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【演講者】Natalie Fratoo



翻譯者Sijia Huo 校對者CherrieLi


I met 273 start-up founders last year.Andeach one was looking for money.As a tech investor,my goal was tosort through everyone that I metand make a quick determinationaboutwhich ones had the potential to make something really big.

去年,我同273位 初創(chuàng)公司創(chuàng)始人見過面。他們所有人都在籌款。作為一個技術(shù)投資人,我的任務是將 每一個我見過的人分類,然后迅決定判斷出哪些人具備做大事的潛力。


But what makes a great founder?Thisis a question I ask myself daily.Some venture capitalists placebetsbased on a founder's previous background.Did they go to an IvyLeague school?Have they worked at a blue-chip company?Have theybuilt out a big vision before?Effectively, how smart is thisperson?

但是,是什么成就了 一位優(yōu)秀的創(chuàng)業(yè)者?這是一個我每天都要問自己的問題。一些風險投資人會根據(jù)創(chuàng)業(yè)者的履歷背景下注。他們是否畢業(yè)于藤校?他們是否在藍籌公司工作過?他們之前是否就構(gòu)建過遠大愿景?實際上就是說,這個人有多聰明?


Other VCs asses a founder's emotionalquotient, or EQ.How well will this person build teamsand buildrapport across customers and clients?

其他一些風險投資人會評估 創(chuàng)業(yè)者的情商,也就是EQ。這個人組建團隊的能力有多強?而他又是否能同客戶構(gòu)建和睦關(guān)系?


I have a different methodology to assessstart-up founders, though,and it's not complicated.I look for signsof one specific trait.Not IQ, not EQ.It's adaptability:howwell a person reacts to the inevitability of change,and lots ofit.That's the single most important determinant for me.I subscribeto the beliefthat adaptability itself is a form of intelligence,andour adaptability quotient, or AQ,is something that can be measured,tested and improved.

而我有一套與眾不同的 評估創(chuàng)業(yè)者的方法,并且方法并不復雜。我找尋某個特定品質(zhì)的跡象。不是智商,也不是情商。而是適應能力:一個人在面對不可避免的 改變時反應如何,尤其是當有大量變動時。這就是那個對我來說 唯一且最重要的決定性因素。我堅信,適應能力本身就是 一種智商的表現(xiàn)形式,而我們的適應能力系數(shù),即AQ,是可以被測量、測試和提高的。


AQ isn't just useful for start-up founders,however.I think it's increasingly important for all of us.Becausethe world is speeding up.We know that the rate of technological change isaccelerating,which is forcing our brains to react.Whether you'renavigating changing job conditionsbrought on by automation,shiftinggeopolitics in a more globalized world,or simply changing family dynamicsand personal relationships.Each of us, as individuals, groups,corporationsand even governmentsare being forced to grapple with morechangethan ever before in human history.

適應能力不僅僅 對公司創(chuàng)始人來說有用,我覺得它對我們 所有人來說都越來越重要。因為這個世界正在加速變化。眾所周知科技在加速發(fā)展,這迫使我們的大腦做出反應。不論你是在找尋辦法 應對因為自動化帶來的工作條件的改變,因為全球化所帶來的地緣政治的變遷,或者單純是為了 改變家庭氛圍及人際關(guān)系。我們每一個人,作為個人、群體、公司、甚至是政府,正被迫與空前的大量改變做抗爭。


So, how do we assess ouradaptability?I use three tricks when meeting with founders.Here'sthe first.Think back to your most recent job interview.What kind ofquestions were you asked?Probably some variation of, "Tell me abouta time when," right?Instead, to interview for adaptability,Ilike to ask "what if" questions.What if your main revenuestream were to dry up overnight?What if a heat wave prevented everysingle customerfrom being able to visit your store?Asking"what if," instead of asking about the past,forces the brain tosimulate.To picture multiple possible versions of the future.Thestrength of that vision,as well as how many distinct scenarios someonecan conjure, tells me a lot.

那么,我們該如何 評估自己的適應能力呢?在與創(chuàng)業(yè)者見面時, 我會使用三種訣竅。下面是第一條?;叵肽阕罱囊淮喂ぷ髅嬖嚱?jīng)歷。你被問到了哪種問題?大概是類似于 “告訴我某個當你……時的經(jīng)歷,” 對吧?取而代之,在針對適應能力的面試中,我喜歡詢問 “如果......會怎樣” 的問題。如果你的主營業(yè)務收入 一夜之間蒸發(fā)了,你會怎么辦?如果熱浪致使所有客戶都不能光顧你的店鋪了,你會怎么做?問詢 “如果……怎么辦” 而非過去,迫使我們的大腦進行模擬。來勾畫出關(guān)于未來的多種可能版本。預見的能力,以及有多少不同的情況能被預想出來, 能告訴我很多信息。


Practicing simulations is a sort of safetesting groundfor improving adaptability.Instead of testing how youtake in and retain information,like an IQ test might,it tests howyou manipulate information,given a constraint,in order to achieve aspecific goal.

練習情景模擬對于提高適應能力來說是一種安全的試驗場,跟測試你領(lǐng)會和 記住信息的能力如何,比如智商測試不同,它測試的是你處理信息,當被給出一些限制時,以達到某個特定目標的能力。


The second trick that I use to assessadaptability in foundersis to look for signs of unlearning.Activeunlearners seek to challenge what they presume to already know,andinstead, override that data with new information.Kind of like a computerrunning a disk cleanup.Take the example of Destin Sandlin,whoprogramed his bicycle to turn left when he steered it rightand viceversa.He called this his Backwards Brain Bike,and it took himnearly eight monthsjust to learn how to ride it kind of, sort ofnormally.The fact that Destin was able to unlearn his regular bikeinfavor of a new one, though,signals something awesome about ouradaptability.It's not fixed.Instead, each of us has the capacity toimprove it,through dedication and hard work.

我用來評估創(chuàng)業(yè)者 適應能力的第二種方法,是尋找他們 “反學習” 的跡象?;钴S的的反學習者力圖挑戰(zhàn)他們默認已知的東西,并用新信息將(舊)數(shù)據(jù)推翻,與格式化電腦磁盤相類似。以德斯坦·桑德林為例,他設(shè)計當將車把轉(zhuǎn)向右側(cè)時,自行車會向左轉(zhuǎn)向,反之亦然。他將其稱為逆腦力自行車。而僅僅為了學會 如何較為正常地騎行它,他就花了將近八個月。德斯坦能反學習騎行常規(guī)自行車,以新代舊,標志著一些關(guān)于 我們的適應性的優(yōu)點。它不是一成不變的。相反,我們每個人都有能力通過勤奮付出與不懈努力去提高它。


On the last page of Gandhi's autobiography,he wrote,"I must reduce myself to zero."At many points inhis very full life,he was still seeking to return to a beginner'smindset, to zero.To unlearn.In this way, I think it's pretty safeto sayGandhi had a high AQ score.





The third and final trickthat I useto assess a founder's adaptabilityis to look for people who infuseexplorationinto their life and their business.There's a sort ofnatural tension between exploration and exploitation.Andcollectively,all of us tend to overvalue exploitation.Here's what Imean.In the year 2000,a man finagled his way into a meeting withJohn Antioco,the CEO of Blockbuster,and proposed a partnershiptomanage Blockbuster's fledgling online business.The CEO John laughed himout of the room, saying,"I have millions of existingcustomersand thousands of successful retail stores.I really need tofocus on the money."

第三條,也是最后一條我用來衡量創(chuàng)業(yè)者適應力的絕招是,尋找那些將探索融入生活和事業(yè)的人。在探索與開發(fā)間有一種自然張力。而整體來看,我們都傾向于過分重視開發(fā)。舉例來說,2000年時,一個人在同約翰.安提奧, 即百視達的首席執(zhí)行官開會時加入了自己的想法,并提議一同合作管理百視達剛成立的在線業(yè)務。首席執(zhí)行官約翰笑著 把他趕出了房間,并說,“我擁有上百萬的已有客戶,以及成千上萬個運營良好的零售店。我真正需要關(guān)注的是錢?!?/p>


The other man in the meeting,however,turned out to be Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix.In 2018,Netflix brought in 15.8 billion dollars,while Blockbuster filed forbankruptcy in 2010,directly 10 years after that meeting.TheBlockbuster CEOwas too focused on exploiting his already successfulbusiness model,so much so that he couldn't see around the nextcorner.In that way, his previous successbecame the enemy of hisadaptability potential.

而那個參會的男人,事后得知是里德·哈斯廷斯, 網(wǎng)飛公司的首席執(zhí)行官。2018年,網(wǎng)飛公司收益158億美元,而百視達卻于2010年登記破產(chǎn),這距離那場會議,正好過去十年。百視達的首席執(zhí)行官,過于重視開發(fā) 他已取得成功的商業(yè)模型,以至于不能看到下一個“轉(zhuǎn)角“。這樣一來,他之前的成功成為了他適應性潛能的敵人。


For the founders that I work with,Iframe exploration as a state of constant seeking.To never fall too far inlove with your winsbut rather continue to proactively seek out what mightkill you next.When I first started exploring adaptability,the thingI found most exciting is that we can improve it.Each of us has thecapacity to become more adaptable.But think of it like amuscle:it's got to be exercised.And don't get discouraged if ittakes a while.Remember Destin Sandlin?It took him eight months justto learn how to ride a bike.

對于那些我合作過的創(chuàng)業(yè)者來說,我將探索定義為 一種持續(xù)尋找的狀態(tài)。永遠不要過度沉溺于勝利的喜悅中,而是繼續(xù)積極地尋找那些接下來有可能置你于死地的東西。當我第一次探索適應能力時,我所發(fā)現(xiàn)的最令人興奮的一點是我們可以提高它。我們每個人都可以成為 更具適應能力的自己??梢詫⑦m應力想象成肌肉:它需要經(jīng)常得到鍛煉,不要因這個過程 花費的時間太長而泄氣。還記得德斯坦·桑德林嗎?他花了整整八個月的時間才學會如何去騎車。


Over time, using the tricks that I use onfounders --asking "what if" questions, activelyunlearningand prioritizing exploration over exploitationcan put youin the driver's seat --so that the next time something big changes,you'realready prepared.

日積月累,使用 我用在創(chuàng)業(yè)者上的方法——多問“如何……怎么辦”, 積極回歸未知狀態(tài),并將探索看得比開發(fā)更為重要,就能將你置于主導位置——以便下次重大改變發(fā)生時,你已準備就緒。


We're entering a future where IQ andEQboth matter way less than how fast you're able to adapt.So I hopethat these tools help you to raise your own AQ.

我們正面向一個智商和情商 都遠不如適應速度重要的未來。所以我希望這些工具能幫助你提高自己的適應能力。


Thank you





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