It means more than likely this is hunter's trap of some sort. 這應該是獵人設下的陷阱
And I've worked with hunters all around the world and this is very typical of what they would do. 我跟世界各地的獵人打過交道 這是獵人典型的手法
Leave them in this shape not only so they can find it again but also as a warning to other people if they're passing this way. 把石頭擺成這樣 一方面方便自己尋找 對過往的行人而言 也是一種警示
Let's see if we can just trigger this.Watch out. 看看咱們能不能觸發(fā)這個陷阱 小心
What happens is an animal will come along and tread in the middle of this. 假設一只小動物走來 踏進陷阱
It's gonna to be nasty.Big trap as well.The trap is tethered to the lengh of rope. 肯定會被夾的血肉模糊 好大的家伙 這個夾子后面栓著一根長繩
Finding something like this could be a real life saver.It's a little bit of weight to carry. 找到這樣的東西 對求生十分有利 這東西帶起來有點沉
But I've got threads of strings from this,good strong rope if we need it.Good find. 從這里面可以抽出一些細繩 真到了用的時候 這繩子也夠結實 找到好東西了
Much of this area is mesa a flat plateau shaped over millions of years. 這里多是平頂山 經千年風化逐漸形成平坦的高原
They tower high above the desert floor. 他們高出沙漠大一截
To find water, you must head down, following the canyons.Let's try up here. 為了找到水 你得順著峽谷往低處走 我們走上面試試
But this isn't easy terrain,and you're faced with a ticking-bomb scenario covering enough ground before the need for water reaches critical. 但是在這里行走并非易事 同時你還得和時間進行賽跑 你得在身體嚴重缺水之前 找到水源所在地
Oh, it's never easy, is it?It must be a good 60 foot straight down, this. 從來就沒有什么容易的事情這里起碼有60英尺高
Well, I do want some way of getting off this high ground. 我得找個辦法從離開這塊高地
Faced with a situation like this,you've got two choices--go back or find a way across.Okay, I've got an idea. 遇到這樣的情況 你有兩個選擇 原路返回 或者想辦法過去 我有主意了