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> 英語語法 > 英語語法新思維 >  第261篇







1.Another food crop raised by Indians_________strange to the European was called Indian corn.
A. who were
B. that were
C. that was
D. who was
2.The time is not far away_________modern communications will become widespread in every corner of the world.
A. as
B. when
C. until
D. before
3.They helped us time and again,_________very kind of them.
A. who were
B. which was
C. that was
D. which were
4.Those guilty of a serious crime_________refuse to reform must be severely punished.
A. which
B. whom
C. when
D. who
5.Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others,_________of course, made others jealous.
A. who
B. that
C. what
D. which
6.Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers,______ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.
A. whose
B. which
C. that
D. what
7.The residents,_________had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.
A. all their homes
B. all who homes
C. all of whose homes
D. all of their homes
8.The professor and her achievement_________you told me about are admired by us all.
A. who
B. which
C. that
D. whom
9.I don't suppose anything happens_________he doesn't foresee.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. as
10.They shouted with the loudest voice_________they could.
A. when
B. that
C. which
D. what
11.This is the best book_________on the subject.
A. which there is
B. that there is
C. which is
D. what is
12.What's in a name? That_________we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. when
13. ______I have already mentioned, cardiac surgery is one of the amazing new surgical techniques that have been developed in recent years.
A. Which
B. What
C. As
D. This
14.The meeting was postponed,_________was exactly what I wanted.
A. that
B. which
C. and which
D. this
15.Such people_________knew Tom thought he was a trustworthy man.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
16.The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,_________is often the case in other countries.
A. as
B. what
C. so
D. that
17.In her time, Isadora Duncan was_________today a liberated woman.
A. calling what we would
B. who would be calling
C. what we would call
D. she would call it
18.They lost their way in the forest, and_________made matters worse was that night began to fall.
A. that
B. it
C. what
D. which
19.He is not such a man_________would leave his work half done.
A. who
B. whom
C. as
D. that
20.Water will continue to be_________it is today—next in importance to oxygen.
A. how
B. which
C. as
D. what
21.Much more money has been earned in the past two years than _________.
A. what had anticipated
B. had expected
C. had been expected
D. that what had been expected
22.A microscope can reveal vastly more detail_________is visible to the naked eye.
A. than
B. that
C. which
D. what
23.He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject._________he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.
A. What little
B. So much
C. How much
D. So little
24.Scientists believe the first inhabitants of the Americas arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and_________more than 10,000 years ago.
A. this is Alaska now
B. Alaska is now
C. is now Alaska
D. what is now Alaska
25.The first people to live in_________Hawaii were the Polynesians, who sailed there in large canoes from other Pacific Islands about 2,000 years ago.
A. now where is
B. what is now
C. it is now
D. now this is
26.______ touching in O. Henry's stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity.
A. Most is
B. It mostly is
C. That is most
D. What is most
27.With the introduction of the electric computer, there are no complicated problems_________can be solved.
A. that
B. as
C. but
D. which
28.There are very few rules of grammar _________; the exception proves the rule.
A. that are not with exception
B. but have exceptions
C. not having exception to them
D. not with exception to them
29.______is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.
A. What
B. That
C. It
D. As
30.In Norway,_________is a Baltic country, you can see the mid-night sun.
A. which
B. where
C. in which
D. that
31.In some countries,_________are called "public schools" are not owned by the state.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
32.In Kuwait,_________there are many oil wells but no rivers, fresh water had to be brought in boats from 100 miles away.
A. which
B. where
C. that
D. what
33.In some countries,_________is called "equality" does not really mean equal rights for all people.
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. one
34.I know of a number of occasions_________people died from water pollution.
A. which
B. when
C. where
D. while
35.There can't be any life on Venus,_________the temperature is as high as 900°F.
A. which
B. when
C. where
D. there
36.The reason_________he died was lack of medical care.
A. which
B. for that
C. as
D. why
37.He told us how he dealt with the self-interest of countries to bring them into a kind of international accord_________everyone seemed to benefit.
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. what
38.Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded_________other more well-informed experimenters failed.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. where
39.We may encounter situations_________this principle cannot be applied.
A. where
B. which
C. what
D. as
40.This is the shop_________I often speak to you.
A. where
B. which
C. of which
D. in which
41.This is the shop_________I often buy foodstuffs.
A. where
B. which
C. of which
D. to which
42.When you read the book, you'd better make a mark_________you have any questions.
A. at which
B. where
C. the place where
D. in which
43.He is the man and I think you can depend on him.
44.We assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds are similar to those sounds on land and we are familiar with the sounds on land.
45.Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was not anything comparable to it until our own machine age.
46.When television was first introduced, it would affect society to the extent and the extent could not have been foreseen.
47.It is useful to be able to predict the extent and to the extent a price change will affect supply and demand.
48.Public demonstrations are an effective means and by the means the people can bring social inequalities to the attention of government officials.
49.Americans regard education as the means and by this means the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by this means every desirable end is to be achieved.
50.A frequent criticism of most online companies has been the snail's pace and at this pace they deliver their products.
51.The pressure from spending in turn determines the ease and with ease prices increase.
52.When television was first introduced, the extent_________it would affect society could not have been foreseen.
A. what
B. to which
C. to that
D. which
53.TV's influence should be measured not only in terms of immediate change in behavior, but also by the extent_________it develops certain views of life.
A. to which
B. so that
C. in which
D. with which
54.It was luck again, according to Nina, that brought her the role in Mute Wife_________she is best known.
A. as which
B. which
C. for which
D. to which
55.Many critics agree that the novel is an art form_________women excel.
A. in which
B. to which
C. of which
D. by which
56.He is the man_________I think you can depend.
A. in whom
B. on who
C. with whom
D. on whom
57.The goals_________he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. against which
B. for which
C. which
D. for that
58.Public demonstrations are an effective means_________the people can bring social inequalities to the attention of government officials.
A. by this
B. with which
C. by which
D. and which
59.We assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds are similar to those_________we are familiar on land.
A. to which
B. with whom
C. with that
D. with which
60.Dolphins might be trained to cooperate with fishermen and help them by finding, tracking, herding, or even catching fish— ______activities dolphins are expert.
A. at all of these
B. in all of which
C. all of which
D. in all of what
61.About a thousand species of animals are in danger of extinction, and the rate_________they are being destroyed has increased.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. at which
62.A frequent criticism of most online companies has been the snail's pace_________they deliver their products.
A. in that
B. at what
C. at which
D. which
63.The buzzard can watch high in the sky the ground for signs of the waste and the dead animals_________it feeds.
A. which
B. on what
C. in which
D. on which
64.She spent all evening talking about her latest book,_________none of us had ever heard.
A. in that
B. in which
C. of what
D. of which
65.Agriculture was a step in human progress_________which subsequently there was not anything comparable until our own machine age.
A. to
B. for
C. in
D. from
66.The pressure from spending in turn determines the ease ______prices increase.
A. by which
B. with that
C. with which
D. what
67.Oil,_________there are several different types, is used for many purposes by countries all over the world.
A. which
B. in which
C. by which
D. of which
68.Many countries face some serious problems of land use, ______result from population growth and the demands of modern technological living.
A. most which
B. which most
C. of most which
D. most of which
69.It is useful to be able to predict the extent_________which a price change will affect supply and demand.
A. from
B. with
C. to
D. for
70.By bringing about a great leap in the speed and ease ______information moves from place to place, the Internet has greatly accelerated the rate of scientific and technological changes.
A. with which
B. which
C. to which
D. by which
71.We need a chairman _________.
A. for whom everyone has confidence
B. in whom everyone has confidence
C. who everyone has confidence of
D. whom everyone has confidence on
72.A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region,_________the results were surprising.
A. as
B. which
C. what
D. of which
73.The classroom is a natural environment_________and apply the concept of community service to reduce local crime problems.
A. which to introduce
B. to introduce
C. in which to introduce
D. which to introduce
74.The science of medicine,_________progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.
A. in which
B. to which
C. with which
D. which
75.A friend is not just someone to whom you say "Hello”. A friend is a tender shoulder on which you can softly cry. A friend is a well into which you can pour all your troubles down. A friend is a hand which pulls you up from darkness and despair when all your other "so-called friends" have helped to put you there. A true friend is an ally who can't be moved or bought, a voice which keeps your name alive when others have forgot. But most of all a friend is a heart, a strong and sturdy wall, for from the hearts of friends there comes the greatest love of all!
76.When we indulge in self-pity, we rob the poor and the suffering of that which is theirs by right and waste it on ourselves, to whom it does more harm than good.
77.Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, such as a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.
78.The ruler of an ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the rumor that their wives ruled the men of his domain. He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man that did not tell the truth would be punished severely. Then he asked all the men that obeyed their wives' directions and advice to step to the left side of the hall. All the men did so but one little man that moved to the right.“It's good to see," said the king,“ that we have one real man in the kingdom. Tell these chicken-hearted dunces(傻瓜)why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall." "Your Majesty," came the reply in a squealing(長而尖銳的聲音)voice, "it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds."
79.The mere fact that most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.
80.An evidence that life may have existed on earth 3.8 billions years ago has been discovered in these ancient rocks.
81.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.
82.If there is anything in the world that a young man should be more grateful for than another, it is the poverty which necessitates starting life under very great disadvantage.
83.One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year. He only is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with worry, fret, and anxiety. Finish every day, and be done with it. You have done what you could.
84.Every December we choose ten trends that we think will be the most important influences in the business of technology in the coming year.
85.There are things you would love to hear but you will never hear it from the person from whom you would like to hear it, but don't be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with heart.
86.The 20th century will not be remembered as the era when space was conquered, or the power of the atom harnessed, but that in which were made the first machines having intelligence.
87.Customs inspectors are hard to fool. They see scores of travelers every day. They soon learn how to pick out a person who may be smuggling something across the border. The clue may be in the way the person walks. Or it may be in the way he talks. Or it may be just a strange feeling the inspector has that makes him suspect a person of smuggling.
88.Many students face problems when they have to study a subject _________.
A. that they think it is difficult
B. that they think is difficult
C. which they think that is difficult
D. they think it is difficult
89.He has made a discovery,_________of great importance to the progress of science and technology.
A. I think which is
B. which I think is
C. which I think it is
D. of which I think it is
90.They pointed out the damage_________had been done by last night's storm.
A. which they supposed
B. which they supposed that
C. they supposed that
D. that they supposed which
91.The girl_________we supposed was drowned came back.
A. who
B. whom
C. as
D. which
92.The girl_________we supposed drowned came back.
A. what
B. that
C. as
D. which
93.Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions, ______have been mentioned in previous pages.
A. a few of what
B. a few of which
C. a few of that
D. a few of them
94. shrewd people_________he described in his novel are to be found everywhere.
A. Such/like
B. Such/as
C. So/like
D. So/as
95.The Great Wall is the place_________almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.
A. where
B. which
C. of which
D. in which
96.He didn't have a good command of spoken English,_________made it difficult for him to get a good job.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. this
97.Collin's struggle to make a place for herself in ballet is the kind of life story_________a fascinating novel might be written.
A. of that
B. about which
C. by whom
D. for whom
98.The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree ______the students' potentiality is developed.
A. of which
B. with which
C. in which
D. to which
99.Basic research provides the capital fund of scientific knowledge,_________ which the applied researchers draw to give society a rich rate of interest.
A. on
B. out
C. up
D. back
100.Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office_________he was elected in 1870.
A. which
B. to which
C. and which
D. at which
101.They will move into the new house next Friday,_________it will be completely furnished.
A. by the time
B. by which time
C. by that time
D. by this time
102.The tall rectangular buildings may well give way to a more complex and exciting shape providing areas_________which the individual can fully identify himself.
A. to
B. for
C. with
D. by
103.The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds_________his argument in favor of the new theory.
A. which to base on
B. on which to base
C. to base on which
D. which to be based on
104.We can separate oil into the chemical compounds_________it is composed.
A. of which
B. with which
C. in which
D. from which
105.We have found a useful compound_________we can separate some important elements.
A. of which
B. with which
C. in which
D. from which
106.I've kept up a friendship with a girl who I was at school ______twenty years ago.
A. about
B. since
C. till
D. with
107.This is an exciting area of study, and one_________which new applications are being discovered almost daily.
A. from
B. by
C. in
D. through
108.Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholstered furniture,_________absorb sound.
A. which they all
B. of them all
C. all of which
D. of all which
109.After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both_________her novels and short stories.
A. in which the influence
B. of which influenced
C. to have influence
D. its influence in
110.I don't think the number of people_________this happens is very large.
A. when
B. to whom
C. that
D. of which
111.Anthony Jason,_________Louis succeeded in the experiment, was a friend of mine.
A. with the help from whom
B. with whose help
C. with the help of his
D. with his help
112.He's written a book_________the name I've completely forgotten.
A. whose
B. which
C. of which
D. that
113.Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, _________ it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.
A. that
B. during
C. which
D. and
114.Mahalia Jackson,_________combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best-known gospel singers in the United States.
A. it was her singing
B. which songs
C. who sang
D. whose singing
115.Mr. Jones,_________John was working, was very generous about overtime payment.
A. for whom
B. for who
C. whom
D. for that
116.This is the faith_________I come back.
A. in which
B. with which
C. on which
D. in that
117.It was he_________we had the greatest faith.
A. in whom
B. that
C. with whom
D. who
118.Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman is the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society_________.
A. he lives in which
B. in which he lives
C. which in he lives
D. in that he lives
119.In the United States, a primary election is a method_________voters select the nominees for public office.
A. in that
B. by which
C. by those
D. is that
120.Emily Dickinson's garden was a place_________great inspiration for her poems.
A. that she drew
B. by drawing her
C. from which she drew
D. drawn from which
121.We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden _________.
A. in which to play
B. to play with
C. to play
D. where to play
122.He showed me a book,_________I could tell that it was pretty old.
A. which cover
B. of which cover
C. the cover which
D. from the cover of which
123.Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking,_________he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.
A. for which
B. which
C. for
D. that
124.— Did the audience participate in the party?
— Yes, the actors_________to involve the audience were successful.
A. whom it was the function
B. of which the function was
C. whose function it was
D. whose were the function
125.The doctors all blamed the irresponsible boy_________to protect the little girl.
A. it was he that was
B. whose duty was it
C. it was whose duty
D. whose duty it was
126.The project requires more labor than_________because it is extremely difficult.
A. has been put in
B. have been put in
C. being put in
D. to be put in
127.He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than _________.
A. he was in good health
B. his good health was
C. his health was good
D. was good for his health
128.The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that _________.
A. all products are paid for
B. are paid for all products
C. for all products paid
D. for which all products paid
129.Without facts we can't form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge_________our thinking.
A. upon which to base
B. which to base upon
C. which to be based on
D. to which to be based
130.Many people are unaware that prairies once existed_________is now the state of Michigan.
A. in what
B. in that
C. in which
D. where
131.His great grandmother was among the last to settle in_________is now the famous mountain resort.
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. what
132.More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than _________.
A. it generally is realized
B. is generally realized
C. generally it is realized
D. generally is realized
133.The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds,_________could go penniless by next year.
A. the larger one
B. the larger of which
C. the largest one
D. the largest of which
134.Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ______obtaining water is not the least.
A. of which
B. for which
C. as
D. whose
135.Poverty is also threatening the company's most valuable resource, its staff, _________
A. who are increasingly being lured
B. which is increasingly being lured
C. lured increasingly
D. to be increasingly lured
136.So quickly are science and technology advancing_________is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.
A. which
B. what
C. that which
D. that what
137. ______is known to all, gases expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.
A. Which
B. As
C. That
D. It
138.Obviously there was little certainty_________the chairman would agree to this proposal.
A. which
B. why
C. what
D. that
139.— Do you like the book your father gave you?
— Very much. It's exactly_________I wanted.
A. one which
B. that
C. one what
D. the one
140.He never sells such books_________are considered harmful to the readers.
A. that
B. as
C. which
D. what
141.Physics is the present-day equivalent of_________used to be called natural philosophy,_________which most of present-day science arose.
A. what, from
B. that, from
C. which, of
D. what, with
142.Many birds have feathers_________with their surroundings.
A. colors blend
B. that colors blend
C. whose colors blend
D. of which the colors that blend
143.Civil rights are the freedoms and rights_________as a member of a community, state, or nation.
A. may have a person
B. a person who may have
C. a person may have
D. and a person may have
144.The computer has dramatically affected_________photographic lenses are constructed.
A. is the way
B. that the way
C. which way do
D. the way
145.Despite its wide range of styles and instrumentation, country music has certain common features_________its own special character.
A. give it that
B. that give it
C. that give
D. that gives it to
146.Mango trees,_________densely covered with glossy leaves and bear small fragrant flowers, grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet.
A. whose
B. which are
C. are when
D. which
147.The computer has brought about surprising technological changes _________ we organize and produce information.
A. in a way
B. in the way
C. in that way
D. in no way
148.In the early twentieth century, the "Model T" automobile was mass-produced and sold at a price_________could afford.
A. the average person who
B. that the average person who
C. and the average person
D. the average person
149.There are many copper mines in the state of Arizona, ______contributes significantly to the state's economy.
A. a fact
B. which fact
C. whose fact
D. that
150._________, dolphins have no sense of smell.
A. As known as far
B. Known thus far as
C. It is known as far
D. As far as is known
151.Speech has to be triggered and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child,_________the mother recognizes the cues and signals in the child's crying, smiling, and responds to them.
A. when
B. which
C. why
D. where
152.Giant pandas resemble bears in shape and in _________.
A. it is a slow, clumsy way to walk
B. the slow, clumsy way that they walk
C. they walk in a slow, clumsy way
D. their slow walk is clumsy
153.Members of a nation's foreign service represent that country's interests abroad(A) and report on(B) the conditions, trends, and policies of the country which(C) they are(D) stationed.
154.Many species can communicate(A) an amazing amount of information via(B) sound, information which(C) both the life of an individual and the continued(D) existence of the species may depend.
155.Most(A) of the food what(B) elephants eat is brought(C) to their mouths by their(D) trunks.
156.It is perhaps not an exaggeration to say(A) that we shall soon be trusting(B) our health,wealth and happiness to elements with whom(C) very names the general public are(D) unfamiliar.
157.Traditionally, ethnographers and linguists have paid(A) little attention to cultural interpretations given to(B) silence, or to(C) the types of social contexts in which tends(D) to occur.
158.Light rays what(A) enter the eye must be focused onto(B) a point on the retina in order for(C) a clear visual image to form(D).
159.Carson McCullers was only(A) 23 when she published(B) her first novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter for what(C) she received much(D) acclaim.
160.A mirage is an atmospheric(A) optical illusion in what(B) an observer sees a nonexistent body of water or(C) an image of some object(D).
161.Humus, a substance found(A) in soil, is soft and spongy(B) and enables plant roots to send out tiny hairs through that(C) they(D) absorb water and food.
162.They pointed out(A) the damage which(B) they supposed that(C) had been done by last night's(D) storm.
163.There are many(A) valuable services which the public are willing to pay for(B), but which does(C) not bring a return in money(D) to the community.
164.Mercury's velocity is so much(A) greater than the Earth's(B) that it completes more than four revolutions around the Sun in the time that(C) takes the Earth to complete one(D).
165.Vaccines for some(A) rare diseases are given only to persons which(B) risk exposure(C) to the disease(D).
166.This is the most important respect which(A) civilized man(B) can be distinguished from(C) primitive communities(D).
167.Doppler radar can be used to determine the direction(A) which(B) the particles(C) of a cloud are moving(D).
168.By(A) 1860 the railroad of the United States had(B) 3,000 miles of track(C), three-quarters of which it(D) was east of the Mississippi River and north of the Ohio River.
169.Eleanor Roosevelt set(A) the standard which(B) the wives of all United States(C) Presidents since(D) have been evaluated.
170.There is a delicate(A) balance of nature which(B) many square miles of ocean and vegetation and clean air are needed(C) to maintain only a relatively few(D) human beings.
171.Ripe fruit is(A) often stored in a place where(B) contains much(C) carbon dioxide so that(D) the fruit will not decay too rapidly.
172.About a thousand species of(A) animals are in danger of(B) extinction, and the rate which(C) they are being destroyed(D) has increased.
173.When television(A) was first(B) introduced, the extent to what(C) it would affect society could not have been foreseen(D).
174.Public demonstrations are an(A) effective means which(B) the people can bring social inequalities(C) to the attention of government(D) officials.
175.The speed at what(A) an animal lives is determined(B) by measuring(C) the rate at which(D) it uses oxygen.
176.Americans regard education as(A) the means which(B) the inequalities among individuals are to be(C) erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved(D).
177.A frequent criticism(A) of most online companies(B) has been the snail's pace to which(C) they deliver their(D) products.
178.By bringing about(A) a great leap in the speed and ease with what(B) information moves from place to place, the Internet has greatly(C) accelerated the rate of scientific(D) and technological changes.
179.For each(A) enzyme(酶)reaction there(B) is an optimum(最適宜的) temperature which(C) maximum efficiency(D) is achieved.
180.The term "metabolism(新陳代謝)" refers(A) to the chemical changes(B) which(C) living(D) things transform food into energy.
181.The outer layer(A) of the heart, called(B) the pericardium, forms(C) a sac in what(D) the heart lies.


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