1. The Wall Sit-N-Read
How it works: Assume the sitting position on a wall of your choice. Continue to do this until you finish one chapter. Sitting on the couch and reading IS comfy, but this way you will FEEL THE BURN!!!!
2. Page-Turner Push-Ups
How it works: Place an open book on the floor. Proceed to complete push-ups while reading as many pages as you can. This also will test how well you are at multitasking.
3. Trilogy Tricep Reps
How it works: Grab two books from a trilogy of your choice in each hand. Prop the third book in front of you for entertainment, then proceed to complete your desired amount of reps. You’ll be able to finish a book in NO time.
4. Character Kicks
How it works: Place a closed book on the floor in front of you — something you’ve read before. Then recite as many characters from the book as you can while completing leg kickbacks for each leg. Hopefully you’re good with names!
5. Literary Lunges
How it works: Grab two books of equal weight in each hand. Using the books as weights, lunge across an open room until you’ve completed your desired set. Bonus points if you use encyclopedias.
6. Page Planks
How it works: Assume the plank position with your book placed directly under you. Hold your plank until you've successfully finished an entire page. Time flies when you're reading a good book!!
7. Chapter Curls
How it works: TIME TO TEST YOUR ENDURANCE. Using two books as dumbbells, bring them to your chest. Repeat until you’ve completed the number of chapters in the book your currently reading.
8. Reading Marathon Leg Raises
How it works: Lying on your side, move your leg up and down in a motion that resembles cutting with a pair of scissors. Repeat until you finish an entire chapter. (Or an entire book, if you're really ambitious.)
9. Fat Stack Crunches
How it works: Place an enormous stack of books in front of you. Begin your crunches, grabbing a book from the pile for each one you do. Repeat until you've grabbed the entire pile. This might just make crunches more entertaining.
10. Series Squats
How it works: Stand in front of your bookshelf and begin doing squats. Stop when you've properly named all the titles of every series on your shelf. You'll be a squat master in no time.
11. The Cooldown
How it works: Lie flat on your back. Hold the book above your head and read until your arms are sore.