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LECTURE 173 基本動詞TURN 1





LECTURE 173 基本動詞TURN 1


1. turn a blind eye to sb. or sth. ** 對某人或某物視而不見,熟視無睹

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把[失明的眼睛(blind eye)]轉(zhuǎn)向某人或某事;即無視某人或某事

例 So long as the world community turns a blind eye to the plight of these refugees, they will remain at the mercy of gangsters, pirates and slave employers. How can the United Nations continue to take no notice of the countless reports coming out of the region?

2. turn a deaf ear to sth. / turn a deaf ear ** 置若罔聞

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把[失聰?shù)亩洌╠eaf ear)]轉(zhuǎn)向某事;即裝作聽不到

例 Have we grown callous to calls for help? Has an overload of peacekeeping and relief missions taught us to turn a deaf ear to pleas? If this is what we've come to, perhaps we should seriously consider replacing the UN organization with one that places the needs of the masses above those of the elite.

3. turn against sb. or sth. *** 轉(zhuǎn)而反對(或反抗);對某人或某事有不利影響

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:曾經(jīng)支持某人或某事,但現(xiàn)在變成開始[反對(against)]

例 For failing to take heed to the calls of the masses will most certainly bring down the UN, and every government structure in the world, anyway. Governments enjoy the support of the people when they work for the people. When they are perceived as self-serving, the masses turn against them.

4. turn back *** (使)折回;阻止;翻回到

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:轉(zhuǎn)[回去(back)]

例 World population will top 6 billion within the next five years. If we fail to take care of those in need now, we will condemn ourselves to the inevitable future of billions of homeless, jobless and restless humans who have nothing to lose by destroying society as we know it. There will be no turning back the clock.

5. turn in *** 上床休息

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:轉(zhuǎn)向[里面(in)]

例 My whole family goes to bed with the chickens . We usually turn in about nine in the evening and sleep until about six the next morning.


(A) turns a blind eye to

(B) turn a deaf ear to

(C) turned against

(D) turn back

(E) turn in

1. A: What time does your family usually go to bed? B: We don't all go to sleep at the same time. My parents usually ______ around eleven, but my brother and I usually stay up and watch TV until about one or two in the morning.

2. A: How does Carlton get by with all the crazy things he does in the office? Like the time he put a frog in Ms. Gordon's desk. How does he get away with that kind of stuff? B: The manager just ______ his silly behavior because Carlton's an advertising genius and the company can't do without him. So even though Mr. Smith would normally criticize the stuff he does, he deliberately pretends not to notice and allows him to do it.

3. A: I'm afraid your remarks have done irreparable damage to our relationship with the government of Thailand. There's nothing we can do to return to the situation we had before you offended them. B: No way to ______ the clock? A: No way.

4. A: You ______ our every request. We have no choice but to strike. B: How dare you accuse me of ignoring your request? I'm the most open-minded, responsive manager you've ever had.

5. A: You ______ me after I got the scholarship instead of you. B: That's bullshit. I started disliking you and disapproving of the way you treat people long before the scholarship was awarded.


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (D)

4. (B)

5. (C)


I. 1. 只要國際社會對這些難民的苦難熟視無睹,他們就將繼續(xù)受匪徒、海盜和奴隸主們的擺布。聯(lián)合國怎能不理睬無數(shù)關(guān)于這個地區(qū)難民的報告呢?

2. 我們對求助麻木了嗎?大量的維和及救助任務(wù)讓我們對人們的請求置若罔聞了嗎?如果真的如此,也許我們應(yīng)該認(rèn)真考慮,把聯(lián)合國組織替換成一個把大眾需求置于社會精英需求之上的機(jī)構(gòu)。

3. 不能傾聽大眾的呼聲這一點(diǎn)將最有可能打倒聯(lián)合國。這對各國政府來說也一樣。政府在為人民服務(wù)時,人民會支持它們。當(dāng)政府開始謀求私利時,人民就會轉(zhuǎn)而反對他們。

4. 世界人口將在未來五年內(nèi)達(dá)到60億。如果我們現(xiàn)在不關(guān)心那些需要幫助的人,未來我們將譴責(zé)自己,不可避免地導(dǎo)致數(shù)十億無家可歸者、失業(yè)者和焦躁不安者毫無顧忌地破壞社會。時光無法倒流(那時就來不及了)。

5. 我們?nèi)叶妓煤茉?。我們通常晚上九點(diǎn)左右上床睡覺,早晨六點(diǎn)左右起床。

II. 1. A:你們家人通常幾點(diǎn)睡覺?B:我們睡覺的時間不一樣。我父母通常11點(diǎn)左右上床睡覺,但是我和我弟弟通常看電視看到凌晨一兩點(diǎn)才睡。

2. A:卡爾頓先生在辦公室做了那些瘋狂舉動,怎么還沒受處罰呢?比如那次他把青蛙放在戈登女士的辦公桌上。他做那樣的事怎么還能逃過懲罰?B:經(jīng)理對他那些愚蠢的做法視而不見,因為卡爾頓是一個廣告天才,公司沒他不行。所以即使史密斯先生會批評他做的那些事情,他也故意裝作不知道,讓他為所欲為。

3. A:恐怕你的言論已經(jīng)給我們和泰國政府的關(guān)系造成了不可彌補(bǔ)的傷害。我們無法恢復(fù)到你冒犯他們之前的狀況了。B:沒有辦法逆轉(zhuǎn)了?A:沒有辦法。

4. A:你對我們的每個請求都置若罔聞。我們別無選擇,只能罷工。B:你怎么敢說我忽視了你們的請求?我可是你見到過的最開明、反應(yīng)最及時的經(jīng)理。

5. A:在我獲得獎學(xué)金而你沒有獲得之后,你就開始反對我。B:胡說。早在發(fā)獎學(xué)金之前我就開始不喜歡你,不贊同你待人的方式。


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