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【演講人】Guy Winch




翻譯者 Ivana Korom校對(duì)者Krystian Aparta


I wanted to be a psychologist since I was a teenager,and I spent years pursuing that one goal.I opened my private practice as soon as I was licensed.It was a risky move, not getting a day job at a hospital or a clinic,but within one year, my practice was doing quite welland I was making more money than I ever made before.Of course, I was a full-time student my entire life.

自打青少年時(shí)期, 我就想當(dāng)一個(gè)心理學(xué)家,我花了多年時(shí)間 朝這個(gè)目標(biāo)奮斗。我一拿到執(zhí)照 就立刻開了自己的私人診所。我沒有在醫(yī)院或診所全職工作, 而是選擇了這一步險(xiǎn)棋,不過一年之內(nèi), 我的診所經(jīng)營(yíng)得很好,我從來沒有賺過這么多錢。當(dāng)然,我以前一直是個(gè)全職學(xué)生。




I could have worked at McDonald'sand made more money than I ever made before.

我要是去麥當(dāng)勞打工, 賺的錢也會(huì)比以往都多。


That one-year mark came on a Friday night in July.I walked home to my apartmentand got into the elevator with a neighbor who was a doctor in the ER.The elevator rose,then it shuddered and stalled between floors.And the man who dealt with emergencies for a livingbegan poking at the buttons and banging on the door, saying,"This is my nightmare, this is my nightmare!"And I was like, "And this is my nightmare."

我的工作一周年紀(jì)念日 在一個(gè)七月的星期五晚上來臨。我走回公寓,和一個(gè)在急診室做醫(yī)生的鄰居 乘上了同一個(gè)電梯。電梯向上攀升,然后隨著一個(gè)震顫, 它在兩層樓之間停住了。這個(gè)以處理緊急狀況為生的男人開始猛戳電梯按鈕, 拼命砸電梯門,喊道:“這是我的噩夢(mèng), 這是我的噩夢(mèng)!”我心想:“這才是我的噩夢(mèng)?!?/p>




I felt terrible afterwards, though.Because I wasn't panickedand I knew what to say to calm him down.I was just too depleted to do it,I had nothing left to give, and that confused me.After all, I was finally living my dream,so why wasn't I happy?Why did I feel so burned out?

然而我之后感覺很糟糕。因?yàn)槲覜]有驚慌失措,而我知道我可以對(duì)他說什么 讓他冷靜下來。我只是覺得身體被掏空,我什么都做不了, 這讓我感到十分困惑。畢竟,我終于能夠過上夢(mèng)想的生活,那我為什么并不快樂?我為什么會(huì)覺得筋疲力竭?


For a few terrible weeks,I questioned whether I'd made a mistake.What if I had chosen the wrong profession?What if I had spent my entire life pursuing the wrong career?But then I realized, no, I still loved psychology.The problem wasn't the work I did in my office.It was the hours I spent ruminating about workwhen I was home.I closed the door to my office every night,but the door in my head remained wide-openand the stress just flooded in.

接下來幾個(gè)糟糕透頂?shù)男瞧诶?,我懷疑自己是否犯下了錯(cuò)誤。如果我入錯(cuò)了行該怎么辦?如果我耗盡一輩子, 追求的卻是錯(cuò)誤的職業(yè)怎么辦?但我隨之意識(shí)到, 不,我還熱愛心理學(xué)。問題并不是出在 我在辦公室里進(jìn)行的工作。問題在于,當(dāng)我在家的時(shí)候, 我仍然花費(fèi)不少時(shí)間反復(fù)琢磨我的工作。每晚我都鎖上辦公室的門,但我頭腦中的門一直敞開著,壓力就這樣源源不絕地涌進(jìn)來。


That's the interesting thing about work stress.We don't really experience much of it at work.We're too busy.We experience it outside of work,when we are commuting,when we're home,when we're trying to rejuvenate.It is important to recover in our spare time,to de-stress and do things we enjoy,and the biggest obstruction we face in that regard is ruminating.Because each time we do it,we're actually activating our stress response.

這就是工作壓力的有趣之處。我們?cè)谏习鄷r(shí)并不會(huì)感覺到 太多工作壓力。那時(shí)我們太忙了。我們?cè)诠ぷ鲿r(shí)間之外 感受到了工作壓力,當(dāng)我們?cè)谕ㄇ诼飞?,?dāng)我們回到家里,當(dāng)我們?cè)噲D恢復(fù)活力時(shí)。在我們的空閑時(shí)間 進(jìn)行恢復(fù)是很重要的,我們需要釋放壓力, 做一些自己喜歡的事情,而在這方面我們面對(duì)的最大障礙 就是反芻式思考。因?yàn)槲覀兠慨?dāng)這么做時(shí),其實(shí)是在激活我們 的壓力反應(yīng)。


Now, to ruminate means to chew over.The word refers to how cows digest their food.For those of you unfamiliar with the joys of cow digestion,cows chew,then they swallow,then they regurgitate it back up and chew it again.

反芻的意思是反復(fù)咀嚼。這個(gè)用詞指的是 奶牛消化食物的方式。如果你們不熟悉 奶牛消化的樂趣的話,奶牛咀嚼食物,然后吞咽下去,然后它們把食物吐回嘴里, 再咀嚼一次。




It's disgusting.




But it works for cows.




It does not work for humans.Because what we chew over are the upsetting things,the distressing things,and we do it in ways that are entirely unproductive.It's the hours we spend obsessing about tasks we didn't completeor stewing about tensions with a colleague,or anxiously worrying about the future,or second-guessing decisions we've made.

對(duì)人類來說并沒有用。因?yàn)槲覀兎磸?fù)咀嚼的 是讓人煩躁的事情,讓人苦惱的事情,并且我們反復(fù)咀嚼的方式 是完全沒有收益可言的。我們花費(fèi)數(shù)個(gè)小時(shí) 為我們沒有完成的任務(wù)困擾,為和同事的緊張關(guān)系悶悶不樂,為未來憂心如焚,或者為已經(jīng)做出的決定惴惴不安。


Now there's a lot of research on how we think about workwhen we are not at work,and the findings are quite alarming.Ruminating about work,replaying the same thoughts and worries over and over again,significantly disrupts our ability to recover and recharge in the off hours.The more we ruminate about work when we're home,the more likely we are to experience sleep disturbances,to eat unhealthier foodsand to have worse moods.It may even increase our risk of cardiovascular diseaseand of impairing our executive functioning,the very skill sets we need to do our jobs well.Not to mention the toll it takes on our relationships and family lives,because people around us can tell we're checked out and preoccupied.

關(guān)于我們?cè)诜枪ぷ鲿r(shí)間里 如何思考工作有大量研究,而這些研究的發(fā)現(xiàn) 非常駭人。反復(fù)咀嚼工作,一遍又一遍地 回放同樣的想法和擔(dān)憂會(huì)顯著降低我們?cè)陂e暇時(shí)間 恢復(fù)與充電的能力。我們?cè)诩視r(shí) 反思工作的時(shí)間越長(zhǎng),我們就越有可能 經(jīng)歷睡眠障礙,吃更加不健康的食物,情緒也更加糟糕。它甚至有可能 增加心血管疾病的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),并且危害我們(對(duì)工作記憶、決策、 抽象思考)的管控功能,這卻恰恰是在工作中 不可或缺的能力。更別提對(duì)我們的親密關(guān)系 和家庭生活造成的負(fù)擔(dān),因?yàn)槲覀兩磉叺娜四懿煊X 我們魂不守舍、心不在焉。


Now, those same studies foundthat while ruminating about work when we're homedamages our emotional well-being,thinking about work in creative or problem-solving ways does not.Because those kinds of thinking do not elicit emotional distressand, more importantly, they're in our control.We can decide whether to respond to an emailor leave it till morning,or whether we want to brainstorm about work projects that excite us.But ruminations are involuntary.They're intrusive.They pop into our head when we don't want them to.They upset us when we don't want to be upset.They switch us on when we are trying to switch off.And they are very difficult to resist,because thinking of all our unfinished tasks feels urgent.Anxiously worrying about the future feels compelling.Ruminating always feels like we're doing something important,when in fact, we're doing something harmful.And we all do it far more than we realize.

同樣的研究還發(fā)現(xiàn),雖然在家時(shí)反芻工作會(huì)損害我們的情緒健康,從富有創(chuàng)意的或者解決問題的角度 思考工作卻并不會(huì)造成危害。原因在于,這些思考方式 并不會(huì)觸發(fā)情緒困擾,更重要的是,這些思考 在我們的掌控之內(nèi)。我們可以決定 是現(xiàn)在回復(fù)電子郵件還是留到第二天早上再說,或者是否想圍繞讓我們興奮 的工作項(xiàng)目展開頭腦風(fēng)暴。但反芻思考是不由自主的。它們是侵?jǐn)_性的。它們?cè)谖覀儾磺樵笗r(shí) 竄進(jìn)我們的腦海里。它們?cè)谖覀儾幌霟罆r(shí) 讓我們心煩。它們?cè)谖覀冊(cè)噲D下班休息時(shí) 強(qiáng)行讓我們啟動(dòng)工作狀態(tài)。另外,它們很難抗拒,因?yàn)樗伎妓形赐瓿傻墓ぷ?感覺很有緊迫感。為未來憂心如焚 感覺非常迫切。反復(fù)思考會(huì)帶來 仿佛在做重要事情的錯(cuò)覺,但事實(shí)上,我們做的是 有害的事情。而我們這么做的頻率 遠(yuǎn)比我們意識(shí)到的高。


Back when I was burned out,I decided to keep a journal for a weekand document exactly how much time I spent ruminating.And I was horrified by the results.It was over 30 minutes a night when I was trying to fall asleep.My entire commute, to and from my office --that was 45 minutes a day.Totally checked out for 20 minutesduring the dinner party at a colleague's house.Never got invited there again.

當(dāng)我過勞的那會(huì)兒,我決定花一個(gè)星期時(shí)間寫日志,準(zhǔn)確記錄我花在反芻思考上的時(shí)間。結(jié)果讓我震驚。每晚試圖入睡時(shí),反芻會(huì) 占去 30 分鐘以上的時(shí)間。還有往返辦公室的 全部通勤時(shí)間——也就是一天 45 分鐘。在同事家的晚餐聚會(huì)時(shí),有整整 20 分鐘魂游天外。我之后再也沒被邀請(qǐng)過。




And 90 minutes during a friend's "talent show"that, coincidentally, was 90 minutes long.

還有在朋友的“才藝表演秀”中 的 90 分鐘,這個(gè)表演秀恰好也就 90 分鐘。




In total, that week, it was almost 14 hours.That's how much "downtime" I was losingto something that actually increased my stress.Try keeping a journal for one week.See how much you do it.

那個(gè)星期的反芻時(shí)間加起來 總計(jì)近 14 個(gè)小時(shí)。那就是我損失的“休息時(shí)間”,反而花在了增加壓力上。各位也可以嘗試, 用一個(gè)星期時(shí)間記錄日志??纯茨阍诜雌c思考上花費(fèi)了多少時(shí)間。


That's what made me realize that I still loved my work.But ruminating was destroying that loveand it was destroying my personal life, too.So I read every study I could find,and I went to war against my ruminations.Now, habit change is hard.It took real diligence to catch myself ruminating each time,and real consistency to make the new habits stick.But eventually, they did.I won my war against ruminating,and I'm here to tell you how you can win yours.

那讓我意識(shí)到, 我仍然熱愛我的工作。但是反芻思考摧毀了我的熱愛,同時(shí)也摧毀了我的個(gè)人生活。于是我如饑似渴地 閱讀了所有相關(guān)論文,并開始和我的反芻思考做斗爭(zhēng)。改變習(xí)慣是很困難的。我只能異??炭啵?才能在每次反芻思考時(shí)克制自己,并且異常堅(jiān)持, 才能讓新習(xí)慣得以養(yǎng)成。但最終,我成功了。我戰(zhàn)勝了我的反芻思考習(xí)慣,而今天我在這里,想要告訴大家 如何贏得你自己的戰(zhàn)斗。


First, you need clear guardrails.You have to define when you switch off every night,when you stop working.And you have to be strict about it.The rule I made to myself at the time was that I was done at 8pm.And I forced myself to stick to it.Now people say to me,"Really? You didn't return a single email after 8pm?You didn't even look at your phone?"No, not once.Because it was the '90s, we didn't have smartphones.

首先,你需要清晰的防護(hù)系統(tǒng)。你必須明確定義 每晚什么時(shí)候下班,什么時(shí)候停止工作,并且必須嚴(yán)格遵守。當(dāng)時(shí)我給自己定的規(guī)則是, 每晚 8 點(diǎn)就結(jié)束工作,并且強(qiáng)迫自己遵守這個(gè)規(guī)則。有人會(huì)對(duì)我說,“你確定?你晚上 8 點(diǎn)后 從來不回一封郵件?甚至連手機(jī)都不看一眼?”沒錯(cuò),一次都沒有。因?yàn)槟鞘?90 年代, 我們還沒有智能手機(jī)。




I got my first smartphone in 2007.You know, the iPhone had just come out,and I wanted a phone that was cool and hip.I got a BlackBerry.

我在 2007 年買了第一臺(tái)智能手機(jī)。那時(shí) iPhone 剛問世,我想要一臺(tái)又酷又時(shí)髦的手機(jī)。我買了一臺(tái)黑莓。




I was excited, though,you know, my first thought was, "I get my emails wherever I am."And 24 hours later,I was like, "I get my emails wherever I am."

不過我很興奮,我第一個(gè)想法是, “我隨時(shí)隨地都能收郵件了。”24 個(gè)小時(shí)之后,我就開始變得沮喪了。




I mean, battling ruminations was hard enoughwhen they just invaded our thoughts.But now they have this Trojan horse,our phones, to hide within.And each time we just look at our phone after hours,we can be reminded of workand ruminative thoughts can slip outand slaughter our evening or weekend.So, when you switch off,switch off your email notifications.And if you have to check them, decide on when to do it,so it doesn't interfere with your plans,and do it only then.

我是說,當(dāng)反芻思考 只是入侵我們的思維時(shí),已經(jīng)很難對(duì)付了。但現(xiàn)在它們有了這個(gè)特洛伊木馬,即我們的手機(jī),可以藏在里面。下班后,每次我們只需看一眼手機(jī),就能想到工作,反芻思考便能偷偷溜出來,在晚上和周末大開殺戒。 【注:化用特洛伊木馬的典故】所以,當(dāng)你下班時(shí),請(qǐng)關(guān)掉你的郵件提醒。如果你不得不查郵件, 決定好什么時(shí)候查才不會(huì)擾亂你的計(jì)劃,并且只在這個(gè)決定好 的時(shí)間查郵件。


Cell phones aren't the only way technology is empowering rumination,because we have an even bigger fight coming.Telecommuting has increased 115 percent over the past decade.And it's expected to increase even more dramatically going forward.More and more of us are losing our physical boundarybetween work and home.And that means that reminders of workwill be able to trigger ruminations from anywhere in our home.When we lack a physical boundary between work and home,we have to create a psychological one.We have to trick our mindinto defining work and nonwork times and spaces.So here's how you do that.

手機(jī)并不是科技助長(zhǎng) 反芻思考的唯一途徑,因?yàn)槲覀兠鎸?duì)的是更為嚴(yán)峻的戰(zhàn)斗。過去十年內(nèi),遠(yuǎn)程辦公的情況 增長(zhǎng)了 115%,并且可以預(yù)見 其未來的增長(zhǎng)會(huì)更加迅猛。越來越多人在漸漸失去家與工作之間的物理界線。這意味著和工作相關(guān)的事項(xiàng)可以從我們家中任何地方 觸發(fā)反芻式思考。當(dāng)我們?nèi)狈ぷ髋c家 之間的物理界線時(shí),我們必須創(chuàng)造出一條心理防線。我們必須對(duì)自己的頭腦使點(diǎn)小伎倆,讓它定義出區(qū)分工作和非工作 的時(shí)間與地點(diǎn)。


First, create a defined work zone in your home,even if it's tiny,and try to work only there.Try not to work on the living room couchor on the bedbecause really, those areas should be associatedwith living and ... bedding.

你可以這么做:首先,在家里創(chuàng)造一個(gè) 設(shè)定好的工作空間,無論多小都可以,并且盡量只在那里工作。盡量不在客廳沙發(fā)或者床上工作,因?yàn)檎f真的,那些區(qū)域 只應(yīng)該屬于生活和……上床。




Next, when you're working from home,wear clothes you only wear when you're working.And then at the end of the day,change clothes,and use music and lighting to shift the atmospherefrom work to home.Make it a ritual.Now, some of you might think that's silly.That changing clothes and lightingwill convince my mind I'm no longer at work.Trust me, your mind will fall for it.Because we are really smart, our mind is really stupid.

第二,當(dāng)你在家中工作時(shí),穿上只在工作時(shí)穿的衣服,而在一天結(jié)束時(shí),換一套衣服,并用音樂和照明把氛圍從工作切換到居家模式。把它變成一種儀式。你們中有些人可能會(huì)認(rèn)為這很傻。你們可能覺得,換衣服和改變照明怎么可能會(huì)說服我的頭腦 我已經(jīng)沒在工作了。請(qǐng)相信我,你們的腦子會(huì)中計(jì)的。因?yàn)槲覀兒苈斆鳎?我們的腦子很蠢。




It falls for random associations all the time, right?I mean, that's why Pavlov's dog began drooling at the sound of a bell.And why TED speakers begin sweating at the sight of a red circle.

它整天掉進(jìn)各種關(guān)聯(lián)的圈套,不是嗎?這就是為什么巴甫洛夫的狗 在聽到鈴聲時(shí)會(huì)開始流口水,以及為什么 TED 演講者 在看到紅色圓圈時(shí)會(huì)開始出汗。




Now those things will help,but ruminations will still invade.And when they do, you have to convert theminto productive forms of thinking, like problem-solving.

這些方法能有所幫助,但是反芻式思考仍會(huì)入侵。當(dāng)它們?nèi)肭謺r(shí), 你必須把它們轉(zhuǎn)換成具有效益的思考形式, 比如解決問題。


My patient Sally is a good example.Sally was given the promotion of a lifetime,but it came with a price.She was no longer able to pick up her daughterfrom school every day,and that broke her heart.So she came up with a plan.Every Tuesday and Thursday, Sally left work early,picked up her daughter from school,played with her, fed her, bathed her and put her to bed.And then she went back to the officeand worked past midnight to catch up.Only, Sally's rumination journal indicatedshe spent almost every minute of her quality time with her daughterruminating about how much work she had to do.

我的病人薩莉是一個(gè)很好的例子。薩莉得到了生涯中最頂級(jí)的提拔,但它伴隨著相應(yīng)的代價(jià)。今后她將沒法每天去接女兒放學(xué)了,這讓她無比心碎。于是她想出了一個(gè)方案。每周二和周四, 薩莉會(huì)提前下班,到學(xué)校接女兒,陪她玩耍,喂她吃飯, 幫她洗澡,哄她入睡。然后薩莉再回到公司,工作到半夜,彌補(bǔ)拉下的事務(wù)。唯一的問題是, 薩莉的反芻思考日志顯示,她在和女兒一起的寶貴時(shí)間里, 幾乎每一分鐘都在反復(fù)思考 還有多少工作要做。


Ruminations often deny us our most precious moments.Sally's rumination, "I have so much work to do,"is a very common one.And like all of them,it's useless and it's harmful,because we'd never think it when we're at work, getting stuff done.We think it when we're outside of work,when we're trying to relax or do things that we find meaningful,like playing with our children,or having a date night with our partner.

反芻式思考常常會(huì)剝奪 我們最珍貴的時(shí)光。薩莉的反芻思考, “我還有好多活要干”,是很常見的。而和所有反芻思考一樣,它是無用的、有害的,因?yàn)槲覀冊(cè)谏习嗤瓿晒ぷ鲿r(shí) 從來不會(huì)有這些想法。這些想法在我們的 工作時(shí)間之外冒出來,在我們?cè)噲D放松 或者做對(duì)我們有意義的事情時(shí),比如和孩子玩耍,或者和伴侶的約會(huì)之夜。


To convert a ruminative thought into a productive one,you have to pose it as a problem to be solved.The problem-solving version of "I have so much work to do"is a scheduling question.Like, "Where in my schedule can I fit the tasks that are troubling me?"Or, "What can I move in my schedule to make room for this more urgent thing?"Or even, "When do I have 15 minutes to go over my schedule?"All those are problems that can be solved."I have so much work to do" is not.

為了把一個(gè)反芻性想法 變成有生產(chǎn)性的思維,你必須把它塑造成 一個(gè)待解決的問題?!拔疫€有好多活要干” 的解決問題版本是一個(gè)時(shí)間規(guī)劃問題。例如,“我可以把困擾我的任務(wù) 塞進(jìn)日程表的哪個(gè)地方?”或者,“我的可以變動(dòng)哪些日程, 給這件更緊急的事騰出時(shí)間?”甚至可以是,“我什么時(shí)候能 拿出 15 分鐘過一遍我的日程?”這些都是可以解決的問題?!拔疫€有好多活要干” 并不是。


Battling rumination is hard,but if you stick to your guardrails,if you ritualize the transition from work to home,and if you train yourself to convert ruminationsinto productive forms of thinking,you will succeed.Banishing ruminations truly enhanced my personal life,but what it enhanced even morewas the joy and satisfaction I get from my work.

和反芻式思考戰(zhàn)斗是艱難的,但如果你堅(jiān)守你的防護(hù)系統(tǒng),如果你把從工作到居家的 轉(zhuǎn)變儀式化,如果你訓(xùn)練自己 把反芻式思考轉(zhuǎn)換成有生產(chǎn)力的思維方式,你會(huì)成功的。消除反芻式思考 真的改善了我的個(gè)人生活,但它提升更多的是我從工作中獲得 的喜悅和滿足。


Ground zero for creating a healthy work-life balanceis not in the real world.It's in our head.It's with ruminating.If you want to reduce your stress and improve your quality of life,you don't necessarily have to change your hours or your job.You just have to change how you think.

要?jiǎng)?chuàng)造健康的工作生活平衡,其原點(diǎn)并不在現(xiàn)實(shí)世界里,而是在我們的頭腦里,和反芻式思考息息相關(guān)。如果你想減輕壓力, 改進(jìn)生活品質(zhì),你不一定要調(diào)整工時(shí) 或者換工作。你只需要改變自己的思維方式。


Thank you.




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