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第3章 名 詞 3.1 名詞的種類





3.1 名詞的種類

3.1.1 專有名詞和普通名詞


●專有名詞(Proper Nouns)

●普通名詞(Common Nouns)


1) 人名:Diana, Mrs Green, President Clinton, Einstein, Gorky;

2) 地名:Beijing, West Lake, the Yellow River, Bond Street, Broadway;

3) 某類人的名稱:Americans, Russians, Democrats, Jews;

4) 某些抽象事物的名稱:English, Buddhism, Christianity, NATO;

5) 月份、周日名及節(jié)日名稱:May, Saturday, Easter, New Year's Day;

6) 書名、電影及詩歌的名稱:A Tale of Two Cities, Gone with the Wind, Ode to the West Wind (西風(fēng)頌), (la) Marseillaise (馬賽曲);

7) 對家人等的稱呼:Mum, Dad, Auntie, Uncle Tom。



● 個體名詞(Individual Nouns)

● 集體名詞(Collective Nouns)

● 物質(zhì)名詞(Mass Nouns或Material Nouns)

● 抽象名詞(Abstract Nouns)

其中個體名詞和集體名詞可以用數(shù)來計算,稱為 可數(shù)名詞(Countable Nouns),而物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞一般都不能用數(shù)來計算,稱為 不可數(shù)名詞(Uncountable Nouns)。因此名詞的類別可以下表表示:

3.1.2 個體名詞


He has two aunts. 他有兩個姑姑。

There are hundreds of high-rise apartments in the city. 這座城市有數(shù)以百計的高層公寓樓。

Pandas are found in Sichuan. 熊貓出在四川。

Most classrooms have computers. 多數(shù)教室里都有電腦。


We've lived here for twenty years. 我們在這里住了二十年了。

A new century has just begun. 一個新的世紀(jì)剛剛開始。

She has read lots of fairy tales. 她看過大量的童話故事。

I had a dream last night. 我昨晚做了一個夢。

個體名詞有復(fù)數(shù)形式,如weeks, problems;單數(shù)形式可以和a(n)連用,如a week,a problem,an old man。

3.1.3 集體名詞



作單數(shù)看待 作復(fù)數(shù)看待

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His family isn't large. 他家人不多。 His family are all music lovers. 他家的人都喜歡音樂。

The enemy has suffered heavy losses.敵人遭受嚴(yán)重?fù)p失。 The enemy are in flight. 敵人正在逃竄。

The government's planning to build a dam here. 政府打算在這里建一座水壩。 The government are discussing the proposal. 政府在討論這項建議。

The public was unlikely to support it.公眾支持它的可能性不大。 The public were deceived by the newspapers. 公眾受到報紙的蒙騙。


The school's teaching staff is (are) excellent. 該校的師資很不錯。

The audience was (were) excited by the show. 觀眾對演出甚感激動。

The local council are (is) in charge of repairing roads. 當(dāng)?shù)氐恼?wù)會負(fù)責(zé)道路的維修工作。

The jury are (is) about to announce the winners. 評委會將宣布優(yōu)勝者名單。


The entire community is behind the appeal. 整個社區(qū)都支持這項呼吁。

The opposition was quick to reply to the charge. 反對派迅速對指控作出回答。

Our company is sending him to work in Berlin. 我們公司將派遣他去柏林工作。

The gang is being hunted by the police. 這伙匪徒正受警察追捕。


Bacteria are often a cause of disease. 細(xì)菌常引起疾病。

The police are looking for him. 警察正在找他。

3.1.4 物質(zhì)名詞



1) 有些物質(zhì)名詞可用作可數(shù)名詞,表示“一份”、“一杯”:

Two strong black coffces, please. 請給我兩份濃咖啡,不要加奶。

Three beers, please. 請來三杯啤酒。

A chocolate ice-cream for me. 給我一份巧克力冰淇淋。

2) 有些物質(zhì)名詞可作可數(shù)名詞,表示“一種”:

It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms. 這是一種特別的茶,有橘子花味。

It was a delicious Californian wine. 那是一種美味的加州紅酒。

Stainless steels contain about 12% of chromium. 不銹鋼含有約百分之十二的鉻。

3) 個別物質(zhì)名詞可用于復(fù)數(shù)形式或有特殊意義:

She forbids any vessels to enter her territorial waters. 她禁止任何船只進入其領(lǐng)海。

It was now the time of the spring rains. 現(xiàn)在是春天雨季的時候。

Here are the snows of last year. 這是去年的積雪。

3.1.5 抽象名詞



Safety first! 安全第一!

He's learning French for fun. 他學(xué)法語是為著好玩。

He never had any education. 他從未受過教育。

They had justice on their side. 正義在他們一邊。

I wish you luck. 我祝你好運。

It's wonderful weather. 天氣好極了。


a. He works hard for the welfare of the poor. 他為窮人的福利努力工作。

The oppressive weather lasted only a few days. 悶熱天氣只持續(xù)了幾天。

I shall never forget the beauty of that lake. 我永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記那座湖的秀美景色。

She didn't have the courage to ask him. 她沒有勇氣問他。

b. There's a beauty in simplicity. 樸實之中有一種美。

He had always had a warm affection for me. 他對我一直有一種溫馨的情感。

After a brief peace, war broke out again. 經(jīng)過一段短暫的和平時期,戰(zhàn)爭又爆發(fā)了。

Switzerland adopted a policy of neutrality. 瑞士采取了中立政策。


3.1.6 可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞

1) 可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞的區(qū)分是英語中的一個重要問題,因為它牽涉到一個名詞的形式和它前面加不加冠詞以及加哪種冠詞的問題。多數(shù)名詞情況是比較簡單的,例如桌子、椅子、房間、人,在英語及漢語中都是可數(shù)名詞,使用就比較簡單。但也有不少名詞在英語中是不可數(shù)的,而在漢語中卻是可數(shù)的,例如下面這些都是不可數(shù)名詞,在使用時要小心:

furniture: We haven't got much furniture. 我們的家具不多。

equipment: His firm supplies kitchen equipment. 他的公司提供廚房設(shè)備。

clothing: There is nothing but clothing in the cupboard. 這柜子里只有衣服。

news: No news is good news. (諺)沒有消息就是好消息。

information: His task was to collect information. 他的任務(wù)是收集情報。

machinery: How much machinery has been installed? 安裝了多少機器?


a piece of furniture 一件家具

a piece of equipment 一件設(shè)備

an article of clothing 一件衣裳

a piece of information 一則信息

an item of news 一條新聞

(但a machine 一臺機器)


a cake of soap 一塊肥皂

a tube of toothpaste 一管牙膏

a loaf of bread 一條面包

a slice of cake 一塊蛋糕

a can of beer 一罐啤酒

a length of cloth 一段布料

a sheet of paper 一張紙

a jar of jam 一罐果醬

a lump of sugar 一塊方糖

a bottle of brandy 一瓶白蘭地

a ball of wool 一團毛線

a pot of tea 一壺茶

a bar of chocolate 一大塊巧克力

a cube of ice 一塊冰

a pinch of salt 一小撮鹽

a grain of sand 一粒沙子

a stick of candy 一根棒糖

a grain of rice 一粒米

a large sum of money 一大筆錢

a bar of gold 一根金條

a piece of thread 一根線

a small amount of sugar 少量白糖

an expanse of water 一片水域

a stretch of land 一片土地

a portion of soup 一份湯

a bowl of rice 一碗米飯

a blade of grass 一根草

a carton of milk 一盒牛奶

a fit of anger 一頓脾氣

a suit of clothes 一套衣服

a stroke of good luck 一陣好運

a burst of applause 一陣掌聲

a ray of hope 一線希望

a shower of criticism 一陣批評


a packet of cigarettes 一包香煙

a bunch of keys 一串鑰匙

a pair of pants 一條褲子

a pair of spectacles 一副眼鏡

a set of books 一套書

a series of problems 一系列問題

a pack of cards 一副紙牌

a host of difficulties 一大堆困難

a pack of wolves 一群狼

a herd of deer 一群鹿

a busful of children 一車孩子

a handful of sweets 一把糖果

a basket of peaches 一筐桃子

a dish of peanuts 一碟花生

a bag of cashew nuts 一包腰果

a swarm of ants 一大群螞蟻

a packet of envelopes 一沓信封

a pack of lies 連篇的謊言

a pride of lions 一群獅子

a herd of elephants 一群大象

2) 有些名詞可以兼作可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞,例如:

a. 有些名詞兼作物質(zhì)名詞和個體名詞:

物質(zhì)名詞      個體名詞

* * *

glass 玻璃      a glass 玻璃杯

copper 銅       a copper 銅幣(板)

tin 錫        a tin (英)罐頭,聽

paper 紙       a paper 報紙,證件,論文

iron 鐵        an iron 熨斗

wood 木頭       a wood 樹林

gold 金子       a gold 金牌

b. 有些抽象名詞可兼作個體名詞:

抽象名詞      個體名詞

* * *

youth 青春      a youth 青年人

relation 關(guān)系     a relation 親屬

authority 權(quán)威    an authority 權(quán)威人士

power 力量      a power 大國

necessity 必要性   a necessity 必需品

democracy民主     a democracy 民主國家

beauty 美       a beauty 美人,美的東西

pleasure 高興,愉快  a pleasure 使人感到愉快的事

3) 有些個體名詞可轉(zhuǎn)而用作抽象名詞:

個體名詞 抽象名詞

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The rooms are to let. 房間出租。 There's no room for doubts. 沒有懷疑的余地。

They are building a new school. 他們在蓋一所新學(xué)校。 He finished school at sixteen. 他十六歲中學(xué)畢業(yè)。

Is there a church round here? 這一帶有教堂嗎? Grandpa never went to church. 爺爺從不做禮拜。

There was a big double bed. 有一張大雙人床。 Time for bed. 該睡覺了。

Butterflies flattered among the flowers.蝴蝶在花間飛舞。 The roses are in flower. 玫瑰開花了。

How many holidays do you have in a year? 你們一年有多少節(jié)假日? They went on holiday last week. 他們上星期度假去了。

There's a general hospital in the area.這地區(qū)有一家綜合醫(yī)院。 When did she leave hospital? 她什么時候出院的?

4) 英語中有許多對詞,一個可數(shù),一個不可數(shù),例如:

可數(shù)名詞 不可數(shù)名詞

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a poem 一首詩 poetry 詩歌(總稱)

a machine 一臺機器 machinery 機器(總稱)

a job 一件工作 work 工作

a laugh 一個笑聲 laughter 笑聲

a permit 許可證 permission 允許

a garment 一件衣裳 clothing 衣裳(總稱)

a bag (case) 一件行李 luggage (英),baggage (美)行李

a loaf 一條面包 bread 面包



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