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LECTURE 174 基本動詞TURN 2





LECTURE 174 基本動詞TURN 2


1. turn on a dime * 在狹窄的地方轉(zhuǎn)向,具有良好的轉(zhuǎn)向性能

解 俚語;詞義溯源:在[十美分硬幣(dime)]這么狹窄的地方轉(zhuǎn)身;on a dime代表很狹窄的地方

例 Iknow I'm not seeing things , Bob. I know what I saw. It was a large glowing sphere and it was hovering over the lake. It seemed to be taking water from the lake. When I shouted to you to take a look, it sped off to the east and then turned on a dime and headed north. It had to be a UFO—no airplane or jet on earth could move that fast or make such a sharp turn.

2. turn one's back on sb. or sth. / turn one's back ** 逃避;舍棄,拋棄;不理睬

解 習語;詞義溯源:轉(zhuǎn)身[背(back)][對(on)]某人或某物

例 This school was founded on the principal that a good education combined with a demanding physical regimen of hard labor and participation in sports produces a well-rounded gentleman. We had better think twice before we turn our back on this tradition.

3. turn one's nose up at sb. or sth. / turn up one's nose at sb. or sth. * 瞧不起,輕視

解 俚語;詞義溯源:把[對著(at)]某人或某事的[鼻子(nose)]轉(zhuǎn)向[高處(up)];引申為“嘲弄,拒絕”

例 What a dog!Can you believe him? He eats only raw beef steaks. If you try to feed him anything else, he just turns his nose up at it. He's as arrogant as his owner!

4. turn 〔pan, work〕 out *** 結(jié)果是

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:變成結(jié)果[出來(out)]

例 Iwouldn't worry about your son's craziness. It's just a phase teenagers go through. Let him have his fun and get it out of his system . You've taught him well and he's a smart kid—he'll turn out all right.

5. turn out to be sb. or sth. ** 結(jié)果是,原來是

解 習語;詞義溯源:結(jié)果成為了某人或某物

例 He came up with the idea to cover the rope with wax so that it would slide across the rock without getting cut. At first I rejected the idea because it was too simple, but he kept insisting so we did it. It turned out to be a lifesaver. I'm certain that if he hadn't gotten that bright idea and I hadn't taken heed , we wouldn't be alive today.


(A) turn on a dime

(B) turn my back on

(C) turn your nose up at

(D) turned out

(E) turned out to be

1. A: We thought the problem was in the engine, but after some trials we discovered the problem was actually in the automatic transmission. B: You're lucky it ______ in the transmission and not in the engine. Engine repairs are much more expensive than transmission repairs.

2. A: You're so cold. How can you just ignore your family? You refuse to acknowledge them or to give them any support. They're your family. B: I didn't ______ them first. They repudiated me a long time ago when I needed them most. Now the shoe is simply on the other foot .

3. A: Hey, you never told me if that problem with your father ______ all right. Did it end in a good way? B: I wish it had, but no, it didn't end satisfactorily. He made me move out of the house and hasn't spoken to me since—it's been over a year.

4. A: How do you ever expect to live overseas? You ______ any food that's strange and different. You think if it's not British food, it's too low in quality for you to eat it. You reject it without even trying it. B: My stomach is very sensitive. I don't mean to appear to be arrogant, it's just that I have to be careful about what I eat.

5. A: The greatest thing about this new fighter jet is the amazingly small amount of space and time it requires to change direction. B: Is it better than the F-18? The F-18 can ______ too.


1. (E)

2. (B)

3. (D)

4. (C)

5. (A)


I. 1. 我知道我沒有產(chǎn)生幻覺,鮑勃。我知道我看到了什么。那是一個大的發(fā)光球體,在湖上面盤旋。它像是從湖里吸水。當我叫你看時,它就往東飛去,然后迅速轉(zhuǎn)了個彎朝北去了。這肯定是個不明飛行物——地球上沒有飛機能飛得那么快,轉(zhuǎn)彎轉(zhuǎn)得那么急。

2. 這所學校成立的宗旨是,讓良好的教育、嚴格而高強度的養(yǎng)生鍛煉與體育活動造就一個全面的紳士。我們最好在摒棄這個傳統(tǒng)之前三思。

3. 這只狗太不一般了!你相信嗎?它只吃生牛排。你要是喂它別的東西,它根本看不上。它和它的主人一樣傲慢!

4. 我不擔心你兒子的這股狂熱勁,這只是青少年必經(jīng)的一個階段。讓他做讓自己高興的事情,把情緒發(fā)泄出來就行了。你教育得很好,他是一個聰明的孩子——他以后會很好的。

5. 他提出用蠟涂抹繩子,這樣在攀巖時繩子會順滑,不會被巖石切斷。我最初反對他的想法,因為太簡單了,但是他一再堅持,我們就照他的方法做了。結(jié)果這成了救命稻草。我確定,如果不是他想出這個好主意,如果我沒有聽從他的意見,我們今天不可能還活著。

II. 1. A:我們以為是發(fā)動機的問題,但是調(diào)試了幾次之后,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)問題實際上出在自動變速器上。B:所幸問題真的出在自動變速器,而不是發(fā)動機上。修發(fā)動機比修變速器要貴得多。

2. A:你太冷漠了。你怎么能忽視你的家庭呢?你居然拒絕承認他們,也不給他們提供任何支持。他們可是你的家人。B:不是我先背棄他們的。很久以前,在我最需要他們的時候,他們與我斷絕了關(guān)系?,F(xiàn)在情況正好反過來了。

3. A:嘿,你都沒有告訴過我,你和你父親的問題結(jié)果怎么樣。結(jié)果好嗎?B:我也希望是好的,但是結(jié)果并不令人滿意。他讓我離開家,從那時起再也沒和我說過話——已經(jīng)一年多了。

4. A:你怎么想去國外生活?。磕憧床簧先魏纹婀值?、口味不同的食物。在你看來,如果不是英國的食物,質(zhì)量就太差,根本沒法吃。你連嘗都不嘗就會拒絕。B:我的胃很敏感。我不是要表現(xiàn)得傲慢,只是對于飲食我必須當心。

5. A:這款新型戰(zhàn)斗機最出色的地方在于,它轉(zhuǎn)向時占用的空間和時間極小。B:它比F-18還好嗎?F-18也可以迅速轉(zhuǎn)向。


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