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美國(guó)文化脫口秀 第407期:一個(gè)英語(yǔ)名 很多很多面!




永恒經(jīng)典的英語(yǔ)名主題,今天再說(shuō)一下。不過(guò),今天的新角度,可能是你不知道的;比如Bill, Billy這些名字,其實(shí)都是William的小名。而Jack則來(lái)自John;Elizabeth這個(gè)女王名,更是可以變出10多個(gè)相關(guān)的名字!想了解自己英語(yǔ)名背后的故事嗎?覺(jué)得自己英語(yǔ)名太大眾化?想多點(diǎn)新意和創(chuàng)意?


Pet name/nick name: 小名、昵稱

Pet name doesn't mean the name of your pet: pet name不是寵物的名字,是小名

I didn't know name was such a popular topic: 我以前沒(méi)想到名字是那么受歡迎的話題

Well, everyone needs a name: 大家都要起名字嘛


Adam doesn't have any pet names: Adam這個(gè)名字沒(méi)有小名

Biblical name: 本身是個(gè)來(lái)自圣經(jīng)的名字

It's already a very short name, you don't really need a pet name: Adam本身已經(jīng)很短了,不需要小名

Edward > Ed, Eddie, Ned

Ned is a popular British name: 英國(guó)人特別喜歡Ned這個(gè)名字

I've met a few Brits namd Ned: 我認(rèn)識(shí)好幾個(gè)叫Ned的英國(guó)人

Charles > Chuck, Charlie

Charles sounds very regal: Charles這個(gè)名字聽(tīng)起來(lái)非常高貴、有王室風(fēng)范

Americans like to shorten it to Chuck: 美國(guó)人很喜歡把Charles變成Chuck這個(gè)小名

But Chuck sounds like the name of a lumberjack: Chuck這個(gè)小名聽(tīng)起來(lái)很像伐木工

It sounds really down-to-earth: 聽(tīng)起來(lái)特別實(shí)在、靠譜

Chuck also has the meaning of "throwing something away": chuck還有一個(gè)意思,就是扔掉、丟掉


Charles on birth certificate: 也許出生證上的名字是Charles

But they go by Chuck or Charlie: 但日常生活中,別人都叫他Chuck或者Charlie

Alice > Ally, Alicia, Alison...

If you think Alice is too common or mature, you can choose the above pet names:

Names like Ally sound really cute and sweet: Ally這個(gè)名字聽(tīng)起來(lái)特別可愛(ài)、甜美

Many young girls go by Ally: 很多女生小時(shí)候都被叫Ally

Amanda > Mandy, Amy

Andrew > Andy (for boys), Andie ( for girls)

女生也可以叫Andie, 不過(guò)通常是ie結(jié)尾

Anthony > Tony ( boys) , Toni (girls)

I have a joke about this name: 我有個(gè)關(guān)于這個(gè)名字的笑話

"Tony, have you seen Anthony? Yeah, he's in Italy with Tony"

The joke fell flat: 這個(gè)笑話好冷

Toni can be used as a girl's name: Toni可以被用為女孩兒名

There's a famous Australian actress named Toni Collette: 有個(gè)澳洲女演員,就叫Toni Collette

Benjamin, Benedict > Ben, Benny

Benjamin or Benedict sounds very formal: Benjamin, Benedict聽(tīng)起來(lái)特別正式

They are often shortened to Ben or Benny: 日常經(jīng)常被簡(jiǎn)稱為Ben或者Benny

Elizabeth > So many!!!

If you take the first part: 取前段,有這些名字:

Eliza, Elisa

If you take the middle part: 取中間,有這些:

Liz, Lizzie, Lizzy, Lisa, Liza

If you take the end: 取最后,有這些名字:

Beth, Betty, Becky


Bradley > Brad

Bradley as in Bradley Cooper, the famous American actor: 就和美國(guó)演員Bradley Cooper一樣的名字

Brad is a popular boy's name in America: Brad是個(gè)在美國(guó)很受歡迎的男生名字

If a child makes their parents angry, their parents will call them by their full name: 如果孩子淘氣,惹父母生氣了,爸爸媽媽就會(huì)叫他們?nèi)?/p>

Brad becomes Bradley: 比如平時(shí)叫Brad, 這時(shí)候就變成Bradley

Christopher > Chris/Kris, Topher:

Some guys named Christopher will go by Topher: 有些大名叫Christopher的男生平時(shí)會(huì)叫Topher

Topher Grace from "That 70's Show": 美劇“That 70's Show"里的男主角扮演者就叫Topher Grace.

My middle name is Christopher: 我中間的名字就是Christopher

一個(gè)英語(yǔ)名 很多很多面!

外國(guó)人的middle name有什么含義?

Does everyone have a middle name? 外國(guó),每個(gè)人都會(huì)有中間名字嗎?

Middle name: 姓名中間的名字,通常以祖父母的名字作為middle name

It's different for everyone: 因人而異

Some people don't have any middle names; some have one, some two, some even three: 有人沒(méi)有middle name, 有人有一個(gè)、兩個(gè)、甚至三個(gè)

In my family, everyone's middle name is my grandfather's name: 我家的孩子,每個(gè)人的middle name都是我爺爺?shù)拿?/p>

Family tradition: 是個(gè)家庭傳統(tǒng)

*但是通常middle name平時(shí)不會(huì)用,只是出現(xiàn)在出生證、護(hù)照這些證件上*

Daniel > Dan, Danny

David > Dave, Davy

Jennifer > Jen, Jenny

Spencer sometimes call me "Jen": Spencer有時(shí)候會(huì)叫我Jen

I don't really like it: 我其實(shí)不是特別喜歡

Should you call someone by their pet name?


If someone's name is Robert, that will usually appear on their ID cards or business cards: 比方說(shuō),一個(gè)叫Robert的人,他的身份證件或者名片上基本會(huì)寫Robert

But they will tell their friends to call them by their preferred pet name: 但是日常,他會(huì)告訴朋友叫他小名就可以

If they didn't tell you what their pet name is, it's safer to use their proper name: 但如果他沒(méi)說(shuō),那最好還是用正規(guī)的名字

Francis > Frank

Does Francis sound feminine? Francis聽(tīng)起來(lái)會(huì)不會(huì)有點(diǎn)兒女性化?

No, Francine or Francesca are girls' names: 不會(huì)。Francine、 Francesca才是女性的名字

John > Jack

Jack is the pet name of John: Jack是John的小名

JFK (John F. Kennedy) :肯尼迪總統(tǒng)

His full name was John F. Kennedy: 他正規(guī)的名字是John F. Kennedy

But people often called him Jack: 但是大家都叫他Jack

His younger brother, Ted Kennedy's full name was Edward Kennedy: 他還有個(gè)弟弟,叫Ted, 但全名叫Edward Kennedy

Jonathan > Jon, Nathan, Nate:

希望別人這樣叫你? 學(xué)這句:

“I go by ...”

Q: What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

A: I'm Jonathan, but I go by Nathan: 我叫Jonathan, 但你叫我Nathan就可以了

It means what you prefer to be called: 意思就是你更希望大家如何稱呼你

It's a polite way to let people know what you prefer to be called: 是一個(gè)很禮貌的方式


Richard可以變成 Rich, Richie, Ricky


Dick Cheney: 小布什時(shí)期的副總統(tǒng)迪克.切尼

My parents' generation was probably the last to use the name Dick: 我父母那一代大概是最后用Dick這個(gè)名字的

People named Richard today will go by Rich or Richie, not Dick: 現(xiàn)在叫Richard的人不會(huì)用這個(gè)名字了

Victoria > Vicky, Tory...



Tory Burch: 美國(guó)時(shí)尚品牌Tory Burch

Kings' and queens' names usually have a lot of variations: 國(guó)王、皇后的名字,通常都有很多變化

Katherine/Catherine > So many!!





Catherine with a C or a K? 是C還是K開(kāi)頭的Catherine?


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