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在哈佛 沃頓 哥倫比亞 MBA創(chuàng)業(yè)熱正如火如荼




On their Kickstarter video, Columbia Business SchoolMBA candidates Connor Wilson and Nolan Walshstand in a room where a group of male and femalemodels cavorts around a pile of boots and shoes asthey shower dollar bills upon it. “Welcome to theworld of fast fashion,” Walsh says. “Models,celebrities, and huge advertising budgets, alldesigned to sell us inferior products that wear outquickly.”





The Kickstarter campaign set a record for sales in the first 24 hours, and Wilson and Walshhave received more than $275,000 in orders for their $199 Thursday Boot Company boots.Production started about a few months ago.


“I really like the idea of growing something small into something big,” says Wilson, a formerinvestment analyst and portfolio manager for Thornburg Investment Management.


The two Columbia MBAs are part of a striking trend among business school students towardentrepreneurship. MBA program officials are seeing dramatic growth in student demand—including, for example, annual increases of 20% to 30% at Harvard Business School—forentrepreneurship-related offerings. Increasingly, MBAs are rushing to apply their business skillsto their own enterprises.

威爾遜和沃爾什兩人是商學(xué)院學(xué)生創(chuàng)業(yè)熱潮的真實(shí)縮影。MBA項(xiàng)目工作人員發(fā)現(xiàn),學(xué)生對(duì)創(chuàng)業(yè)相關(guān)課程的需求顯著增加,比如說(shuō)在哈佛商學(xué)院這一需求的年增幅為20%-30%。越來(lái)越多地, MBA學(xué)生正迫不及待的將其商業(yè)技能應(yīng)用于自有的企業(yè)。

The Graduate Management Admission Council’s recently released 2014 Alumni PerspectivesReport reveals a significant rise in the number of business school graduates launching newbusinesses. From a survey of self-employed alumni who graduated from 1959 to 2013, GMAChas found that 45% of 2010-2013 grads started businesses directly after finishing B-school,while 80% of self-employed alumni from years past worked several years for an employer beforeembarking on entrepreneurial ventures.


Wilson says he and Walsh, both 29 years old and interested in “fashion broadly and bootsspecifically,” identified a market gap between “precious,” costly boots sold at a high markupand “cheap, low-quality fashion brands.” They also saw an opportunity to combine thedurability of work boots with a fashionable product, Wilson says.


Wilson say that he went to business school to become an entrepreneur, and he choseColumbia because of the quality of education, its focus on entrepreneurialism—Dean GlennHubbard has for more than a decade touted the school’s entrepreneurial offerings—and itslocation in New York City, now reported to be the nation’s second-largest startup ecosystem,behind Silicon Valley.


Columbia mentors, including 37 Angels founder Angela Lee, helped the two students, and theyreceived assistance from the Columbia Startup Lab’s summer program, where they tookadvantage of office space, legal advice, and marketing expertise, Wilson says.

威爾遜表示,他和沃爾什獲得了包括37 Angels創(chuàng)始人安吉拉o李在內(nèi)的哥倫比亞大學(xué)導(dǎo)師的幫助,并得到了哥倫比亞創(chuàng)業(yè)實(shí)驗(yàn)室暑期項(xiàng)目的支持,后者向他們提供了辦公場(chǎng)地、法律咨詢(xún)以及市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí)。

“That was where we hashed out the idea that became Thursday Boots,” Wilson says.


Across the U.S., business schools are ramping up entrepreneurship programming, as studentspursue dreams of lucrative innovation, and startup glory.


At the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School’s Goergen Entrepreneurial ManagementProgram, lecturer Patrick FitzGerald has seen a tripling in the number of his students settingforth post-haste into entrepreneurial enterprises over the last four years. Now, 7% ofWharton students are starting companies right after graduation, a five-fold increase over 2007,FitzGerald says.


At the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School, some 40% of the class of2015, 103 out of 280 students, are studying entrepreneurship—a “recent surge,” says TedZoller, director of the school’s Center for Entrepreneurial Studies.

北卡羅萊納大學(xué)凱南-弗拉格勒商學(xué)院創(chuàng)業(yè)研究中心負(fù)責(zé)人泰德o佐勒表示,該院2015屆學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)創(chuàng)業(yè)課程的比例“近來(lái)激增”, 280名學(xué)生中有103人在學(xué)習(xí)此類(lèi)課程,占比約 40%。

“Entrepreneurship is entering the mainstream in the economy and therefore it’s starting toenter the mainstream in the business schools,” Zoller says. “You’re starting to see peopleincreasingly seeking out high-growth venturing as a pathway for their professional success.”


The U.S. tech boom, expanding from the West Coast, has served as the primary impetustoward entrepreneurship, Zoller says.


“We’ve seen really the rebirth of Silicon Valley, and the most important companies that aremaking strides are the ones that have IPO’d in the last five years,” Zoller says. “Students areincreasingly interested in these types of companies.”


At the same time, technological advances and the availability of cheaper talent, such as skilledbachelor’s degree graduates, outside Silicon Valley have made it easier and far less expensive tostart companies, FitzGerald says.


“Where it used to cost $200,000, you can now build a company for half that,” FitzGerald says. “You can build something quite quickly and quite cheaply.”

菲茨杰拉德表示:“過(guò)去,創(chuàng)建一家公司需要花費(fèi) 20萬(wàn)美元,如今只需花一半的錢(qián)?,F(xiàn)在,你可以實(shí)現(xiàn)迅速且低成本創(chuàng)業(yè)。”

As these tech-driven companies are spreading, highly ranked business schools are right on theirheels, Zoller says. “Any top 20 business school needs to be relevant in every technologyhotspot,” Zoller says. “You’re seeing all the major business schools focusing on New York,Chicago, Boston, Silicon Valley, and increasingly overseas: Shanghai, London.


“In tomorrow’s business market, business schools will need to be where the greatest growthis.”


Many schools are planning satellite operations in these tech hubs, and they are forging linkswith graduates already entrenched in them.


“Many of them have built the capacity to create a really cohesive cadre of alumni in each ofthese markets that helps their students get placed and become leaders in the given region,”Zoller says.


Stanford’s Graduate School of Business saw a considerable jump in interest inentrepreneurship in the class of 2013, with 18% of grads starting businesses within a year,compared to 13% in 2012. The percentage didn’t change much in 2014 over 2013, but thetypes of startups did. Seventeen per cent of class of 2013 entrepreneurs went into finance, 13% into Internet services, and 11% into media and entertainment. In 2014, those who wentinto finance dropped to 11%, while Internet services and media and entertainment bothplummeted to 2%; 9% went into each of three areas: energy and clean technology; health care;and software.


This year, Kenan-Flagler started the Adams Apprenticeship program, selecting the topentrepreneurial prospects from its student body to work with UNC entrepreneur alumni fora year, with each participant committing to becoming an entrepreneur within five years ofgraduation.


Demand for the Harvard Business School’s Rock Center for Entrepreneurship’s services hasbeen surging in recent years, says director Meredith McPherron. The center’s New VentureCompetition matches students with mentors and judges around the world as they develop andultimately pitch their ventures.


In the Rock Accelerator program, which receives more than 120 applications for 20 spaces,student founder teams receive $5,000 to $8,000 to work on business ideas, while student“Venture Partners” help select and support participant teams. In the Summer Fellowshipprogram, students either work at an existing startup or work on their own startup, betweentheir first and second years. “Over the last couple years, we’ve had enormous pickup indemand on that,” McPherron says.


Although HBS recruiting reports show that the number of students who didn’t seekemployment because they were starting their own businesses hovered at 7% from 2012 to2014, half of its graduates are entrepreneurs by 15 years after finishing school, according toHBS. Student debt is a main factor behind that timing, McPherron says. To help graduatesjump into startups, HBS gives out 20 to 25 debt reductions per year, valued at $10,000 to$20,000 each. “You have to be a founder with an idea with traction, that has shown somemerit,” McPherron says. Two years ago, responding to increased demand for the reductions,McPherron asked for and received more funding for the program, which pushed reductionamounts toward $20,000, McPherron says.


Among the top B-schools, there are stated divisions in what entrepreneurial roles they’retraining their graduates to enter. Wharton, says FitzGerald, is chock full of MBA candidateschamping at the bit to launch companies and replicate the achievements of Wharton alumnistartups such as smartphone-based payment app developer Venmo; eyewear retailer WarbyParker; startup investor SeedInvest; and baby products company Quidsi, which was bought byAmazon for $545 million in 2010.

在頂級(jí)商學(xué)院中,對(duì)于將自家畢業(yè)生培養(yǎng)成哪種企業(yè)家,各家區(qū)別明顯。菲茨杰拉德稱(chēng),沃頓商學(xué)院到處都是急于創(chuàng)業(yè),想要復(fù)制該院校友成功故事的MBA學(xué)生。該院校友大獲成功的初創(chuàng)企業(yè)包括基于智能手機(jī)的支付應(yīng)用程序開(kāi)發(fā)商Venmo;眼鏡零售商Warby Parker;初創(chuàng)企業(yè)投資公司SeedInvest;以及2010年被亞馬遜以5.45億美元收購(gòu)的嬰兒用品公司Quidsi。

“They see the successes of those companies and realize that there’s a real possibility that[their] startup can do well,” FitzGerald says.


At Kenan-Flagler, Zoller says they’re taking a different approach, combating the media’s“prototype of the successful entrepreneur being the maven, the Steve Jobs profile, the LarryPage,” Zoller says. “We are finding that entrepreneurs are more everyday entrepreneurs, peoplewho run businesses that are making huge contributions but may not be necessarily brandnames,” he says.


At some B-schools, entrepreneurs are romanticized and a degree of “hero worship” exists,says higher education consultant and Eduvantis founder Tim Westerbeck,. “I’ve spoken withseveral business school deans who privately express some concerns that celebrating theglorious side of a successful entrepreneur’s story, while it may be inspiring, does a potentialinjustice to students, because they don’t develop the skills they need to deal with the oftenterribly difficult dimensions of entrepreneurship: the financial hardships, the inevitable failures,health challenges, the family disruption and conflict, the isolation, extreme stress, and needfor steely resilience for prolonged periods of time.”

高等教育顧問(wèn)、Eduvantis創(chuàng)始人蒂姆o韋斯特貝克表示,在某些商學(xué)院,企業(yè)家被浪漫化,大家對(duì)企業(yè)家存在一定程度的“英雄崇拜”。 韋斯特貝克說(shuō):“我與幾位商學(xué)院院長(zhǎng)有過(guò)交流,他們私下對(duì)大肆宣傳成功企業(yè)家的光輝事跡表示擔(dān)憂(yōu),這些事跡雖然鼓舞人心,但可能對(duì)學(xué)生并不公平,因?yàn)檫@無(wú)益于他們培養(yǎng)面對(duì)創(chuàng)業(yè)重重困難所需的技能,這些困難包括資金困難、不可避免的失敗、健康問(wèn)題、家庭破裂和沖突、孤立無(wú)援、極端壓力,以及長(zhǎng)期需要鋼鐵般的意志。”

“These are the essential skills and competencies of entrepreneurs that are perhaps not beingproperly addressed in business schools.”


Not all schools are focusing on giving students tools to start their own enterprises. “We’vedecided not to be the best school for startups,” Kenan-Flagler’s Zoller says. “We’re going to bethe best school for ‘grow-ups.’ We’re building a program that serves not only to supportmanagement training for large enterprises, but also high-growth enterprises.”


Kenan-Flagler is putting an emphasis on preparing students to enter executive positions inhigh-growth companies, or becoming funders of entrepreneurial and expanding businesses,Zoller says. “There are many ways that you can participate in entrepreneurial ventureswithout being the founder.”


But at Wharton, such a focus would conflict with candidates’ ambition, FitzGerald says. “Wharton folks are certainly A-type personalities. They’re probably more inclined to go out andstart their own company rather than bring that entrepreneurship talent in house.”


While Wharton students may be inspired by alumni successes, that doesn’t mean Wharton isteaching hero worship, FitzGerald says. “Trying to follow iconoclasts’ models doesn’t reallywork,” FitzGerald says. “If you’re not true to your own business model and your own mission,you’ll fail really quickly.”


Demographically speaking, it makes sense for B-school grads to take a leap into foundingenterprises while they have the chance, FitzGerald says. “It’s actually more economicallyfeasible to do your startup now when you’re 27 as opposed to at 33 when you may have aspouse and one or two kids,” FitzGerald says.


However, Columbia Business School’s Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center uses a slogan toencapsulate a definition of entrepreneurship that includes “intrapreneurship,” the buzzworddescription of entrepreneurship within existing companies. The slogan, “Think, Start, Grow,”is intended to represent the need for an entrepreneurial approach within any organization,regardless of size or time in business.


“The ‘think’ element is really for anybody, I don’t care where you go to work,” says LangCenter Director Vince Ponzo. “More and more, people need the ability to think entrepreneurially,just because of the rate of change.”


Columbia is seeing heightened interest in entrepreneurship, adding seats every year toentrepreneurship courses, and holding workshops, panels, and other events on topics such asred flags in the startup process and financing ventures. Two years ago, Columbia opened itsEntrepreneurs in Residence program with six residents; this year, there are eight. The programwas developed to give students educational and networking entry points into specificindustries and regions, to complement the school’s Entrepreneurial Sounding Board, amentoring program involving 30 alumni who mostly advise on tactics and operations, Ponzosays.


Harvard operates under the notion that entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship derive from thesame mindset, of “breakthrough thinking,” McPherron says. “We’re teaching entrepreneurialmanagement.”


Westerbeck believes differences between stated goals on entrepreneurship or intrapreneurshipin MBA programs can be chalked up to the need to address prospective students’ desire forsuccess, whether they want to start companies or work in established businesses.


“Every school knows that entrepreneurship as a concept is in high reported demand byincoming student populations. They also know that the vast majority of their students will notultimately become successful entrepreneurs and will eventually go to work within anorganization established by someone else,” Westerbeck says. “In a sense, it is preparingwould-be entrepreneurs with the skills they will also need to be engines of growth and high-value employees within established organizations, which can be equally rewarding, ultimately,and perhaps less painful then the entrepreneurial life.”



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