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第5章 代 詞 5.2 人稱代詞和物主代詞





5.2 人稱代詞和物主代詞

5.2.1 人稱代詞

1) 英語中有下面這些人稱代詞:

2) 人稱代詞在句中可用作:

a. 主語:

I'm sorry I'm late. 對不起我來晚了。

Is he married?——No, he's single. 他結(jié)婚了嗎?——沒有,是單身。

He (She) majors in English. 他(她)主修英語。

We (They) are both from the south. 我倆(他倆)都是南方人。


Who found Gran's watch?——Me. 誰找到格蘭的表的?——我。

John is smaller than him. 約翰個(gè)子比他小。

She is cleverer than me. 她比我聰明。

b. 賓語(需用賓格)或介詞賓語:

Tell him (her) to call back a little later. 請他(她)過一會再打電話來。

You don't need to thank me (us). 你不需要謝我(們)。

Put it (them) on the table, please. 請把它(們)放在桌上。

She has great concern for us (me/him). 她很關(guān)心我們(我/他)。

c. 表語(在口語中常用賓格):

I saw at once it was her. 我馬上看出是她。

If I were her (him), I'd take the job. 我要是她(他),我會接受這份工作。

Don't blame Tom. It's me who broke it. 別怪湯姆,是我打破的。

Did you see who it was?——Them, of course. 你看見是誰了嗎?——當(dāng)然是他們。


It's I (me). 是我。

It was she who had been wrong. 是她錯(cuò)了。

3) she除了指“她”外,還可表示:

a. 雌性動物:

I stroked the cat and she rubbed against my leg. 我撫摸貓,它蹭我的腿。

The mare whined when she saw her master. 這匹母馬見到主人時(shí)會嘶叫。

b. 船只,車輛:

She is a fine ship. 這是條很好的船。

Nice car—how much did she cost? 好車——買它花了多少錢?

c. 國家:

Spain is a major car manufacturer. She exports cars to the UK. 西班牙是個(gè)重要的汽車生產(chǎn)國,它出口汽車到英國。

English has done what she promised to do. 英國已履行了它的承諾。

4) we,you兩詞可用來泛指一般人:

We all have our weaknesses. 我們(人)都有弱點(diǎn)。

We (You) need to consider all these factors. 我們(你)需要考慮所有這些因素。

You can never tell what they will do next. 誰也說不上他們下一步會做什么。


They say prices are going to increase again. 據(jù)說物價(jià)又要上漲。

They don't make decent furniture nowadays. 現(xiàn)今做不出像樣的家具。

5) it可有許多用法,表示:

a. 某樣?xùn)|西:

Where's my map? I left it on the table. 我的地圖哪里去了?我(剛才)放在桌上的。

Look at the bird. It always comes to my window. 瞧那只鳥,它老飛到我窗口來。

b. 抽象事物:

You've saved my life. I shall never forget it. 你救過我的命,我永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記的。

I want to stay. "Your wife won't like it."“我想留下。”“你妻子不會贊成的?!?

c. 不知性別的孩子(嬰兒):

Her new baby is tiny. It only weighs 2 kilos. 她剛生的嬰兒個(gè)頭很小,才兩公斤。

What a beautiful baby—is it a boy? 多漂亮的寶寶呀——是男孩嗎?

d. 某種感覺或情況:

Does it itch much? 癢得厲害嗎?

Where does it hurt? 哪兒疼?

How is it going with you? 你情況怎樣?

e. 是誰:

Who is that (it)?——It's me. 是誰(來電話)?——是我。

Is that Tom over there?——No, it's Peter. 那邊是湯姆嗎?——不,是彼得。

f. 時(shí)間、日期等:

What time is it?——It is eight o'clock. 現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘?——八點(diǎn)。

What's the date?——It's the third of April. 今天幾號?——四月三號。

g. 天氣、環(huán)境等:

It's raining (snowing). 天在下雨(下雪)。

It's so noisy (quiet) in the room. 房間里很吵(安靜)。

In winter it's dark at six o'clock. 冬天六點(diǎn)鐘天就黑了。

h. 距離等:

How far is it to Chicago?——It is 800 kilometers. 這兒離芝加哥有多遠(yuǎn)?——八百公里。

It's 112 miles from London to Birmingham. 從倫敦到伯明翰有112英里。


5.2.2 物主代詞

1) 物主代詞有下面這些:

2) 形容詞型物主代詞有些語法學(xué)家稱為限定詞,主要在句中用作定語:

Is this your (his/her) seat? 這是你的(他的/她的)座位嗎?

Their (My/Our) house looks on to the sea. 他們(我的/我們)的房子面臨大海。

What's your nationality? 你(們)是哪國人?

The cat's had its dinner. 貓已吃過(它的)飯了。

The swimming club held its Annual General Meeting last night. 游泳俱樂部昨晚開了年度會員大會。

The baby threw down its rattle. 嬰兒把他的撥浪鼓扔掉了。

The government has changed its (their) policy. 政府改變了它的政策。

The cuckoo lays her eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鵑把蛋下在別的鳥的窩里。

3) 形容詞型物主代詞還可和own連用,在句中:

a. 作定語:

I always write for my own people. 我總是為我自己的人民寫作。

Virtue is its own reward. (諺)有德便是有報(bào)。

He arranged for me to study with his own children. 他安排我和他自己的孩子一道學(xué)習(xí)。

She did it of her own free will. 她自愿這樣做的。

b. 作表語、賓語等:

My time isn't my own. 我的時(shí)間不是我自己的。

It's her friend's car, not her own. 這是她朋友的車,不是她自己的車。

Their views are similar to our own. 他們的看法和我們自己的看法相似。

c. 和of連用:

The accident happened through no fault of her own. 事故絕非出于她自己的過錯(cuò)。

We have no children of our own. 我們沒有自己的孩子。

I wish to God I had a lab of my own. 我乞求上帝讓我有一個(gè)自己的實(shí)驗(yàn)室。

4) 名詞型的物主代詞可以:

a. 作表語:

Is this your book or mine? 這是你的書還是我的書?

This suit is his. 這套衣服是他的。

Is that old black cat yours? 那只老黑貓是你們的嗎?

b. 作主語:

That isn't my car;mine is being repaired. 這不是我的車,我的車在修。

Ours is the only garden in the lane. 我們的花園是這條巷子里唯一的花園。

Yours is on that shelf. 你的在那個(gè)書架上。

c. 作賓語或介詞賓語:

We'll have to separate ours from theirs. 我們得把我們的和他們的分開。

I like yours better than ours. 我喜歡你(們)的勝過我們自己的。

Her daughter is rather stupid, but both of yours are very clever. 她的女兒很愚鈍,可你的兩個(gè)女兒都很聰明。

d. 和of連用:

An old friend of mine has just had a child. 我的一位老友剛生了個(gè)孩子。

I borrowed a tie of his. 我借了他一條領(lǐng)帶。

He is a great admirer of yours. 他是你的崇拜者。

This girl of mine wrote to say she was coming from Paris today. 我的那個(gè)女兒來信說她今天從巴黎來。

That fool of a sister of ours! 我們的那個(gè)傻妹妹!


對陌生人可以寫“yours faithfully”或“yours truly”,對見到過的人可以寫“yours sincerely”,對朋友可寫“yours”或“yours ever”。


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