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中考英語(yǔ) 考綱詞匯 T






table['te?bl]n. 桌子;表格

There are three tables in the room. 房間里有3張桌子。

Consult the table on Page 50. 參閱第50 頁(yè)的表格。

take[te?k](took,taken) vt. 拿;?。唤邮?;吃;服用;乘坐(車(chē)、船);花費(fèi)(時(shí)間);拍照;理解 vi. 拿;獲得

Take your hand away! 拿開(kāi)你的手!

How long does it take to go there by bus? 坐公交車(chē)去那里要多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?

talk[t??k]n. & vt. & vi. 談話;講話;演講;交談

She never talks to stranger. 她從不跟陌生人說(shuō)話。

I think it's time we had a talk. 我感覺(jué)我們是該談?wù)劻恕?

tal [t??l]adj. 高的

She is all of seven feet tall. 她身高足有七英尺。

Now there are many tall buildings. 現(xiàn)在有許多高大的建筑物。

tap[t?p]n. (自來(lái)水、煤氣燈的)龍頭

I turned off the tap. 我把水龍頭關(guān)掉了。

Which is the hot tap? 哪一個(gè)是熱水龍頭?

tape[te?p]n. 磁帶;錄音帶

He recorded the music on tape. 他把音樂(lè)錄在磁帶上。

I ran back the tape after hearing it. 我聽(tīng)完錄音后把磁帶倒回去。

task[tɑ?sk]n. 任務(wù);工作

I have to finish my task by all means. 我必須竭力完成任務(wù)。

It was a difficult task. 這是一份很困難的工作。

taste[te?st]n. 味道 vt. & vi. 品嘗;嘗味

I like the taste of wine. 我喜歡葡萄酒的味道。

I cut off a small bit of the meat and taste it. 我切了一小塊肉并且品嘗了一下。

taxi['t?ksi]n. 出租車(chē)

My brother is a taxi driver. 我哥哥是出租車(chē)司機(jī)。

Did you notice the taxi number? 你注意出租車(chē)的車(chē)牌號(hào)了嗎?

tea[ti?]n. 茶;茶葉

I have tea at four o'clock in the afternoon. 我下午四點(diǎn)鐘會(huì)喝點(diǎn)茶。

I'll have a cup of black tea. 我要一杯紅茶。

teach[ti?t?](taught,taught) vt. 教;教導(dǎo);訓(xùn)練 vi. 教書(shū)

She has been teaching history for many years. 她教了多年的歷史。

I must teach my son how to tell right from wrong. 我必須教會(huì)兒子如何明辨是非。

teacher['ti?t??(r)]n. 教師

He asked the teacher for her advice. 他征求這位老師的意見(jiàn)。

My foreign teacher came from Australia. 我的外教來(lái)自澳大利亞。

team[ti?m]n. 隊(duì);組

The teacher led our team to victory. 老師帶領(lǐng)我們隊(duì)取得了勝利。

She's a useful member of the team. 她是該隊(duì)的一名強(qiáng)手。

technology[tek'n?l??i]n. 技術(shù)

I'd like to borrow a book on computer technology. 我想借一本計(jì)算機(jī)技術(shù)方面的書(shū)。

The development of technology has been very fast. 科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展非常迅速。

teenager['ti?ne???(r)]n. (13~19 歲的)青少年;十幾歲的少年

He is only a teenager. 他只是個(gè)十幾歲的孩子。

She's already a teenager. 她已經(jīng)是個(gè)十多歲的少女了。

telephone['tel?f??n](=phone) n. 電話;電話機(jī) vt. & vi. 打電話

He has to make a telephone call. 他必須打個(gè)電話。

I tried to telephone you but I couldn't get through. 我設(shè)法打電話給你,但是打不通。

television (TV)['tel?v??n]n. 電視

Does Peter often watch television in the evening? 彼得經(jīng)常在晚上看電視嗎?

We have not seen that movie on television. 我們還沒(méi)在電視上看過(guò)那部影片。

tel [tel](told,told) vt. 告訴;講述;吩咐

The girl begged me not to tell her parents. 這個(gè)女孩請(qǐng)求我不要告訴她的父母。

I didn't tell him the bad news. 我沒(méi)有把這個(gè)壞消息告訴他。

temperature['tempr?t??(r)]n. 溫度

The temperature fell sharply in the night. 夜間溫度急劇下降。

The highest temperature is about 40℃. 最高溫大約是40攝氏度。

temple['templ]n. 廟宇;寺院

We are in the hotel next to the temple. 我們就在寺廟旁邊的賓館。

There is a temple at the top of the mountain. 山頂上有一座廟。

tennis['ten?s]n. 網(wǎng)球

This tennis player ranked second in the world. 這個(gè)網(wǎng)球運(yùn)動(dòng)員排名世界第二。

I played tennis yesterday. 我昨天打網(wǎng)球了。

term[t??m]n. 學(xué)期

I'm going to get down to studying English this term. 這學(xué)期我要認(rèn)真學(xué)英語(yǔ)了。

When will the next term begin? 下學(xué)期什么時(shí)候開(kāi)學(xué)?

terrible['ter?bl]adj. 可怕的;糟糕的

Her death was a terrible blow to him. 她的逝去對(duì)他是個(gè)可怕的打擊。

The painting was terrible. 這幅畫(huà)很糟糕。

test[test]vt. & n. 測(cè)試;考查;實(shí)驗(yàn)

What did he test? 他測(cè)試的是什么?

The real test comes next. 接下來(lái)將是真正的考驗(yàn)。

text[tekst]n. 文本;課文

Read the text first. 先讀課文。

The little boy read out his text clearly. 這個(gè)小男孩清晰地朗讀課文。

than[e?n, e?n]conj. 比

It is five times louder than another. 它比另外一個(gè)聲音大5倍。

I've eaten more than enough. 我吃得過(guò)多了。

thank[θ??k]vt. 感謝;致謝;道謝 n. (復(fù))感謝;謝意

Thank you for your invitation. 謝謝你的邀請(qǐng)。

How can I ever express my thanks to you? 我怎么才能向你表達(dá)謝意?

thankful['θ??kfl]adj. 感謝的;感激的

He was so thankful for my support. 他對(duì)我的支持非常感激。

The thankful mother can't helping crying. 這位感激的母親禁不住哭了。

that[e?t]adj. & pron. 那;那個(gè) conj. (引導(dǎo)從句)

He isn't sure of that. 他不敢肯定那件事。

I have a feeling that we will be late. 我有種感覺(jué)我們會(huì)遲到。

theatre['θ??t?(r)]([美]theater) n. 劇院;戲院

She takes my sister out to the theatre now and then. 她時(shí)常帶我妹妹去劇院。

Do I need to dress for the theatre? 我去劇院需要穿晚禮服嗎?

then[een]adv. 當(dāng)時(shí);那時(shí);然后;后來(lái);那么(通常用于句首或句尾)

Smith waved his hand to us and then drove away. 史密斯向我們揮手告別后開(kāi)車(chē)走了。

She'll be looking for a new secretary then? 那么,她就要找個(gè)新秘書(shū)了?

there[ee?(r)]adv. 在那里;往那里;(作引導(dǎo)詞)表示“存在”

It is necessary that she be sent there at once. 有必要馬上派她到那里去。

There is a troop of tigers in the woods. 林子中有一群老虎。

these[ei?z]adj. & pron. 這些

Please take note of these changes. 請(qǐng)注意這些變化。

These are my students. 這些都是我的學(xué)生。

thick[θ?k]adj. 厚的;濃的

The doctor was an old man who wore thick glasses. 那個(gè)醫(yī)生是個(gè)戴著厚厚的眼鏡的老頭。

The plane was flying above thick fog. 飛 機(jī) 在 濃 霧 上 空 飛行。

thin[θ?n]adj. 瘦的;薄的

The ice on the pond is too thin. 池塘上的冰面太薄了。

He was very tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。

thing[θ??]n. 東西;事情

A funny thing happened in the subway last week. 上周地鐵里發(fā)生了一件趣事。

This was the only thing they could count on. 這是他們唯一能夠依靠的東西。

think[θ??k](thought, thought) vt. 想;思考;認(rèn)為;考慮

I don't think he looks his age of sixty. 我感到他看起來(lái)不像60歲的人。

You'd better think it over carefully. 你 最 好 仔 細(xì) 考 慮 一下。

thirsty['θ??sti]adj. 口渴的

The thirsty animals headed for the river. 干渴的動(dòng)物向那條河走去。

He's hot and thirsty. 他又熱又渴。

this[e?s]adj. & pron. 這;這個(gè)

I don't love this song! 我不喜歡這首歌!

How can I explain this? 我該怎么解釋這事呢?

those[e??z]adj. & pron. 那些

Those present were all men. 出席者全是男人。

What are those for? 那些是干什么用的?

thought[θ??t]n. 思想;想法

I pushed the thought from my mind. 我拋開(kāi)了心頭這個(gè)想法。

Here is my small thought. 以下是我的一點(diǎn)兒思考。

through[θru?]prep. 穿(通)過(guò);從始至終

Can you get through the door? 你能穿過(guò)這扇門(mén)嗎?

Be careful when driving through the city. 駕車(chē)經(jīng)過(guò)市區(qū)時(shí)要小心點(diǎn)。

throughout[θru?'a?t]prep. 遍及;貫穿

This is a question that runs throughout the series. 這是個(gè)貫穿整個(gè)系列的問(wèn)題。

I am busy throughout the year. 我一年忙到頭。

throw [θr??](threw,thrown) vi. 投;擲;扔 vt. 拋 ; 猛 動(dòng)(頭、臂、腿)

They began throwing stones. 他們開(kāi)始投擲石塊。

Think about learning how to throw a baseball. 想想關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)如何投擲棒球的事兒。

Thursday['θ??zde?, 'θ??zdi]n. 星期四

I'll pick you up on Thursday. 星期四我來(lái)接你。

We need volunteers for Thursday! 我們星期四需要志愿者!

ticket['t?k?t]n. 票;券

Please show me your ticket. 請(qǐng)出示你的車(chē)票。

This is a return ticket. 這是一張往返票。

tidy['ta?di]adj. 整潔的;干凈的

My bedroom was not very tidy. 我的臥室不太整潔。

The room is kept quite tidy. 房間保持得很干凈。

tie[ta?]n. 領(lǐng)帶;結(jié) vt. (用繩、線)系;拴

He was wearing a grey tie. 他系了一條灰色領(lǐng)帶。

Let's tie the newspapers with string. 我們拿繩把報(bào)紙捆起來(lái)。

tiger['ta?g?(r)]n. 老虎

The big tiger smelled the meat and went away. 那只大老虎聞了聞那塊肉,然后走開(kāi)了。

Can you tell a tiger from a lion? 你能區(qū)分老虎和獅子嗎?

til [t?l]prep. & conj. 直到;直到……為止

I had to wait till Monday to ring the manager. 我必須等到周一才能給經(jīng)理打電話。

She went on working till midnight. 她一直工作到半夜。

time[ta?m]n. 時(shí)間;時(shí)期;鐘點(diǎn);次;回

Do you have enough time to finish the paper? 你有足夠的時(shí)間完成論文嗎?

I didn't like to waste your time. 我不想浪費(fèi)你的時(shí)間。

tip[t?p]n. 尖端;提示;小費(fèi)

The waiter received a handsome tip. 那個(gè)服務(wù)生收到了不少小費(fèi)。

The sleeves covered her hands to the tips of her fingers.袖子遮住了她的手,一直蓋到指尖。

tired['ta??d]adj. 疲勞的;累的

I'm a bit tired now. 我現(xiàn)在有點(diǎn)疲勞。

You must be very tired. 你一定很勞累。

title['ta?tl]n. 標(biāo)題;題目

What title has he chosen for his paper? 他的論文選的是什么題目?

I wrote the title in capitals. 我用大寫(xiě)字母寫(xiě)下題目。

to[tu?,tu]prep. 對(duì)于;為了;(表示方向)到;向;(表示間接關(guān)系)給

I drove to Florida last year. 我去年開(kāi)車(chē)去了佛羅里達(dá)。

He works from Monday to Friday. 他星期一到星期五工作。

today[t?'de?]adv. & n. 今天;現(xiàn)在;當(dāng)前

How are you feeling today? 你今天感覺(jué)怎么樣?

Today is Tuesday. 今天是星期二。

together[t?'gee?(r)]adv. 一起;共同

They went on long bicycle rides together. 他們一起騎自行車(chē)長(zhǎng)途旅行。

She and I worked together on a book. 我和她合寫(xiě)了一本書(shū)。

tomorrow[t?'m?r??]adv. & n. 明天

The first results will be announced tomorrow. 第一批結(jié)果將于明天宣布。

Tomorrow's libraries will be all about readers. 未來(lái)的圖書(shū)館將以讀者為主。

tonight[t?'na?t]adv. & n. 今晚;今夜

There we will stay until 10 o'clock tonight. 我們今晚將一直在那里待到 10 點(diǎn)鐘。

Tonight is the opening night of the film. 今晚是這部電影的首映之夜。

too[tu?]adv. 也;還;又;太;過(guò)分;很;非常

I did learn to read, and quickly too. 我確實(shí)學(xué)會(huì)了閱讀,而且學(xué)得很快。

He talks too much. 他說(shuō)太多了。

tool[tu?l]n. 工具

It should be thought of as a learning tool. 它應(yīng)該被當(dāng)成一種學(xué)習(xí)手段。

This is my favorite tool. 這是我最喜歡的工具。

tooth[tu?θ](復(fù) teeth) n. 牙齒

The doctor has taken his bad tooth out. 醫(yī)生已經(jīng)拔掉了他的壞牙。

My mother often has trouble with her teeth. 我母親經(jīng)常牙痛。

toothache['tu?θe?k]n. 牙痛

The toothache seemed to have gone away. 牙好像不痛了。

He cannot put up with the toothache. 牙痛使他受不了。

top[t?p]n. 頂部;(物體的)上面 adj. 最上面的;居首位的

The top of the hill was bare. 小山頂上光禿禿的。

My new flat was on the top floor. 我的新公寓在頂層。

topic['t?p?k]n. 題目;話題

The main topic of conversation was Tom's new car. 對(duì)話的主要話題是湯姆的新車(chē)。

Enough has been said on the topic. 關(guān)于這個(gè)題目已經(jīng)說(shuō)得夠多了。

touch[t?t?]vt. 觸摸 vi. 接觸;聯(lián)系

Don't touch the flower. 別摸這些花。

How can I get in touch with him? 我怎么能聯(lián)系上他?

tour[t??(r)]n. 參觀;觀光;旅行

The tour included a visit to the Great Wall. 旅游項(xiàng)目中包括瀏覽長(zhǎng)城。

I went on a speaking tour. 我做了巡回演講。

tourist['t??r?st]n. 游客;旅客;旅行者

The tourist carried a pack on her back. 旅行者背了個(gè)包。

A tourist walked up to her to ask the way. 一個(gè)游客走過(guò)來(lái)向她問(wèn)路。

toward[t?'w??d](同towards) prep. 向;朝;對(duì)于

They were moving toward the light. 他們向燈光處移動(dòng)。

She looked toward the east. 她向東張望著。

tower['ta??(r)]n. 塔

There is a big bell in the tower. 塔里有一口大鐘。

The tower is on the top of the hill. 塔在山頂上。

town[ta?n]n. 城鎮(zhèn);城

He was walking towards town. 他正往鎮(zhèn)上走去。

She spread the news around the town. 她在鎮(zhèn)上到處傳播這個(gè)消息。

toy[t??]n. 玩具

The children were playing with a toy train. 孩子們正在玩一列玩具火車(chē)。

He bought a toy for his daughter. 他給女兒買(mǎi)了一個(gè)玩具。

tradition[tr?'d??n]n. 傳統(tǒng)

We still follow the tradition of our fathers. 我們?nèi)匀焕^承著我們祖先的傳統(tǒng)。

This is a family tradition. 這是一個(gè)家庭傳統(tǒng)。

traditional[tr?'d???nl]adj. 傳統(tǒng)的

We have to start with traditional Chinese culture. 我們必須從傳統(tǒng)的中國(guó)文化出發(fā)。

Those traditional ideas have begun to change. 那些傳統(tǒng)的觀念已經(jīng)開(kāi)始改變。

traffic['tr?f?k]n. 交通

The traffic had returned to normal. 交通已經(jīng)恢復(fù)正常。

There is little traffic after midnight. 午夜后交通量就少了。

train[tre?n]n. 火車(chē) vt. & vi. 培訓(xùn);訓(xùn)練

He arrived in Chengdu by train yesterday. 他昨天乘火車(chē)到達(dá)成都。

They train dogs to save people. 他們訓(xùn)練狗來(lái)救人。

translate[tr?ns'le?t]vt. & vi. 翻譯

Translate this sentence into English. 把 這 個(gè) 句 子 譯 成 英語(yǔ)。

Can you translate this? 你能翻譯一下這個(gè)嗎?

transport['tr?nsp??t]vt. 運(yùn)輸;運(yùn)送

A car was used to transport the wounded. 一輛小汽車(chē)被用來(lái)運(yùn)送傷員。

She will transport these goods by trains. 她將用火車(chē)運(yùn)送這些貨物。

travel['tr?vl]n. & vi. 旅行

I came home after years of foreign travel. 我到國(guó)外游歷幾年之后回到家鄉(xiāng)。

I'm going to travel round the country. 我要游遍全國(guó)。

tree[tri?]n. 樹(shù)

This is the pear tree. 這是棵梨樹(shù)。

I got a christmas tree! 我有圣誕樹(shù)了!

trick[tr?k]n. 惡作?。辉幱?jì);花招

He played an trick on me. 他跟我耍了一個(gè)花招。

I saw through the trick. 我識(shí)破了那個(gè)詭計(jì)。

trip[tr?p]n. 旅行;旅程

On Sunday we went out on a day trip. 星期天我們出去玩了一天。

I wish you to have a good trip. 我希望你旅途愉快。

trouble['tr?bl]n. 問(wèn)題;煩惱;麻煩;困難 vt. 使苦惱;使麻煩

Her life is full of trouble. 她的生活充滿了煩惱。

Is anything troubling you? 有什么事讓你煩惱嗎?

trousers['tra?z?z]n. 褲子;長(zhǎng)褲

Can't your mother buy you trousers? 你母親不能給你買(mǎi)條褲子嗎?

Narrow trousers are the latest fashion. 緊身褲是最新的時(shí)髦服裝。

true[tru?]adj. 真的;真實(shí)的

Everything I had heard about her was true. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)的關(guān)于她的一切都是真實(shí)的。

She showed her true colors. 她露出了她的真實(shí)面目。

truth[tru?θ]n. 真理;真相;實(shí)際情況

I knew the truth. 我知道真相了。

That is a simple truth. 這是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的道理。

try[tra?]vt. & vi. 試;試圖;努力 n. 試;努力

I will try and see him. 我會(huì)設(shè)法見(jiàn)到他。

May I have a try? 我可以試一下嗎?

Tuesday['tju?zde?, 'tju?zdi]n. 星期二

They will have a meeting on Tuesday morning. 他們星期二上午要開(kāi)會(huì)。

Where were you Tuesday afternoon? 星期二下午你在哪里?

turkey['t??ki]n. 火雞

She brought a big turkey. 她帶來(lái)了一只大火雞。

I bought chicken and turkey. 我買(mǎi)了雞肉和火雞。

turn[t??n]vt. & vi. 使轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng);旋轉(zhuǎn) vt. 使變換;使變?yōu)椤.(輪流的)順序

It's my turn next. 下一個(gè)輪到我。

You can turn around. 你可以轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)來(lái)了。

twice[twa?s]adv. 兩次;兩倍

I am twice as old as she. 我的年齡是她的兩倍。

He goes to the university twice daily. 他每天去那所大學(xué)兩次。

twin[tw?n]n. 雙胞胎之一

I took a shot of the twin brothers. 我給那對(duì)孿生兄弟拍了一張照片。

It is hard to tell the twin sisters one from the other.這對(duì)孿生姐妹很難辨認(rèn)。

type[ta?p]n. 類(lèi)型 vt. & vi. 打字

What type do you like? 你喜歡什么類(lèi)型的?

Are you going to type all day? 你準(zhǔn)備整天打字嗎?


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