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英語(yǔ)早間課堂:Under the Table





Today I'd like to talk about a type of person who always do something cheating and hide the truth about something. It's contradiction to " above board" we've learnt yesterday. What's it? Let's listen to a simple situational dialogue and I'm sure you can find it.

A : Whatever we do, we should do it above board.

B : You are right. We shouldn't do anything under the table.

A : Well, since you agree with me , we put the issue abover board instead of talking about it through other channels .


Have you found it? It is " under the table".在面上的意思就是在桌子下面。We could give our rein into imagination. 在桌子下是不是不容易被看見(jiàn),因此借喻為:秘密交易的,暗中進(jìn)行的,不法的。For example: Jesse gave money under the table to get the apartment.杰西悄悄花錢(qián)弄到一套房間。 Under the table is used as adverbial in a sentence.


If they'er put together with a line, it becomes an adjective which is used as attributive.作為形容詞,意思是:秘密的,非法的。 For example, Sadly, a few newspapers got hold of this under-the-table gossip. 可悲的是,幾家小報(bào)紙抓住這私下閑談大做文章。The land developers did a lot of under-the-table wheeling and dealing. 那個(gè)土地開(kāi)發(fā)投資人干了很多非法的交易。 Under the table is an idiom which has another meaning that means "to be drunk". 我們知道一個(gè)人在酒店喝酒醉了的是時(shí)候就經(jīng)常倒在桌子下,因此這里借喻為“酩酊大醉”的意思。For example, You'll be under the table if you drink all that wine. 如果你把那些酒都喝了,你會(huì)醉的。 We have another phrase : dink somebody under the table which means "to get somebody drunk by drinking together". For example, "Want to drink him under the table? Well...you can never do, He's got a hollow leg , you know" “你想灌醉他? 他可是海量,從來(lái)沒(méi)醉過(guò),你知道嗎。The phrase her " got a hollow leg " means "to be able to drink too much '. 意思就是我們中文酒場(chǎng)上所說(shuō)的”海量“。 Rhett who had always drunk others under the table without turning a hair and then put them to bed. 以前瑞德是經(jīng)常不動(dòng)聲色地將別人灌醉,然后把他們弄上床去的呀!The phrase here "without turning a hair" means "being stay calm and collected" .This sentence comes from the well-known literature called Gone with the Wind . 這句話來(lái)自名著《飄》。Without turning a hair 是不動(dòng)聲色的意思。Another phrase " put somebody under the table" means make somebody feel dizzy. 意思是:使某人頭昏腦脹。For example:Five minutes'serious thought about that problem puts me under the table.對(duì)那問(wèn)題五分鐘認(rèn)真的思考就使我頭昏腦脹。


And now let's come to the dialogue study. Please listen to the recording and catch the key phrases. A : Whatever we do, we should do it above board.

B : You are right. We shouldn't do anything under the table.

A : Well, since you agree with me , we put the issue abover board instead of talking about it through other channels .

Now have you done? Let's come to the phrase's accumulation.


1 above board 坦誠(chéng)不公的,正大光明的,公開(kāi)的,不甩手腕的2 agree with 同意某人的說(shuō)法,意見(jiàn)等等3 under the table 非法地,暗中進(jìn)行地,,秘密地,偷偷地4 do something 做事情5 put the issue abover board 坦誠(chéng)不公地談事情,打開(kāi)天窗說(shuō)亮話6 instead of 而不是7 through other channels 通過(guò)其實(shí)方式,通過(guò)其他渠道{句不離法}

1 Whatever we do, we should do it above board.

翻譯: 無(wú)論我們做什么是,都要正大光明的做。

講解: 這是一個(gè)含有由whatever 引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句。Whatever 是個(gè)復(fù)合詞,可以拆分開(kāi)來(lái)用于這個(gè)句子中,書(shū)面形式顯得更為正式。For example: What ever I say, he always disagrees. 不管我說(shuō)什么,他總是不同意。Above board 是副詞短語(yǔ),在這里做狀語(yǔ)。

2 You are right. We shouldn't do anything under the table.


講解:under the table 是介詞短語(yǔ),在這里作狀語(yǔ)。

3 Well, since you agree with me , we put the issue abover board instead of talking about it through other channels .


講解: 這是個(gè)由 含有since引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句。在這里強(qiáng)調(diào)一點(diǎn)就是 instead of 這個(gè)短語(yǔ)相當(dāng)于介詞用,因此后面如果跟動(dòng)詞,就要用動(dòng)名詞形式。 Through the other channels 是介詞短語(yǔ),在句中做方式狀語(yǔ)。

We must absorb new knowledge , staying quiet and careful . In addition, it's important to review what we've learnt over and over, which is said by Laishixiong. It's time to say goodbye to you, thank you for your listening , have a wonderful day , see you next time.我們不光是聽(tīng),還需要自己有一種寧?kù)o的心態(tài)去吸收知識(shí),內(nèi)化知識(shí),否則水過(guò)鴨背,以一種輕浮的心態(tài)去學(xué)習(xí),是體會(huì)不到學(xué)習(xí)的快樂(lè)的。而且,賴世雄老師在他的書(shū)中寫(xiě)道:學(xué)習(xí)語(yǔ)言貴在反復(fù)。好了,又到跟大家說(shuō)再見(jiàn)了,祝您有個(gè)愉快的一天,感謝您的這次收聽(tīng),下次再會(huì)。


Please translate the following sentences into English with the phrase "under the table"{ 題目 }

1 如果我對(duì)政府的計(jì)劃投反對(duì)票,商人們會(huì)賄賂我500英鎊。

2 他偷偷地把它賣(mài)了。

3 你自夸有海量,可他能把你灌醉。

4 當(dāng)然,不過(guò)別再想把我灌醉。你的酒量比我好太多了.

5 那小男孩呆在桌子下面生氣,直到他父親回來(lái)。

{ 答案 }

1 He businessmen offered me &500 under the table if I would vote against the government's plans. 2 He sold it under the table.

3 You pride yourself on your capacity, but he can drink you under the table.

4 Sure. But don't try to drink me under the table again. You can drink a lot more than I can.

5 The little boy stayed under the table in bad temper until his father came home.


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