LESSON 62 The parrot
第六十二課 鸚鵡
Parrots abound in the forests of South America. They live where there is summer all the year round, where the leaves are always green, and the flowers are always blooming. There the bright little humming-bird may be seen darting about in the sunshine. And at night the firefly flits to and fro, shining like a tiny star.
The parrot makes his home in the forest, because he can find shade there in the heat of the day. If you were going through the forest, you would hear such a noise and chattering in the boughs over your head, that you would wonder what was the matter. If you looked up, you would see a great many parrots sitting on the boughs.
Parrots feed chiefly on fruit and seeds; and plenty of fruit grows in the forest for them to eat. They are very fond of the wild cherry, especially of the stone. They drive their hard, strong bill into it, and get the kernel out in a minute.
The bill of the parrot seems made on purpose to enable him to crack these stones. It is very sharp, and is hooked at the end. In fact, his bill is his knife, and his foot is his fork. He can hold anything he likes in his foot. It is as useful to him as your hand is to you.
The toes of the parrot are as distinct from each other as your fingers are; and the joints are so supple that he can bend them about in any way he pleases. If it were not for his foot, he could never climb the trees as he does. He hooks himself on to a branch overhead by his bill. Then he lays hold of a bough with his foot, and pulls himself up. He goes on climbing in this way till he gets to the top of the tree.
Parrots are very fond of bathing. They fly about till they find some clear pool or stream. Then they enjoy themselves very much indeed. They dip into the water, and splash it all over their feathers. When they are tired of bathing, they sit in the sun and dress their feathers till they are dry.
In the middle of the day, the heat becomes very great. Then the parrots fly into the deepest shade they can find. They perch on the trees and go to sleep. The chattering ceases, and the forest is still. But in the evening, when the sun is down, they wake up, and are as noisy and as lively as ever.
They sup, as they breakfasted, upon the kernels of the fruits; and then they go to the water to bathe once more. Again follows the business of pluming their feathers; and after this they go to rest for the night. But they do not roost in the branches where they took their mid-day nap. Their sleeping-room is a hollow in a tree, scooped out by the woodpecker.
As many parrots go in as the hollow will contain. The rest hook themselves to the bark by their claws and bills, and hang there during the night.
The parrot lays her eggs in these hollow trees. She does not make a nest, but is content with the soft rotten wood; and the whole flock lay their eggs together in the same tree.
Where do parrots abound? How long does summer last there? Where does the parrot make his home? Why? What is his chief food? For what purpose does his bill seem to have been made? What has he for a fork? How does he use his bill in climbing? What do the parrots do in the heat of the day? What is the last thing they do before going to rest at night? What is their sleeping-room? Where do they lay their eggs?