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> 影視聽(tīng)說(shuō) > 美劇推薦 > 吸血鬼日記第四季中英文字幕 >  第7篇





   Mystic Falls...I was born here. 神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn),我在這里出生
  This is my home. 這里是我的家
  And mine. And mine. 也是我的,還有我
  For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. 幾個(gè)世紀(jì)以來(lái),超自然生物生活在我們之中
  They were vampires2, werewolves, doppelgangers... 有吸血鬼,狼人,二重身
  witches. And even hybrids4. 女巫,甚至還有混血兒
  Now I'm one of them,a vampire1, 我現(xiàn)在是吸血鬼的一員
  and everything I used to feel has changed. 過(guò)去的種種感覺(jué)都發(fā)生了改變
  Feelings for him have been magnified. 對(duì)他的感情被放大了
  I can't do this, Elenanot anymore. 我做不到,埃琳娜,我撐不下去了
  I know. 我明白
  Her brother is the key to finding the cure. 她弟弟是找到治愈方法的關(guān)鍵
  I call this a hunter's mark. 我把這叫做獵人印記
  The more I kill, the more it grows. 我殺的越多,它就顯現(xiàn)得越多
  It's invisible to anyone but another hunter. 這紋身只有獵人才看得見(jiàn)
  And I will stop at nothing... 為了讓她重新變回人類
  to make her human again. 我會(huì)不惜一切代價(jià)
  What do you mean, you're not coming? 你說(shuō)什么,你不來(lái)了
  I don't need to remind you 每次選神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐
  that your Miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks. 你都缺席,真是討厭
  Besides, you're a founding family member. 而且你還是創(chuàng)始人家族成員
  By definition, you have to be here. 也就是說(shuō),你非出席不可
  Elena and I broke up. 埃琳娜和我分手了
  By definition, I don't need to be anywhere. 也就是說(shuō),我哪里都不想去
  Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me? 這是個(gè)讓你我都郁悶的消息
  I'm not depressed5. 我一點(diǎn)也不郁悶
  I just want to rip into someone's artery6 我要咬破某人動(dòng)脈
  and feed until I can't breathe anymore. 把血吸干,狂歡至死
  You can't. As your sober sponsor, 不行,作為你的行為督導(dǎo)
  I'm not going to let that happen. 我決不允許這種事發(fā)生
  Try and sublimate7. 試著做個(gè)高尚的人
  She said she has feelings for Damon. 她說(shuō)對(duì)達(dá)蒙有感情
  What? 什么
  She can't have feelings for Damon. 她不能對(duì)達(dá)蒙有感覺(jué)
  He's...Damon, 那可是達(dá)蒙啊
  And you're you, and I'm... 你才是她的真愛(ài),這消息
  revolted. 真令人震驚
  You know, I'm gonna talk to her. 我會(huì)和她好好談
  I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain. 我會(huì)讓她擺脫那些離譜的想法
  Yeah, well, I don't know what good that'll do. 我覺(jué)得那樣于事無(wú)補(bǔ)
  Elena's right. 埃琳娜說(shuō)得對(duì)
  Being a vampire really has changed her. 成為吸血鬼讓她改變了許多
  All the more reason you need to cure her. 這更加堅(jiān)定你治愈她的決心
  Look, I got to go. 我得掛了
  Be careful and remember, 自己保重,你要記得
  there's sublimating8 and then there's insanity9. 高尚與瘋狂只有一線之隔
  I'll be fine. Bye. 我沒(méi)事的,再見(jiàn)
  In what world do the words "Tell no one" mean" 不要讓任何人知道"這句話怎么就讓你變成
  "tell your brother and every teenage sycophant10 in town"? "告訴你哥和鎮(zhèn)上所有小跟班都知道"呢
  The secret's safe. 我沒(méi)泄密
  No one who knows about the cure would endanger us. 沒(méi)人知道治愈方法會(huì)危及我們
  Trust me. You know I want to find it more than anyone else. 相信我,你知道我比任何人都關(guān)心那件事
  Then I suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to kill 那你最好快找些吸血鬼讓杰里米殺
  before I'm tempted11 to offer you up as a victim. 不然我就送你去給他練練手
  And try to keep this one to yourself, would you? 這事不要告訴別人,記住了嗎
  Where have you been? 你去哪兒了
  You know. Out. 去外面了
  Where you going? 你要去哪兒
  Out. 外面
  Ok. I see shady Stefan is back. 好吧,又變成有秘密的斯特凡了
  Please don't tell me that you're still working with Klaus. 別告訴我你還在跟克勞斯聯(lián)手
  You obviously haven't heard. 你顯然還不知情
  Elena and I broke up. 埃琳娜和我分手了
  Got it. I'll be quick, then. 明白,長(zhǎng)話短說(shuō)
  So apparently12 if we want to find the cure, 如果我們想找到治愈方法,顯然
  we have to find a vampire hunter 需要一位吸血鬼獵人
  who can kill enough vampires 殺夠吸血鬼,才能看到獵人印記
  to reveal the map on the hunter's mark. 所繪制出的地圖
  Now, unless we want Jeremy to go all Connor 2.0, 除非我們想讓杰里米變成加強(qiáng)版康納
  I suggest we find a different hunter. 否則就要另找獵人代替他
  Ok. And? 好吧,所以呢
  And I was gonna ask professor Shane, 我打算去問(wèn)肖恩教授
  but it turns out he's shadier than you are. 但他好像比你還神秘
  Matt Donovan connected him and the pastor13 馬特·多諾萬(wàn)查了電話記錄
  through phone records. 發(fā)現(xiàn)他和牧師有牽連
  Apparently the two were very chatty 發(fā)現(xiàn)牧師在爆炸發(fā)生那天
  the day that the pastor blew up the council. 和他相聊甚歡
  So you're gonna confront Shane, 你要去質(zhì)問(wèn)肖恩
  threaten him, possibly kill him that sort of thing? 威脅他,也許會(huì)殺了他,是這樣嗎
  Yeah, unless he tells me what he's up to. 是的,除非他坦白自己的陰謀
  What do you say? 你意下如何
  We tag team? 上陣親兄弟
  Nah. 不必
  I'd say you're on your own. 你還是自己行動(dòng)吧
  Or we could just blow it off, then 或者我們先不理這事
  go get drunk, 出去喝個(gè)痛快
  brotherbond over some tridelts 慶祝兄弟情戰(zhàn)勝三角戀
  if you... 如果
  you know, want some quality time. 你想和老哥共度美好時(shí)光的話
  Let's not pretend like this isn't the best day 不必假惺惺,這是你一生中最美好的一天
  of your life. 你我心知肚明
  I'm your best friend, and I would never pick sides, 我是你的閨蜜,我不會(huì)選邊站
  But are you sure that this is what you want? 但你確定這是你想要的結(jié)果嗎
  Because Stefan is your soul mate. 因?yàn)樗固胤膊攀悄愕撵`魂伴侶
  Sorry. Picking sides. 對(duì)不起,要選擇陣營(yíng)
  It's not like I don't love Stefan anymore, 并不是我不再愛(ài)斯特凡
  but I can't deny that ever since I turned, 但我不能否認(rèn)掉從我被轉(zhuǎn)化后
  my feelings for Damon have become more intense. 對(duì)達(dá)蒙的感覺(jué)愈演愈烈
  Yeah, I know. Stefan filled me in 這我知道,斯特凡跟我說(shuō)了
  on all the gory14 Damon details. 所有有關(guān)達(dá)蒙那些血淋淋的細(xì)節(jié)
  He did? 他跟你說(shuō)了
  Is he ok? 他還好吧
  No. He's heartbroken. 不好,他都傷心死了
  Well, what was I supposed to do? Lie to him? 那我該怎么做,欺騙他嗎
  No, but you weren't supposed to let Damon 不是,但你不該讓達(dá)蒙
  weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart. 趁機(jī)入侵你那困惑新生的吸血鬼內(nèi)心
  Well, he did, and that's exactly what I amconfused. 他的確入侵了,這恰是我所困惑的
  I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean. 我得弄清楚這些感覺(jué)到底意味著什么
  Excuse me. I'm a little lost. 打擾一下,我有點(diǎn)迷路了
  I'm here to interview contestants15. 我來(lái)這里面試參賽佳麗的
  You're professor Shane? 你是肖恩教授嗎
  Yeah, that's right professor by day, 就是鄙人,白天是教授
  pageant16 judge by other day. 幾天前成了盛會(huì)評(píng)委
  In spite of being absurdly unqualified, 盡管是不夠格的離譜
  I'm apparently awarding a scholarship. 我顯然是大會(huì)頒予獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金者
  Inside by the parlor17. 穿過(guò)會(huì)客室,就在里面
  Right here? 就那兒?jiǎn)?/div>
  All right. I'll just follow the scent18 好的,我只要聞發(fā)膠香
  of hair spray and World Domination. 順著音樂(lè)聲就好
  He's the one who told Damon 他就是告訴達(dá)蒙
  how to break the hunter's curse. 如何打破獵人詛咒的那個(gè)人
  He's also the one that has Bonnie so obsessed19 他也是讓邦妮沉迷
  with practicing magic 練習(xí)魔法
  that she bailed20 on pageant prep. 以致她放棄盛會(huì)準(zhǔn)備的人
  And now he's judging Miss Mystic Falls? 現(xiàn)在他又成了神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐的評(píng)委
  Jack21 of all trades or kind of creepy? 是個(gè)多面手還是有點(diǎn)讓人毛骨悚然呢
  So your sister's making me be her date. 你姐姐讓我當(dāng)她的舞伴
  Do I have to do that weird22 dance thing? 我非得跳那奇怪的舞蹈嗎
  I'm pretty sure that's just for the contestants. 我相當(dāng)肯定那是參賽佳麗跳得
  I heard that you're April's escort. How'd that happen? 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)你是艾普莉的男伴,怎么回事
  She needed a date, and apparently you were taken. 她需要個(gè)舞伴,明顯你被定走了
  Uh. Ok, let's just take these, 好吧,我們先把這些拿進(jìn)去
  and we'll come back for the kegs. 然后回來(lái)搬這些桶
  Wait. 等等
  You want to see something cool? 想開(kāi)開(kāi)眼界嗎
  How did you just do that? 你剛是怎么做到的
  Ever since I was "Awoken" as a hunter, 自從我被喚醒成為獵人之后
  I've had all this energy, like all the time. 我就有這股力量,像是與生俱來(lái)的
  Jer, I think you need to talk to someone about this. 杰里米,我覺(jué)得你得跟人說(shuō)說(shuō)這事
  I mean, look what happened to Connor, ok? 康納發(fā)生的一些事,好嗎
  A byproduct of this energy 這股力量的附帶作用
  is that you're gonna want to kill vampires, 是你會(huì)想要?dú)⑺牢?/div>
  and you happen to live with one. 而你剛好跟一個(gè)吸血鬼住一起
  Hey, I would never hurt my sister. 我決不會(huì)傷害我姐姐的
  I'll be fine. 我會(huì)沒(méi)事的
  Can I help you? 我能幫您嗎
  Time for a little break. 到時(shí)間休息一會(huì)兒了
  He'll be safe with me. 他和我在一起很安全
  Who are you? 你是誰(shuí)
  Why is there a cop outside? 門外為什么有個(gè)警察
  I'm a convicted murderer. 我是被控的謀殺犯
  Are you guilty? 你有罪嗎
  Of course I am. 我當(dāng)然有罪
  Any regrets? 后悔了嗎
  Only that I got caught. 只有被抓的時(shí)候才這么覺(jué)得
  Whoa. Stop. Stop. 站住,站住
  Those flowers go in the back, 這些花送到后面去
  as indicated by the floral chart 按花圖擺放
  that you guys had plenty of time to memorize. 你們得花大量時(shí)間來(lái)記熟
  Yeah. Thank you. 很好,謝謝
  Now, how did I know I'd find you at the helm of this ship? 我是怎么找到你在掌舵全局呢
  Go away. I'm busy. 一邊去,我忙著呢
  I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow. 我在想我明天應(yīng)該什么時(shí)間來(lái)接你
  About a quarter to never. 大概離永不差一刻鐘
  I was promised a date 你答應(yīng)了用一個(gè)約會(huì)
  in return for one of my hybrids. 換取我的一個(gè)混血兒
  Yes, a date, like to a movie, 沒(méi)錯(cuò),一次約會(huì),像是去電影院
  where we don't have to talk 我們都不用說(shuō)上話
  and I can put at least 3 seats between us. 還能在中間至少隔三個(gè)位置
  Surely the reigning23 Miss Mystic Falls 本屆的神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐無(wú)疑
  won't be hosting the party alone. 不會(huì)單獨(dú)主持這場(chǎng)盛會(huì)
  And I assume you're not taking Tyler 我猜在泰勒和他的狼人女士
  not after his indiscretions 那件事之后
  with his lady werewolf friend. 你也不會(huì)邀請(qǐng)他同行了
  Fine. If you insist on coming, 好吧,如果你堅(jiān)持要來(lái)
  meet me here, 2 p.m. Black tie optional. 下午兩點(diǎn)來(lái)這見(jiàn)我,隨意的黑色禮服
  And I already have a dress, 我已經(jīng)有禮服了
  so don't even think of getting me so much as a corsage. 所以別想著給我?guī)€(gè)胸花
  You understand? 清楚了嗎
  I'll see you tomorrow, Caroline. 明天見(jiàn),卡羅琳
  Scream. Let it out. We're on an abandoned farm. 尖叫吧,發(fā)泄出來(lái),我們?cè)诨臈壍霓r(nóng)場(chǎng)里
  No one can hear you for miles. 數(shù)英里之內(nèi)不會(huì)有人聽(tīng)得到
  Easy for you to say, wolf girl. 狼女,你說(shuō)得倒簡(jiǎn)單
  You never turned 20 times in a row. 你從沒(méi)連續(xù)變身20次
  No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid3 friends go through it. 是沒(méi)有,但我看著你一群混血兒朋友經(jīng)受過(guò)
  Why does it have to be like this? 為什么一定要這樣
  Uhh! Why break every bone over and over? 為什么每次都要一次次骨折
  That's what the sire bond is. 這就是認(rèn)祖歸忠的意義所在
  You're grateful to Klaus because he released you 你很感激克勞斯因?yàn)樗屇?/div>
  from the pain of having to turn every full moon. 擺脫了每個(gè)月圓之夜的變身之痛
  So you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt. 所以你就要不停變身,直到疼痛消失
  Then you'll have nothing to be grateful for. 然后你就不需要感激他了
  Uh! What's in all this for you? 你這樣做有什么目的
  I don't hear bones cracking. 骨折聲怎么停了
  Caroline bought us another day. 卡羅琳幫我們多爭(zhēng)取了一天
  Klaus wants to go with her to Miss Mystic Falls tomorrow. 克勞斯要跟她一起去神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐大賽
  So does that mean we're going? 意思是我們也要去嗎
  Watching Klaus fawn24 over Caroline 去看克勞斯在一個(gè)破選美比賽上
  at some lameass pageant? 對(duì)卡羅琳百般殷勤嗎
  No, thanks. 得了吧
  Come on. 還是去吧
  We need to hide what's going on here 我們得為這里的活動(dòng)做掩飾
  by pretending that I was the one 去看比賽,來(lái)證明我才是
  that broke you two up, 你們分手的原因
  and besides, isn't it at your house? 而且,比賽不是在你家舉行嗎
  Guys, like this isn't torture enough? 兩位,我已經(jīng)很痛苦了
  Can you take it outside? 你們就不能在外面說(shuō)嗎
  Fine. We'll go. 好吧,我們?nèi)?/div>
  Wear a dress. 記得穿晚禮服
  You need a hand? 要幫忙嗎
  Yeah. Please. This clasp is tricky25. 要,謝謝,這個(gè)搭扣好難弄
  Hey, I, uh, picked up your clothes 我從干洗店幫你把
  from the dry cleaners. 衣服拿回來(lái)了
  They should be hanging on your door. 掛在你門上了
  I really wish you'd stop acting26 你能不能別這么假惺惺
  like you were still my sister. 好像你還是我姐似的
  How do you wake up with a knife in your hand 為什么你手里拿著一把匕首醒來(lái)
  and not remember how it got there? 卻不知道什么時(shí)候拿的
  It's that hunter's mark, Jer. 因?yàn)槟莻€(gè)獵人印記,杰里
  It's messing with you. 它在擾亂你的思維
  What if I'm turning into Alaric? 難道我會(huì)變成阿拉里克那樣
  I probably died too many times with this ring on my finger, 也許我戴著這戒指死過(guò)太多次了
  and I'm developing an alter ego27, like he did. 因此開(kāi)始產(chǎn)生雙重人格,跟他一樣
  "Newly awakened28 hunters may not be fully29 conscious" 剛覺(jué)醒的獵人可能不會(huì)很清楚
  of their actions." 自己的行為"
  "Their subconscious30 pushes through" 他們的潛意識(shí)不斷刺激大腦
  until the urge becomes a basic instinct." 最終使那種沖動(dòng)變?yōu)楸灸?quot;
  You're not having a psychotic break, Jer. 這根本不是精神分裂,杰里
  You either tell Elena, or I will. 要么你去告訴埃琳娜,不然我就去
  Fine. 好吧
  I'll tell her when I see her. 我見(jiàn)到她就告訴她
  All right. We should probably get going. 好了,我們差不多該走了
  Need a ride? 要搭車嗎
  Uh, no. Go ahead. I'll meet you there. 不用了,你去吧,我們?cè)谀抢镆?jiàn)
  All right. 好
  Blue. Blue. 藍(lán)色好,藍(lán)色好
  Really? The blue seems a little safe. 真的嗎,我覺(jué)得藍(lán)色有點(diǎn)保守
  Safe is good when it comes to the judges. 面對(duì)評(píng)委,保守點(diǎn)挺好的
  She's right. 說(shuō)得對(duì)
  Gracie Lockwood had a 3foot slit31 her year 格雷西·洛克伍德參選的時(shí)候開(kāi)了3英尺的口子
  and practically got laughed off the court. 簡(jiǎn)直就是被笑出場(chǎng)子的
  She got my vote. 當(dāng)年我投了她的票
  Get out, lurker32. 滾出去,你個(gè)變態(tài)
  Ouch. 好疼
  Where's professor Shane? 肖恩教授去哪了
  Check the judges' table. 去評(píng)委席找啊
  Red one, definitely. 穿紅的,相信我
  We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy. 我們一致覺(jué)得紅色太艷麗了
  It's a pageant. That's the whole point. 這可是選美,艷麗才是重點(diǎn)好嗎
  Did you win Miss Mystic last year? 去年你當(dāng)了神秘鎮(zhèn)小姐嗎
  No. I don't think you did. 好像沒(méi)有吧
  Neither did Elena, and she wore blue. 埃琳娜也沒(méi)當(dāng)上,因?yàn)樗┝怂{(lán)色
  Nobody cares what you think. 我們才不在乎你怎么想
  I care. 我在乎
  See? April cares. 看到?jīng)],艾普莉在乎
  Red, right, Elena? 紅色好,對(duì)吧埃琳娜
  The red is pretty. 紅色確實(shí)很漂亮
  And my work here is done. 那么我這就走
  Uh, what happened to 30 seconds ago 你30秒前不是說(shuō)
  when you hated the red one? 紅色很難看嗎
  What happened to "Safe is good"? 不是說(shuō),保守點(diǎn)好嗎
  Whichever one you want to wear, April. 還是隨你來(lái)選吧,艾普莉
  What just happened? 到底怎么回事
  Damon. 達(dá)蒙
  Still here. 還在
  We need to talk. 我們得談?wù)?/div>
  Stefan told me about the breakup. 斯特凡跟我說(shuō)過(guò)你們分手的事了
  I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. 我應(yīng)該表示遺憾的,可我并不遺憾
  What did he say? 他說(shuō)了什么
  Oh, you know Stefan. 你了解斯特凡的
  The guy just went on and on about it. Wouldn't shut up. 他就是不停地說(shuō),說(shuō)個(gè)沒(méi)完
  So he didn't tell you why? 他沒(méi)告訴你為什么嗎
  Nope, but I'm sure it has something to do 沒(méi),不過(guò)這原因應(yīng)該
  with you acting weird, so why don't you tell me? 跟你舉止奇怪有關(guān),不如你來(lái)告訴我
  You. 因?yàn)槟?/div>
  Damon Salvatore. 達(dá)蒙·塞爾瓦托
  Looks like we're traveling the same circuit. 看來(lái)我們一直在繞圈子
  Professor Shane. 肖恩教授
  Just the guy I wanted to see. 我正找你呢
  So I'm in search of another Hunter. 我最近在找另一個(gè)獵人
  Hunter with a capital "H"? Why? 獵人,有什么特殊含義嗎
  Same reason anyone needs a hunter... 就像每個(gè)人都需要個(gè)獵人身份
  Loneliness, drinking buddy33, fourth for golf. 解悶,酒友,三缺一
  I thought you said you already had a potential. 我以為你已經(jīng)有一個(gè)潛在角色了
  I did, but he ended up being potentially a problem, so... 是的,但我發(fā)現(xiàn)他變成了潛在問(wèn)題
  There's nothing I can do to help you. 我想我?guī)筒簧夏?/div>
  Well, why don't you help me with this? 那何不幫幫我這件事呢
  Why are you here? 你來(lái)這里干什么
  What's in your little lesson plan there, professor? 你有什么小計(jì)劃呢,教授
  You think too highly of me, Damon. 你高估我了,達(dá)蒙
  I'm gonna go find the other judges. 我去看看其他評(píng)委們
  Hey, no pity votes for April Young, ok? 別因?yàn)橥槎鵀榘绽?middot;楊投票,好嗎
  I mean, just because her dad blew up a house 我是說(shuō),她爸爸炸了一間
  with a dozen people in it doesn't mean 滿屋子人的房子不意味著
  she should get a tiara. 她應(yīng)該獲得冠軍
  But you knew him, didn't you? 不過(guò)你認(rèn)識(shí)他,對(duì)吧
  Because I hear you two racked up 因?yàn)槲衣?tīng)說(shuō)你倆有一筆
  a pretty impressive phone bill. 數(shù)目不小的電話賬單啊
  If you want to know something about me, Damon, just ask. 你想知道什么,直接問(wèn)吧,達(dá)蒙
  Ok. 好啊
  How did you convince the pastor to kill all those people? 你怎么說(shuō)服牧師炸死那些人的
  Did you just accuse me of mass murder 你現(xiàn)在在高校選美會(huì)上
  in the middle of a high school pageant? 指責(zé)我是大屠殺的主謀嗎
  Welcome to this season's 歡迎來(lái)到本季度
  Miss Mystic Falls. "神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐"大賽
  We are so excited to showcase 我們非常高興介紹給大家
  our most outstanding community leaders in the making. 參與籌劃的出色的社區(qū)領(lǐng)袖們
  What am I doing here? 帶我來(lái)這兒干什么
  Getting the chance to make your sister human again. 幫助你姐姐變回人類
  You interested? 感興趣嗎
  You have no idea. 你不知道我有多想
  Actually, I do. 事實(shí)上,我知道
  Who is that? 這是誰(shuí)
  Oh, it doesn't really matter. 他是誰(shuí)不重要
  All that matters is that you're a vampire hunter 重要的是,你是吸血鬼獵人
  and he's a vampire. 而他是個(gè)吸血鬼
  Well, almost. 基本上是個(gè)吸血鬼了
  Was this all so I could stake him? 就這么做是為了讓我殺了他嗎
  Do you think I want to do this, Jeremy? Look at me. 你覺(jué)得我很想這么干嗎,杰里米,看著我
  I hate this. I don't want to do this, but your sister 我討厭這樣,也不想這樣,但你姐姐
  isn't supposed to be a vampire, 不應(yīng)該變成吸血鬼
  and we need to help her. 我們得幫她
  He's a murderer, 他是個(gè)兇手
  and he will gladly kill again, 他還會(huì)繼續(xù)殺人
  so do it, Jeremy. 動(dòng)手吧,杰里米
  Kill him. 殺了他
  Stefan, what are you doing?! 斯特凡,你在干什么
  What the hell is wrong with you? 你到底怎么了
  Do it, Jeremy, or I will rip the chains off for real. 動(dòng)手,杰里米,不然我就把鏈子解開(kāi)
  Do it! 動(dòng)手
  All right, enough. He's dead. 好了,夠了,他已經(jīng)死了
  Hey, why am I bussing your tables? 為什么要讓我?guī)湍闶帐白雷?/div>
  I said no empty glasses. 我說(shuō)了空杯子不要留著
  Will you guys pick up the tempo34? 你們能挑個(gè)歡快的音樂(lè)嗎
  This is a pageant, not a funeral. 這是選美大賽,不是葬禮
  And how am I doing? 我怎么樣啊
  You're... 你...
  perfect. 很完美
  Just so beyond annoying, 只是太煩人了
  I can't even look at you. 我都不忍心看
  They didn't waste any time, did they? 他們果然不會(huì)放過(guò)任何機(jī)會(huì)
  Let's just get today over with. 趕緊做完今天的事情吧
  I can't believe that I won. 難以置信我居然贏了
  I just want to thank the judges 真想感謝評(píng)委
  for seeing past the fact that I'm a raging bitch. 沒(méi)有計(jì)較我以前那狂暴的性格
  You don't want to do that. 別那么做
  Those girls will cut you. 那些女孩會(huì)傷到你的
  They have nails. 她們有長(zhǎng)指甲
  I have claws. 可是我有爪子
  Hi, everyone. I'm Caroline Forbes. 大家好,我是卡羅琳·福布斯
  As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, 作為現(xiàn)任"神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐"
  it is my honor to introduce 我非常榮幸地介紹
  this year's Miss Mystic court! 本屆"神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐"團(tuán)隊(duì)
  We begin the procession with Valerie Fell, 首先有請(qǐng)瓦萊莉·菲爾
  Accompanied by Dylan Clark. 以及她的男伴狄倫·克拉克
  Next we have Amber35 Wolverton, 接下來(lái)有請(qǐng)安伯·沃弗頓
  Accompanied by Hector Linsey. 以及她的男伴赫克托·林賽
  And here's Michelle Cunningham... 下面是米歇爾·柯寧漢...
  Have you seen Jeremy? 看到杰里米了嗎
  He's probably with the escorts. 他可能和其他男伴們?cè)谝黄?/div>
  Caroline told me to wrangle36 the escorts. 卡羅琳讓我負(fù)責(zé)男伴
  He's not here. 可他不在這兒
  Brianna Johnson, accompanied by... 布里安娜·瓊森,以及她的男伴...
  Did he tell you about his nightmares? 他給你講他的噩夢(mèng)了嗎
  What nightmares? 什么噩夢(mèng)
  The ones where he kills you. 那個(gè)他殺死你的夢(mèng)
  Katherine Wilson, accompanied by Eric Hanson. 凱薩琳·威爾森和她的男伴埃里克·漢森
  I'll find him, but... 我會(huì)去找他的,但是...
  April's about to get abandoned. 艾普莉現(xiàn)在沒(méi)有男伴了
  I got this. 我來(lái)當(dāng)
  And finally...Thanks. 最后出場(chǎng)的是...謝謝
  We have a lastminute entryApril Young, 最后出場(chǎng)的是,艾普莉·楊
  accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert. 陪同者是杰里米·吉爾伯特
  Jeremy's running late. 杰里米遲到了
  I guess you'll do. 有你在也行
  You lead. 你領(lǐng)舞
  Hey, what's with the lastminute escort change? 最后換男伴是怎么回事
  Where is Jeremy? 杰里米去哪里了
  I'm calling him right now. 我正在給他打電話
  He's not picking up. 但是他不接
  Do the math. Emo teen. 想一想,青春期少年
  Open bar. It's fine. 免費(fèi)酒吧,沒(méi)事的
  Matt said that Jeremy's been having nightmares 馬特說(shuō)杰里米一直做噩夢(mèng)
  about killing37 vampires 夢(mèng)到殺吸血鬼
  and he's been hiding it from me. 但他一直在瞞著我
  Relax. I'm sure he's fine. 別緊張,他應(yīng)該沒(méi)事的
  I don't know. I have a bad feeling. 我不知道,我感覺(jué)很不好
  If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried. 如果我不擔(dān)心的話,你也不用擔(dān)心
  Let it go. 放輕松
  I'll go look for him. 我去找找他
  OK. 好
  OK. You go home. 好,現(xiàn)在你回家
  I'm gonna start asking around here. 我在這邊問(wèn)問(wèn)看
  Maybe Damon's right. 可能達(dá)蒙說(shuō)得對(duì)
  Maybe he grabbed a bottle from the bar 可能他在酒吧喝了酒
  and snuck off to the woods. 自己一個(gè)人到樹林去了
  No. Damon's never right. 不,達(dá)蒙永遠(yuǎn)都是錯(cuò)的
  Damon is sneaky and manipulative and rude, 達(dá)蒙是卑鄙自私操縱他人粗魯無(wú)禮
  but he's never right. 但是從來(lái)沒(méi)有對(duì)過(guò)
  How can you not see that? 你怎么這個(gè)都沒(méi)看出來(lái)
  I don't know, but why do I think 我不知道,但是你為什么會(huì)
  that you won't hesitate to tell me? 毫不猶豫地告訴我這些
  Fine. Friendtervention. 好吧,是我瞎說(shuō)
  I think your socalled feelings for Damon 我覺(jué)得你那所謂的對(duì)達(dá)蒙有感覺(jué)
  are really starting to cloud your judgment38, 現(xiàn)在真的開(kāi)始擾亂你的判斷力了
  and I don't like it, 我很不喜歡這個(gè)
  and the thought of you two together 一想到你們兩個(gè)人在一起
  really makes me want to barf. 真的讓我很惡心
  Easy, love. You're making a scene. 放松,親愛(ài)的,你這樣太引人注意了
  Wow. Caroline, thank you 真謝謝你,卡羅琳
  for making this very difficult time so much easier. 你真是讓這段困難時(shí)期變輕松多了
  How did I become the bad guy? 我怎么成了壞人了
  Let's get you a drink. 我們?nèi)ズ纫槐?/div>
  I'll tell you all about being the bad guy. 讓我來(lái)告訴你怎么做壞人
  Please don't tell me 千萬(wàn)別跟我說(shuō)
  that you've roped Jeremy into a world of crazy. 你把杰里米扯進(jìn)了瘋狂的世界
  I had no choice. 我別無(wú)選擇
  Elena needs a cure. 埃琳娜需要治愈
  Oh, right. So you can turn her back into 對(duì),這樣你就可以把她變回
  the girl who's still in love with you. 那個(gè)仍然愛(ài)你的女孩了
  You know, I get why you wouldn't 我知道你為什么
  want to believe it, Damon, 不愿意相信,達(dá)蒙
  but she isn't herself anymore. 但是她現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)完全變了
  Of course you would think that. 你當(dāng)然會(huì)這么想
  Leave it alone, Stefan. 別管了,斯特凡
  How far did the mark grow? 紋身出現(xiàn)多少了
  Show me on this drawing. 畫給我看看
  Sorry, Stefan. I can't trust you. 抱歉,斯特凡,我不能相信你
  How far is it, Jeremy? 到底有多少了,杰里米
  I said I can't. 我說(shuō)過(guò)了,我不能
  Answer me, or I will make you answer me. 回答我,否則我會(huì)讓你回答
  I'm not telling you anything. 我什么都不會(huì)告訴你的
  What does the mark look like? 現(xiàn)在紋身是什么樣子
  I guess I can't be compelled anymore. 我好像不能被控制了
  It's just, as her best friend, 作為她最好的朋友
  it is my duty to warn her 我有責(zé)任提醒她
  when she's making a giant mistake, right? 她犯了一個(gè)巨大的錯(cuò)誤,是吧
  And now she's taking Damon's side on everything. 可是現(xiàn)在她什么都站在達(dá)蒙那邊
  So being a vampire has changed her. 成為吸血鬼改變了她
  But being a vampire only amplifies39 who you already are. 但是當(dāng)吸血鬼只會(huì)放大人的本性
  It doesn't turn you into a completely different person. 不會(huì)把人變的和以前完全不同
  Very peculiar40. 確實(shí)很奇特
  What's that look for? 你這個(gè)表情是什么意思
  It'll all make sense eventually. 最終一切都會(huì)講得通的
  Whatever. Just hurry up and find the cure. 無(wú)論如何,抓緊找到治愈方法吧
  I'm working on it. 我正在努力
  Would you ever take it? 你會(huì)接受治愈嗎
  Now, why would I want to cure myself 我為什么要治愈自己
  of being the most powerful creature 我可是世界上
  on the planet, hmm? 最強(qiáng)大的生物,對(duì)吧
  So there's not one single moment 也就是說(shuō)你從來(lái)沒(méi)想過(guò)
  in your whole life that you wanted to be human. 當(dāng)個(gè)正常的人類
  How about you? 那你呢
  Life used to be a lot easier. 以前生活是很容易的
  Don't you miss the days of being... 難道你不想念那些...
  "Chair of the Mystic Falls beautification committee" 神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)美麗委員會(huì)主席
  and the "Director of the policemen's yearly raffle"? 警察年度抽獎(jiǎng)活動(dòng)主任
  Is that my Miss Mystic application? 那是我的神秘小姐申請(qǐng)書嗎
  Where did you get that? "When I am chosen, 你從哪里弄到手的,要是我當(dāng)選了
  I intend to redefine excellence41"... 我會(huì)重新定義優(yōu)秀的含義...
  Now, I'm really enjoying your use of "When" here. 這里的"要是"用的很好
  It's very confident. 表明你很自信
  "And above all, I promise to aspire42, 總之,我向大家承諾志向
  inspire, and perspire44." 靈感和汗水
  Obviously, we found a shortage of words ending in "Spire43." 這里你很明顯好詞不夠用了
  Yeah. It's very funny. It's hilarious45. Just 對(duì),確實(shí)很搞笑,快點(diǎn)...
  Don't. 不要
  How do those two know each other? 他們倆怎么會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)
  They don't. 不認(rèn)識(shí)
  Paranoid much? 太多疑了吧
  The council just got burned to a crisp. 委員會(huì)剛被燒成碎片
  Some mysterious hunters just blew through town, 某些神秘的獵人剛剛在鎮(zhèn)子上折騰了一番
  and this guy just happens to know 而這家伙恰好知道
  everything about everything. 一切的一切
  Yes, paranoid. 是的,很多疑
  Where have you been? 你去哪了
  Sorry. I got stuck at work. 抱歉,因?yàn)楣ぷ鞯⒄`了一會(huì)
  Jeremy, if you were too chicken to do the dance thingy, 杰里米,如果你不敢來(lái)跳舞的話
  then you should've just told me. 你可以直接告訴我
  No, no. I knew the dance. 不,不是,我會(huì)跳舞
  I watched some lesson online, 我在線看了些教程
  like, 100 times. 差不多看了100次
  You did? 真的嗎
  Hey, what's that Shane guy doing here? 那個(gè)肖恩在這里干什么
  He's a judge. 他是評(píng)委
  I talked to him about my dad. 我跟他談了我爸爸的事
  I mean, he said that he never seemed depressed 他說(shuō)我爸爸從沒(méi)表現(xiàn)出沮喪
  or suicidal or anything, so 或者有自殺傾向之類的,所以
  Your dad? Yeah. 你爸爸,對(duì)
  You know, I figured I'd explore every possibility, 你知道,我想我要了解每一種可能
  even the bleak46 ones. 即使是不好的可能
  What are you looking at? 你在看什么呢
  Your dad was doing the right thing for this town. 你爸爸在為這個(gè)鎮(zhèn)子做正確的事情
  The whole council was. They died heroes. 整個(gè)委員會(huì)都是,他們都是英雄
  Oh, you again. 又是你
  I must be the least intimidating47 mass murderer ever. 我一定是有史以來(lái)最不嚇人的大屠殺兇手
  Well, you still never gave me a name, 你還是一個(gè)名字都沒(méi)告訴我
  and it's kind of urgent. 現(xiàn)在情況很緊急
  Listen. There is no other name. Look. 聽(tīng)著,沒(méi)有其他人了
  At any given moment, there are 5 hunters in existence, all right? 在任何時(shí)刻,都有五個(gè)獵人存在
  Most of them have no idea who they are 他們大多數(shù)都不知道自己的身份
  or what their purpose is. 也不知道自己的目的
  Means finding more than one in a lifetime 也就意味著這輩子能找到第二個(gè)的可能性
  is next to impossible. 幾乎沒(méi)有
  Subtle. 動(dòng)作挺敏捷
  Like you didn't already know. 別裝你不知道
  You have 5 seconds to give me another name, 給你五秒鐘說(shuō)出第二個(gè)人
  or you die. 否則你就死定了
  You know, since it's generally unwise 你知道,一般來(lái)說(shuō)吸血鬼
  for a vampire to seek out a hunter, 去找獵人是非常不明智的
  it means you're interested in the mark. 這也就說(shuō)明你對(duì)印記非常感興趣
  That's probably because of where it leads, 大概是因?yàn)橛∮浿赶虻牡胤?/div>
  but here's the thing. 但事實(shí)是這樣的
  Even if you complete the mark 即使你完成了印記
  and you get the map, 得到了地圖
  the thing that you're looking for 你所尋找的那樣?xùn)|西
  is sealed with a spell only a certain kind 也是被咒語(yǔ)所封印的,只有特定的
  of witch can perform. 一類女巫可以解開(kāi)
  What kind of witch? 哪類女巫
  Come on, Damon. 行了吧,達(dá)蒙
  I love pressure points. What kind of witch? 我最愛(ài)壓痛點(diǎn)了,哪類女巫
  Come on. You're a big boy. 別這樣,你是個(gè)大人了
  You can figure this one out. 你可以自己想清楚
  A Bennett witch. 貝內(nèi)特家族的女巫
  Aren't too many of those lying around, 周圍可沒(méi)有太多的女巫
  as I'm sure you know. 所以我確定你知道的
  So none of this matters until Bonnie 所以再幫你重新施展巫術(shù)之前
  is back in touch with her magic. 這一切都沒(méi)有意義
  Between the two of us, who do you think 你和我倆人,你覺(jué)得
  she trusts to help her get there? 她會(huì)相信誰(shuí)能幫她恢復(fù)呢
  5 seconds are up 五秒到了
  unless you just realized you need me alive. 現(xiàn)在你意識(shí)到你需要我好好活著了吧
  Now, if you'll excuse me, 現(xiàn)在,如果你不介意的話
  I have a scholarship to award. 我還有一個(gè)獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金要授予
  And now the moment you've been waiting for. 現(xiàn)在到了大家期待已久的時(shí)刻
  Caroline, would you do the honors? 卡羅琳,你來(lái)宣布吧
  This year's Miss Mystic Falls is... 今年神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐是
  April Young. 艾普莉·楊
  Jeremy. 杰里米
  Hey, where have you been? 你去哪了
  What are you doing with that? 你拿那個(gè)做什么
  Put it down. 放下
  Connor was right. 康納是對(duì)的
  All I can think about is killing vampires. 我滿腦子都在想殺死吸血鬼
  You're nothing like Connor. 你和康納完全不同
  I want to believe that, 我也想相信這點(diǎn)
  and I know I don't want to hurt you, 我也知道我不想傷害你
  but everything inside of me is telling me 但是我的內(nèi)心卻一直對(duì)我說(shuō)
  to drive this stake through your heart. 把這個(gè)插進(jìn)你的心臟
  Why would you say that? 你為什么這么說(shuō)
  It's me, Jeremy. 是我啊,杰里米
  And you're a vampire. 你是個(gè)吸血鬼
  Yeah, but I'm also your sister. 對(duì),但我還是你的姐姐
  Jer... 杰里米
  I would never do anything to hurt you. 我永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)傷害你
  No. 不
  Get it away from me. 別讓我看到這個(gè)
  Jere Jeremy. 杰里,杰里米
  Jer, wake up. Please wake up. 杰里米,醒醒,醒醒
  Jeremy! Get out of here, Matt. 杰里米,出去,馬特
  Jeremy, you don't want to do this, ok? 杰里米,你不想這樣的,好嗎
  That's your sister. 這是你姐姐
  It's that stupid mark on your arm. 是你胳膊上那該死的印記在作怪
  Shut up, Matt! Jeremy, look at me. 閉嘴,馬特,杰里米,看著我
  I'm human, and I'm telling you 我是人類,我告訴你
  not to hurt her. 別傷害她
  Get out of here, Matt! Come on, let's get out of here. 出去,馬特,來(lái)吧,我們出去
  Let me do it. Let me do it. Let me do it. 讓我來(lái),讓我來(lái),讓我來(lái)
  Your mom parties harder than you do. 你媽媽對(duì)宴會(huì)可比你認(rèn)真多了
  Does she have the gene48? 是她有狼人基因嗎
  Dad. 是爸爸
  What about your parents? 你的父母呢
  Never met them. 從來(lái)沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)
  My adoptive parents found out 我變身的那個(gè)晚上
  about my wolf gene when I did, 拆了家里的客廳
  the night that I turned 那時(shí)候我的養(yǎng)父母
  and tore apart their living room. 就發(fā)現(xiàn)我身上有狼人基因了
  Promptly49 kicked me out. 他們立馬就把我趕出去了
  You never told me how it triggered. 你沒(méi)告訴過(guò)我你是怎么觸發(fā)的
  You mean, who I killed? 你是問(wèn)我殺了誰(shuí)嗎
  Boating accident. 船只失事
  We were drunk. I thought I wasn't. 我們喝多了,我以為我沒(méi)有
  So what's with you 所以你為什么
  chatting up all these oldtimers, huh 會(huì)和這些老古董搭訕
  my mom, that professor guy. 我媽媽,那個(gè)教授
  That professor guy is, like, 30, 那個(gè)教授,只有差不多,30歲
  And he's hot and smart. 他性感又聰明
  You know him or something? 你認(rèn)識(shí)他還是怎么樣
  No. I just met him. Why? 沒(méi)有,我剛認(rèn)識(shí)他,為什么這么問(wèn)
  No reason. 就問(wèn)問(wèn)
  I never answered your question, 你問(wèn)我有沒(méi)有想過(guò)再做回人類
  if I'd ever thought about being human. 我一直沒(méi)有回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題
  Once. 有一次
  I was on a trek50 in the Andes, 那時(shí)候我在安第斯山脈長(zhǎng)途跋涉
  and a hummingbird51 flew up to me 一只蜂雀朝我飛過(guò)來(lái)
  and just hovered52 there staring at me. 一直在那兒盯著我,盤旋著
  Its tiny heart was pattering like a machine gun... 它小小的心臟跳動(dòng)的聲音就像機(jī)關(guān)槍那樣
  And I thought, "What a thing, you know, 我就想,多么神奇的小東西
  to have to work that hard every day 每天那樣努力
  just to stay alive, 只為了活著
  to be constantly on the verge53 of death, 這樣才能在生死邊緣繼續(xù)游走
  and how satisfying every day must be 每一天,當(dāng)它存活下來(lái)的時(shí)候
  that it survived..." 一定非常滿足
  And that was the only time 那就是我唯一一次
  I thought about being human. 想到要再做回人類
  What's he saying? 他在說(shuō)什么
  A bunch of bs about being human. 一堆關(guān)于做人類的事
  The sooner we get rid of this guy, the better. 我們?cè)皆鐢[脫他越好
  Elena, wait. 埃琳娜,等等
  I have to find Jeremy. 我得去找杰里米
  This shouldn't be happening to him. 這些都不應(yīng)該發(fā)生在他身上
  Elena, wait. It's my fault. 埃琳娜,等等,是我的錯(cuò)
  What are you talking about? 你什么意思
  I'm starting to think that when a hunter 我在想,也許吸血鬼獵人
  kills a vampire, their urge 每殺一個(gè)吸血鬼
  to keep killing grows stronger. 他們想要繼續(xù)的渴望就越強(qiáng)烈
  Tell me that Jeremy hasn't been with you 告訴我杰里米不是
  this entire time. 一直和你在一起
  Tell me that you haven't been making him 告訴我你沒(méi)有讓他
  kill vampires, Stefan. 去殺吸血鬼,斯特凡
  We need the map to get the cure. 我們需要找到那個(gè)治愈的地圖
  If getting my humanity back means stripping jeremy of his, 如果讓我做回人類意味著要讓杰里米失去人性
  then I don't want the cure. 那我寧愿不要那治愈方法
  He's the only way to fix all of this. 他是解決這一切的唯一方法
  You mean me, 你是說(shuō)我
  the only way to fix me. 是解救我的唯一方法
  You don't have to love me like this. 你沒(méi)必要這樣愛(ài)我
  This is who I am now. 現(xiàn)在的我就是這樣
  The old Elena died when she went off that bridge. 以前那個(gè)埃琳娜,在掉下橋的時(shí)候就死了
  Let her go. 放她走吧
  What are you doing? 你在做什么
  I can't keep living here 如果我想要?dú)⒘宋业慕憬?/div>
  if I want to kill my sister. 我就不能再住在這里了
  Elena knows that. 埃琳娜知道這點(diǎn)
  That's why she moved out and asked me to move in. 所以她搬出去了,讓我搬進(jìn)來(lái)
  What? Look. 什么,聽(tīng)著
  I'm not one of them, Jer. 我不是吸血鬼,杰里米
  I'll keep an eye on you, 我能看著你
  and we can keep this hunter business in check. 我們能控制好吸血鬼獵人這件事
  Where's Elena gonna go? 那埃琳娜搬到哪里去了
  I can't stay at home anymore. 我不能再住在家里
  Pick a room. 選一個(gè)房間吧
  I'll crash somewhere else. 我到別的地方去
  Tell me it's over, Ty. 告訴我結(jié)束了,泰勒
  I really don't think I can do this anymore. 我真的覺(jué)得我堅(jiān)持不下去了
  It's over. Nice work. 結(jié)束了,做得不錯(cuò)
  We are one step closer to ending this. 距離結(jié)束這一切又近一步了
  We got another one. 又成功了一個(gè)
  Good. 好的
  We're almost ready. 我們基本上都準(zhǔn)備好了
  I want to leave Tyler out of this when it all goes down. 我不希望最后把泰勒牽扯進(jìn)來(lái)
  We'll talk when you've broken the last one. 你解決所有混血兒之后,我們?cè)僬勥@個(gè)
  Thanks. 謝謝
  Just being polite. 禮貌而已
  Thought you hated whiskey. 覺(jué)得你不喜歡威士忌
  My brother wants to kill me. 我弟弟想殺了我
  Welcome to the club. 和我一樣
  Jeremy can't live with me, 杰里米不能和我住在一起
  Stefan wants to fix me, 斯特凡想要把我變回人類
  and Caroline flat out admitted 卡羅琳直接說(shuō)
  that she doesn't like me this way. 她不喜歡我現(xiàn)在這樣
  Think it's safe to say 我想我還是
  that I'm not so great at this vampire thing. 不太會(huì)做吸血鬼
  You want to know what I think? 想知道我怎么想嗎
  I don't think I've ever seen you more alive. 我覺(jué)得我從未見(jiàn)過(guò)你如此地鮮活
  That dance that they did today 他們今天跳的那支舞
  kind of reminded me of when 有點(diǎn)讓我想起
  When we danced together? 想起我們一起跳舞的時(shí)候嗎
  I wanted to dance with you today. 我今天想要和你跳舞的
  Elena is right. I just need to let go. 埃琳娜是對(duì)的,我應(yīng)該放手
  No. You're right, Stefan. 不是,你才是對(duì)的,斯特凡
  It's not pretty, and it's not easy, 這一切不美好,也不容易
  but you can't give up on her. 但是你不能放棄她
  Caroline, she looked me in the eye, 卡羅琳,她看著我的眼睛
  and she told me to move on. 她告訴我往前走
  She's lost, ok? 她現(xiàn)在搞不清楚,好嗎
  You and herepic. 你和她,是史詩(shī)般的
  Her and damon ugh, god. 她和達(dá)蒙,天
  There's something wrong with her. 她有些不對(duì)
  Just promise me you won't stop looking for the cure. 答應(yīng)我你不會(huì)停止找那個(gè)治愈
  Klaus won't let me, even if I wanted to. 就算我想放棄,克勞斯不會(huì)允許的
  What does he care? He doesn't even want it. 他為什么在意呢,他又不想再做回人類
  He wants to keep Elena human 他希望埃琳娜是人類
  so that he can make more hybrids. 那樣他就可以制造更多混血兒
  He's gonna need them. 他是會(huì)需要些混血兒
  Tyler has almost got all of them unsired. 泰勒差不多把他們都解放了
  Oh, my god. 我的天吶
  My... 我的
  god. 老天
  I was trying to understand why Klaus was so intrigued54 我之前在想,為什么克勞斯對(duì)
  by Damon and Elena. 達(dá)蒙和埃琳娜的事那么感興趣
  He said I would figure it out. 他說(shuō)我會(huì)知道的
  This is what he was talking about. 他就是這個(gè)意思
  What are you talking about? 你什么意思
  Think about it. 你想想
  Every time Elena has had a problem, 每次埃琳娜有什么問(wèn)題
  Damon has been the magic solution. 達(dá)蒙都會(huì)是那個(gè)神奇的解決者
  Today Elena was worried about Jeremy. 今天,埃琳娜很擔(dān)心杰里米
  Who swoops55 in and tells her to relax? 是誰(shuí)突然跑來(lái)告訴她放輕松
  Damon, and she listens. 是達(dá)蒙,而她就聽(tīng)他的
  When Elena started feeding, who said that she could only 埃琳娜開(kāi)始吸血的時(shí)候,是誰(shuí)說(shuō)的
  drink blood straight from the vein56? 她只能直接喝血管里的血
  Damon. 是達(dá)蒙
  And when she tried to drink from animals? 她嘗試著和動(dòng)物血的時(shí)候
  Couldn't keep it down. 她喝不下去
  And blood bags? Same thing. 血袋呢,也不行
  Name one vampire in the history of vampires 整個(gè)吸血鬼的歷史中,你找不出任何一個(gè)
  who couldn't drink blood from a blood bag. 不能喝血袋里的血的吸血鬼來(lái)
  Damon said she couldn't, so she couldn't. 達(dá)蒙說(shuō)她不行,她就不行
  Damon likes the red dress, Elena likes the red dress. 達(dá)蒙喜歡紅色的裙子,埃琳娜就喜歡紅色的
  Damon says kill Connor, she kills Connor. 達(dá)蒙說(shuō)殺了康納,她就殺了他
  What if it's possible? 如果真的有這個(gè)可能呢
  Damon's blood made her a vampire, right? 達(dá)蒙的血讓她成為了吸血鬼,對(duì)不對(duì)
  It's rare, but it happens. 這很少見(jiàn),但卻是發(fā)生了
  What if this is one of those times? 如果這就是萬(wàn)分之一的可能
  What if this is really happening? 如果就真的發(fā)生了呢
  Elena is sired to Damon. 埃琳娜對(duì)達(dá)蒙認(rèn)祖歸忠了

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