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第12章 非謂語動(dòng)詞 12.1 不定式的用法





12.1 不定式的用法

12.1.1 概說

1) 不定式有兩種,即帶to的不定式(a)和不帶to的不定式(b):

a. I've come to seek your advice. 我是來向你求教的。

b. What you said made me think. 你的話使我深思。

不帶to的不定式和動(dòng)詞原形相同,有人稱作光禿不定式(Bare Infinitive),不過在大多數(shù)情況下不定式都帶to。

2) 不定式在句中可充當(dāng)許多成分:

a. 構(gòu)成謂語:

He seems to be in good health. 他似乎身體很好。

b. 作主語:

To know everything is to know nothing. 事事皆懂,無一精通。

c. 作賓語:

I hope to be back in a couple of days. 我希望兩三天就回來。

d. 構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語:

She wanted this meeting to be a successful one. 她希望這次會(huì)議成功。

e. 作定語:

Do you have anything to say? 你有什么話要說嗎?

f. 作狀語:

I was delighted to receive your letter. 我很高興接到你的來信。

g. 作表語:

My duty is to get you away, to save you. 我的職責(zé)是幫你逃走,是要救你。

3) 不定式畢竟還是動(dòng)詞,因而也具有動(dòng)詞的某些特點(diǎn),如:

a. 可以有自己的賓語:

They asked to see my passport. 他們要求查驗(yàn)我的護(hù)照。

b. 可以有自己的狀語:

She told me to go home. 她要我回家。


4) 不定式有一些不同形式:

5) 不定式雖然不能有自己的主語,但在意思上仍有履行這動(dòng)作的人或物,稱為邏輯主語(Logical Subject)。下面句中的黑體詞就是不定式的邏輯主語:

She taught me to read. 她教我認(rèn)字。(我認(rèn)字)

I'll be glad to help you. 我將樂于幫助你。(我將幫助你)


She was sent there to be trained as an astronaut. 她被派到那里接受宇航員的訓(xùn)練。


The simplest thing is for him to resign. 最簡(jiǎn)單的辦法就是他辭職。

12.1.2 不定式構(gòu)成謂語


1) 不帶to的不定式和某些助動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成謂語:

Will you please call back again in a little while? 請(qǐng)過一會(huì)兒再打電話來好嗎?

Shall I help you? 要不要我?guī)湍悖?

Would you like me to interpret for you? 要不要我來給你當(dāng)翻譯?

I'll be back right away. 我馬上就回來。

He won't tell me his address. 他不肯告訴我他的地址。

I should think so. 我想是這樣的。

2) 不帶to的不定式和情態(tài)動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成謂語:

We must keep this in mind. 我們必須記住這一點(diǎn)。

How can we convince him? 我們?cè)鯓硬拍苁顾嘈牛?

She might not like the idea. 她可能不贊成這個(gè)想法。

We needn't wait for him. 我們不必等他了。

How dare you call me a liar? 你怎么竟敢說我是撒謊者?

We'd better wait and see. 我們最好等著瞧。

3) 不定式和某些動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成謂語:

How are you going to solve the problem? 你準(zhǔn)備怎樣解決這個(gè)問題?

What time is the plane to take off ? 飛機(jī)什么時(shí)候起飛?

You ought to be prepared for the worst. 你必須準(zhǔn)備應(yīng)付最壞的情況。

We have (got) to be cautious. 我們必須慎重行事。

I'm sorry I haven't been able to do much. 抱歉我沒能多幫忙。

We used to work in the same department. 我們過去在一個(gè)部門工作。

She happened to live in the same area. 她碰巧住在同一個(gè)地區(qū)。

How did you get to know all this? 這一切你是怎么知道的?

He seemed to be doing all right. 他似乎情況不錯(cuò)。

You appear to have travelled a lot. 你好像走過很多地方。

4) 不定式和某些形容詞構(gòu)成復(fù)合謂語:

The plan is bound to succeed. 這計(jì)劃一定會(huì)成功。

Madame is sure to be right. 夫人肯定是對(duì)的。

He is certain to return. 他一定會(huì)回來。

He is much more likely to be in Spain. 他更可能在西班牙。

He is unlikely to arrive before 1:00 p.m. 他下午一點(diǎn)前到達(dá)的可能性不大。

He was apt to become excited. 他很容易激動(dòng)。

The talk is due to start on Monday. 會(huì)談定于星期一開始。

5) 不定式和某些被動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)成復(fù)合謂語:

He is said to have been in China many times. 據(jù)說他曾多次到過中國。

Another spaceship is believed to have landed on Mars. 據(jù)信又有一艘宇宙飛船在火星上著陸了。

This was thought to be impossible. 過去這被認(rèn)為是不可能的。

His situation was considered to be dangerous. 他的處境被認(rèn)為是很危險(xiǎn)的。

He is known to be a great artist. 大家都知道他是一位偉大的畫家。

You are not supposed to know that. 你不應(yīng)當(dāng)知道此事。

The situation there is reported to be deteriorating. 據(jù)報(bào)導(dǎo)那里的形勢(shì)正在惡化。

You are expected to speak at the meeting. 大家期待你在會(huì)上發(fā)言。

12.1.3 不定式作主語


To compromise appears advisable. 妥協(xié)似乎是明智的。

To lean out of the window is dangerous. 把頭伸出窗外是危險(xiǎn)的。

To stop the work now seems impossible. 現(xiàn)在把這工作停下來似乎已不可能。

To ignore this might have serious consequences. 忽略這一點(diǎn)可能會(huì)有嚴(yán)重后果。

To err is human, to forgive, divine. (諺)犯錯(cuò)誤人皆難免,寬恕才難能可貴。


1) It + be+形容詞+不定式(斜體部分為真正的主語):

It's hard (difficult) to say which is better. 很難說哪個(gè)更好。

It's foolish (silly) to act like that. 這樣做是愚蠢的。

Is it easy to learn a foreign language? 學(xué)外語容易嗎?

It is not necessary to do all these exercises. 沒有必要做所有這些練習(xí)。

It's impossible to finish the job in one day. 一天完成這項(xiàng)工作是不可能的。

It's so good (nice) to talk to you. 和你談話真好。

It isn't right to waste so much money on it. 在這上面白花這么多錢是不對(duì)的。

It is essential (important) to know all the facts. 掌握所有事實(shí)至關(guān)重要。

It's still possible to catch the train. 還有可能趕上火車。

It's advisable to revise the plan. 修改計(jì)劃是明智的。

It is wrong to steal. 偷竊是錯(cuò)誤的。

2) It+be+名詞+不定式:

It's an honour to meet you. 見到你很榮幸。

It's our duty to obey the law. 遵守法律是我們的責(zé)任。

I think it's a pity to waste so much money. 我想浪費(fèi)這么多錢是很遺憾的。

It's my privilege to serve you. 為你服務(wù)是我難得的機(jī)會(huì)。

It was great fun to have a picnic there. 在那里野餐很有意思。

It's a good habit to eat slowly. 細(xì)嚼慢咽是好習(xí)慣。

It's a shame to deceive your friends. 騙你自己的朋友是很可恥的。

It's a great pleasure to work with you. 和你們一起工作非常愉快。

It's my wish to do something for the public. 為公眾做些事是我的愿望。

3) It +動(dòng)詞(賓語)+不定式:

It cost a lot of money to build this museum. 蓋這座博物館花了很多錢。

How long does it take to fly across the Pacific Ocean? 飛渡太平洋要多少時(shí)間?

It requires patience to be a teacher. 當(dāng)老師要有耐心。

It amused me to hear these jokes. 聽到這些笑話我很開心。

It would take ages to really master a language. 要真正掌握一種語言需要花很長時(shí)間。

It amazed me to hear that you were leaving. 聽說你要走了我很驚訝。

It takes two to make a quarrel. (諺)吵架要有兩個(gè)人。

It made us very angry to hear him talk like that. 聽他這樣講話讓我們很生氣。

It feels good to be out here for a while. 出來在這待一會(huì)兒是挺愜意的。

What harm can it do to give advice? 給人出主意有什么不好?

4) It+be+介詞短語+不定式:

It's against my principles to collaborate with them. 和他們合作違反我的原則。

It's beyond me to explain these. 要解釋這些我力所不及。

It's not within my power to change his view. 要改變他的觀點(diǎn)非我所能。

It would be beneath him to accept such a job. 接受這份工作會(huì)有失他的身份。

It is just like you to be always ready to help a friend. 隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備幫助朋友正是你的本色。

12.1.4 不定式作賓語

1) 不定式作賓語時(shí)特別多,許多動(dòng)詞都可跟這種賓語:

He agreed to pay$4,000 for the car. 他同意出四千美元買這輛車。

They failed to fulfil the plan. 他們沒能完成計(jì)劃。

We managed to put the fire out. 我們終于把火撲滅了。

They are preparing to build a freeway between the two cities. 他們正準(zhǔn)備在兩座城市之間建一條高速公路。

She preferred to stay behind. 她寧愿留下。

The soldiers refused to surrender. 士兵們拒不投降。

She volunteered to go and work in the northwest. 她志愿到西北地區(qū)工作。

We can't afford to stay at a five-star hotel. 我們住不起五星級(jí)酒店。

Don't bother (trouble) to answer the letter personally. 不必費(fèi)事親自回信。

You must learn to look after yourself. 你必須學(xué)著照顧自己。


2) 不定式有時(shí)和一連接代(副)詞一道構(gòu)成賓語:

He discovered how to open the safe. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)了開保險(xiǎn)箱的方法。

I'll ask him how to operate the machine. 我來問他怎樣開這機(jī)器。

She showed me which button to press. 她教我按哪個(gè)按鈕。

She couldn't think what to say. 她想不出該說什么。

He taught me how to swim. 他教我怎樣游泳。

Have you decided what to do next? 下一步干什么你決定了嗎?

You must learn how to be patient. 你必須學(xué)會(huì)怎樣保持耐心。

We have to find out where to buy food cheaply. 我們得打聽一下哪里能買到便宜食品。

Do you remember which way to get there? 你記得到那里怎樣走嗎?

I forgot how to say it in English. 我忘了這話英語怎么說了。

He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. 他感到啼笑皆非。

She wondered whether to turn left or right. 她不知道該向左拐還是向右拐。

3) 間或還可用這種結(jié)構(gòu)作介詞賓語:

He wrote a book on how to protect the environment. 他寫了一本關(guān)于環(huán)保的書。

They were worried about how to find the necessary equipment. 他們?yōu)槿绾握业剿柙O(shè)備而發(fā)愁。

Then there is the problem of what courses to offer. 接著就是開些什么課程的問題。

We also had a discussion about what investments to make. 我們還討論了應(yīng)作哪些投資。

4) 偶爾可使用一個(gè)先行詞it作形式上的賓語,而把不定式轉(zhuǎn)放到句子后部去:

I have long had it in mind to answer your letter. 好久以來我一直想回你的信。

She took it on herself to apologize to me. 她親自來向我道歉。

12.1.5 用不定式構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語

1) 許多動(dòng)詞可跟一個(gè)由“名詞(代詞)+不定式”構(gòu)成的復(fù)合賓語:

I asked George to convey my best wishes to his mother. 我請(qǐng)喬治向他母親問好。

My boss told me to type out two letters. 我的老板讓我打兩封信。

He likes (wants) the students to eat well. 他愿意學(xué)生們吃得好。

He begged her to forgive him. 他懇求她寬恕他。

I expected him to arrive on Saturday. 我估計(jì)他星期六到達(dá)。

She encouraged me to try again. 她鼓勵(lì)我再試一次。

They forbade her to leave the country. 他們禁止她出境。

They persuaded him to give up smoking. 他們勸他戒了煙。

They are training these dogs to sniff out drugs. 他們?cè)谟?xùn)練這些犬嗅出毒品。

These glasses enable me to see better. 這副眼鏡能使我看得清楚一些。

Please remind me to post this letter. 請(qǐng)?zhí)嵝盐野l(fā)這封信。□


2) 有些動(dòng)詞可跟帶有to be的復(fù)合賓語,如:

I consider him to be the best candidate. 我認(rèn)為他是最佳候選人。

I supposed him to be away from home. 我想他不在家。

They believed these principles to be universally true. 他們認(rèn)為這些原則是普遍適用的。

They declared it to be a province of Morocco. 他們宣布這是摩洛哥的一個(gè)省。

We discovered him to be quite untrustworthy .我們發(fā)現(xiàn)他很不可信賴。

He felt that to be the highest praise. 他感到這是最高的贊美。

She found the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful. 她發(fā)現(xiàn)中國人非常幸福愉快。

He judged them to be the best work he had yet done. 他認(rèn)為它們是他迄今寫的最好作品。

I know him to be a liar. 我知道他是個(gè)愛說謊的人。

We have shown the story to be false. 我們已表明這種說法是不真實(shí)的。


His record shows him to have worked hard at school. 他的成績(jī)單表明他上學(xué)時(shí)很勤奮。

I considered him to have acted disgracefully. 我認(rèn)為他的表現(xiàn)很可恥。

I judge them to have finished. 我估計(jì)他們已經(jīng)干完了。

They knew the man to have been a spy. 他們知道那人過去當(dāng)過間諜。

They believed him to be hiding somewhere. 他們認(rèn)為他躲在什么地方。

3) 跟復(fù)合賓語的動(dòng)詞有時(shí)可用于被動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu),這時(shí)可說形成一種復(fù)合謂語:

She was told to wait at the door. 他們讓她在門口等著。

You are not expected to work such long hours. 并不指望你工作這么長時(shí)間。

This vase is estimated to be 2,000 years old. 這花瓶估計(jì)已有兩千年的歷史。

He is known to be honest. 大家知道他是誠實(shí)的。

He was thought to be a great novelist. 他被認(rèn)為是一位偉大的小說家。

He was asked to testify in Congress. 他被請(qǐng)到國會(huì)作證。

He was warned not to go there. 有人警告他不要去那里。

They were forced to pay heavy taxes. 他們被迫交納重稅。

She was forbidden to stay out after midnight. 禁止她午夜后在外逗留。

They were not allowed to form secret societies. 不允許他們秘密結(jié)社。


He was known to have worked for the French. 大家知道他曾給法國人干過事。

They are believed to have found a cure for cancer. 據(jù)信他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種治療癌癥的方法。

He was rumoured to have married a widow. 謠傳他和一個(gè)寡婦結(jié)了婚。

He is said to have won another gold medal. 據(jù)說他又獲得一枚金牌。

The allied forces were reported to be pushing towards Berlin. 據(jù)報(bào)導(dǎo)盟軍正在向柏林推進(jìn)。

They were thought to be hiding in the woods. 人們認(rèn)為他們躲在樹林里。

He is supposed to be washing the car. 此刻他應(yīng)當(dāng)在洗車。

She is believed to be living in Tokyo. 據(jù)信她現(xiàn)在住在東京。

4) 有些動(dòng)詞可跟由不帶to的不定式構(gòu)成的復(fù)合賓語:

Did you see anyone enter the house? 你看見什么人進(jìn)屋了嗎?

I heard her lock the door. 我聽見她鎖門了。

She won't let me do it. 她不讓我做這事。

He made me move the car. 他讓我把車移動(dòng)一下。

We watched the children skip rope. 我們看孩子們跳繩。

Did you notice a man come in? 你注意到有個(gè)人進(jìn)來嗎?

I won't have him cheat me like that. 我不會(huì)讓他這樣騙我。

I felt something crawl(ing) up my arm. 我感到有東西順著我手臂往上爬。


A child was seen to enter the building. 有人看見一個(gè)孩子進(jìn)了大樓。

She was often heard to sing this song. 人們常常聽見她唱這首歌。

He was often made to recite poems in class. 老師經(jīng)常讓他在課堂上背誦詩句。

在listen to和look at后面也可跟這種結(jié)構(gòu):

He listened to us retell stories. 他聽我們復(fù)述故事。

Look at the girls dance! 瞧那些女孩子跳舞!


I'll help you (to) push the cart. 我來幫你推車。

You'll be helped to fulfil the task. 有人將幫助你完成這項(xiàng)任務(wù)。

5) 有些“動(dòng)詞+介詞”結(jié)構(gòu)后也可跟由不定式構(gòu)成的復(fù)合賓語:

He shouted to me to come over. 他喊我過去。

She appealed to women to participate in the struggle. 她呼吁婦女參加這一斗爭(zhēng)。

The teacher called on me to answer this question. 老師叫我回答這個(gè)問題。

He pleaded with her to go back. 他懇求她回去。

She longed for him to ask her out. 她希望他邀她外出。

I am counting on you to help me through. 我指望你幫我度過難關(guān)。

He relied on his subordinate to prepare the report. 他依靠他的下屬來準(zhǔn)備這份報(bào)告。

I depend on you to do it. 我指靠你來辦這事。

We hope to prevail upon her to attend the concert. 我們希望勸動(dòng)她來聽音樂會(huì)。

She wouldn't care for the man to be her husband. 她不愿意那個(gè)男人當(dāng)她的丈夫。

He waited for it to be light. 她等著天亮。

6) 某些動(dòng)詞后可跟先行詞it,借此把構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語的不定式放在后部:

I find it easy to get on with Jim. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)和吉姆相處很容易。

He thought it best to be on his guard. 他認(rèn)為最好小心提防。

The judge deemed it inadvisable to hear the appeal. 法官認(rèn)為聽取這個(gè)上訴不明智。

All this made it hard for her to make a decision. 這一切使她難于作出決定。

He didn't feel it necessary to mention this to her. 他感到?jīng)]有必要向她提及此事。

She regarded it as important to win the competition. 她認(rèn)為贏得這場(chǎng)比賽很重要。

Do you think it worthwhile to visit him? 你認(rèn)為拜訪他值得嗎?

We don't consider it possible to set back the clock of history. 我們認(rèn)為要使歷史的時(shí)針倒轉(zhuǎn)是不可能的。

We consider it our duty to safeguard world peace. 我們認(rèn)為保衛(wèi)世界和平是我們的職責(zé)。

He made it a rule to walk two miles a day. 他規(guī)定自己每天走兩英里路。

12.1.6 不定式作定語

1) 不定式??捎脕硇揎椧粯?xùn)|西:

We have a lot of things to do today. 今天我們有很多事要做。

Do you have any suggestions to offer? 你有什么建議要提嗎?

I've got two letters to write tonight. 今晚我有兩封信要寫。

He made a device to make the door shut by itself. 他制作了一個(gè)讓門自動(dòng)關(guān)閉的裝置。

Would you like something to drink? 你想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎?

It's a difficult question to answer. 這是個(gè)難以回答的問題。

Please give me a book to read. 請(qǐng)給我一本書看。

I'll find you something to eat. 我來給你找點(diǎn)東西吃。

I want a machine to answer the phone. 我要一臺(tái)電話答錄機(jī)。

This is not the right attitude to take. 這不是應(yīng)當(dāng)采取的正確態(tài)度。

It seems to be the only thing to do. 這似乎是唯一可做的事。

We were looking for somewhere to live. 我們?cè)谡乙粋€(gè)地方住。

I need a case to keep my compact discs. 我需要一個(gè)盒子裝我的激光唱盤。

There is plenty to do here. 這兒有很多事要做。


There are a lot of things to be done. 有很多事要做。

He is dead. There's nothing to be done now. 他人已死了,無法可想了。

Where are the things to be taken to her? 要帶給她的東西在哪里?

On which page is the question to be answered? 要回答的問題在哪一頁?

Are you going to the banquet to be given at the consulate? 你準(zhǔn)備參加領(lǐng)事館舉行的宴會(huì)嗎?

2) 不定式還可用來修飾人:

He was the first guest to arrive. 他是第一個(gè)到達(dá)的客人。

He was the second man to hear the news. 他是第二個(gè)聽到這消息的人。

She was the only one to survive the crash. 她是這次空難中唯一的幸存者。

I want someone to talk to. 我想找個(gè)人交談。

Miss Brown was the next person to rise to speak. 布朗小姐是下一個(gè)起來發(fā)言的人。

He is not a man to bow before difficulties. 他不是一個(gè)向困難低頭的人。

You're the right person to do this job. 你是做這工作的合適人選。

We need twenty more people to work in the boat. 我們還需要二十個(gè)人在船上工作。

You're the only person to complain. 你是唯一抱怨的人。

He was a brave man to do what he did. 他是個(gè)勇者才有這樣的作為。不定式有時(shí)需用被動(dòng)形式:

She was the first person to be awarded this prize. 她是第一個(gè)獲得這獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)的人。

He was the second man to be killed this way. 他是第二個(gè)這樣被殺害的人。

She will be a suitable person to be given this job. 她是適合給予這項(xiàng)工作的人。

He was the only foreigner to be given such an honour. 他是唯一被授予這項(xiàng)榮譽(yù)的外國人。

3) 在不少名詞后可用不定式作定語:

It's time to go to bed. 該睡覺了。

There's no reason to doubt his word. 沒有理由懷疑他的話。

I haven't had a chance to think yet. 我還沒有機(jī)會(huì)思考。

They have now an opportunity to air their views. 現(xiàn)在他們有機(jī)會(huì)發(fā)表各自的看法了。

To scare a bird is not the way to catch it. (諺)嚇唬鳥兒不是捕鳥的法子。

There is no need to worry at all. 根本用不著擔(dān)心。

His efforts to get her back were vain. 他爭(zhēng)取她回來的努力都白費(fèi)了。

Jane expressed a wish to earn her own living. 簡(jiǎn)表示愿意自謀生計(jì)。

He has a tendency to forget things. 他容易忘事。

I have a right to know. 我有權(quán)知道。

He has a burning ambition to become famous. 他一心想成名。

4) 有些名詞的同根詞常跟不定式,因而它也常跟不定式作定語:

I don't trust his promise to come for a visit. 我不相信他來訪的諾言。

(比較:He promised to come for a visit.)

He said he had no plans to increase taxes. 他說他沒有要增稅的計(jì)劃。

(比較:He didn't plan to increase taxes.)

He made an attempt to stand up. 他試圖站起來。

(比較:He attempted to stand up.)

Their offer to assist in the work was not taken seriously. 他們提出協(xié)助這項(xiàng)工作并未受到認(rèn)真對(duì)待。

(比較:They offered to assist in the work.)

His decision to resign was welcomed by the Opposition. 他辭職的決定受到反對(duì)黨的歡迎。

(比較:He decided to resign.)

She persisted in her refusal to go home. 她堅(jiān)持不肯回家。

(比較:She refused to go home.)

His failure to answer questions made the police suspicious. 他答不出問題使警察產(chǎn)生懷疑。

(比較:He failed to answer questions.)

His ability to get on with people is his chief asset. 他能和人相處是他主要的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。

(比較:He is able to get on with people.)

Her anxiety to succeed led her to work hard. 她迫切想成功,這促使她努力工作。

(比較:She was anxious to succeed.)

I was surprised at his eagerness to return. 他急切想回去使我感到驚訝。

(比較:He was eager to return.)

In February they announced their willingness to send delegates to the conference. 二月里他們宣布愿意派代表參加會(huì)議。

(比較:They were willing to send delegates to the conference.)

They showed a surprising readiness to accept the proposal. 他們表示樂意接受這個(gè)建議,這一舉動(dòng)令人吃驚。

(比較:They were ready to accept the proposal.)

5) 有時(shí)一個(gè)不定式(短語)的作用接近于一個(gè)定語從句(大多表示要發(fā)生的事):

That will be the right procedure to follow (=you should follow). 這將是應(yīng)遵循的正當(dāng)程序。

Soup, and then steak to follow, please. 請(qǐng)先上湯,然后上牛排。

She was quiet for days to come. 此后許多天她都沉默無語。

That would be a rash step to take. 那可能是一個(gè)魯莽的舉動(dòng)。

They were invited to the dance to take place after the wedding. 他們被邀參加婚禮后的舞會(huì)。

Are you going to the banquet to be held on Friday at the embassy? 你要去參加星期五在大使館舉行的宴會(huì)嗎?


She must have time in which to pack. 她必須有時(shí)間收拾行李。

They would raise some money with which to buy medicines. 他們將籌集一些錢購買藥品。

He also had a revolver with which to defend himself. 他還有一把防身用的左輪手搶。

He only had long nights in which to study. 他只有漫漫長夜可用來學(xué)習(xí)。在個(gè)別名詞后可用不定式作同位語(說明前面這個(gè)詞的內(nèi)容):

Then came the order to evacuate the city. 接著傳來撤出城市的命令。

They had received instructions to watch him. 他們接到指示要監(jiān)視他。

12.1.7 不定式作狀語


1) 用于“be+形容詞+不定式式”這種結(jié)構(gòu):

a. be+表示情緒的形容詞+不定式:

She was eager to see her friends. 她急于見到她的朋友們。

I am afraid to tell her. 我很害怕告訴她。

I was sorry to hear that you were ill. 聽說你病了我很難過。

Helen was pleased to see him. 海倫見到他很高興。

I'm proud to be a Chinese. 我為自己是個(gè)中國人而驕傲。

She was surprised to see George walk in. 她驚訝地看到喬治走進(jìn)來。

He was very disappointed to hear it. 聽了這話他感到很失望。

I'm ashamed to have to trouble you. 我很慚愧不得不麻煩你。

She was keen to go. 她非常想去。

I shall be glad to help you find a new job. 我將樂于幫你找一份新工作。

b. be+表示狀態(tài)的形容詞+不定式:

I'm not ready to go back to work yet. 我還不準(zhǔn)備回去上班。

Gray was prepared to leave the country. 格蕾已準(zhǔn)備好出境。

He was determined to teach them a lesson. 他決心給他們一個(gè)教訓(xùn)。

She was careful to make no observation. 她很謹(jǐn)慎,不作任何評(píng)論。

He was quick to offer his counter-proposal. 他迅速提出反建議。

He was curious to know what was happening in the office. 他好奇地想知道辦公室里發(fā)生的事。

She's not fit to live by herself. 她不適合一個(gè)人住。

She was free to go where she liked. 她想去哪里就可以去哪里。

He was lucky to find such a good job. 他很幸運(yùn)找到這樣好的工作。

c. be+表示品質(zhì)等的形容詞+不定式:

He was brave to act like that. 他這樣做很勇敢。

You were right to do what you did. 你這樣做是對(duì)的。

I was wrong to speak to her about it. 我和她談及此事是錯(cuò)誤的。

You were foolish to act like that. 你這樣做很愚蠢。

He was generous to give you so much money. 他很大方,給你這么多錢。

She's interesting to talk to. 和她談話很有意思。

He was amusing to be with. 和他在一起很有趣。

Rosa will be easy to deal with. 羅莎會(huì)很容易對(duì)付。

She was hard (difficult) to convince. 她很難說服。


The fruit is not fit to eat. 這種果子不宜食用。

Its seeds are particularly good to eat. 它結(jié)的籽特別好吃。

Polyester is easy to iron. 滌綸很容易熨燙。

Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你認(rèn)為這水喝起來安全嗎?

The question is difficult to answer. 這問題很難回答。

2) 不定式可用作狀語,表示目的(a)、原因(b)、結(jié)果(c)等:

a. A friend of mine came to see me last night. 昨晚有個(gè)朋友來看我。

A gentleman stopped to talk to me. 一位先生停下來和我談話。

We slept together to keep warm. 我們睡在一起以保持暖和。

To do good work, one must have the proper tools. 要干出像樣的活得有合適的工具。

As if to remind him, the church clock struck eleven. 仿佛是要提醒他,教堂的鐘敲了十一點(diǎn)。

b. I rejoice to hear that you are well again. 聽說你痊愈了我很高興。

She shuddered to think of those days. 想到那些歲月她不寒而栗。

We jumped with joy to hear it. 聽到這消息我們都高興得跳了起來。

To hear him talk in that manner, you would think he's a foreigner. 聽他這樣講話你會(huì)以為他是外國人。

c. What have I said to make you so angry? 我說了什么話使你這樣生氣?

The curtains parted, to reveal a market scene. 帷幕拉開,露出一個(gè)集市的場(chǎng)景。

He left, never to return. 他走了,再也沒回來。

She lived to be 100. 她活到了一百歲。

3) 在許多句型中可用不定式作狀語:

He was so careless as to leave his car unlocked. 他如此粗心大意,車門都沒鎖就走了。

Would you be so good as to forward my letters to me? 勞駕把我的信轉(zhuǎn)給我好嗎?

Go in quietly so as not to wake the baby. 悄悄進(jìn)去,別把寶寶吵醒。

He had sacrificed so much in order to avoid pain. 他犧牲這么大為的是避免痛苦。

His behavior is such as to make his friends angry. 他這樣的行為惹惱了他的朋友們。

Would you be good enough to close the door? 可否勞駕關(guān)門?

She isn't old enough to travel by herself. 她年紀(jì)尚小,不能獨(dú)自去旅行。

You are too young to understand. 你太年輕不能理解。

It was too late to do anything now. 現(xiàn)在做什么都已為時(shí)太晚。

4) 有些不定式可用來修飾整個(gè)句子,因而可以稱作句子狀語(Sentence Adverbial):

To be honest, I just don't like him. 說實(shí)話,我就是不喜歡他。

To be fair (to him), he wasn't entirely to blame. 說良心話,不能全怪他。

To tell you the truth, I've never met him. 說真的,我從來沒見過他。

To be frank, you're a bad driver, 坦率地說,你開車技術(shù)不行。

To cut a long story short, we said, "No!" 長話短說,我們回絕了。

He's a nice person, to be sure. 毫無疑問,他是一個(gè)好人。

To put it in another way, she was sweet-tempered. 換句話說,她脾氣非常好。

To begin with, it's too cold. Besides, we've no money. 首先,天太冷;再者我們也沒有錢。

12.1.8 不定式作表語

1) 不定式有時(shí)可用作表語,說明主語的具體內(nèi)容:

Her ambition was to be a film star. 她的志向是當(dāng)電影明星。

Our aim is to make the students' speech comprehensible. 我們的目標(biāo)是讓學(xué)生講的話能被人聽懂。

Mary's task is to set the table. 瑪麗的任務(wù)是擺桌子。

His goal is to be a scientist. 他的目標(biāo)是當(dāng)科學(xué)家。

My only wish is to do something for the public. 我唯一的愿望是為公眾做些事。

The first step will be to get a job in some office. 第一步就是找一份辦公室的工作。

The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new captain. 這次會(huì)議的目的是選一名新隊(duì)長。

Your mistake was to sign that letter. 你的錯(cuò)誤是簽署了那封信。

2) 不定式作表語還可表示其他東西(如目的等):

This wall is to keep people out of the garden. 這堵墻為的是不讓人到花園里來。

The thing now is to get ahead. 當(dāng)務(wù)之急是要取得進(jìn)展。

The problem was to find the right people for the job. 問題是要找到合適的人來干這工作。

The point is to win at any cost. 要緊的是不惜一切代價(jià)取得勝利。

The important thing is not to wrong any person. 重要的是不要冤枉任何人。

All you have to do is to listen. 你只要聽著就行了。

My plan was to go from Cornwall to Glasgow. 我的計(jì)劃是從康沃爾到格拉斯哥。

12.1.9 不定式的完成形式、進(jìn)行形式和被動(dòng)形式

1) 不定式的完成形式:


a. I happened to have been there once. 我碰巧到過那里一次。

She seemed to have lost her patience. 她似乎已失去耐心。

You are supposed (ought) to have heard of it. 你應(yīng)該已聽說此事。

b. What a mistake it is to have come here! 來了這里是個(gè)多大的錯(cuò)呀!

It would have been amusing to have joined them. 參加了他們的活動(dòng)會(huì)很有意思的。

It was my intention to have stopped there. 在那里停下來是我本來的意圖。

c. They claimed to have shot down five planes. 他們聲稱打下了五架敵機(jī)。

She pretended not to have seen him. 她假裝沒看見他。

I remember to have told you about it. 我記得告訴過你這件事。

d. I am sorry to have given you so much trouble. 對(duì)不起給了你這么多麻煩。

He was pleased to have made your acquaintance. 他很高興認(rèn)識(shí)了你。

He felt ashamed to have done such a thing. 他做了這樣的事感到很慚愧。

e. He was known to have worked for the International Olympic Committee. 大家知道他曾為國際奧委會(huì)工作過。

They are believed to have discussed the problem. 據(jù)信他們?cè)懻撨^這個(gè)問題。

She is rumoured to have eloped with a priest. 謠傳她和一個(gè)牧師私奔了。


2) 不定式的進(jìn)行形式:


a. He seemed to be dreaming. 他似乎在做夢(mèng)。

She happened to be travelling in that area. 她恰好在這個(gè)地區(qū)旅游。

You ought to be reviewing your lessons now. 你現(xiàn)在應(yīng)當(dāng)在復(fù)習(xí)功課。

b. It's strange to be sleeping in this house again. 真奇怪又要在這屋子里睡覺了。

It's a delightful experience to be touring the lake district. 在湖區(qū)旅游是一段愉快的經(jīng)歷。

What a shame (it is) to be wasting your time like that. 把你的時(shí)間這樣浪費(fèi)掉真不好意思。

c. The man pretended to be weaving. 那人假裝在織布。

I really hope to be working with you. 我的確希望和你們?cè)谝黄鸸ぷ鳌?

I hate to be quarrelling with her. 我不愿意和她吵架。

d. I was pleased to be talking with them. 我很高興和他們?cè)谝黄鹫勗挕?

Are you glad to be going home? 你高興回家嗎?

She was happy to be earning her own living. 她很高興能自食其力。

e. He is believed to be living in Mexico. 據(jù)信他住在墨西哥。

Thousands were reported to be working in concentration camps. 據(jù)報(bào)導(dǎo)那時(shí)有數(shù)以千計(jì)的人在集中營干活。

He is thought to be hiding in the woods. 人們認(rèn)為他躲藏在林子里。


He appears to have been waiting a long time. 他似乎已等了好長時(shí)間。

He pretended to have been studying. 他假裝一直在學(xué)習(xí)。

She is said to have been doing this work for twenty years. 據(jù)說她干這工作已二十年了。

3) 不定式的被動(dòng)形式:


a. She ought to be praised for her heroic deeds. 她的英勇行為應(yīng)受贊揚(yáng)。

The parcel has to be sent by air mail. 這個(gè)包裹得寄航空。

The election was due to be held in November. 選舉定于十一月舉行。

b. It's an honour to be awarded a scholarship. 被頒給獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金是一種榮耀。

It's just my luck to be caught in the storm. 碰上暴風(fēng)雨我真倒霉。

It was his good fortune not to have been injured. 他很幸運(yùn)沒受傷。

c. She asked to be given an opportunity to try her method. 她要求給她機(jī)會(huì)試驗(yàn)她的方法。

They wanted to be better treated. 他們希望受到更好的對(duì)待。

He hates to be flattered. 他討厭受人恭維。

d. These are the major problems to be discussed at the meeting. 這些是會(huì)上要討論的主要問題。

Are you going to the conference to be held in June? 你要去參加六月舉行的大會(huì)嗎?

She was the first one to be asked to speak. 她是第一個(gè)被邀請(qǐng)發(fā)言的人。

e. She went to the hospital to be inoculated. 她到醫(yī)院去打預(yù)防針。

She left the city, never to be seen again. 她離開了這座城市,再也沒人見到過她。

He was sent abroad to be educated. 他被派去國外受教育。


12.1.10 不定式的邏輯主語

1) 每個(gè)不定式可以有其邏輯主語,它可能是句子的主語或賓語,如:

I had a lot of letters to write. (I是to write的邏輯主語)

I'll give you something to read. (you是to read的邏輯主語)


Here are some books for you to read on the way. 這兒有幾本書給你在路上看。

2) 這種短語在句中可以和不定式一道起作用,如:

a. 作主語:

It won't be easy for you to find a new job. 你想找新工作不會(huì)很容易。

It isn't right for people to marry for money. 人們?yōu)榻疱X結(jié)婚是不對(duì)的。

For an old man to run fast is dangerous. 老年人快跑是危險(xiǎn)的。

b. 作定語:

It's time for you to reconsider your decision. 現(xiàn)在是你重新考慮你的決定的時(shí)候了。

There's no reason for us to doubt his words. 我們沒有理由懷疑他的話。

It's a good opportunity for us to exchange our experience. 這是我們交流經(jīng)驗(yàn)的好機(jī)會(huì)。

c. 作狀語:

He stood aside for her to pass. 他站到一邊讓她過去。

Please do send for Mummy to come too. 請(qǐng)一定派人把媽媽也叫來。

Her circumstances had never been good enough for her hopes to be realized.她的境況從來沒有好到使她的希望成為現(xiàn)實(shí)。

d. 作表語:

The simplest thing is for him to resign at once. 最簡(jiǎn)單的辦法是他馬上辭職。

What I want is for you to talk to Lanny. 我希望的是你和蘭尼談一談。

It's for you to decide what we should do next. 得由你來決定我們下一步該做什么。

3) 在少數(shù)情況下可用of引導(dǎo)的短語,表示不定式的邏輯主語:

It was kind of you (You were kind) to help us. 難得你好心幫助我們。

It was silly of you (You are silly) to trust such a man. 你太愚蠢竟然信賴這樣一個(gè)人。

It was selfish of him not to do anything for the orphans. 他很自私不愿為孤兒們做任何事。

It was generous of you to contribute so much money. 你很大方捐出這么多錢。

It's unfair of him to say such things about her. 他說她這樣的話是不公道的。

It was annoying of him to damage my car. 他損壞了我的車讓人生氣。


12.1.11 關(guān)于不定式結(jié)構(gòu)的一些問題

1) 不定式的省略:


Would you like to come with us?——Yes, I'd love to. 你愿意和我們一道去嗎? ——愿意。

Did you get a ticket?——No, I tried to, but there weren't any left. 你買到票了嗎? ——沒有,我去買過,但都賣光了。

Do you often play bridge?——I used to, but not now. 你經(jīng)常打橋牌嗎? ——過去常打,但現(xiàn)在不打了。

Have you cleaned the windows?——No, but I'm just going to. 你擦窗子了嗎? ——沒有,不過我正要去擦。

I wanted to get in touch with her but wasn't able to. 我想和她聯(lián)系,但沒能聯(lián)系上。

You can go if you want to. 你如果想去可以去。

You don't know her? You ought to. 你不認(rèn)識(shí)她?你該認(rèn)識(shí)她的。

Will you join me in a walk?——I'd be glad to. 你愿意和我一道去散散步嗎?——好呀。


He says he will come as soon as he has got a chance (to). 他說他一有機(jī)會(huì)就來。

They won't encourage you to do it even if you have the time (to). 他們不會(huì)鼓勵(lì)你這樣做,即使你有時(shí)間(這樣做)。

She may go if she likes (to). 她如果想去可以去。


All I did was (to) press the button. 我只是按了一下電鈕。

What you have to do is (to) fill in the questionaire. 你所要做的是把問卷填好。

在used to,be going to,mean to,ought to,try to,plan to等結(jié)構(gòu)后,當(dāng)不定式省略時(shí),to通常是保留的。

2) 并列的不定式:

當(dāng)有兩個(gè)或更多不定式并列使用時(shí),通常只在第一個(gè)不定式前加to, 在后面的不定式前to常省略:

We ought to read more and have more practice. 我們應(yīng)多讀多練習(xí)。

She told us to stay at home and wait till she came back. 她讓我們留在家里等她回來。

I'd like to stay with you, help you and learn from you. 我愿意留在你身邊,幫助你并向你學(xué)習(xí)。


To try and fail is better than not to try at all. 嘗試而失敗也比不嘗試好。

He hasn't decided whether to quit or to stay. 他還沒決定是去還是留。

To go or not to go, it's a question. 去還是不去是一個(gè)問題。

3) 分裂不定式:


They have started a drive to further improve the miners' working conditions.他們開始作一番努力來進(jìn)一步改善礦工們的工作條件。

He was too ill to really carry out his duty. 他病得太重,不能切實(shí)履行他的職責(zé)。

He likes to half close his eyes. 他喜歡半閉著眼睛。

Mother asks you to kindly come over to see us tonight. 媽媽請(qǐng)你今晚勞駕到我們家來一趟。

這稱為分裂不定式(Split Infinitive),這種用法在口語中最好避免。如可能,可以把副詞放后面去,如to completely cover the floor可改為to cover the floor completely,to unduly alarm people可改為to alarm people unduly。

4) 在個(gè)別情況下,可用不定式構(gòu)成或引導(dǎo)一個(gè)句子:

a. 不帶to的不定式:

Why bother? 干嗎費(fèi)這個(gè)事?

Why worry about such trifles? 干嗎為這些小事煩心?

Why not wait for a couple more days? 干嗎不再等上一兩天?

Why not do it right now? 干嗎不現(xiàn)在就干?

b. 帶to的不定式:

To think he would come to anything like that! 沒想到他竟是這樣的下場(chǎng)!

And to think that I trusted him! 沒想到我竟然信任了他!

To think of his not knowing anything about it! 沒想到他對(duì)此竟一無所知!


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