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  之前看新聞的時候注意到了私人航空公司Space X一直沒有仔細了解過。今天又偶然在網(wǎng)頁上見到一篇寫Space X所有者埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)的報道于是乎決定停下手頭工作對這個人仔細了解一下。單是“私人”這兩個字就已經(jīng)證明了馬斯克有多牛氣。而且馬斯克71年生人,44歲就已經(jīng)擁有了自己的私人太空發(fā)射公司!年輕,有錢,有才!那么這樣一個偉大的工程馬斯克是如何創(chuàng)建的呢?下面是馬斯克朋友同事對他一手創(chuàng)建私人太空發(fā)射公司過程的評價。

  Q: How did Elon Musk learn enough about rockets to run SpaceX?

  問:Elon Musk 究竟怎么學了那么多火箭知識來運營SpaceX這家公司的?

  I know he has a Bachelor's in Physics, but there's a LOT more to it than that. How did he learn it all?


  Answered by Erik Nordeus

  Erik Nordeus的回答

  (譯注:Erik Nordeus為Elon Musk傳記的作者)

  From books

  Before Elon Musk founded SpaceX, he and his friend Adeo Ressi wanted to send plants or rodents to Mars. To help them they contacted the aerospace consultant Jim Cantrell. The three of them traveled around the world to find the rockets needed. While they traveled around, Elon Musk borrowed Jim Cantrell's books on rocket technology.


  Elon Musk 創(chuàng)辦SpaceX之前,他和朋友Adeo Ressi 希望把植物或者嚙齒動物發(fā)送到火星去。他們找了航天咨詢師Jim Cantrell幫忙。他們仨滿世界跑去找能滿足需求的火箭。在旅途中,Elon Musk問Jim Cantrell借了火箭技術(shù)相關(guān)的書。

  "He'd been borrowing all my college textbooks on rocketry and propulsion. You know, whenever anybody asks Elon how he learned to build rockets, he says, 'I read books.' Well, it's true."


  From school

  "It is not like I [Elon Musk] ever worked for Boeing or Lockheed. But I do have an understanding of how things work in physics and engineering."


  “我(即Elon Musk本人)雖然沒有在波音或者洛克希德干過一天活,但是我了解物理和工程學里的東西。”

  From his employees

  "I'd never seen anything like it," an employee said. "He was the quickest learner I've ever come across. You had this guy who knew everything from a business point of view, but who was also clearly capable of knowing everything from a technical point of view – and the place he was creating was a blank sheet of paper."



  In total, it took Elon Musk two years to learn what he needed to know about rockets.

  Elon Musk總共花了兩年時間來學習所需的火箭知識。

  "I [Elon Musk] know my rocket inside out and backward. I can tell you the heat treating temper of the skin material, where it changes, why we chose that material, the welding technique ... down to the gnat's ass."

  “我(Elon Musk) 對我自己的火箭里里外外徹頭徹尾都很了解。我可以告訴你表面材料的熱處理溫度是多少,何處開始改變,還有我們?yōu)樯兑x這個材料,或那個焊接工藝......等等各種細枝末節(jié)。



  Answered by Jim Cantrell

  Jim Cantrell的回答

  (譯注:Jim Cantrell是SpaceX的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人,就是上一篇回答中借書給Elon Musk的航天咨詢師)

  I helped Elon start the company and all of these answers are spot on. He still has my book on rocket propulsion.....


  What I found from working with Elon is that he starts by defining a goal and he puts a lot of effort into understanding what that goal is and why it is a good and valid goal. His goal, as I see it, has not changed form the day he first called me in August of 2001. I still hear it in his speeches. His goal was to make mankind a multi planetary species and to do that he had to first solve the transportation problem.


  Once he has a goal, his next step is to learn as much about the topic at hand as possible from as many sources as possible. He is by far the single smartest person that I have ever worked with ... period. I can't estimate his IQ but he is very very intelligent. And not the typical egg head kind of smart. He has a real applied mind. He literally sucks the knowledge and experience out of people that he is around. He borrowed all of my college texts on rocket propulsion when we first started working together in 2001. We also hired as many of my colleagues in the rocket and spacecraft business that were willing to consult with him. It was like a gigantic spaceapalooza. At that point we were not talking about building a rocket ourselves, only launching a privately funded mission to Mars. I found out later that he was talking to a bunch of other people about rocket designs and collaborating on some spreadsheet level systems designs for launchers. Once our dealings with the Russians fell apart, he decided to build his own rocket and this was the genesis of SpaceX.


  So I am going to suggest that he is successful not because his visions are grand, not because he is extraordinarily smart and not because he works incredibly hard. All of those things are true. The one major important distinction that sets him apart is his inability to consider failure. It simply is not even in his thought process. He cannot conceive of failure and that is truly remarkable. It doesn't matter if its going up against the banking system (Paypal), going up against the entire aerospace industry (SpaceX) or going up against the US auto industry (Tesla). He can't imagine NOT succeeding and that is a very critical trait that leads him ultimately to success. He and I had very similar upbringings, very similar interests and very similar early histories. He was a bit of a loner and so was I. He decided to start a software company at age 13. I decided to design and build my own stereo amplifier system at age 13. Both of us succeeded at it. We both had engineers for fathers and were extremely driven kids. What separated us, I believe, was his lack of even being able to conceive failure. I know this because this is where we parted ways at SpaceX. We got to a point where I could not see it succeeding and walked away. He didn't and succeeded. I have 25 years experience building space hardware and he had none at the time. So much for experience.


  I recently wrote an op-ed piece for Space News where I also suggest that his ruthlessly efficient way to deploy capital is another great reason for his success. He can almost smell the right way through a problem and he drives his staff and his organization hard to achieve it. The results speak for themselves. The article is here End of WWII Model Shakes Up Aerospace Industry.

  我最近在航天新聞上寫了一篇專欄文章,文中我也提出Elon Musk冷血高效的資源配置能力是他成功的另一大原因。他幾乎可以從問題當中嗅到正確的方向,然后強力驅(qū)使他的團隊和組織去達成目標,結(jié)果不言而喻。文章請見 End of WWII Model Shakes Up Aerospace Industry.

  In the end I think that we are seeing a very fundamental shift in the way our world takes on the big challenges facing humanity and Elon's Way as I call it will be considered the tip of the spear. My hat's off to the man.



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