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四十五 給弗拉希,我的狗

Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Loving friend, the gift of one, 愛友呵,你是她的禮品,
Who, her own true faith, hath run. 通過你那卑微的天性,
Through thy lower nature; 流著她真誠(chéng)的情誼,
Be my benediction said 但愿能說出我的祝福,
With my hand upon thy head, 我把手放上你的頭顱,
Gentle fellow-creature! 你這溫柔的小東西!
Like a lady's ringlets brown, 像一位女士的棕色鬈發(fā),
Flow thy silken ears adown 你那絲質(zhì)的耳朵垂掛,
Either side demurely, 乖乖地貼在兩邊,
Of thy silver-suited breast 你的胸脯穿著銀衣裳,
Shining out from all the rest 你全身各部也都閃閃亮,
Of thy body purely. 純正的毛兒無瑕玷。
Darkly brown thy body is, 你身上的毛兒本是深褐色,
Till the sunshine, striking this, 可一旦陽(yáng)光向你來照射,
Alchemise its dulness,— 暗褐就變成金黃,
When the sleek curls manifold 柔滑的鬈毛一綹又一綹,
Flash all over into gold, 全身都閃射黃金的光流,
With a burnished fulness. 擦過的光澤亮堂堂。
Underneath my stroking hand, 在我的手掌輕輕的撫摩下,
Startled eyes of hazel bland 溫柔的褐色眼睛被驚嚇,
Kindling, growing larger,— 發(fā)亮而越睜越大,——
Up thou leapest with a spring, 充滿著活力,你高高躍起,
Full of prank and curvetting, 歡蹦亂跳,還要耍淘氣,
Leaping like a charger. 活像沖鋒的戰(zhàn)馬。
Leap! thy broad tail waves a light; 跳啊!大尾巴劃過一道光;
Leap! thy slender feet are bright, 跳?。〖?xì)長(zhǎng)的腳丫閃閃亮,
Canopied in fringes. 讓緣纓如傘般蓋住。
Leap — those tasselled ears of thine 跳啊——你掛著流蘇的兩耳
Flicker strangely, fair and fine, 奇異地?fù)鋭?dòng),漂亮又精致,
Down their golden inches. 沿寸寸金色紋路。
Yet, my pretty sportive friend, 但是,我可愛頑皮的小搗蛋,
Little is't to such an end 你的氣度真夠不平凡,
That I praise thy rareness! 我的贊揚(yáng)可沒完!
Other dogs may be thy peers 別的狗或許跟你能般配,
Haply in these drooping ears, 它們的耳朵也都往下垂,
And this glossy fairness. 它們也都光燦燦。
But of thee it shall be said, 可是對(duì)于你,我要講更多,
This dog watched beside a bed 在床邊,這只狗久久守衛(wèi)著,
Day and night unweary,— 日日夜夜不疲倦,——
Watched within a curtained room, 守衛(wèi)在拉上窗簾的房間內(nèi),
Where no sunbeam brake the gloom 當(dāng)陽(yáng)光還沒有沖破那包圍
Round the sick and dreary. 凄苦病人的黑暗。
Roses, gathered for a vase, 瓶中采來的一朵朵玫瑰,
In that chamber died apace, 在這房間里很快就枯萎,
Beam and breeze resigning— 陽(yáng)光和輕風(fēng)來不了;——
This dog only, waited on, 只有這只狗,始終陪伴,
Knowing that when light is gone, 它懂得盡管陽(yáng)光變暗,
Love remains for shining. 愛還會(huì)繼續(xù)閃耀。
Other dogs in thymy dew 別的狗踏著百里香朝露,
Tracked the hares and followed through 追趕著野兔,飛跑奔逐
Sunny moor or meadow— 在陽(yáng)光明媚的草原;——
This dog only, crept and crept 只有這只狗,匍匐又匍匐,
Next a languid cheek that slept, 在我倦睡的面頰旁蹲伏,
Sharing in the shadow. 跟我同享著幽暗。
Other dogs of loyal cheer 別的狗帶著忠誠(chéng)的歡叫,
Bounded at the whistle clear, 聽到清脆的笛聲唿哨,
Up the woodside hieing— 趕緊奔向樹林邊;——
This dog only, watched in reach 只有這只狗,緊守在身旁,
Of a faintly uttered speech, 聽有氣無力的話語輕講,
Or a louder sighing. 或一陣大聲的哀嘆。
And if one or two quick tears 假如有一兩滴淚水灼熱,
Dropped upon his glossy ears, 墜落到他那柔滑的耳朵,
Or a sigh came double,— 或連續(xù)發(fā)出嘆息聲;——
Up he sprang in eager haste, 他就急急忙忙跳上來,
Fawning, fondling, breathing fast, 喘著氣搖尾巴表示親愛,
In a tender trouble. 費(fèi)著勁兒獻(xiàn)殷勤。
And this dog was satisfied, 這只狗感到滿足,假如
If a pale thin hand would glide 一只蒼白瘦手的愛撫
Down his dewlaps sloping,— 滑向他下垂的頸項(xiàng),——
Which he pushed his nose within, 他把鼻子伸向脖子下,
After, — platforming his chin 后來,又?jǐn)D平他的下巴
On the palm left open. 在攤開手心的掌上。
This dog, if a friendly voice 假如有一個(gè)友好的聲音
Call him now to blyther choice 叫他去選擇更多的歡欣,
Than such chamber-keeping, 別守著屋子不動(dòng)窩,
"Come out!" praying from the door,— "出來吧!"門口的聲音在懇求,——
Presseth backward as before, 他還像從前,趕緊回頭,
Up against me leaping. 跳上身來倚著我。
Therefore to this dog will I, 就因?yàn)檫@樣,我對(duì)這只狗
Tenderly not scornfully, 從不輕視,只有溫柔,
Render praise and favour! 給以寵愛和贊揚(yáng)!
With my hand upon his head, 所以我說出我的祝福,
Is my benediction said 我把手放上他的頭顱,
Therefore, and for ever. 永遠(yuǎn)也不會(huì)變樣。
And because he loves me so, 因?yàn)樗麗畚乙赃@樣的誠(chéng)意,
Better than his kind will do 遠(yuǎn)勝過他的同類們對(duì)于
Often, man or woman,— 男女主人的忠順,——
Give I back more love again 我就回報(bào)他更多的摯愛,
Than dogs often take of men,— 別的狗難以向人討得來,——
Leaning from my Human. 這樣做憑我的"人性"。
Blessings on thee, dog of mine, 我的小狗,讓我祝福你,
Pretty collars make thee fine, 精巧的項(xiàng)圈使你更美麗,
Sugared milk make fat thee! 甜牛奶使你圓滾滾!
Pleasures wag on in thy tail— 尾巴上搖擺著多少歡快,——
Hands of gentle motion fail 雙手的輕撫你永不躲開,
Nevermore, to pat thee! 拍著你這小胖墩!
Downy pillow take thy head, 軟枕頭貼著你的腦袋,
Silken coverlid bestead, 絲絨的床單在身下鋪開,
Sunshine help thy sleeping! 陽(yáng)光照得你好睡覺!
No fly's buzzing wake thee up— 蒼蠅嗡嗡叫,你卻更酣睡,——
No man break thy purple cup, 沒有人打碎你的紫色杯,
Set for drinking deep in. 讓你從杯里喝個(gè)飽。
Whiskered cats arointed flee— 長(zhǎng)胡子貓咪被逐遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)逃,——
Sturdy stoppers keep from thee 堅(jiān)實(shí)的瓶塞子塞得牢又牢,
Cologne distillations; 科隆香水你沾不上;
Nuts lie in thy path for stones, 堅(jiān)果躺在小路上當(dāng)石子兒,
And thy feast-day macaroons 節(jié)日宴會(huì)上才有的杏仁餅兒
Turn to daily rations! 成了你每天的食糧!
Mock I thee, in wishimg weal?— 我笑話你,是祝你運(yùn)道好?——
Tears are in my eyes to feel 淚水充盈在眼眶里,我感到
Thou art made so straightly, 你處處受到限制,
Blessing needs must straighten too,— 給你的祝福實(shí)在也有限,——
Little canst thou joy or do, 你很少歡樂,也許有一點(diǎn),
Thou who lovest greatly. 你愛得偉大之至!
Yet be blessed to the height 然而我還是祝福你能夠
Of all good and all delight 在你的天性里永遠(yuǎn)滲透
Pervious to thy nature,— 絕頂?shù)纳屏己托老玻?mdash;—
Only loved beyond that line, 只愿你得到越界的愛心,
With a love that answers thine, 有愛心回報(bào)你一片真情,
Loving fellow-creature! 你這可愛的小東西!
  屠 岸 章 燕譯


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