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第27章 標點符號 27.3 用在句子當中的標點符號





27.3 用在句子當中的標點符號

27.3.1 逗號的主要用法


1) 同位語:

This is Li Ying, monitor of Class 4. 這是四班的班長李瑛。

People, old and young, all came out to greet the guests. 老老少少大家都出來歡迎客人。


We Chinese students find the use of prepositions especially difficult. 我們中國學生感到介詞特別難用。

2) 插入語:

That's a better solution, don't you think? 這是個比較好的解決辦法,你覺得呢?

This, I think, was mainly due to our lack of experience. 這個,我想,主要是由于我們?nèi)狈?jīng)驗的緣故。

Tell me, he said, "what did you think of the discussion?" “告訴我?”他說,“你覺得這次討論怎么樣?”


Well, I must be leaving. 嗯,我得走了。

Ouch! That hurt. 唉喲!真疼。

3) 以分詞短語或復合結(jié)構(gòu)表示的狀語:

Bored with his work, he thought of going home early. 他干煩了,想早點回家。

She walked slowly, stopping frequently to rest. 她慢慢走著,不時停下休息。

The day being fine, we decided to go swimming. 天氣很好,我們決定去游泳。


For the whole night she lay tossing in bed. 她在床上翻來覆去一夜沒睡著。

4) 放在句首或插在句子中間的狀語從句(或其省略形式):

When the bell rings, stop writing. 鈴響時就不要再寫了。

His response, when I questioned him, was a shake of his head. 我問他時,他的反應是搖搖頭。

This medicine, taken in time, can be very effective. 這種藥如果及時服用是很有效的。


If you like you may stay. 如果你愿意可以留下。

5) 放在句首或插在句子中間的某些其他形式的狀語:

To make a long story short, they smoothed away their misunderstanding and became good friends again. 總之,他們消除了誤會,重歸于好。

The date, however, hasn't been fixed. 但日期還沒有確定。

Your argument, in my opinion, is valid. 在我看來,你的論點是站得住的。

6) 非限制性定語從句:

That summer, she went to Wuhan, where her husband worked. 那年夏天她去了武漢,她丈夫在那里工作。

The weather may not be good enough tomorrow, in which case we'll have to put the trip off . 明天天氣可能不夠好,如果那樣我們就得延期再去。

27.3.2 逗號的其他用法

1) 逗號還可以用來連接一個句子中的平行成分,如:

a. 主語、表語或賓語:

Lao Wu, Xiao Lin and myself were all very enthusiastic about this idea. 老吳、小林和我自己都很支持這個意見。

The main products of the district are wool, cotton, timber and tung-oil.這個地區(qū)的主要產(chǎn)品是羊毛、棉花、木材和桐油。

She sent me some postcards, a few books, a pocket English dictionary and an album of pictures. 她寄給我一些明信片、幾本書、一本袖珍英文詞典和一本畫冊。

b. 定語:

We had a long, hard, but interesting journey. 我們做了一次勞累但很有意思的長途旅行。

He was a very lovable man, kind-hearted, easy to get along with and always ready to help others. 他是一個很可愛的人,心地善良,容易相處,總是樂于幫助別人。


You naughty little thing! 你這個調(diào)皮的小家伙!

c. 謂語或其他以動詞表示的成分:

He got up, washed, dressed and hurried to school. 他起床、洗臉、穿衣,然后匆忙趕往學校?!?

He was fond of skating, boating and playing football. 他喜歡溜冰、劃船和踢足球。

d. 狀語:

A group of young men were standing there, talking, laughing and teasing each other. 一群年輕人站在那里,又說又笑,互相取樂。

Please read slowly, loudly and clearly. 請慢慢地大聲清楚地朗讀。

e. 分句:

Everybody was surprised, and Shuzhen, after looking at her for a moment, went up and clasped her hand. 大家都很驚奇,淑貞看了一會兒之后走上前握住她的手。

Ann can't come, she is taking her exam now. 安不能來,她在考試。


2) 除此之外,逗號還可以用來:

a. 表示某些詞省略了(主要是在并列句中):

My room is on the second floor, and hers, on the third one. 我的房間在二層,她的房間在三層。

b. 表示任何需要停頓的地方:

This mistake can be, and should be, corrected. 這一錯誤可以也應該改正。

Whether or not she will come, I've no idea. 她究竟來不來我不知道。

c. 標寫日期和地址:

The conference is scheduled for the 3rd of July, 2000. 會議定于2000年7月3日召開。

My address is 707 Park Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94037. 我的地址是加州舊金山派克大道707號(郵區(qū)94037)。

27.3.3 分號的用法


1) 把兩個意思上有一定聯(lián)系的句子連在一起:

It was getting late;she must start back for the village. 時間不早了,她得動身回村了。

2) 連接兩個等立的分句,如果其中一個(或更多)里面含有逗號:

When I started, the sky was clear;but before I had gone two li, it began to rain. 我動身時天上明凈無云,但走了不到兩里路就開始下雨了。

27.3.4 冒號的用法


1) 列舉的東西前面:

There are in English two articles: the definite article and the indefinite article. 英語中有兩個冠詞,即定冠詞和不定冠詞。

A noun can be used as: 1) subject, 2) object, 3) predicative, 4) an attribute. 名詞可以用作:1)主語,2)賓語,3)表語,4)定語。

2) 引用的句子前面,特別是當這個句子比較長時:

Shakespeare said: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." 莎士比亞說“:既不要找人借錢,也不要借錢給人?”

3) 一個附加的解釋性的分句前面:

You can't count on him to help:he is such a busy man. 你不能指望他幫忙,他是這樣一位大忙人。


27.3.5 破折號的用法


1) 用在一個解釋性的分句或句子前面:

It's an environmental issue. —That's not a small matter. 這是個環(huán)境保護的問題,這不是一件小事。

How lucky the girls nowadays are! —They can go anywhere, say anything.今天的女孩子多幸福!她們哪兒都能去,什么話都能說。

2) 用在一個解釋性的插入語的前面和后面(相當于一個括號):

During my vacation—I must have been insane—I decided I would ski.假期中,我準是發(fā)瘋了,我決定去滑雪。

Then the proposals—both Xiao Yang's and mine—were adopted.后來兩個建議——小楊的和我的——都被采納了。

3) 用在一個引用的句子前面(代替一個冒號,或與分號一起用):

Uncle Wang laughingly answered—— "No, no;stay where you are." 王大叔笑著回答道:“不用了,不用了,你就待在你那兒?”

4) 表示意思的突然轉(zhuǎn)折:

And may I ask—said Xiao Wu;"but I guess it's better for you to ask him about it." “我可以問——?”小吳說;“不過我想還是你問他的好?”

5) 表示遲疑猶豫:

I—I—I rather think—maybe—Amy has taken it. “我——我——我想——或許——是艾米拿了?”

6) 總括前面列舉的若干東西:

New houses, larger schools, more sheep, more pigs and chickens, more horses and donkeys—everywhere we saw signs of prosperity. 新房子,擴建的學校,更多的羊、豬、雞,更多的馬和驢,到處我們都看到一片繁榮景象。

27.3.6 引號的用法

1) 引號主要用來表示中間包括的成分是引語:

Longfellow wrote, "Life is real! Life is earnest!" 朗費羅寫道,“生活是真實的!生活是嚴肅的?”

2) 也可用來加在書名、劇名這類東西的兩端:

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is a great novel. 托爾斯泰的《戰(zhàn)爭與和平》是一部偉大的小說。

Have you read Lao She's "Tea House"? 你讀過老舍的《茶館》嗎?


What's the difference between "differ" and "differentiate"? differ和differentiate有什么區(qū)別?


The teacher asked, "Who said,'Give me liberty or give me death'?"老師問道,“誰說‘不自由毋寧死’?”

27.3.7 括號的用法

1) 括號主要用來表示里面的東西是一個插入的或附加的解釋:

No article should be used in such cases. (cf. Chap. 1, Sec. 2) 在這種情況下不用冠詞。(參閱第1章第2節(jié))

Quotation marks may be single (‘’) or double (?”). 引號可以是單引號(‘’),也可以是雙引號(?”)。

2) 方括號可用來注音,如mine [ma?n],但現(xiàn)在用斜線的人越來越多了,如mine/ma?n/。


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