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2022年11月05日 VOA慢速英語:Twitter 在馬斯克的領導下開始大規(guī)模裁員





https://online2.tingclass.net/lesson/shi0529/0008/8394/Twitter 在馬斯克的領導下開始大規(guī)模裁員.mp3
Twitter Begins Widespread Layoffs under Musk
Twitter 在馬斯克的領導下開始大規(guī)模裁員

Twitter began widespread dismissals of employees as new owner Elon Musk reorganizes the social media site.
隨著新東家埃隆馬斯克重組社交媒體網站,Twitter 開始廣泛解雇員工。
The company had told employees by email that they would find out by Friday morning if they had been laid off. The email did not say how many of the 7,500 or so employees would lose their jobs.
該公司已通過電子郵件告訴員工,如果他們被解雇,他們將在周五早上知道。這封電子郵件沒有說明大約 7,500 名員工中有多少人會失業(yè)。
Musk did not answer a question about the dismissal plan at a conference in New York on Friday. Investor Ron Baron had asked the businessman how much money he would save after he "fired half of Twitter."
Instead, Musk blamed activists who called on companies to halt advertising on the site. "The activist groups have been successful in causing a massive drop in Twitter advertising revenue," he said. He added that Twitter had done its best to satisfy the activists. But, "nothing is working," Musk said.
相反,馬斯克指責那些呼吁公司停止在該網站上投放廣告的活動人士。“激進組織成功地導致推特廣告收入大幅下降,”他說。他補充說,Twitter 已盡最大努力讓活動人士滿意。但是,“沒有任何效果,”馬斯克說。
Twitter employees have been expecting job cuts following Musk's $44 billion takeover of the company. On his first day as owner, Musk fired several top leaders. He also removed the company's board of directors and made himself the only board member.
在馬斯克以 440 億美元收購該公司后,Twitter 員工一直期待裁員。在擔任老板的第一天,馬斯克解雇了幾位高層領導。他還解散了公司的董事會,讓自己成為唯一的董事會成員。
On Thursday night, many Twitter employees expressed support for co-workers by posting heart emojis in blue – the same color as Twitter's bird logo.
周四晚上,許多 Twitter 員工通過發(fā)布藍色心形表情符號來表達對同事的支持——與 Twitter 的鳥標志顏色相同。
By early Friday, some employees posted that they could not log into their work accounts. They said those who worked in engineering, communications, product and content curation were among those being dismissed.
Rachel Bonn, a Twitter user wrote: "Last Thursday in the SF (San Francisco) office, really the last day Twitter was Twitter. 8 months pregnant and have a 9 month old. Just got cut off from laptop access."
推特用戶雷切爾波恩寫道:“上周四在舊金山(舊金山)辦公室,推特的最后一天真的是推特。懷孕 8 個月,還有一個 9 個月大的孩子。剛剛被切斷了筆記本電腦的訪問權限。”
Arnaud Weber, a vice president of engineering said his goodbye on Twitter on Friday: "Twitter still has a lot of unlocked potential but I'm proud of what we accomplished."
工程副總裁 Arnaud Weber 周五在 Twitter 上說:“Twitter 仍有很多未開發(fā)的潛力,但我為我們所取得的成就感到自豪。”
A worker said employees on the Twitter Blue team were also dismissed. The team was working on developing new products for the site. "Just to be clear, he fired the team working on this," the employee said.
一名工人說,Twitter Blue 團隊的員工也被解雇了。該團隊正在為該網站開發(fā)新產品。“為了清楚起見,他解雇了為此工作的團隊,”該員工說。
Is it legal?
A spokesperson for California's Employment Development Department told The Associated Press that Musk and Twitter had not given public notice of the coming layoffs.
加利福尼亞州就業(yè)發(fā)展部的 一位發(fā)言人告訴美聯(lián)社,馬斯克和 Twitter 尚未就即將進行的裁員進行公開通知。
U.S. and California laws require employers with at least 100 workers to give public notice if planning to dismiss 500 or more employees. The requirement is for both publicly traded and privately held companies.
美國和加利福尼亞州的法律要求擁有至少 100 名員工的雇主在計劃解雇 500 名或更多員工時發(fā)布公告。該要求適用于上市公司和私營公司。
On Thursday, several employees opened a legal action against Twitter in a federal court in San Francisco. One had been fired and the others had been locked out of the company's computer systems. The employees say Twitter plans to dismiss more employees and has violated the law by not providing the required notice.
周四,幾名員工在舊金山的聯(lián)邦法院對 Twitter 提起了法律訴訟。一個被解雇了,另一個被鎖在公司的計算機系統(tǒng)之外。員工們表示,Twitter 計劃解雇更多員工,但未提供必要的通知違反了法律。
The layoffs come at a tough time for social media companies as companies are cutting back on advertising. In September, Facebook's parent company Meta said it was working on plans to reorganize and reduce workers.
裁員正??值社交媒體公司的艱難時期,因為公司正在削減廣告。9 月,F(xiàn)acebook 的母公司 Meta 表示正在制定重組和裁員的計劃。
Big companies including General Motors and General Mills have all halted advertising on Twitter. The companies wanted to see how the service will operate under Musk.
包括通用汽車和通用磨坊在內的大公司都已停止在 Twitter 上投放廣告。兩家公司想看看在馬斯克的領導下這項服務將如何運作。
And Europe's Volkswagen Group said Friday it is suggesting a suspension of paid advertising on Twitter for its car companies, including Audi, Porsche and Bentley.
歐洲大眾汽車集團周五表示,它建議暫停在 Twitter 上為其汽車公司(包括奧迪、保時捷和賓利)投放付費廣告。

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