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中考英語(yǔ) 考綱詞匯 U






umbrel a[?m'brel?]n. 傘

Let me fetch an umbrella for you. 讓我去拿一把傘給你。

He lent his umbrella to me yesterday. 昨天他把他的傘借給我了。

uncle['??kl]n. 叔;伯;舅;姑夫;姨父

I will go to the airport to pick up Uncle Jim. 我會(huì)趕到機(jī)場(chǎng)接吉姆叔叔。

What are you doing, Uncle Li? 李叔叔,你在做什么?

under['?nd?(r)]adv. & prep. 在……下面,向……下面

He sat down under the tree. 他坐在樹(shù)下。

He disliked putting gifts under the Christmas tree. 他不喜歡把禮物放在圣誕樹(shù)下。

underground[??nd?'gra?nd]adj. 地下的 n. 地鐵

The London Underground is very famous. 倫敦地鐵非常有名。

The underground defense will be stronger. 地下的防衛(wèi)要加強(qiáng)。

underline[??nd?'la?n]vt. 在……下畫線;強(qiáng)調(diào);使突出

Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 將畫線的句子翻譯成漢語(yǔ)。

Please underline the important items. 請(qǐng)?jiān)谥匾马?xiàng)的下面畫線。

understand [ ??nd?'st?nd ] (understood , understood) vt. & vi.懂;理解 vt. 了解;領(lǐng)會(huì)

I found their accents difficult to understand. 我覺(jué)得他們的口音很難懂。

What she says can be understood very clearly. 她所說(shuō)的都很容易理解。

unhappy[?n'h?pi]adj. 不開(kāi)心的;不幸福的;難過(guò)的

I don't like to make people unhappy. 我不喜歡讓人不高興。

He is unhappy. 他不開(kāi)心。

unhealthy[?n'helθi]adj. 不健康的

Don't eat unhealthy food. 別吃不健康食物。

It was an unhealthy habit. 這是一個(gè)陋習(xí)。

uniform['ju?n?f??m]n. 制服

He has to wear uniforms to work. 他上班必須穿制服。

Most children wear uniforms at school. 大多數(shù)孩子在學(xué)校穿校服。

unit['ju?n?t]n. 單元;單位;部件

The family is the smallest social unit. 家庭是社會(huì)最小的單位。

Every unit must send someone to take the document. 各單位必須派人去領(lǐng)文件。

united[ju'na?t?d]adj. 聯(lián)合的;統(tǒng)一的

We are trying to form a united front. 我們正試圖結(jié)成一個(gè)聯(lián)合陣線。

The people of the whole country are united. 全國(guó)人民萬(wàn)眾一心。

university[?ju?n?'v??s?ti]n. (綜合性)大學(xué)

He entered the university when he was eighteen. 他18歲的時(shí)候進(jìn)入大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)。

He graduated from Tsinghua University. 他畢業(yè)于清華大學(xué)。

unless[?n'les]conj. 如果不;除非

We can't pass the exam, unless we study hard. 我們不能通過(guò)考試,除非努力學(xué)習(xí)。

Unless I am mistaken, I've seen you somewhere before. 除非我弄錯(cuò)了,我覺(jué)得之前在哪兒見(jiàn)過(guò)你。

until[?n't?l]prep. & conj. 直到……為止

He lived in the USA until 1953. 1953年以前他一直居住在美國(guó)。

He did not leave until the operation was over. 他直到手術(shù)結(jié)束才離開(kāi)。

unusual[?n'ju??u?l]adj. 不尋常的

She has a very unusual name. 她的名字不太常見(jiàn)。

It's an unusual experience. 這是一次不同尋常的經(jīng)歷。

up[?p]prep. & conj. 向上;在上方;起來(lái)

He held up a glass of water. 他拿起一杯水。

She gets up early every morning. 她每天早上早起。

upset[?p'set]adj. 心煩的;難過(guò)的

Betty is upset about a coming exam. 貝蒂為即將到來(lái)的考試感到很心煩。

Don't be upset. 別苦惱了。

upstairs[??p'ste?z]adv. 在樓上;到樓上

Then we went upstairs. 接著我們上樓去了。

Please take the escalator upstairs. 請(qǐng)乘扶梯上樓。

use[ju?z] vt. 利用;使用;應(yīng)用;用途;用法 [ju?s]n. 利用;使用

Computers are widely used in many areas. 計(jì)算機(jī)被廣泛應(yīng)用于很多領(lǐng)域。

Many people are trying to reduce the use of cars in Britain. 許多英國(guó)人試圖減少開(kāi)車的次數(shù)。

useful['ju?sfl]adj. 有用的;有益的

The Internet is really useful to us. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)對(duì)我們的確有用。

The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways.對(duì)于沙漠居民來(lái)說(shuō),動(dòng)物在很多方面對(duì)他們都很有用。

useless['ju?sl?s]adj. 無(wú)用的;廢舊的

I saw that the plan was useless. 我看出那個(gè)計(jì)劃是沒(méi)有用的。

This book is useless. 這本書沒(méi)用了。

usual['ju??u?l, 'ju???l]adj. 通常的;平常的

As usual, there were many people at the meeting. 像平常一樣,來(lái)開(kāi)會(huì)的人很多。

Our usual price for repair is 10 yuan. 我們通常的修理費(fèi)是10元。

usual y['ju??u?li, 'ju??li]adv. 通常;經(jīng)常

Usually I go out and have dinner in a restaurant. 通常我出去在飯店里吃飯。

The British usually hide their feelings. 英國(guó)人通常會(huì)掩飾他們的感情。


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