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第8章 時(shí) 態(tài) 8.2 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)





8.2 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)

8.2.1 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)的基本用法

1) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)(The Present Continuous Tense)表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作和發(fā)生的事:

What are you doing?——I'm reading a play by Shaw. 你在干什么?——我在看蕭伯納的一個(gè)劇本。

How are things going? 現(xiàn)在情況怎么樣?

Mary is knitting and listening to the radio. 瑪麗在打毛線,聽(tīng)收音機(jī)。

It's snowing hard. 天正下著大雪。

What are they quarrelling about? 他們?cè)跒槭裁词聽(tīng)?zhēng)吵?

Why aren't you wearing a coat? It's so cold. 天這么冷,你怎么沒(méi)穿大衣?

They're travelling in India. 他們?cè)谟《嚷眯小?

I'm waiting to have a word with you. 我在等著和你說(shuō)句話。

2) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)有時(shí)表示現(xiàn)階段正發(fā)生的事,此刻動(dòng)作不一定正在進(jìn)行:

Hello, Tom, are you still working in that bank? 嗨,湯姆,你還在那家銀行工作嗎?

She's teaching at a night school. 她在夜校教書(shū)。

I'm writing a book about ecology. 我在寫(xiě)一本關(guān)于生態(tài)學(xué)的書(shū)。

Sorry, you can't take the typewriter away, I'm using it. 對(duì)不起,你不能把打字機(jī)拿走,我在用。

8.2.2 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)和動(dòng)詞的關(guān)系

1) 有些動(dòng)詞一般不能用于現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí),如第8.1.2節(jié)中的動(dòng)詞,大部分都不宜用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài),因?yàn)樗鼈儽硎緺顟B(tài)和感覺(jué),不能表示正在進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作,特別是know, love, like, belong, detest, hate這類詞。不過(guò)有些詞有其他意思,有時(shí)能用于進(jìn)行時(shí),試比較下面句子:

表示狀態(tài)或感覺(jué) 表示動(dòng)作(可用于進(jìn)行時(shí))

* * *

* * *

She looks tired. 她顯得很疲倦?!        ?She is looking at a bird. 她在看鳥(niǎo)。

The food smells nice. 這菜聞著很香?!     ?He's smelling the flowers. 他在聞花。

The juice tastes good. 果汁味很好。        I'm tasting the wine. 我在品嘗酒。

It sounds a good idea. 這似乎是個(gè)好主意?!     ?Why are you sounding the horn? 你為什么按喇叭?

I think you are right. 我想你是對(duì)的?!     ?What are you thinking of? 你在想什么?

Do you see that tree? 你看到那棵樹(shù)嗎?       I'm seeing Ted off. 我在給特德送行。

It holds two gallons. 它能裝兩加侖?!     ?What are you holding in your hand? 你手上拿的是什么?

She has two sisters. 她有兩個(gè)姐妹?!      ?She is having lunch. 她在吃午飯。

2) 有些表示動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞有時(shí)轉(zhuǎn)而表示狀態(tài),這時(shí)就不宜用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài),如:

表示動(dòng)作 表示狀態(tài)

* * *

* * *

He's standing on a chair.他站在椅子上?!       ?My house stands by the river. 我家在江邊。

They are sitting on the grass. 他們坐在草地上?!    ?The hut sits in the forest. 小屋在森林里。

She is lying on the beach. 她躺在海灘上?!       ?The town lies before us. 這座城就在我們前方。

He's fitting the pieces together. 他在把零件裝配起來(lái)?!?The coat doesn't fit me. 這上衣我穿不合適。

3) 有些表示極短暫動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞也不宜用于進(jìn)行時(shí),如declare, recognize等(可參閱第8.1.3節(jié))。但有些這類詞有時(shí)用于進(jìn)行時(shí),表示反復(fù)做某動(dòng)作:

He's jumping up and down. 他在上下蹦跳。

She's skipping rope. 她在跳繩。

The old man is nodding his head. 老人頻頻點(diǎn)頭。

They're firing questions at him. 他們向他連連發(fā)問(wèn)。

4) be在一般情況下不能用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài),但有時(shí)卻可以這樣用來(lái)表示一時(shí)的表現(xiàn):

Bob is being silly. 鮑勃這樣做是在發(fā)傻。

You're being very clever today. 今天你聰明起來(lái)了。

Am I being extravagant? 我這樣做是不是太奢侈?

The children are being very quiet. I wonder what they're up to. 孩子們現(xiàn)在特別安靜,我納悶他們想干什么。

You're being childish. 你這樣做太孩子氣了。

I'm not being slow. I'm being careful. 我這樣并不是動(dòng)作遲緩,我只是審慎行事。

8.2.3 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示將來(lái)動(dòng)作

1) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)還??捎脕?lái)表示將來(lái)的動(dòng)作,特別是在口語(yǔ)中,這時(shí)常有一個(gè)表示未來(lái)時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ),多指已計(jì)劃安排好的事:

I'm meeting Peter tonight. He's taking me to the theatre. 今晚我要和彼得見(jiàn)面,他將帶我去看戲。

I'm flying to Hong Kong tomorrow. 我明天飛香港。

Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon?——Yes , I'm playing tennis with Betty. 你明天下午有活動(dòng)嗎?——有,我要和貝蒂打網(wǎng)球。

I'm not going out tonight. I'm staying at home. 今晚我不出去,我要待在家里。

When is Helen coming home? 海倫什么時(shí)候回家?

They're getting married next month. 他們下月結(jié)婚。

They're spending the summer at Switzerland. 他們準(zhǔn)備在瑞士過(guò)夏天。

2) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)也可用在時(shí)間和條件從句中表示未來(lái)情況:

You can do some reading while you are waiting for the train. 你等火車(chē)時(shí)可以看看書(shū)。

You must visit Switzerland when you are travelling in Europe. 你在歐洲旅行時(shí)一定要訪問(wèn)瑞士。

If she's still waiting, tell her to go home. 如果她還在等,可以讓她回家。

Suppose it's still raining tomorrow, shall we go? 假定明天還在下雨,我們要去嗎?

3) be going to結(jié)構(gòu)可表示:

a. 準(zhǔn)備或打算做某事:

He's going to buy a new car. 他準(zhǔn)備買(mǎi)一輛新車(chē)。

She is not going to be there tonight. 她今晚不準(zhǔn)備到那里。

Is he going to lecture in English or in Chinese? 他打算用英語(yǔ)還是用漢語(yǔ)講課?

He's going to be a dentist when he grows up. 他長(zhǎng)大了打算當(dāng)牙醫(yī)。

What are you going to do when you get your degree? 你拿了學(xué)位后打算干什么?

I'm going to think about it. 我要考慮考慮。

b. 即將發(fā)生的事或要發(fā)生的事:

There's going to be a thunderstorm. 雷雨即將來(lái)臨。

It's going to be warm tomorrow. 明天天氣會(huì)很暖和。

My cousin is going to have a baby. 我表姐要生孩子了。

Amy is going to leave soon, isn't she? 艾米不久就要走了,是嗎?

I'm going to be sick. 我要病倒了。

We're all going to die some day. 總有一天我們都會(huì)死的。

在這種結(jié)構(gòu)后也可跟go, come這類詞:

Where are you going to go during the holiday? 假期你準(zhǔn)備去哪里?

They're going to come with me. 他們準(zhǔn)備和我一道去。

8.2.4 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示經(jīng)常性動(dòng)作

1) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)還可以用來(lái)表示經(jīng)常性的動(dòng)作,常和always, constantly, forever這類副詞連用,表示厭煩、贊美等情緒:

He is always losing his keys. 他老是丟鑰匙。(不以為然)

I'm always making that mistake. 我老犯那個(gè)錯(cuò)。(不耐煩)

She's always working. 她總是在工作。(贊賞)

You're always thinking of others. 你總是想到別人。(贊美)

She's constantly changing her mind. 她老是改變主意。(不滿)

The baby is constantly screaming. 寶寶老是尖叫。(不耐煩)

He's forever finding fault with what I do. 他老是找我的茬。(厭煩)

She's perpetually nagging. 她老愛(ài)嘮叨。(厭煩)

2) 這類句子也可用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),這時(shí)只說(shuō)明事實(shí),用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)則表示某種情緒,試比較下面句子:

用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)(說(shuō)明事實(shí)) 用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)(表示某種情緒)

* * *

* * *

How do you feel today?              How are you feeling today? (關(guān)切)

We haul in lots of fish today.          We're hauling in lots of fish today. (欣慰)

She does fine work at school.          She's doing fine work at school. (贊美)

He often complains of his job.          He's always complaining of his job. (厭煩)


I'm hoping you'll all come. 我希望你們都來(lái)。(表示殷切希望)

I'm always hearing strange stories about him. 我老聽(tīng)人講關(guān)于他的奇奇怪怪的事。

Tina is resembling her sister more and more. 蒂娜長(zhǎng)得越來(lái)越像她姐姐。

I'm forgetting that I promised to ring him tonight. 我差點(diǎn)忘了我答應(yīng)過(guò)今晚給他打電話。


I wonder (am wondering) whether you could give me some advice. 我想知道你可否給我出點(diǎn)主意。

Does your leg hurt (Is your leg hurting)? 你的腿疼嗎?

My left foot itches (is itching). 我的左腳癢。

His bones ache (are aching) vaguely. 他的骨頭隱隱作痛。

I write (am writing) to inform you that your mother is ill. 我來(lái)信是要通知你你母親病了。

I don't hear (am not hearing) as well as I used to. 我聽(tīng)力不及從前好了。

Now do you like (are you liking) your new job? 你覺(jué)得你的新工作怎樣?

8.2.5 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)的一些特殊用法


1) 用在戲劇式的描繪中,表示過(guò)去的動(dòng)作:

I'm driving along a country road and I'm completely lost. Then I see this old fellow. He's leaning against a gate. 我開(kāi)車(chē)順著一條鄉(xiāng)村的道路前行,我已經(jīng)完全迷路了。這時(shí)我看到了這位老人,他倚靠在籬笆門(mén)上。

2) 表示暫時(shí)的情況:

Her car has broken down. She's going to work by bike. 她的小汽車(chē)壞了,現(xiàn)在騎自行車(chē)上班。

I'm not hearing very well these days. 近來(lái)我聽(tīng)力不太好。

His house is being renovated. So he's staying with us. 他的房子在翻修,因此他暫時(shí)在我們家住。

My secretary is ill. Mary's filling in for her. 我的秘書(shū)病了,瑪麗暫時(shí)接替她的工作。

3) 用在戲劇性的描述中:

Here's this Scotsman, you see, and he's walking through the jungle when he meets a gorilla. And the gorilla's eating something. So the Scotsman goes up to the gorilla. 這里,你瞧,是一個(gè)蘇格蘭人。當(dāng)他在叢林中穿行時(shí)碰到一只大猩猩。大猩猩在吃東西,于是這蘇格蘭人向大猩猩走去。


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