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第12章 非謂語動詞 12.2 動名詞的用法





12.2 動名詞的用法

12.2.1 動名詞概說


1) 用作主語:

Dancing bored him. 跳舞使他厭煩。

2) 用作表語:

Her hobby is collecting stamps. 她的愛好是集郵。

3) 用作賓語:

Please stop talking. 請不要說話了。

4) 用作介詞賓語:

He was arrested for smuggling. 他因走私而被捕。

5) 構成合成詞:

Who won the singing contest? 歌詠比賽誰贏了?


No smoking. 禁止吸煙。

No loitering. 不許在此逗留。

No spitting. 禁止吐痰。

No parking. 禁止泊車。



a. He was fond of playing tennis. 他喜歡打網(wǎng)球。

b. She is thinking of going home this summer. 她想今年夏天回家。


He disliked her working late. 他不喜歡她工作到很晚。


I don't remember my mother's talking about it. (較文氣的說法)

I don't remember my mother talking about it. (較口語化的說法)


a. Dickens often gave readings of his works. 狄更斯常常朗讀自己的作品。

b. Who did the cooking? 誰做的飯?

c. I always enjoy a little light reading. 我一向喜歡讀點輕松的東西。

這些可稱為名詞化動名詞(Verbal Nouns)。有些以-ing結尾的詞已完全變成名詞:

He could not analyze his feelings. 他沒法分析自己的感情。

Take good care of your belongings. 注意保管好你的東西。

12.2.2 動名詞作主語和表語

1) 動名詞可用作主語:

Reading French is easier than speaking it. 閱讀法文比講法語容易。

Talking to him is talking to a wall. 和他說話等于對牛彈琴。

Finding work is difficult these days. 現(xiàn)今找工作不容易。

Smoking may cause cancer. 吸煙會致癌。

Walking is my sole exercise. 散步是我唯一的運動。

To her, windsurfing is too dangerous. 在她看來沖浪太危險。

Growing roses is her hobby. 種玫瑰是她的愛好。

Gambling is forbidden in our country. 我國禁止賭博。

Sailing a boat is great fun. 駕駛帆船很有意思。

Talking mends no holes. (諺)空談無濟于事。

2) 有時可用先行詞it作主語,而把動名詞主語放到句子后部去,作表語的可以是形容詞(a),也可以是名詞(b):

a. It's nice seeing you again. 再次見到你太好了。

It's hopeless arguing about it. 爭辯這事沒有用。

Is it worthwhile quarrelling with her? 和她吵架值得嗎?

It was pleasant and comfortable sitting there. 坐在那里愜意舒適。

It was tiring driving from morning till night. 從早到晚開車很累人。

b. It's a wonder meeting you here. 在這里碰到你真是奇跡。

It's no good coming before that. 在那之前來沒有用。

It's no use asking me. I don't know any more than you do. 問我沒用,我知道的不比你多。

It's been a lot of fun staying here. 住在這里很有意思。

It was a waste of time reading that book. 看那本書是浪費時間。

3)“There is+no”后可以用動名詞作主語,表示“沒法…”:

There was no knowing what he could do. 他能做什么很難說。

There was no telling when this might happen again. 沒法預料這樣的事什么時候會再發(fā)生。

He's selfish, there's no denying it. 他很自私,這是不可否認的。

There was no arguing with her. 沒法和她爭論。

There was no mistaking in his intention. 他的意圖不可能看錯。

4) 動名詞還可用作表語:

Her hobby is painting. 她的愛好是繪畫。

Their pastime is going to movies. 他們的消遣是看電影。

Her favorite sport is skiing. 她最喜歡的運動是滑雪。

One of her duties is keeping the department files. 她的任務之一是管理部門的檔案。

His favorite occupation is fishing. 他最喜歡的活動是釣魚。

Their major amusement is raising pigeons. 他們的主要消遣是養(yǎng)鴿子。

Her job was tending the sheep. 她的工作是放羊。

Seeing is believing. (諺)眼見為實。

12.2.3 動名詞作賓語

1) 有許多動詞可用動名詞作賓語:

I suggested bringing the meeting to an end. 我建議結束會議。

He admitted taking the money. 他承認錢是他拿的。

Do you enjoy teaching? 你喜歡教書嗎?

Avoid over-eating. 要避免暴食。

Fancy meeting you! 真想不到在這里碰到你!

I couldn't help laughing. 我禁不住笑了起來。

He considered going to see Paul in person. 他考慮親自去見保羅。

I detest looking at snakes. 我討厭看蛇。

I dread going to big parties. 我害怕參加大型晚會。

He loves playing the piano. 他愛彈鋼琴。

I like travelling very much. 我非常喜歡旅行。

I hate lying and cheating. 我討厭撒謊欺騙。

It has stopped raining. 雨已經(jīng)停了。

I finished reading the book last night. 這書我昨晚看完了。

He kept complaining. 他不停地抱怨。

I couldn't risk missing the train. 我不能冒搭不上火車的危險。

They're practising singing the new song. 他們在練習唱新歌。

He denied making any statement to that effect. 他否認作過這種內容的聲明。

So you prefer living abroad? 這樣說你更愿意住在國外?

He proposed founding a school there. 他建議在那里建一所學校。

I advised taking a different approach. 我建議采取另一種處理辦法。

She continued watching me. 她繼續(xù)瞧著我。

He loathed travelling by air. 他討厭坐飛機。

Would you mind moving your car? 勞駕把車挪一下行嗎?

To raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 增加工資意味著提高購買力。

He didn't recall saying it. 他不記得說過這話。

Do you recollect meeting her? 你還記得見過她嗎?

He never can resist making a joke. 他總是禁不住要說笑話。

The garden needs watering. 花園需要澆水。

Your coat wants brushing. 你的大衣需要刷一下。

2) 許多成語動詞也可以用動名詞作賓語:

He has given up playing football. 他現(xiàn)在不踢足球了。

They will put off doing it until next year. 他們將推遲到明年再做此事。

Even then she carried on talking. 即使在那時,她還繼續(xù)談話。

Prices keep on increasing. 物價不斷上漲。

Ned left off talking about the firm. 奈德不再談公司的事。

She waved to me and went on sketching. 她向我揮揮手,又接著畫素描。

He burst out crying like a child. 他像小孩一樣突然哭了起來。

She decided to cut out smoking. 她決定戒煙。

在(be) worth后也可跟動名詞作賓語:

His suggestion is worth considering. 他的建議值得考慮。

It's worth making an effort. 這值得作一番努力。

That's worth watching, isn't it? 那值得一看,對吧?

New York is a city worth visiting. 紐約是一座值得一看的城市。

3) 有些動詞后可以用動名詞作賓語,也可以用不定式作賓語,有時兩者意思不同,如:

4) 有時兩種結構只有細微的差別,例如在like,love,prefer,hate,dread等動詞之后,動名詞多表示一般情況,不定式多表示即將發(fā)生的事:


He hated thinking (to think) about it. 他不愿想這件事。

She loves having (to have) lots of young men round her. 她喜歡周圍有許多青年男子。

I like reading (to read) detective stories. 我喜歡看偵探小說。

She prefers living (to live) among the office workers. 她寧愿生活在上班族中間。

5) 在begin,start,intend,continue和cease后跟動名詞或不定式都可以,有時意思上沒什么差別,例如:

It has started raining (to rain). 開始下雨了。

The band began playing (to play). 樂隊開始演奏。

He intended coming (to come) back soon. 他打算不久就回來。

She continued working (to work) as if nothing had happened. 她繼續(xù)干活,好像什么也沒發(fā)生似的。

They ceased talking (to talk) and I began reading. 他們停止了交談,我開始看書。


a. Suddenly it started to rain. 天突然下起雨來。

Philip began to cry. 菲利浦哭了起來。

The matter has ceased to be a mystery to us. 這事對我們不再是個謎。

b. Then the little girl started singing. 這時那小姑娘開始唱歌。

We began making preparations for the trip. 我們開始做旅行的準備。

The factory has ceased making bicycles. 該廠已停止生產自行車。


He was beginning to miss her. 他開始惦記她。

It's starting to rain. 天開始下起雨來。

12.2.4 動名詞作介詞的賓語

1) 有許多由介詞構成的成語動詞后可以跟動名詞作賓語:

She insisted on writing at once. 她堅持馬上就寫。

Why do you persist in writing such things? 你為什么老要寫這樣的東西?

Robbie couldn't keep from laughing. 羅比禁不住笑了起來。

They objected to leaving the motel. 他們反對離開這家汽車旅館。

He thought of writing to her. 他考慮給她寫信。

The young man dreamed of becoming a surgeon. 這個小伙子一心想成為一名外科醫(yī)生。

I've always believed in being broad-minded. 我一向主張寬宏大量。

The plant must aim at increasing production. 工廠必須努力增加生產。

Andrew set about writing his report. 安德魯著手寫他的報告。

I don't feel like going to the movie. 我不想去看電影。

She succeeded in making a most favourable impression. 她成功地給人留下非常好的印象。

Please refrain from smoking during the performance. 演出時請勿吸煙。

Goodness consists in being honest. 善良主要在于誠實。

He never complained about working overtime. 他從不抱怨加班加點。

He was so poor that he resorted to stealing. 他窮得只能去偷。

She was looking forward to leaving the hospital wards. 她盼望離開醫(yī)院病房。

2) 還有不少“be+形容詞+介詞”的結構后也??捎脛用~作賓語:

Are you interested in going with us? 你有興趣跟我們一道去嗎?

I was afraid of making them uneasy. 我怕使他們感到不安。

He was fond of speaking French. 他很喜歡講法語。

She is awfully good at looking after people. 她很會照顧人。

He wasn't keen on buying a car. 他并不急著想買車。

I was angry about missing the film. 沒看上這部片子我很生氣。

He was excited at hearing the news. 聽了這消息他很激動。

We were surprised at finding the house empty. 發(fā)現(xiàn)房子里空無一人我們感到驚訝。

Who is responsible for locking up the school? 誰負責給學校鎖門?

I'm tired of thinking about it. 想這事我已經(jīng)想煩了。

He was not accustomed to associating with such people. 他不習慣于和這類人來往。

He is quite capable of neglecting his duty. 他很有可能失職。

I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort. 處理這種事我已經(jīng)習慣了。

I'm sick of hearing you talk like that. 我煩聽你這樣說話。

I'm fed up with talking to you. 和你談話我都談煩了。

3) 在“及物動詞+賓語+介詞”這類結構后,也??筛鷦用~作賓語:

They accused him of playing his radio too loudly. 他們指責他收音機開得太響。

He charged them with receiving stolen goods. 他指控他們收受贓物。

They suspected him of being the thief. 他們懷疑他偷盜。

Thank you for doing this job for us. 謝謝你幫我們做了這件事。

Excuse me for not answering your letter earlier. 請原諒我沒早一些給你回信。

Forgive (Pardon) me for interrupting you. 請原諒我打斷你的話。

Keep that child from yelling. 別讓那孩子大喊大叫。

That did not prevent him from doing so. 這并沒有阻止他那樣做。

Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition. 什么也不能阻止我實現(xiàn)我的抱負。

He dedicated his life to fighting corruption. 他畢生致力于和腐敗作斗爭。

Mother Teresa devoted herself to caring for the poor. 特麗莎嬤嬤獻身于照顧窮人。

在How about后也常用動名詞作賓語:

How about coming with us to the club? 和我們一道去俱樂部如何?

How about putting the sofa closer to the window? 把長沙發(fā)放得靠窗子近點怎么樣?

4) 許多介詞可以跟動名詞構成狀語:

Bass waited a little while before making up his mind. 巴斯稍等了一會才拿定主意。

After standing in the queue for an hour, we got two tickets. 站了一小時的隊,我們買了兩張票。

And, in doing so, he fell into contradictions. 在這樣做時,他陷入了矛盾之中。

On reaching the city, he called up Lester. 一到達這座城市,他就給萊斯特打了電話。

I don't blame you for being cautious. 你小心謹慎我不怪你。

What has he done besides reading the paper? 除了看報他還干了什么?

Thereis nothing to gain by waiting. 坐等不會有收獲。

Without waiting for any reply, he left the room. 他不等回答就離開了房間。

He had not bought a new suit since coming to Oxford. 來牛津之后他沒買過一套新衣服。

She dissuaded me from doing it. 她勸我不要做那事。

5) 還有一些由介詞構成的短語,后面可跟動名詞作賓語:

Instead of going to New York, we got off at Boston. 我們沒去紐約,而是在波斯頓下了車。

Guests can relax in the lounge prior to entering the theatre. 客人在進入劇場之前可以在休息廳放松一下。

He was afraid to speak for fear of making errors. 他怕出錯而不敢講話。

He is studying with a view to going to university. 他在學習,準備上大學。

I called in the hope of finding her at home. 我去拜訪是想在她家找到她。

6) 有些介詞可以和動名詞構成定語:

He is good at the art of making friends. 他甚諳交友之道。

I admired his skill at driving. 我佩服他開車的技術。

He had the chance (opportunity) of visiting Beijing. 他有機會訪問北京。

It's a device for opening bottles. 這是一種開瓶裝置。

He invented a new process of dyeing. 他發(fā)明了一種染色新工藝。

She doesn't have much experience in dealing with children. 在對待孩子方面她經(jīng)驗不多。

She couldn't invent a reason for not going. 她編造不出不去的理由。

What's the advantage of using nuclear power? 利用核能有什么好處?

He advocated a new method of teaching English. 他倡導一種教英語的新方法。

I have no objection to sending him abroad. 我不反對派他出國。

I had no intention of defending myself. 我無心為自己辯護。

To whom do I have the honour of speaking? 我有幸和哪一位講話?

I do not like her way of talking. 我不喜歡她的講話方式。


I'm for doing nothing till the police arrive. 我主張在警察到來之前不要采取任何行動。

I'm in the habit of reading the newspaper at breakfast. 我習慣于吃早飯時看報。

Father was against selling the property. 父親反對出售這份產業(yè)。

Talking to him was like playing on an exquisite violin. 和他談話就像彈奏一把美妙的提琴。

12.2.5 動名詞的被動形式和完成形式

1) 動名詞有時需用被動形式,可作動詞的賓語(a)或介詞的賓語(b):

a. He hates being interrupted. 他不愿意被人打斷。

He narrowly escaped being run over. 他差點被車壓了。

I appreciate being given this opportunity. 我很感謝給了我這個機會。

I remembered being taken to Paris as a small child. 我記得小時候曾被帶到巴黎。

Grace resented being called a baby. 格雷斯討厭別人叫他小寶寶。

He just missed being caught. 他差點沒被抓住。

She disliked being spoken to like that. 她不喜歡別人對她這樣講話。

We cannot help being touched by their zeal. 我們禁不住被他們的熱情所打動。

b. I object to being spoken to like that. 我反對別人對我這樣講話。

He hoped to get out without being seen. 他希望不被人看見溜出來。

All laws have to be submitted to Parliament for ratification before being put into force. 所有法律在實施前均需提交議會批準。

He ran away for fear of being hurt. 他跑掉了,唯恐受到傷害。

Who can prevent their plans from being carried out? 誰能阻止他們那些計劃的實現(xiàn)?

She is far from being pleased about it. 對此她很不滿意。

I'm not used to being treated like this. 我不習慣受這種款待。

She openly talked of having been let down. 她公開談到被人涮了。


It felt funny being called Grandma. 被人稱作奶奶感到怪怪的。

Being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路有時會很害怕。

2) 動名詞有時需要完成形式,可作動詞的賓語(a)或介詞的賓語(b):

a. He denied having been there. 他不承認到過那里。

I could not recall having heard anyone say that before. 我不記得以前聽人說過這話。

I don't recollect having seen him before. 我不記得以前見過他。

I regretted having left Montreal. 我后悔離開了蒙特利爾。

He reported having met only a cyclist. 他報告說只碰到一個騎車的人。

She admits having seen us. 她承認見到了我們。

I don't remember having heard you say that. 我不記得聽你說過這話。

b. He accused me of having broken my word. 他指責我不守信用。

We congratulated him on having passed the examination. 我們祝賀他通過了考試。

He was ashamed of having failed to pass the test. 測試沒通過他感到羞愧。

Don't be angry with me for not having written to you. 我沒給你寫信,請別生氣。

After having had some practice, he decided to try again. 經(jīng)過一番練習,他決定再試一次。

The safe showed no signs of having been touched. 保險柜沒有被人動過的痕跡。

12.2.6 動名詞的邏輯主語


a. 主語前:

Your coming to help is a great encouragement to me. 你們來幫忙對我是很大的鼓舞。

Her going off in such a hurry is very risky. 她這樣匆忙離去很危險。

Jane's not having received proper training was to her disadvantage. 簡沒受過適當訓練對她是不利的。

Your denying everything will get you nowhere. 你否認一切不會對你有好處。

It has been a great honour your coming to visit us. 你來看我們真是不勝榮幸。

It seems so strange your going like this. 你這樣去顯得很奇怪。

b. 賓語前:

I hate your going away. 我不愿意你走掉。

Forgive my (me) ringing you up so early. 原諒我這么早給你打電話。

You can't prevent his (him) spending his own money. 你不能阻止他花自己的錢。

I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. 感謝你為我花了這么多時間。

I don't remember my mother's complaining about it. 我不記得我母親抱怨過這事。

She suggested his sending it to Tagore. 她建議他把它寄給泰戈爾。

Excuse my opening your letter by mistake. 請原諒我誤拆了你的信。

I can still recall your saying to me that you were going to be a lawyer. 我還記得你曾對我說過你想當律師。

c. 介詞賓語前:

I strongly object to your saying that. 我強烈反對你說這話。

I'm fed up with your grumbling! 你唧唧咕咕我都聽煩了!

I'm not surprised at your misunderstanding me. 我并不為你誤會我而感到奇怪。

I never dreamt of its hurting you. 我絕沒想到它會傷你的心。

I have made no objection to his doing it. 我對他這樣做沒表示過反對。

There was no chance of his getting scholarships. 他沒有機會得獎學金。

Since my coming to London I have not been well. 自從來到倫敦,我身體一直不舒服。

They're looking forward to Mary's coming. 他們都盼著瑪麗來。


He didn't mind Flora (her) leaving home. 他不介意弗洛拉(她)離開家。

I don't remember my mother complaining about it. 我不記得我母親曾抱怨此事。

I can't understand him (his) leaving his wife. 我不懂他為什么離開他的妻子。

He resented me (my) being promoted before him. 他怨恨我比他早升職。

12.2.7 動名詞構成的合成名詞

1) 許多合成名詞由“動名詞+名詞”構成:

swimming pool 游泳池

swimming suit 游泳衣

boxing competition 拳擊比賽

speaking contest 演講比賽

sleeping bag 睡袋

sleeping pill 安眠藥片

writing desk 寫字臺

writing paper 信紙

diving suit 潛水衣

diving board 跳板

watering can 灑水壺

filling station 加油站

drawing board 繪圖板

drawing pin 圖釘

washing machine 洗衣機

washing powder 洗衣粉

fishing pole (美)釣魚竿

fishing line 釣魚線

drinking water 飲用水

drinking fountain 飲水臺

waiting room 候車(診)室

waiting list 候選人名單

parking lot (space) 停車場(位)

parking meter 停車計時器

checking account 活期賬戶

banking system 銀行系統(tǒng)

sewing machine 縫紉機

printing-press 印刷機

hearing aid 助聽器

operating table 手術臺

2) 還有一類合成詞由“形容詞(名詞)+動名詞”構成:

deep-ploughing 深耕

close-planting 密植

physical training 體育(鍛煉)

job-hunting 找工作

weight lifting 舉重

sight seeing 觀光

window-shopping 逛商店(只看不買)

tap dancing 踢跶舞

air conditioning 空調

shadow boxing 打拳

zebra crossing 斑馬紋人行橫道

data processing 數(shù)據(jù)處理

food poisoning 食物中毒

family planning 計劃生育

water-skiing 滑水

house-warming 喬遷酒宴

fire fighting 消防

ice-skating 滑冰

money grabbing 不擇手段地撈錢

roller skating 溜旱冰


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