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第19章 主 語 19.4 there引導(dǎo)的句子





19.4 there引導(dǎo)的句子

19.4.1 there引導(dǎo)的句子

1) there引導(dǎo)的是一種特殊的句子,here放在句首好似主語,但真正的主語在后面,表示“有?”:

There is a rainbow in the sky. 天上有一道彩虹。



There's no problem. 沒問題。

There's a car coming. 有一輛車開過來了。

There's been a gentleman here asking to see you. 這兒有位先生要見你。

Sooner or later there'll be a big row. 遲早會大吵一場。


Are there many parks in the city? 城里公園多嗎?

Is there a car-park nearby? 附近有停車場嗎?

How many new words are there in the text? 這篇課文有多少生詞?

2) 通常動詞和主語保持一致:

There's a television in the sitting-room. 客廳里有一臺電視機。

There're six chairs round the table. 桌子周圍有六把椅子。

There're a number of swans on the lake. 湖上有許多天鵝。


There was a sofa and two armchairs. 有一張長沙發(fā)和兩張小沙發(fā)。

There is a boy and two girls dancing on the meadow. 草坪上有一個男孩和兩個女孩在跳舞。


There were one or two chaps there. 那兒有一兩個人。

In addition to her, there were Mr. and Mrs. Delby. 除了她,還有戴爾比夫婦。

19.4.2 there+動詞be

1) there引導(dǎo)的句子大部分都以be作謂語動詞,可用于各種時態(tài):

Where there's a will, there is a way.(諺)有志者事竟成。

There was little change in him. 他沒有什么變化。

There has been no rain today. 今天沒下雨。

There'll be a concert in the park tonight. 今晚公園里有一場音樂會。


There was thunder in the air. 天上在打雷。

Then there would be a plebiscite. 然后將舉行公民投票。

I hope there will be a change in the weather. 我希望天氣能變一變。

There was no wind that night. 那天夜里沒刮風(fēng)。

2) 在主語后面有時有修飾語:

There're ten people coming to dinner. 有十個人來吃晚飯。

There're a lot of difficulties facing us. 我們面前有很多困難。

There were many things to be done. 有許多事情需要做。

What was there to be afraid of ? 有什么可害怕的?

There are dozens of reasons why I must leave. 我有種種必須離職的理由。

3) there可和to be或being一道用:

You wouldn't want there to be another world war. 你不會希望再發(fā)生一次世界大戰(zhàn)吧。

Is it possible for there to be any more trouble? 還可能有更多的麻煩嗎?

Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem? 你希望開一次會來討論這個問題嗎?

I expect there to be no argument about this. 我預(yù)計對這一點不會有爭議。

I shall prefer there to be no discussion of such things. 我倒愿意大家別談這些事。

There being nothing else to do, we went home. 由于沒別的事要做,我們就回家了。

19.4.3 there+復(fù)合謂語

1) there后面可跟由情態(tài)動詞和be構(gòu)成的復(fù)合謂語:

There may be another demonstration tonight. 今晚可能又有一次示威游行。

There must be something wrong with it. 里面準有問題。

There could be no doubt that he was the best novelist alive. 毫無疑問,他是在世的最優(yōu)秀的小說家。

There might still be hope. 可能還有希望。

There ought to be a comma here. 這兒應(yīng)當(dāng)有一個逗號。

There shouldn't be any doubt about it. 對此不應(yīng)有什么懷疑。

2) 謂語也可能是由不定式構(gòu)成的復(fù)合謂語:

Is there going to be any activity tonight? 今晚有什么活動嗎?

There used to be a cinema here. 過去這兒有一家電影院。

There's sure to be a restaurant around. 附近一定有餐館。

There are bound to be controversial questions. 準會有些有爭議的問題。

There seems to be something the matter with her. 她似乎有些問題。

There appeared to be a war between his heart and his mind. 他的情感和理智之間似乎有一場斗爭。

19.4.4 there+不及物動詞

1) there后面有時可跟別的動詞(通常為不及物動詞):

Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman on the island. 很久以前,島上住著一位漁夫。

There followed a flood of indignation in the newspapers. 隨后報紙發(fā)出一片憤怒的聲音。

There came a knock at the door. 有人敲門。

In 1859,there came about a war between the two countries. 1859年兩國間發(fā)生了一場戰(zhàn)爭。

There remained just fifty dollars. 只剩五十美元了。

Hence there has arisen the agrarian question. 因此產(chǎn)生了土地問題。

2) 有時狀語放在前頭(a)或插在主語和謂語之間(b):

a. At the top of the hill there stands an old temple. 山頂上有一座古廟。

In recent years, there has been produced more food than the country needs. 最近幾年生產(chǎn)的糧食超過了國家的需要。

In the distance there was heard again the lowing of the cattle. 遠處又傳來牛叫聲。

b. One night there flew over the city a little swallow. 有天夜里,一只小燕子從城市上空掠過。

There sprang from the audience a cry of indignation. 聽眾中突然發(fā)出一陣憤怒的吼聲。


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