主播:Joseph | 翩翩歌曲:Slow Grenade今天我們要談?wù)摰脑掝}是,很多人都在binge watching(追劇)的 TV show——《掃黑風暴》。In China this show has been trending and fan favorite.這部劇的官方譯名叫做“Crime Crackdown”,這個劇名翻譯如何?The translation is right but a little bit awkward.(準確,但說起來有一點拗口)*trend:v. 流行* fan favorite: 影迷最愛*awkward /??:kw?rd/ adj. 奇怪的用英文聊這部劇,下面的表達是少不了的:*crime: n. 犯罪*crackdown : n. 鎮(zhèn)壓*黑社會:mafia(一個團伙)*小混混:gangster(單個的人)*黑社會老大:mafia boss這部劇很精彩,但是卻引發(fā)了很多熱議has brought lots of controversy,specifically in the entertainment industry。最近對于飯圈文化的整理,很多網(wǎng)友就說是“娛樂行業(yè)”的掃黑風暴。*controversy /?kɑ?ntr?v??rsi/ n. 爭議*entertainment industry 娛樂行業(yè)1.熱議一:Real-life adaptions 真實案件引發(fā)討論大家討論的焦點:劇情都是根據(jù)真實事件改編。The show includes multiple real-life adaptations of crimes committed in the past.*real-life adaptions:真實事件改編比如說:Murderer who buries the victim’s body in the playground(“操場埋尸案”)Mafia boss demanding payment from ordinary citizens(惡意征收保護費)Mafia boss who bribed the officers to get him out of jail(為出獄賄賂官員)Murderer who got out of jail because of his family’s power(因家族勢力強大而出獄)*murderer /?m??rd?r?r/ n. 謀殺犯*bury /?beri/ v. 埋葬*victim /?v?kt?m/ n. 受害者*demand /d??m?nd/ v. 要求*payment /?pe?m?nt/ n. 收款*bribe /bra?b/ v. 向……行賄*jail /d?e?l/ n. 監(jiān)獄*family’s power 家族勢力很多人喜歡這部劇,是因為how it incorporates(混合) real-life events into the show(和現(xiàn)實案件結(jié)合),所以就有網(wǎng)友說,“看劇的過程后背發(fā)涼,這可都是活生生的案例?!薄案植赖氖牵聦嵄入娨晞「膳?。”2.熱議二:A disappointing ending爛尾爭議
How was it a disappointing ending?Some segments of the show haven’t been explained well. 很多事情沒有交代清楚。比如:裴偉是好人還是壞人?高赫到底是誰的兒子?To force a romance.硬插感情戲。比如:林浩與黃希,李成陽與餛燉店老板娘It stared strong but ended disappointingly. 虎頭蛇尾。因為原劇集有40集,但是被剪裁成了28集。很多細節(jié)就被舍棄了。*segment /?seɡm(xù)?nt/ n. 段,部分*force /f?:rs/ v. 強迫*romance /?ro?m?ns/ n. 感情關(guān)系3. 熱議三:The controversy outside of the show“送審樣片”和“超前點播”引爭議Although the content of the show has been controversial. There has also been lots of controversy outside of that. 除了《掃黑風暴》本身引發(fā)熱議外,電視劇之外的因素也存在爭議。劇集泄露:27集的電視劇was stolen from Tencent and uploaded online,付6.6元就可以觀看。At the time only the 17th episode was being aired. 而此時,視頻播放平臺才更新到第17集。Moreover(此外), netizens 上傳《掃黑風暴》的clips without the permission of Tencent. 網(wǎng)友未經(jīng)騰訊允許上傳劇情片段。*upload /??p?lo?d/ v. 上傳*air v. 播放*netizen n. 網(wǎng)民*permission /p?r?m??n/ n. 允許電視劇被盜版引發(fā)了a lot of drama,因為劇集was spoiled(毀壞),并且人們不能 get to enjoy the show as much?!俺包c播”:想看這部劇,首先要充值成為會員(you have to become the member to watch the show)但是到了20多集之后,后面每一集都要花三塊錢才能觀看(to pay additional 3 yuan to watch the episodes),而且不能點播(you can’t choose the order)。這也是視頻平臺的一種增收方式,只是方式對不對,還有待商榷。從今天的節(jié)目中,你學(xué)到了多少地道實用的英文表達呢?留言告訴我們,你對這三大爭議的看法吧!