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1. take a dig 〔digs〕 at sb. * 挖苦

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:對(duì)某人做[影射、暗喻(dig)]

例 Pete and his roommate were always taking digs at each other, but everyone knew their insults were just lighthearted fun. 皮特和他的室友經(jīng)常挖苦諷刺對(duì)方,但大家都明白他們的無(wú)禮只是輕松愉快的玩笑。

2. take 〔have〕 a hand in sth. ** 幫忙;干預(yù)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:對(duì)做某事伸出援助之[手(hand)]

例 The government has urged private businesses to take a hand in supporting educational reforms with donations of equipment and funds. 政府要求私人企業(yè)以捐助設(shè)備和資金的方式,參與支持教育改革。

3. take 〔have〕 a shot at sth. ** 射擊;嘗試去做

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:[向(at)]某物做[發(fā)射、射擊(shot)]

例 I'm not sure I can do this, but I've got to at least take a shot at it. 我不確定我能不能做這事,但是我至少應(yīng)該試一下。

4. take 〔have〕 a spill ** 倒下,跌倒

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:從(騎乘的工具)上[扔、掉(spill)]下來(lái)

例 You can expect to take a few spills the first time you go ice skating. 第一次滑冰的時(shí)候,你肯定會(huì)摔幾跤的。

5. take a walk 〔hike〕 ** 散步;休息;離開(kāi)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:去[走路(walk)或步行(hike)]

例 Anyone who comes to work drunk will be told to take a walk. 任何酒后上班的人都將被要求離職。

Norman tried to start an argument with me, so I told him to take a hike. 諾曼試圖跟我爭(zhēng)論,所以我讓他走開(kāi)。

6. take 〔have〕 a whack 〔wack〕 at sb. or sth. * 用力攻擊;試一試

解 〈口〉 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:對(duì)某人或某事采?。壑?fù)?、打擊、試圖、企圖(whack, wack)]

例 Isaw Harris take a whack at Forrest, but I didn't see Forrest return the hit. 我看到哈里斯在使勁打福里斯特,但我沒(méi)看到福里斯特還手。

7. take forty winks ** 小睡,打盹

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:做了40次[眨眼(winks)];forty winks意譯為“困乏,打盹,午睡”

例 You look tired, Bob. Why don't you lie down in the employee break room and take forty winks? 你看起來(lái)很疲憊,鮑勃。你干脆到員工休息室去小睡一會(huì)兒吧。

8. Take it away! * (電臺(tái)或電視臺(tái)用來(lái)開(kāi)始廣播或播放的信號(hào)語(yǔ))開(kāi)始播放

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:[馬上、立刻(away)]做

例 The band was introduced by Johnny Carson, who told them “Take it away, boys!” 約翰尼·卡森介紹了樂(lè)隊(duì)后,跟他們說(shuō):“開(kāi)始演奏吧,孩子們!”

9. take off after sb. or sth. / take out after *** 追趕,追捕

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[在后面(after)]把某人或某物帶[走(off)]

例 The police officer released his dog and it took off after the man who failed to heed the officer's calls for him to stop. 那個(gè)人沒(méi)有聽(tīng)從警察讓他停下的命令,于是警察放開(kāi)警犬來(lái)追捕他。

10. take off ** 休假,休息

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:從[職場(chǎng)、公司、辦公室(work)]帶[走(off)]

例 You want to take Friday off from work? No way!You've already missed three days of work this month. 你周五想要請(qǐng)假嗎?沒(méi)門(mén)!你這個(gè)月已經(jīng)有三個(gè)工作日沒(méi)上班了。

11. take off on sth. / launch forth on sth. / launch forth *** 提起某事,開(kāi)始議論

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[針對(duì)(on)]某事做[推進(jìn)(off)]

例 Don't mention politics when you're around Ted or he'll take off on the topic and talk and talk and talk! 你在跟泰德交談的時(shí)候不要談?wù)撜卧掝},否則他會(huì)從這個(gè)話題開(kāi)始不停地說(shuō)!

12. take part in sth. / take part ** 參與,參加

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某事中承擔(dān)[作用(part)]或與某事有[聯(lián)系、關(guān)系(part)]

例 Coach Daly urged us not to participate in sports exclusively, but to take part in as many of the other extracurricular activities as possible. 戴利教練要求我們不要只參加體育活動(dòng),而應(yīng)該盡可能多地參加其他課外活動(dòng)。

13. take 〔have〕 pity on sb. or sth. ** 憐憫,同情

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:對(duì)某人或某事做出[遺憾、憐憫、同情(pity)]的行為

例 He took pity on a beggar outside the hotel, and handed him a dollar bill each time he passed him. 他非常同情酒店外面的乞討者,每次經(jīng)過(guò)的時(shí)候都會(huì)給他一美元鈔票。

14. take sb. for sb. ** 將某人誤認(rèn)為某人

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:認(rèn)為某人是另外的某人

例 You must take me for an idiot if you think I'm going to believe the incredible story. 如果你覺(jué)得我會(huì)相信那個(gè)令人難以置信的故事的話,那你就是拿我當(dāng)白癡了。

15. take sb. in *** 欺騙

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某人拿[進(jìn)來(lái)(in)]

例 Louden was taken in by the bird's strong wings and beautiful call but he didn't have the money to buy it no matter how much he liked it. 勞登被那只鳥(niǎo)強(qiáng)壯的翅膀和優(yōu)美的叫聲吸引了進(jìn)來(lái)。盡管他非常喜歡它,但是沒(méi)有錢(qián)買(mǎi)。

16. take sb. or sth. apart / take apart sb. or sth. *** 拆分;粗暴對(duì)待

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:將某人作為[例外(apart)]或者[區(qū)分(apart)]對(duì)待;作“粗暴對(duì)待”講時(shí)是口語(yǔ)

例 Never take an appliance apart unless you unplug it first. 一定要在切斷電源之后再拆開(kāi)電器。

17. take sb. or sth. back / take back sb. or sth. *** 歸還;接回;取消,撤回

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:取[回(back)]某人或某物或者將某人或某物放在[后面(back)]

例 The U. S. government gave the Apache Indians the land, but took it back 50 years later. 美國(guó)政府給了阿帕切族印第安人這片土地,50年后又把它收回了。

The store can not take back undergarments or shoes that have been worn. 這家商店不同意顧客退回已穿過(guò)的內(nèi)衣或鞋子。

18. take sb. or sth. in / take in sb. or sth. *** 觀察到,注意到;留宿;吸收

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:將某人或某物拿[進(jìn)來(lái)(in)]

例 If you haven't taken in Johnson's latest movie Captured, you should go and see it this weekend. 如果你還沒(méi)有去看約翰遜的新電影《捕獲》,那最好這周末去看。

19. take sb. or sth. on / take on sb. or sth. *** 承擔(dān)(責(zé)任等);具有某種(性質(zhì)、特征等)

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[帶著或隨身攜帶(on)]某人或某物

例 Before I took on the responsibilities of this position, I asked myself, “Can I undertake this job with equanimity?” 在我接受這個(gè)職務(wù)之前,我問(wèn)自己:“我能夠淡定地接受這份工作嗎?”

20. take sb. out / take out sb. *** 帶某人出去(約會(huì))

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某人帶[出去(out)]

例 If you don't call Janet and take her out, I know a lot of other guys who want to have a date with her who will. 如果你不打電話給珍妮特約她出來(lái),我知道有很多人想要跟她約會(huì),而且他們會(huì)這么做。

21. take sth. out / take out sth. *** 除去,去掉;拿出,取出;消滅,摧毀

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某物拿[出去(out)]

例 There are 20 working days this month, taking out weekends and holidays. 除去周末和假日,本月還有20個(gè)工作日。

22. take sth. off / take off sth. / take off *** 拿掉,脫下;扣除;(飛機(jī))起飛

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:將某物拿[掉、走 (off)]

例 In some Asian countries it is custo-mary to take your shoes off before entering a home. 在某些亞洲國(guó)家,進(jìn)家門(mén)之前脫掉鞋子是一種風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣。

23. take a day off ** 一天不上班,休一天假

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:考慮[休息(off)]一天

例 I'm sorry, but Mr. Waters is not in the office today. He took a day off. Can I help you? 很抱歉,沃特斯先生今天不上班,他請(qǐng)假了。有什么可以幫您的嗎?

24. take the rap for sb. or sth. / take the rap * 承擔(dān)刑事責(zé)任,受責(zé)難

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:為了某人或某事而接受 [批評(píng)、懲罰、刑事上的責(zé)任(rap)];尤其用于犯罪方面

例 Rather than seeing his son go to jail, Smith confessed to the murder and took the rap for him. 史密斯不想眼睜睜看著自己的兒子進(jìn)監(jiān)獄,于是他承認(rèn)謀殺,替兒子背黑鍋。

25. take the starch out of sb. ** 使失去信心,使泄氣

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:拿走某人的[難為情、拘束、固執(zhí)、精力(starch)]

例 His failing grade on the mid-term exam surely took the starch out of arrogant Paul Smith, didn't it? 高傲的保羅·史密斯這次期中考試成績(jī)不及格肯定感到非常泄氣,對(duì)不對(duì)?

26. take to sb. or sth. *** 喜歡,被吸引

解 〈口〉短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:被某人或某物迷住

例 Much to our surprise, my dog and his cat took to each other and used to play around together in the back yard. 令我們吃驚的是,我家的狗和他家的貓喜歡上了對(duì)方,并且經(jīng)常在后院一起玩。

27. take turns at doing sth. / take turns doing sth. / take turns ** 依次,輪流

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:做[次序、順序、工作(時(shí)間)上的交換(turn)]

例 Since there is only one bicycle and four of us, I suggest we take turns riding it. 由于只有一輛自行車(chē),而我們有四個(gè)人,所以我建議我們輪流騎。

28. take up one's abode ** 扎根在某地生活,定居

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:某人[明確(up)]做決定在某處 [定居、居住(abode)];這是一種生硬的表達(dá)方法;take up表示確定(住處、居所)

例 Before you take up your abode in a rented apartment, let me show some houses you could afford to buy. 在你住進(jìn)租來(lái)的公寓之前,我先給你介紹幾棟你能買(mǎi)得起的房子吧。

29. take up with sb. *** 開(kāi)始與…交往

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:與某人一起向[上(up)]

例 At around the age of 14, Derrick took up with some older boys who were known to be involved in gangs and drugs. 大約14歲的時(shí)候,德里克開(kāi)始與一些年齡大的男孩子一起鬼混,據(jù)說(shuō)這些人涉及幫派和販毒活動(dòng)。


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