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   Previously1 on "The Vampire2 Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日記》前情提要
  He's dead. 他已經(jīng)死了
  No, no! I can't, I can't, I can't. 不,不,我做不到,我做不到
  I can help you. Turn it off. 我能幫你,關(guān)掉
  She's ruthless without her humanity. 她失去了人性十分無情
  The cure's the fastest way to get it back. 治愈方法是恢復她人性的最快方法
  When Silas was buried by the witch Qetsiyah, 賽拉斯被凱茨雅埋葬的時候
  she left him with the cure. 她留下了治愈方法
  She knew that he wanted to die, 她知道他一心想死
  be reunited with his one true love. 和他唯一的真愛重聚
  Free her from darkness. 將她帶出黑暗
  No! 不
  The triangle is complete. 三角已經(jīng)完成
  The witches almost killed you. 那些巫師差點殺了你
  What witches? 什么巫師
  How did I get off the island? 我怎么從島上回來的
  What's the last thing you can remember? 你能記起的最后一件事是什么
  Jeremy was trying to pry3 the cure out of Silas' hands. 杰里米想掰開賽拉斯的手拿到治愈方法
  Bonnie, there's something you need to know about Jeremy. 邦妮,關(guān)于杰里米,我得告訴你件事
  Hey, Jeremy. 你好啊,杰里米
  You know, I was... 要知道,我
  I was thinking about the last thing I said to you. 我在想我最后對你說的話
  "We did it." "我們做到了"
  Totally lame4 last thing to say to someone. 真是好蠢的臨別贈言
  That wasn't a goodbye, Jeremy. You 那不是道別,杰里米
  You were supposed to come back with us. 你本該跟我們一起回來的
  Bonnie. 邦妮
  Jeremy. 杰里米
  Wake up. 醒醒
  How are you here? 你怎么在這兒
  Bonnie, wake up. 邦妮,醒醒
  I don't understand. 我不明白
  Open your eyes. 睜開你的眼睛
  Bonnie, open your eyes! 邦妮,睜睜眼
  Oh, my god. 天吶
  So what has it been, 8, 9 days? 有多久了,八九天
  About 8 or 9 days. 八九天了
  I don't know. I lost count. 不知道,沒數(shù)
  We lost count of the consecutive5 days 我們都忘記了連續(xù)多少天
  in which Elena Gilbert has not killed anyone. 埃琳娜·吉爾伯特沒有殺人
  I'd say that's progress, brother. 這算是有進步了,弟弟
  So, what are we gonna do, 我們怎么辦
  just throw the football around for another 150 years 再扔個150年的球
  till Elena gets her humanity back? 等著埃琳娜恢復人性嗎
  Because I'm cool with that. 這我沒問題
  She doesn't want the cure. 她不想要解藥
  She's gonna start killing6 people 她要是知道我們還再
  if she knows we're still trying to get it for her. 想辦法得到解藥會開始殺人的
  All right. We could always, uh, make her want it. 好吧,我們也可以讓她想要解藥嘛
  Yeah. 說得輕巧
  How are you gonna make an emotionless vampire want anything? 你要怎么讓無情的吸血鬼想要任何東西
  Get her to flip7 her humanity switch. 讓她開啟人性
  So, what are we gonna do? 要怎么做
  Pull a Lexi, bombard her with emotions 像萊希那樣,用一堆感情淹沒她
  till one of them sticks? 直到某種感情扎下根嗎
  Yeah, and if that doesn't work, 對,如果這不好用
  Then we go to plan "B" 那就啟動B計劃
  Lock her up and keep her sidelined 把她關(guān)起來
  until you and I figure out a plan "C." 直到你我想出C計劃
  And what happens when she gets slammed with 那等杰里米死后的一切情感
  every emotion she's repressed since Jeremy died? 都一涌而上時她會怎么樣
  Well, then you, my friend, 那時,我的朋友
  will be right by her side 你會在她身邊
  ready to help her through it. 幫她渡過難關(guān)
  Right, because you don't want to keep reliving history. 是啊,因為你不想重復過去
  And when this is all over, 等這一切都結(jié)束了
  you're just gonna get out of her life. 你就會離開她的生活
  Bingo. 答對了
  All right. How do you want to do this? 好吧,我們怎么做呢
  Elijah, being human means a fresh start. 以利亞,做人是一個新的開始
  I can grow old and have a family 我可以變老,組建家庭
  and fill my days with meaning, 充實我的每一天
  knowing that each one matters. 因為每一天都很重要
  Well, that was poetic8. 真有詩意啊
  Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason 你有想要解藥的更有力的理由嗎
  for wanting the cure, Klaus, please. 克勞斯,請說吧
  Silas can appear as anyone. 賽拉斯可以變成任何人
  He got inside my thoughts, 他進入了我的思想
  convinced me I was dying. 讓我以為自己命不久矣
  He will torment9 me until I give him the cure. 我不給他解藥他不會放過我
  And in doing so, he will break down the wall to the other side. 你給他解藥他會打破通向那邊的界限
  So it doesn't trap him there when he dies. 這樣他死后就不會被困在那兒了
  He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. 他是想跟逝去的愛人重聚
  You, of all lovesick fools, should applaud his devotion. 作為一個戀愛中的傻瓜,你該為他的忠誠感動啊
  He will open the floodgates 他會開啟大門
  for every supernatural being that has ever died. 讓所有死去的超自然生物回來
  Including our dear brothers Kol and Finn. 包括我們的兄弟,科爾和芬恩
  We'll have our family back. 我們的家庭也能團聚了
  Please! You hated Kol. 少來吧,你討厭科爾
  And you kept Finn in a box for most of his life. 而芬恩大半輩子都被你關(guān)在棺材里
  Elijah, please. 以利亞,請說吧
  Your personal discomfort10 might not be sufficient reason 只因你個人的不適,不足以讓
  for putting the entire world in jeopardy11, Klaus. 全世界都處于險境,克勞斯
  I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness. 我認為我們的妹妹應該得到幸福
  Tell me you're joking. 你是開玩笑吧
  Tell me you're not fating me to an eternity12 of torture. 你不是要讓我受到永恒的折磨吧
  I've made my decision. 我心意已定
  When you're sick and dying 等你生病要死掉的時候
  and you beg for my blood, 祈求我給你我的血
  I will laugh in your face 我會當面嘲笑你
  and compel you to forget me. 逼你忘記我
  Where's the cure? 解藥在哪
  Rebekah, it's no secret that you are impulsive13, emotional, 麗貝卡,人人都知道你沖動,感情用事
  and at times morally questionable14. 有時會做出不道德的事
  Prove to me this isn't just another one of your whims15, 向我證明這不是你的一時心血來潮
  that you know precisely16 what you are giving up here. 你完全清楚你放棄的到底是什么
  Fine. Anything. 好,做什么都行
  I want you to live a day as a human. 我要你作為人類過一天
  This day. 這一天
  No vampire privileges no strength, 不許使用吸血鬼的能力,力量
  no compulsion, no nothing. 精神控制什么的,都不能用
  If you succeed and still believe this is what you want... 如果你成功了,依然堅信這是你想要的
  the cure is yours. 我就給你解藥
  You're gonna fail. 你會失敗的
  You should be locking yourself inside all day, 你這一天該把自己關(guān)起來
  not shopping for prom. 而不是為舞會購物
  Name me a more human experience than senior prom. 你說一個比畢業(yè)舞會更像人的經(jīng)歷
  Death. 死亡
  Why should I listen to you? 我憑什么聽你的
  You don't even have your humanity. 你的人性都沒了
  You realize you won't even 你知道你都沒法
  be able to compel yourself a date, right? 強迫誰跟你去舞會吧
  Yes, and last time I checked, you're living in my house 對,如果我沒記錯,你住在我家
  because I'm the only one that can tolerate you, 因為別人都受不了你
  so you don't have to be so rude. 所以,別這么沖
  Then I'm going to come with you. 那我也去
  Yeah. I'll keep an eye on you 我要盯著你
  and make sure that you pass Elijah's test. 確保你能通過以利亞的測試
  As soon as you down the cure, it'll be gone for good. 你一服下解藥,它就再不是問題了
  And no one will be able to use it on me. 誰都別想逼我服用了
  What kind of dreams? 什么樣的夢
  Usually I'm at his grave, and... 一般都是我去給他上墳
  all of a sudden, he appears to me. 突然之間,他就出現(xiàn)了
  Well, you never got to say goodbye, Bon. 畢竟你沒能跟他道別嘛,邦
  You're grieving. That's normal. 這是悲痛,很正常
  When I woke up, the couch was on fire. 我醒來的時候,沙發(fā)著火了
  I don't know if it's because I was emotional in my dream 我不知道是因為我在夢里很激動
  or if Shane was right. 或是肖恩說對了
  Without his help, I'll lose control of my magic. 沒有他的幫助,我控制不了自己的魔力
  No. It's because you need a night off from mourning. 不,是因為你需要停止一晚的悲傷
  And I'm gonna make sure that you have it. 我會確保你有這樣的一晚
  Um, you look super hot, by the way. 對了,你真的很性感
  Do you think? 是嗎
  Oh, yeah. Yeah? 是的,是嗎
  Yeah. Matt and I are gonna have the sexiest date there. 我和馬特會有全場最性感的女伴
  You know what? I love friend prom. 你知道嗎,我喜歡朋友舞會
  And it's exactly what prom should be 舞會就該這樣
  friends and memories. Yup. 和朋友制造美好回憶,說得好
  Yes, it sucks that my boyfriend can't be here, 的確,我男朋友不能來是很糟
  but the three of us are gonna have the night of our lives. 但我們?nèi)齻€會玩得很開心的
  Hey, Bonnie. Heard you got your mind wiped. 邦妮,聽說你記憶被清空了
  That sucks. Pretty dress, Caroline. 真糟糕啊,禮服真漂亮,卡羅琳
  I know. You helped me pick it out months ago 我知道啊,幾個月前你幫我挑的
  when we were friends, 我們那時還是朋友呢
  before you tried to kill me. 在你想殺掉我之前
  I thought it looked familiar. 我就覺得看著眼熟
  Can you press this for me? 你幫我裝好行嗎
  I'll pick it up later. 我回頭來取
  Bonnie. 邦妮
  I don't need a babysitter. 我不需要保姆
  Really? 是嗎
  Because the last time I saw you, 上次我們見面的時候
  you snapped a waitress' spine17. 你擰斷了一個服務員的脊椎
  It got you to stop your search for the cure, didn't it? 讓你停止找解藥了,不是嗎
  Yup. 沒錯
  We're just here to make sure you hold up your end of the deal. 我們只是想確保你能做到你答應的事
  Don't eat the prom queen. 別吃掉舞會王后
  May I? 可以嗎
  No. 別想
  Wow. Would you look at that? 瞧瞧啊
  Aw. Beautiful dress. 禮服真美
  Thank you. 謝謝
  I stole it. 我偷來的
  Klaus? 克勞斯
  Klaus! 克勞斯
  Kla 克勞...
  Hello. Did you not hear me? 喂,你聽到我了沒啊
  Of course I heard you, Caroline. 我當然聽到了,卡羅琳
  I think the whole of Mystic Falls heard you. 我想整個神秘瀑布都聽到你了
  I'm in no mood for company. 我沒心情陪你
  Well, I'm sorry that you're having personal issues, 我很抱歉你有些私人問題
  but I have a real crisis on my hands. 但我現(xiàn)在面臨真正的危機
  Elena stole my prom dress. 埃琳娜偷了我的禮服
  I went to pick it up, 我去取禮服
  and the tailor said that somebody else already did. 裁縫卻說已經(jīng)有人取走了
  And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember. 我問她是誰,她卻說不記得了
  Hello? The vervain is out of the town water supply. 喂,小鎮(zhèn)供水系統(tǒng)里沒有馬鞭草了
  She was compelled. 她被人控制了
  It is not funny. 這可不好笑
  I know. I know. 我知道
  Then stop laughing. 那就別笑了
  Look, I know that prom isn't important to you, 我知道你不在乎舞會
  but it's important to me. 但我在乎
  Surely finding another dress 你是個吸血鬼啊
  is well within your substantial vampire capabilities18. 再找一件禮服沒什么問題吧
  But I don't want just another dress. 但我不想隨便找件禮服
  I want to look hot, like princess Grace of Monaco hot. 我想打扮的像摩洛哥王妃格蕾絲那么性感
  So... 所以...
  Could you please go back into your creepy trophy19 case 你能去你的家族收藏品箱里
  of family collectibles and dig me out something of royal caliber20? 翻出一件有皇室風范的禮服嗎
  Where's the disco ball? 迪斯科球呢
  Caroline's been working on this for a while. 卡羅琳都忙了好一陣了
  It's a, uh, photo yearbook of the senior class. 是畢業(yè)班的照片集
  Isn't that photo from first day of freshman21 year? 那張照片不是高一第一天的嗎
  My mom took that when she dropped us off at school. 我媽送我們?nèi)ド蠈W的時候拍的
  I'm gonna get a seizure22 if I keep staring at these screens. 我要是繼續(xù)盯著這些屏幕就要發(fā)癲癇了
  Why do I feel like we're at a practice run of Caroline's wedding? 我為什么覺得這像是卡羅琳婚禮的預演
  Because I think we are. 我覺得這就是
  You are underage. 你還不到年齡呢
  You're overage, and honestly, it's kind of creepy. 你太老了,說實話,感覺很瘆人
  Oh, come on. What badass senior is complete 得了,壞壞的畢業(yè)班女生
  without a prom date that's slightly too old for high school? 怎么能不找個有點老的男伴呢
  Please don't refer to yourself as my date. 求你別說你是我的男伴
  Oh, I'm sorry. Your boyfriend. 抱歉,你男朋友
  Something I said? 我說什么了嗎
  I'm not doing this. 我不跟你玩
  You're not gonna deny that I'm your boyfriend, now, are you? 你不是要否認我們的關(guān)系吧
  What are you doing? 你這是干什么
  Trying to stir some feelings in me? 想讓我產(chǎn)生感情嗎
  Ironic23, since you, my sire, are the one who had me turn them off. 真諷刺,因為是你命令我關(guān)掉了感情
  Yeah, well, hindsight is almost a bigger bitch than you. 沒辦法,后見之明簡直比你還討厭
  You're nothing to me, Damon. 你對我毫無意義,達蒙
  Really? Then why tell me you're in love with me? 是嗎,那你為什么說你愛上了我
  Why tell me it's the most real thing you've ever felt in your life? 為什么說那是你這輩子最真實的情感
  I told you I loved you because I was sired to you, 我說我愛你是因為對你認祖歸忠
  And now that I'm not, I know that none of it was real, 如今解除了,我知道那不是真實的感情
  But if you still think that it was, 但如果你還以為那是真的
  I mean, maybe you're the one who needs help with your emotions, 或許你才是需要理清感情的人
  not me. 不是我
  Uhoh. Friend patrol. 朋友巡邏隊來了
  Hey. I know we haven't really talked since... 我知道那事之后我們還沒說過話
  everything, but I just i want to say that I miss you. 但我想說,我想你
  Me, too, and we want to help you. 我也是,我們想幫你
  What are you gonna do 你能怎么做
  get me a job at the grill24? 幫我在酒吧找個活兒嗎
  I don't want you to look back 我不想你將來回想起來
  and realize you missed out on the best part of senior year. 發(fā)現(xiàn)自己錯過了畢業(yè)季最好的時光
  Spare me, Matt. 省省吧,馬特
  If you had the choice, you would have turned your emotions off 如果你有的選,你會在薇姬死的那一刻
  the second that Vicki died. 就關(guān)掉你的感情
  Hey, you shut it off because all you could feel 你關(guān)掉感情是因為你只能感受到
  were the horrible things happening to you. 發(fā)生在你身上的一切慘劇
  You still have friends who love you. 但你的朋友還愛著你
  I thought you were going to bring Jeremy back, 你不是說要讓杰里米復活嗎
  but it turned out you were just a brainwashed crazy person, 但其實你只是個被洗腦的瘋子
  so technically25, you're a walking reminder26 所以嚴格來講,你的存在
  of all the horrible things that have happened to me. 就提醒著我,發(fā)生在我身上的一切慘劇
  I need some air. Bonnie, wait. 我要去透透氣,邦妮,等等
  Caroline's right. 卡羅琳說得對
  Elena's gone. 埃琳娜已經(jīng)沒了
  Is this real? 這是真的嗎
  Does it matter? 有關(guān)系嗎
  May I have this dance? 我能跟你共舞嗎
  Let go of me or I will bite you. 放開我,否則我咬你
  Oh, come on. 得了吧
  I'm the one that hates to dance, remember? 我才是討厭跳舞的那個,記得嗎
  Yeah, and now I finally see why. 是啊,現(xiàn)在我能理解你了
  So are you and Bonnie, like, a thing? 你跟邦妮是一對兒嗎
  We're not a thing. We're friends. 不是,我們是朋友
  So who are you here with? 你跟誰來的
  No one. 沒有人
  Go on. I know what you're thinking 說啊,我知道你怎么想的
  Why didn't I just compel myself a date? 我為什么不控制誰做我的男伴
  You know, actually I was thinking, 其實,我是在想
  I wonder if Bonnie wants ice. 不知道邦妮要不要冰
  Oh. Could I ask you a question? 能問你個問題嗎
  Why? Apparently27 you already seem to know everything I'm thinking, so... 問什么,我想什么你不是都知道了嗎
  Do you think that I would make a good human? 你覺得我能做個好人類嗎
  I think that "good" is a hard word to live up to. 我覺得要做個"好"任何什么都很難
  I've never seen you do anything remotely good, 而我從沒見過你做任何跟好貼邊的事
  so... 所以
  honestly, no, I don't. 說實話,不,我不這么想
  I'm sorry. 抱歉
  So you're just here to help Rebekah get the cure, right, 你只是來幫麗貝卡得到解藥的
  on what happens to be the most sentimental28 night in high school. 而這只恰好是整個高中最令人感懷的夜晚
  You think this is my cry for help? 你認為這是我在求助嗎
  I'd be happy to show you what a real cry for help sounds like. 我很樂意讓你聽聽真正的求助是什么樣子
  So this... 那這個
  us... 我們
  you feel nothing? 你毫無感覺嗎
  I feel nothing. 一點沒有
  I don't believe you. 我不相信
  I don't care. 我不在乎
  So you don't remember 那你也不記得
  what it used to feel like when we would dance? 我們以前跳舞時的感覺嗎
  When my hand would touch your waist? 我的手放在你的腰間
  Nope. 不
  How about this... 那這個呢
  When our fingers would touch? 我們的指尖相觸
  Nothing. 沒感覺
  And this? 這個呢
  Does your heart really refuse to remember? 你的心真的不愿記起來嗎
  What heart? 什么心
  So how do I look? 我看起來怎么樣
  Are you kidding me? You look like a backstabbing bi 你開玩笑嗎,你看起來像個背后傷人的賤...
  The dress is beautiful, and it brings out your eyes. 這禮服很漂亮,很襯你的眼睛
  Thanks. I thought I'd do it a favor. 謝了,我覺得這對禮服比較公平
  Caroline, why don't you come dance with me? 卡羅琳,跟我跳支舞吧
  I know you said to kill her with kindness, 我知道你說要用善意殺死她
  but can't I just kill her? 但我能就殺了她嗎
  I see you found a dress. 你這不是找到禮服了嗎
  It's from Klaus. 克勞斯的
  Don't ask. 別問
  You know you have him wrapped around your little finger, right? 你知道他完全受你的擺布吧
  If I had Klaus wrapped around my finger, 如果真是那樣
  then I would be here with Tyler right now. 那跟我共舞的就是泰勒了
  Are you making any progress with the dress thief? 跟那個偷禮服的有進展嗎
  I don't know. 說不好
  I think it's affecting me a lot more than it's affecting her. 我覺得對我的影響要比對她大多了
  What do you mean? 什么意思
  Every time I tell myself that I'm moving on, 每一次我告訴自己該向前看
  there's this part of me that just can't seem to shake her. 心里卻還有一部分無法忘懷她
  That's normal, Stefan. 這很正常,斯特凡
  You guys were in love. 你們曾經(jīng)相愛
  That doesn't go away just because you declare that you're moving on. 你光說要向前看是抹不去心里的愛的
  Then how does anyone ever seem to move on? 那其他人是怎么向前看的呢
  I don't know. 我不知道
  I think that someday, 我想有一天
  you'll meet someone new 你會遇見別的人
  and you'll fall madly in love. 你會瘋狂地愛上她
  and you'll have moved on 到時候你就向前看了
  without even realizing it. 你自己甚至都不知道
  I can't just make you prom queen. 我不能讓你做舞會王后
  It is based on votes. 這是票選的
  And you have approximately none so far. 而你目前一票都沒有
  And you can't just help out a friend? 你就不能幫幫朋友嗎
  No, I can't. 不行
  And you can't make me. I drink vervain tea now. 你逼不了我,我現(xiàn)在喝馬鞭草茶
  I was not going to compel you. 我沒打算逼你
  You can't be compelled, but you can be killed. 控制不了你,但是可以殺了你
  Rebekah wins prom queen. 讓麗貝卡做舞會王后
  Got it? 懂了嗎
  What the bloody29 hell are you doing? 你到底在干什么
  What you were about to do. 替你動手而已
  I was not going to threaten her. 我沒打算威脅她
  Remember that time you tortured me 記得那次你折磨我
  until I told you how to find the cure? 逼我說出解藥的下落嗎
  You ruined my relationship with Stefan 你毀了我和斯特凡的關(guān)系
  and then you trapped us with a werewolf? 還把我們和狼人關(guān)在一起
  Yeah. So? 記得,那又怎樣
  So you're not a good person. 你不是善類
  You're not gonna win this cure by being yourself. 憑你的本性是得不到解藥的
  So just stand there and refrain from talking, ok? 所以還是乖乖閉嘴吧
  You and me. 我們倆人
  We're at senior prom. 共度畢業(yè)舞會
  Do you miss me, Bonnie? 你想念我嗎,邦妮
  Of course I do. 我當然想你
  Do you want this to be real? 想讓這一切成真嗎
  Yes. 想
  Then it can be. 這是能辦到的
  Bonnie... 邦妮
  Your magic can bring me back for good. 你的魔法可以讓我復活
  You have the power to do the spell now. 你現(xiàn)在有能力施咒語
  Oh, my god. You're Silas. 我的老天,你是賽拉斯
  Get away from me. 離我遠點
  You need me, Bonnie. 你需要我,邦妮
  I don't need you. 我不需要你
  I don't want anything to do with you. 我不想和你扯上任何關(guān)系
  You have no idea how dangerous you are. 你不知道自己有多危險
  If I don't help you, you'll kill yourself. 如果我不幫你,你會殺死自己的
  You're trying to get in my head. 你在試圖侵入我的大腦
  I'm just asking for your help in return for mine. 我只是希望我們能幫助彼此
  Leave me alone. 別來煩我
  Wake up on fire recently? 最近經(jīng)常在火海中醒來嗎
  Did you do that to me? 是你干的嗎
  Please, Bonnie, let me help before you hurt somebody 邦妮,在你傷到自己或其他人之前
  or yourself. 讓我?guī)湍惆?/div>
  You don't care about me. 你在乎的不是我
  You only care about bringing down the wall to the other side, 你只想打破那邊的結(jié)界
  and I won't do it. 我不會幫你的
  Don't you want to see Jeremy again? 你難道不想再見到杰里米嗎
  Not like this. 不能用這種方式
  Where did you get that? 你從哪找來的
  Our baby sister. 我們小妹那兒
  Once she's human... 一旦她變成人類
  it'll make no difference to her whatsoever30. 這東西對她就無所謂了
  Take it. 留著吧
  Why would you give me this? 為什么給我
  We are immortal31 apart from the stake. 只有木樁會讓我們死去
  Now that it's yours, 既然這東西在你手上
  you have nothing to fear. 你就能無所畏懼
  Silas will continue to torment me. 賽拉斯還會繼續(xù)折磨我
  You've survived endless torments32 throughout the centuries. 幾個世紀以來,你經(jīng)受的折磨不計其數(shù)
  You'll shake this. 你能挺過去的
  And if you can't, 如果你不能
  you outrun him. 你就使勁逃
  Yes, it's that simple. 是嗎,有這么簡單嗎
  Without the cure, what makes you think 不給我解藥,你憑什么認為
  I'll spare your beloved Katerina? 我會饒恕你心愛的凱瑟琳
  Or have you figured out, 或是你已經(jīng)想明白
  you're simply another fly in her web? 你終究只是她的一枚棋子
  You will spare her because I am asking you to spare her. 你會饒恕她,因為我求你饒恕她
  As your family, as your only living brother, 作為你的家人,你唯一活著的兄弟
  I would ask that you provide me with this opportunity 我請求你給我這個機會
  to feel, to care, 去感受,去關(guān)心
  to love. 還有去愛
  I gave you that opportunity, 我給過你這種機會
  and you sided against me. 你卻和我作對
  So if I run, 所以就算我跑了
  it will be to chase her. 也是去追殺她
  And as your only living brother, 作為你唯一還活著的兄弟
  I will make it my cause that you never know a moment of happiness. 我會用盡一切讓你永遠不得幸??鞓?/div>
  It is such a hollow little life that you lead, Niklaus. 你的生活如此空虛卑微,尼克勞斯
  You haven't seen bonnie, have you? 你看見邦妮了嗎
  She's probably in the bathroom. 她可能去洗手間了吧
  Every other girl is. 其他女孩都會去的
  And if you haven't noticed, 如果你沒注意到
  I am sitting here all on my own. 我獨自一人坐在這兒
  So, please, will you put me out of my misery33 所以,求你結(jié)束我的痛苦
  and dance with me? 邀請我跳支舞吧
  I don't think so. 算了吧
  Matt, please. 馬特,求你了
  This is a girl's worst nightmare. 這是一個女孩最可怕的噩夢
  Please. 求你了
  I thought about what you said... 我想了想你說的話
  about being good 關(guān)于做一個好人
  and you're right. 你說的對
  It won't be easy, but it's worth trying. 那不容易,但值得一試
  I don't understand why my opinion is so important to you. 我不明白我的看法為什么對你那么重要
  Because you're everything that I want to be. 因為你身上有我想要的一切品質(zhì)
  You're loyal, honest, kind. 你忠誠,誠實,善良
  People root for you to succeed. 大家都支持你走向成功
  Elena even died for you. 埃琳娜甚至為你付出了生命
  I'm a bus boy, Rebekah. 我只是個餐館打雜的,麗貝卡
  It's not like i'm out saving the world. 我又不是那種拯救世界的英雄
  But you're human. 但你是人類
  You're so beautifully human. 你是如此完美的人類
  Aren't you on "Save Elena" Duty? 你不是正在忙著拯救埃琳娜嗎
  I'm taking a little breather. 我在休息
  This prom sucks. 這舞會真沒勁
  This is our last dance together, and it's awful. 這是我們最后的舞會,但它好糟糕
  This is not how I wanted to remember this night. 我夢寐以求的夜晚不該是這樣的
  Thank you. 謝謝
  Well, if anyone asks, I'll be at the afterparty. 如果有人問起,我在余興派對上
  We have a problem. 我們遇到了個問題
  It's like Jeremy was there. 就像杰里米真的來過
  I could talk to him, feel him. 我可以和他聊天,感覺到他的存在
  Bonnie, that's what Silas does. 邦妮,那正是賽拉斯一貫的作風
  You can't let him get to you again. 你不能再中他的圈套了
  Yeah, because you all crazy and brainwashed. 沒錯,因為你不僅瘋了還被洗腦了
  It's not a good look. 不是個好兆頭
  What am I missing? 我錯過了什么嗎
  Silas is appearing to Bonnie 賽拉斯扮成我死去弟弟的模樣
  as my dead brother, 出現(xiàn)在邦妮面前
  which means he still wants her to do the spell. 就是說他仍然想要邦妮為他施咒
  So? The nice thing about having no feelings is 那又怎樣,失去感情的好處就是
  you don't fear your enemies on the other side. 你不會恐懼那邊的敵人
  I'm not worried about my enemies. 我不擔心我的敵人
  It's people like Alaric... 而是擔心像阿拉里克
  and Jeremy. 和杰里米那樣的人
  Salvatore brothers are annoying enough as it is. 塞爾瓦托兄弟已經(jīng)夠煩人了
  Can you imagine if my brother came back to the living? 你能想象我弟弟復活會怎樣嗎
  He'd spend every waking hour trying to get my humanity back. 他會時刻努力幫我找回人性
  Hey. Ok, the ballots34 have been tallied35, 投票已經(jīng)有了結(jié)果
  Which means it's time to announce this year's prom king and queen. 就是說,宣布今年舞會國王和王后的時刻到了
  Look, one of us should take her home. 聽著,你或者我該帶她回家
  What? No. She's safer here in public around all these people. 什么,不,她在人群中是很安全的
  There's no way Silas can make everyone see the same thing all at once. 賽拉斯不可能讓這么多人同時看到幻覺
  Ok, in the meantime, 與此同時
  how do we look out for a guy that can appear as anyone? 我們要怎么提防一個能變成任何樣子的人
  All right. Your prom king and queen are... 好了,本屆的舞會國王和王后是
  Matt Donovan and Bonnie Bennett. 馬特·多諾萬和邦妮·貝內(nèi)特
  Bonnie bloody Bennett. Of course. 該死的邦妮·貝內(nèi)特,當然是她了
  Everyone's so worried about Silas, 大家都在擔心賽拉斯
  but there's an obvious solution to all of this. 但明擺著有一個解決方案
  He needs Bonnie. He can't do the spell without her. 他需要邦妮,沒有她就不能施咒
  So if you can't kill Silas, 如果你殺不了賽拉斯
  kill his witch. 那就干掉他的女巫
  I can't kill anyone. 我不能殺人
  I'm supposed to be human. 我今天應該做個人類
  Maybe you can't, but I can. 也許你不能,但我可以
  Tyler. 泰勒
  I don't think you've ever looked more beautiful. 你今天真是漂亮極了
  Oh, my god. Tyler. 我的上帝,泰勒
  Oh, you can't be here. Klaus 你不能回來,克勞斯
  Can't get in. 他進不來
  Matt owns this place now. He had to invite me inside. 這個地方是馬特的,他邀請我進來的
  If Klaus finds out... 如果克勞斯發(fā)現(xiàn)了
  He won't. 不會的
  You didn't really think I was gonna miss prom, did you? 你不會真以為我會錯過舞會吧
  Here. These are for you. 給,送你的
  Caroline Forbes, may I please have this dance? 卡羅琳·福布斯,我能邀你跳支舞嗎
  You looking for Silas or you 你是在找賽拉斯呢
  waxing nostalgic about misspent youth? 還是在追憶虛度的青春
  What happened to you being over it? 你不是向前看了嗎
  What do you mean? 你什么意思
  Well, I mean, for a guy who's ready to move on, 我是說,對一個準備要向前看的人來說
  you seemed pretty convincing as a boyfriend out on the dance floor. 你在舞池上的表現(xiàn)很有男友風范嘛
  I mean, isn't that what we're doing? 這不是我們的計劃嗎
  Reminding Elena of what she's lost? 喚起埃琳娜對感情的回憶
  Like her feelings for you? 比如她對你的感情
  Yeah. Yeah, maybe. 沒錯,也許吧
  I mean, I don't mean to be a dick, Damon, 達蒙,我不是犯渾
  but Elena and I have a history. 埃琳娜和我確實有過一段
  Memories, laughs, ups and downs. 回憶,歡笑,起起伏伏
  It was a real relationship. 那是一段真實存在過的感情
  I mean, what you have is just a onenight stand 而你們之間不過是一夜情
  that was probably the result of the sire bond. 而且還很可能是認祖歸忠的結(jié)果
  Your mind is a very dark and riveting36 place, Damon. 達蒙,你的思想黑暗而又令人著迷
  Uh! Silas. 賽拉斯
  Where's my brother, you psychic37 freak? 我弟弟在哪,你個心理變態(tài)
  He's in the woods, 他在樹林里
  where I convinced him I was you. 我扮成你的樣子也騙了他
  He's probably in a bit of pain now, too. 他現(xiàn)在大概也很痛苦
  The witch is mine. Stay away from her. 女巫是我的,離她遠點
  You need to get your queen off the stage. 你得讓你的"女王"離開舞臺
  I can't really do that right now. 現(xiàn)在恐怕還不行
  You didn't hear it from me, 別說是我告訴你的
  but Elena's up to something. 埃琳娜有所圖謀
  Congratulations, Bonnie. 恭喜你,邦妮
  What do you want? 你想干什么
  For you to stop being a problem. 讓你別給我制造麻煩
  Bonnie. 邦妮
  Something's happening to me. 我不太對勁
  OK, just relax. 放松就好
  No, I got to get out of here. 不行,我得離開這兒
  What's going on? 怎么回事
  Remember when I told you to make Rebekah prom queen? 還記得我讓你選麗貝卡作舞會女王嗎
  No! 不
  You should have listened. 你應該乖乖聽話的
  April, April, come on. Please wake up. 艾普莉,艾普莉,振作些,醒醒
  April, come on! 艾普莉,振作啊
  Please wake up. 快醒醒
  Matt, why did you call... oh, my God. 馬特,你打我電話干...天哪
  Can you feed her your blood? 你能給她喝你的血嗎
  Can't we just call 911 or something? 我們不能打911什么的嗎
  She's dying. Please help her. 她快死了,求求你幫幫她
  I can't. If I heal her with my vampire blood, 不行,如果我用我的血救了她
  Elijah won't give me the cure 以利亞就不會給我解藥
  and I won't get to be human. 我就不能變成人了
  How is this even a choice right now? 難道現(xiàn)在還有選擇的余地嗎
  You want to be human? 你想變成人嗎
  Prove it. Be good. 那就證明給我看,做個好人
  Do the right thing and save her life. 做正確的事情,挽救她的生命
  Stefan. 斯特凡
  Yeah. I'm over here. Agh! 我在這兒
  Let me guess. 我來猜猜
  An extremely handsome man came up to you 一個特別英俊的人來找你
  claming to be me. 自稱是我
  Yeah. Yeah. 是的,是啊
  Bonnie, wait. 邦妮,等等
  Get away from me, Silas. 離我遠點,賽拉斯
  We can help each other. 我們能幫助彼此
  This is what you do. 這就是你的計劃
  You wait until I lose control 你看著我失去控制
  and then you want to swoop38 in and save me. 然后你乘虛而入,要拯救我
  You really think you have a choice? 你真以為自己還有選擇的余地嗎
  If you don't let me help you, 如果你不讓我?guī)湍?/div>
  your expression will consume you from the inside out. 你的表達會從內(nèi)到外吞噬掉你
  Get away from me. 離我遠點
  You didn't try to do that, did you? 你沒想這么做,對吧
  Your magic is taking on a life of its own. 你的魔法已經(jīng)不受控制了
  You need help controlling it. 你需要有人幫你控制它
  Listen to me, Bonnie. Breathe. 邦妮,聽我說,深呼吸
  I'll die before I let you control me again. 我就是死也不讓你再控制我
  Bonnie, listen to me! 邦妮,聽我說
  Control, Bonnie! Control. 控制,邦妮,控制
  Get out of my head! 滾出我的腦袋
  Bonnie, stop. Bonnie. 邦妮,停下來,邦妮
  Damon, help me. 達蒙,救救我
  Bonnie... 邦妮
  You're killing her. 你會殺了她的
  I know what I'm doing. 我心里有數(shù)
  That's the magic talking. This is your best friend. 你被魔法沖昏了頭,那是你最好的朋友
  Damn it, Bonnie. 該死,邦妮
  Bonnie... 邦妮
  Please. 求你了
  You ok? 你還好嗎
  No, I'm not ok. I almost died. 不,我不好,我差點死掉
  The shell of my best friend almost killed me. 我的好朋友差一點要了我的命
  None of this is ok. 這一切一點都不好
  I got you. 沒事了
  Ok. Hey. 好了
  Plan "B." B計劃
  Thank you for saving her. 謝謝你救了她
  Elena was right. 埃琳娜說得對
  I should have just stayed home. 我應該待在家里的
  No one has to know what you did. 沒有人會知道你做了什么
  I won't tell anyone. 我不會告訴任何人的
  You'd really do that for me? 你真的會為我這么做
  I would. 我會的
  And maybe I was a little harsh earlier. 之前我對你可能太苛刻了
  You wouldn't make the worst human. 你如果作人也不賴
  Are you offering me a job as a bus boy? 你是在招我做餐廳雜工嗎
  You know, I'd look cute in an apron39. 我穿圍裙是很可愛的
  We'll see. 拭目以待
  I should probably get April home. 我應該送艾普莉回家了
  OK. 好
  Try to stand up. 站起來吧
  Dear sweet April Young. 甜美可人的艾普莉·楊
  Now, there's a girl with a future. 真是個前途大好的女孩
  She was dying, 她當時快死了
  and I acted with human decency40. 我只是做了常人都會做的
  You can't get more human than that. 這是再人類不過的做法了
  Actually, you can. You can stand idly by 誰說的,你也可以冷眼旁觀
  as poor April takes her final breath. 看著艾普莉咽下最后一口氣啊
  You can ask, 你可以自問
  "Why does this always happen to innocent people?" "為什么這種事總發(fā)生在無辜的人身上
  "Where do the spirits go?" 他們的靈魂去哪了
  "Was there anything I could have done?" 我能做什么避免這事嗎"
  That is what it means to be human, sister. 這就是做人要經(jīng)歷的,妹妹
  You give humanity too much credit. 你太高看人性了
  Are you gonna tell Elijah? 你會跟以利亞說嗎
  No. No. You are. 不是我,是你
  You're home. 回來了啊
  And how did our cinderella fare? 我們的灰姑娘情況如何
  I won't lie. There were complications. 我不會騙你的,確實有波折
  You'll tell him that you cheated, 你會告訴他你作弊了
  that you failed, 你失敗了
  that you don't deserve the cure. 你不配得到解藥
  But I passed your test with flying colors. 但是我出色的通過了考驗
  If this is what you truly want... 如果你真的想要
  It's yours. 就給你吧
  Why is it so hard for you to let me be happy? 你為什么就不能讓我幸福呢
  Because your happiness comes at the expense of my sanity41. 因為你得到幸福會害得我飽受折磨
  Because I refuse to entertain yet another one of your whims. 因為我不想迎合你又一次的一時興起
  Because you are bored 因為你只是無聊了
  and you're looking for a reason to matter. 想找個理由打發(fā)時間而已
  Thankfully I don't have to waste any more breath 還好我不用再浪費精力
  fighting you on the subject. 跟你在這個話題上爭吵
  What does that mean? 這話什么意思
  Nik, what does that mean? 尼克,這話什么意思
  I guess it's time that I turned into a pumpkin42. 我想我應該變回我自己了
  Thank you, Elijah. 謝謝你,以利亞
  Rebekah? 麗貝卡
  Elijah, I think Nik's up to something. 以利亞,尼克好像想搗鬼
  Where did you go? 你去哪里了
  I'm still at the prom. 我還在舞會呢
  Look, don't do anything with the cure until I see you. 我們見面之前千萬別交出解藥
  Something's not right. 事情不對勁
  Elijah? Hello? 伊利亞,喂
  Elijah, do not take your eyes off that cure. 伊利亞,千萬別弄丟解藥
  I think it might be a little late for that. 恐怕已經(jīng)遲了
  I have to go soon. 我得走了
  People will be here for the party, 參加派對的人很快會來
  and if anyone sees me... 如果有人看到我
  I know. I know. 我知道,我知道
  Thank you for the best prom ever. 謝謝你給我最棒的舞會
  Was it worth it 值嗎
  to see her smile, 就為了見到她的微笑
  to make her dream night come true? 讓她夢想中的夜晚成真
  Was it worth it? 這樣值嗎
  In the shared interest of giving Caroline the night of her dreams... 看在我們都想讓卡羅琳愿望成真的份上
  I'm going to allow you 5 seconds 在我挖出你心臟之前
  before I rip your heart of your chest. 給你五秒鐘時間
  5, 4, 3... 五,四,三
  She migh not feel much, but she's gonna feel that in the morning. 她現(xiàn)在沒知覺,等早上醒來可夠她受的
  So what's the plan? 下一步計劃是什么
  When Bonnie was whaling on her tonight, 今晚在被邦妮修理的時候
  I could see it in her eyes. 我在她眼中看見了
  Elena thought she was gonna die. 她以為自己會死
  She was scared. 她害怕了
  Fear. 恐懼
  Last time I checked, one of those pesky human emotions. 據(jù)我所知這也是一種煩人的人類情感
  So plan C... C計劃是
  make her life a living hell. 讓她生不如死
  You care to talk about our other problem? 想聊聊另一個問題嗎
  You know, the one that can be anyone anywhere at anytime. 那個不知何時何地以何身份出現(xiàn)的人
  Silas still needs Bonnie. 賽拉斯還需要邦妮
  And if tonight is any indication, 今晚她的表現(xiàn)足以證明
  she's no pushover. 她不會輕易屈服
  She's not gonna let him manipulate her, not anymore. 她不會再被賽拉斯操縱了
  I wouldn't underestimate his talents. 我可不敢低估他的實力
  He fooled the hell out of both of us. 他把我倆都耍的團團轉(zhuǎn)
  What did he say to you anyway? 他跟你說了什么
  He led me out in the woods, 他把我騙到樹林里
  claiming he saw Silas, 說他見到了賽拉斯
  and then he staked me. 然后捅了我
  How did he get to you? 他怎么騙到你的
  Talked about his hair. 跟我聊他的發(fā)型
  I figured it had to be you. 我心想肯定是你
  Funny. 真逗
  You coming? 你來嗎
  Yeah. 來
  Klaus, I hear Elijah has refused you the cure, 克勞斯,我聽說伊利亞不肯把解藥給你
  and in return, you have refused me my freedom. 所以你也不肯給我自由
  Shame on you both. 你們倆真無恥
  But while you boys sort out your problems, 你們倆繼續(xù)解決心結(jié)吧
  I have one last thing to offer you. 我還有最后一樣東西要給你
  I've caught wind that there is a witch in New Orleans 我聽說在新奧爾良有一位巫師
  named JaneAnne Deveraux plotting a move against you. 簡安·德弗羅,她在密謀對付你
  Hunt her down. 找到她
  What she has to say 她對你說的話
  will rattle43 you so deeply to your core 會令你感到深深的恐懼
  that chasing little old me will be the least of your concerns. 追殺我這老太婆對你將是最無關(guān)要緊的事
  It's been a fun five centuries, Klaus, 這五個世紀過得很有趣,克勞斯
  but I've worn down too many good heels running from you. 但為了逃避你,我已經(jīng)穿壞太多雙高跟鞋了
  Love and hate, Katerina. 愛恨交加的,凱瑟琳
  Silas? 賽拉斯
  I know it's you. 我知道是你
  My locator spell worked without using any of your possessions. 我不需要你的任何物品就能施定位咒
  Yes. You're finally acknowledging how powerful you are. 是啊,你終于承認了自己有多強大
  You're not Jeremy anymore. 你不再是杰里米了
  Is this the real you? 這是真實的你嗎
  Then tell me why you're hiding. 告訴我你為什么躲躲藏藏
  Call it Qetsiyah's revenge. 凱茨雅的復仇
  When she learned that I didn't love her, 當她得知我不愛她時
  she used her magic to ensure 她運用魔法確保
  no woman could ever love me. 沒有女人會愛上我
  It should come as no surprise 現(xiàn)在我一心想死
  that now I simply want to die. 也不足為奇吧
  And I want you to. 我也希望你死
  Even if it means bringing back every dead supernatural being? 即使這會令每一個死去的超自然生物復活嗎
  Show me your face. 讓我看看你的臉

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