You can decide to be successful. You can decide to have the fast cars and the big house. And it starts right here with your studying. Not because getting good grades is going to bring you success in the future, it's about the work ethic and the attitude you have towards your studying that will transfer to your work after you graduate. It's about believing that you can achieve something and doing whatever it takes to achieve it. It's about fine-tuning the skills you have to zero in on your goals.
The skills that you are improving while you're studying: work ethic, time management, reading, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, focus, reasoning, persuasion, organization, overcoming obstacles, and self-motivation. These are all skills that all great students have improved and refined over years of efficient and effective studying. It's these students that have made a decision that when the world is saying that's impossible, you're not capable, your dreams will stay as dreams, they have that lone voice that goes, "No, you know what, it is possible. Just watch me."