said he, "I set out for Egypt, to live there on the proceeds of their sale.
I was obliged by bad weather to put into Jidda, where I soon found myself in want of money.
I went to the bazaar, and inquired for a dealer in precious stones.
The richest, I was told, was Mansour; the most honest, Ali, the jeweler.
I applied to Ali.
"He welcomed me as a son, as soon as he learned that I had diamonds to sell, and carried me home with him.
He gained my confidence by every kind of attention, and advanced me all the money I needed.
One day, after dinner, at which wine was not wanting, he examined the diamonds, one by one, and said, "My child, these diamonds are of little value;
my coffers are full of such stones. The rocks of the desert furnish them by thousands."
To prove the truth of what he said, he opened a box, and, taking therefrom a diamond thrice as large as any of mine, gave it to the slave that was with me.
"What will become of me?" I cried; "I thought myself rich, and here I am, poor, and a stranger."