和法國(guó)著名女演員朱迪斯·哥德雷科(Judith Godrèche)對(duì)韋恩斯坦都有類似描述。安吉麗娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)也一樣。她說(shuō),在90年代末發(fā)行《隨心所欲》(Playing by Heart)期間,韋恩斯坦在一間酒店客房里對(duì)她非禮,遭到了她的拒絕。

“I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth, and as a result, chose never to work with him again and warn others when they did,” Jolie said in an email. “This behavior towards women in any field, any country is unacceptable.”


A New York Times investigation last week chronicled a hidden history of sexual harassment allegations against Weinstein and settlements he paid, often involving former employees, over three decades up to 2015. By Sunday evening, his entertainment company fired him.


On Tuesday, The New Yorker published a report that included multiple allegations of sexual assault, including forced oral and vaginal sex. The article also included accounts of sexual harassment going back to the 1990s, with women describing how intimidating Weinstein was.

周二,《紐約客》(The New Yorker)發(fā)表了一篇報(bào)道,內(nèi)容包含多項(xiàng)性侵犯指控,包括強(qiáng)迫口交和陰道性交。這篇文章中還有可追溯至90年代的性騷擾的描述,多名女性提到了韋恩斯坦當(dāng)時(shí)多么嚇人。

Several days ago, additional actresses began sharing with The Times on-the-record stories of casting-couch abuses.Their accounts hint at the sweep of Weinstein’s alleged harassment, targeting women on the way to stardom, those who had barely acted and others in between.


The encounters they recalled followed a similar narrative: First, they said, Weinstein lured them to a private place to discuss films, scripts or even Oscar campaigns. Then, the women contend, he variously tried to initiate massages, touched them inappropriately, took off his clothes or offered them explicit work-for-sex deals.


In a statement Tuesday, his spokeswoman, Sallie Hofmeister, said: “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein. Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances. He will not be available for further comments, as he is taking the time to focus on his family, on getting counseling and rebuilding his life.”

在周二的一份聲明中,韋恩斯坦的發(fā)言人薩莉·霍夫邁斯特(Sallie Hofmeister)說(shuō),“韋恩斯坦先生堅(jiān)決否認(rèn)一切非兩廂情愿的性行為的指控。韋恩斯坦先生也進(jìn)一步證實(shí)自己從來(lái)沒(méi)有因?yàn)榍髳?ài)被拒而對(duì)任何女性采取報(bào)復(fù)行為。他不會(huì)發(fā)表進(jìn)一步的評(píng)論,因?yàn)樗〞r(shí)間把精力放在家庭、尋求咨詢和重建生活上。”

Even in an industry in which sexual harassment has long persisted, Weinstein stands out, according to the actresses and current and former employees of the film companies he ran, Miramax and The Weinstein Co. Assistants often booked the meetings, arranged the hotel rooms and sometimes even delivered the talent, then disappeared, the actresses and employees recounted. They described how some of Weinstein’s executives and assistants then found them agents and jobs or hushed actresses who were upset.

據(jù)相關(guān)女演員,以及現(xiàn)在和過(guò)去在他經(jīng)營(yíng)的電影公司米拉麥克斯(Miramax)和韋恩斯坦公司(The Weinstein Co.)工作的員工稱,即便是在一個(gè)性騷擾長(zhǎng)期存在的行業(yè),韋恩斯坦的行為也是令人觸目驚心的。他們提到,一般是他的助理預(yù)定會(huì)議場(chǎng)所、安排酒店房間,有時(shí)甚至還會(huì)護(hù)送藝人,然后就不見(jiàn)了蹤影。他們還提到韋恩斯坦的一些高管和助理之后如何為他們找到經(jīng)紀(jì)人和工作,或是讓感到不安的女演員收聲。

His alleged behavior became something of a Hollywood open secret: When comedian Seth MacFarlane announced Oscar nominees in 2013, he joked, “Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.” The audience laughed. According to a 2015 memo by a former Weinstein Co. executive that The Times previously disclosed, the misconduct continued.

韋恩斯坦被控的行為幾乎成了好萊塢公開(kāi)的秘密:2013年宣布奧斯卡提名演員時(shí),喜劇演員賽斯·麥克法蘭(Seth MacFarlane)開(kāi)玩笑說(shuō),“恭喜,你們五位女士不用再假裝對(duì)哈維·韋恩斯坦有好感了。”觀眾哄堂大笑。據(jù)時(shí)報(bào)之前披露的韋恩斯坦公司一名前高管在2015年寫的一份備忘錄顯示,這種不端行為當(dāng)時(shí)仍在繼續(xù)。

More established actresses were fearful of speaking out because they had work; less established ones were scared because they did not. “This is Harvey Weinstein,” Katherine Kendall, who appeared in the film “Swingers” and television roles, remembers telling herself after an encounter in which she said Weinstein undressed and chased her around a living room. Telling others meant “I’ll never work again and no one is going to care or believe me,” she reasoned at the time, she said in a recent interview.

更有名的女演員害怕發(fā)聲是因?yàn)樗齻冇泄ぷ鳎荒敲从忻呐輪T害怕則是因?yàn)樗齻儧](méi)有工作。“這就是哈維·韋恩斯坦,”演過(guò)電影《全職浪子》(Swingers)和一些電視角色的凱瑟琳·肯達(dá)爾(Katherine Kendall)回憶自己在與韋恩斯坦的見(jiàn)面結(jié)束后這么告訴自己。她說(shuō),見(jiàn)面期間,韋恩斯坦沒(méi)有穿衣服,在起居室里追得她滿屋子跑。最近接受采訪時(shí),她說(shuō)自己當(dāng)時(shí)的想法是,告訴其他人意味著“我再也不會(huì)有工作,沒(méi)人會(huì)在乎、相信我了”。

Paltrow, 45, is now an entrepreneur, no longer dependent on securing her next acting role. But she emphasized how much more vulnerable she felt at 22, when Weinstein had just signed her up for a star-making part. On a trip to Los Angeles, she received a schedule from her agents for the hotel meeting with Weinstein.


There was no reason to suspect anything untoward, because “it’s on the fax, it’s from CAA,” she said, referring to Creative Artists Agency, which represented her.

沒(méi)有理由懷疑會(huì)出現(xiàn)任何麻煩,因?yàn)?ldquo;都寫在傳真上,而且是CAA發(fā)來(lái)的”,她說(shuō)道。CAA指的是代表她的創(chuàng)新藝人經(jīng)紀(jì)公司(Creative Artists Agency)。

When Weinstein tried to massage her and invited her into the bedroom, she immediately left, she said, and remembers feeling stunned as she drove away. “I thought you were my Uncle Harvey,” she recalled thinking, explaining she had seen him as a mentor.


Pitt confirmed the account to The Times through a representative. 皮特通過(guò)自己的代表向時(shí)報(bào)證實(shí)了相關(guān)說(shuō)法。

Soon after, Weinstein called Paltrow and berated her for discussing the episode, she recalled. (She said she also told a few friends, family members and her agent.) “He screamed at me for a long time,” she said, once again fearing she could lose the role in “Emma.” “It was brutal.” But she stood her ground, she said, and insisted that he put the relationship back on professional footing.


Even as Paltrow became known as the “first lady of Miramax” and won an Oscar for “Shakespeare in Love” in 1999, very few people knew about Weinstein’s advances. “I was expected to keep the secret,” she said.

即便帕特洛成了“米拉麥克斯一姐”并于1999年憑借《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love)贏得奧斯卡,知道韋恩斯坦曾對(duì)她耍流氓的人也非常少。“有人希望我保密,”她說(shuō)。

Now Paltrow and others said they wanted to support women who had already come forward and help those in similar situations feel less alone.


“We’re at a point in time when women need to send a clear message that this is over,” Paltrow said. “This way of treating women ends now.”



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