Today we talk about the word "goal." You may know this word because you shout "goal" when your team scores. It is exciting. It is also exciting when we reach our personal goals. A goal is something we want to reach. It is something we work toward. It is important to have goals in life, and a plan to achieve them.
A football player's goal is to score a goal, and a goalie's goal is to stop a goal. Let's continue talking about sports. Many sports involve not only goals but also a goal line. A goal line gives the space on the field in which you can score or make a goal.
Let's talk about American football for a minute. That sport involves tall goalposts. To make a point, a kicker can kick a football between the posts and score. Now, imagine if you are kicking that ball. You have the goal posts in your sights. You kick it, looks good. It looks like the ball is going to go between the posts, but then, at the last minute, someone moves the goalposts, and your ball does not go through.
To move the goalposts as you are kicking the ball would not be fair. If someone moves the goalposts, they are changing the rules of the game or a situation to meet their own needs.
Let's say you are building a house for someone. Both of you agree on a design, plan, and price to build the house, and a date to complete the building. As the date of completion arrives, the soon-to-be owner wants to change the design of the house. She says that she wants the new design for the same price. You could say that she has moved the goal post, or you could say that she has moved the goal line, because some sports use a line and not a post, and some sports use both.
People who have the goal line or goal post moved on them may fall short of their goals. If you fall short of your goal, you do not accomplish it. You do not succeed. To reach your goals, it is a good idea to have a plan. Set out small steps you can do to reach your goals, and when you complete those small steps on your way to your end goal, make sure to celebrate, and make sure no one moves the goal line on you.