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> 影視聽說 > 美劇推薦 > 吸血鬼日記第四季中英文字幕 >  第6篇






   Mystic Falls...I was born here. 神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn),我在這里出生

  This is my home. 這里是我的家
  And mine. And mine.. 也是我的,還有我
  For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. 幾個(gè)世紀(jì)以來,超自然生物生活在我們之中
  They were vampires2, werewolves, doppelgangers... 有吸血鬼,狼人,二重身
  witches. And even hybrids4. 女巫,甚至還有混血兒
  She needs human blood, Stefan. From the vein5. 斯特凡,她需要人血,血管中的血
  If she kills someone, she will crumble6. 她要是殺了人,會崩潰的
  Shouldn't you be in Mystic Falls killing7 vampires? 你不是應(yīng)該在神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)殺吸血鬼嗎
  Anybody gets in my way They're dead. 不論誰擋了我路,都是死路一條
  Do I have your attention? 現(xiàn)在能聽我說話了嗎
  Then let's talk about vampires. 我們談?wù)勎淼氖掳?/div>
  Run as fast as you can. 能跑多快跑多快
  Why are you protecting him? 你為什么要保護(hù)他
  Klaus will kill anyone who knows! 克勞斯會殺了所有知情的人
  Connor's tattoo8 is the key to a cure for Elena. 康納的紋身是治愈埃琳娜的關(guān)鍵
  Stay the hell away from my brother! 離我弟弟遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)兒
  You said you were going to protect Jeremy! 你說過要保護(hù)杰里米的
  I killed someone. 我殺死了一個(gè)人
  Can't sleep? 睡不著嗎
  You know... 知道嗎
  It makes sense. 這很正常
  Guilty conscience. 殺人會有負(fù)罪感
  You're not here. I'm... 你不在這里,我
  I've got to be dreaming. 我一定是在做夢
  Then how do you know that I'm not here? 你怎么知道不可能
  Because you're... 因?yàn)槟阋呀?jīng)
  Go on. Say it. 接著說,說啊
  Because you're dead. 因?yàn)槟闼懒?/div>
  Yes. 沒錯(cuò)
  I am. 我是死了
  Was that the first time that you've taken a human life? 那是你第一次殺人吧
  You're a ghost. 你是鬼魂
  It's got to be you're a ghost. 一定是這樣,你是鬼魂
  That'sthat's what's happening right now. 所以我才會看見你
  JeJeremy. 杰里米
  Jeremy! 杰里米
  You're a ghost. 你是鬼魂
  You're haunting me. You're a ghost. 冤魂不散,你是鬼魂
  You're haunting me. Can a ghost do this? 只不過是冤魂糾纏,鬼魂會索命嗎
  Oh, my god! 我的天啊
  Jer! Jer! 杰里米,杰里米
  Jer! Jer! No, no, no! 杰里米,杰里米,不要死
  No. No, Jer! 不要死,杰里米
  Jeremy! 杰里米
  I can't believe this happened. 真不敢相信會是這樣
  Whatwhat am I going to say to him? 我該對他說什么
  Thanks for not ditching the family ring 就說幸虧他留著把里克弄瘋的
  after it drove Ric crazy? 永生戒
  You should have called Stefan. 你該給斯特凡打電話
  I don't want to talk to him. 我不想和他說話
  He's been lying to me, and hiding things from me. 他一直欺騙我,隱瞞我
  He compelled Jeremy to forget god knows what. 天知道他催眠杰里米逼他忘記什么
  In all fairness, I mean, 說句公道話,我覺得
  I think you killing him kind of trumps9 that. 殺人比催眠嚴(yán)重多了
  I mean, you should have called Stefan. 你應(yīng)該給斯特凡打電話
  I don't trust him right now, Damon. 達(dá)蒙,我現(xiàn)在不相信他
  P.S.I called Stefan. 多說一句,是我叫他來的
  What happened? Why didn't you call me? 出了什么事,你怎么沒給我打電話
  I justI need to go upstairs and shower. 我要上樓去洗個(gè)澡
  Clean all the blood off my hands. 把手上的血都洗掉
  Welcome back. How you feeling? 歡迎復(fù)活,感覺如何
  What happened? 發(fā)生了什么事
  Long story. Buy the ebook. 說來話長,自己想吧
  Elena? 埃琳娜
  Listen, I know you're still upset about yesterday, 我知道你還在為昨天的事生氣
  and I get it. Believe me. 我理解的,相信我
  But just...Let me help you. 但是,讓我?guī)湍惆?/div>
  I don't want your help right now, Stefan. 斯特凡,我現(xiàn)在不想讓你幫忙
  But you'll accept Damon's? 怎么達(dá)蒙幫你就行
  Don't make this about Damon! 別把達(dá)蒙扯進(jìn)來
  You've been working with Klaus doing 你在和克勞斯做不為人知的交易
  God knows what, and don't insult me by trying to deny it. 你要否認(rèn)就是侮辱我的智商
  Listen, it's not what you think, ok? 事情不像你想的那樣
  I don't know what to think. 我不知道該怎么想
  But I do know that I don't want to talk to you 但我知道我不想和你說話
  and I don't really want to be around you right now. 現(xiàn)在也不想看見你
  Look, please, just No. 你聽我解釋,不
  This is my brother's blood on my hands, Stefan. 我手上有自己兄弟的血,斯特凡
  I stabbed him in the neck last night, 我昨晚把刀插進(jìn)他脖子
  so forgive me if I'm not in the mood to listen you 所以,請?jiān)徫覜]心情
  try to talk your way out of this. 聽你解釋苦衷
  You're still going? 你還是要去嗎
  I drank enough last night. 我昨晚喝多了
  And then I slept, which is what you guys should have done. 然后倒頭就睡,你們倆卻還熬夜
  We're just paying our respects to Dean. 我們這么做只是向迪恩致敬
  That's great, Chris, but would you pay them at a bar instead? 好極了,克里斯,但你能去酒吧折騰嗎
  Don't be mad. 別生氣
  We're celebrating our fallen hybrid3 friend. 我們在為失去的混血兒朋友慶祝
  Don't let me interrupt. 繼續(xù),別因?yàn)槲覓吡伺d
  I didn't know you were here. 我不知道你也在這里
  Clearly. 顯然
  Thought I'd just pop 'round 我突然想過來慶祝一下
  to celebrate Dean's successful retrieval 恭喜迪恩圓滿完成刺殺
  of the vampire1 hunter. 吸血鬼獵人的任務(wù)
  Yet when I arrived, 但我到現(xiàn)場才知道
  I learned that not only was Dean unsuccessful, 迪恩不僅行動失敗
  but that Elena killed the hunter. 還讓埃琳娜把那獵人殺死了
  Maybe if you had let Dean use force on Connor 如果你讓迪恩動用武力去抓住康納
  instead of sending him in on a suicide mission... 而不是讓他去完成自殺任務(wù)就不會如此
  Maybe you should mind your business, wolf girl. 還是少管閑事為好,小狼妞
  What do you care if Connor's dead, anyway? 康納的死活與你何干
  I have my reasons. 我自有道理
  They have ceased to matter. 如今,一切皆休
  Cheers. 干杯
  Brought your stuff. Old laptop, your jersey10, 拿回你的東西,舊手提,運(yùn)動衫
  the charm bracelet11. 幸運(yùn)手鏈
  Car... 卡羅琳
  This isn't a good time. 現(xiàn)在不是說這事的時(shí)候
  Just take it. 拿著
  Caroline. 卡羅琳
  By the breakup drama unfolding before me, 在我面前上演的分手戲碼
  I assume you've met Haley. 讓我猜到你已經(jīng)見過海莉了
  All right, come on, let's go. 好了,我們走吧
  Let's leave them alone. 給他們點(diǎn)空間
  Your talents are needed elsewhere. For what? 你的天賦得用到別處才行,哪方面
  I think you've got more important things to deal with, mate. 老兄,你有更重要的事情要做
  Do you think he bought it? 你覺得他會相信嗎
  Hell, I bought it. 反正我信了
  Thanks for the head's up that he was here, Haley. 海莉,謝謝你剛告訴我他在這里
  You girls are good liars13. 你們女人是天生的謊言家
  Where'd Jeremy go? 杰里米去哪了
  School. Bonnie has him volunteering 去學(xué)校了,邦妮帶他去參加
  for some occult exhibit. 神秘學(xué)展的志愿活動
  Or maybe he didn't want to linger in a house 或許他不想待在一間他姐姐
  where his sister just jammed a knife in his neck. 拿刀插他脖子的房間里
  It's Klaus. 是克勞斯的電話
  Ooh, time to face the music, 是時(shí)候面對現(xiàn)實(shí)
  pay the piper, dance with the devil. 承擔(dān)后果,與魔鬼共舞
  You know, I'm glad you find this amusing. 我很高興你還能從中找到樂趣
  If he finds out I told you about the cure, 要是他知道我把治愈的事告訴了你
  he'll kill both of us. 他會把我們倆都?xì)⒘?/div>
  Quit avoiding him. You're being shady. 那就直面他,你并非善類
  Shady people get outed. 陰暗人物出面
  I don't want to talk about it. 我不想談?wù)撨@事
  Well, I can't imagine why, what with you ruining 我想不通你為什么會搞糟
  all my plans for a hybridfilled future. 我所有繁殖吸血鬼的將來大計(jì)
  Well, it wouldn't happened if you hadn't sworn me to secrecy14. 如果你沒讓我發(fā)誓保密,這事就不會發(fā)生
  Life's full of ifs, Stefan. 斯特凡,生活充滿了"如果"
  Let's extenuate15 the positives, shall we? 讓我們找找值得肯定的地方
  The hunter was one of five. We'll find another. 獵人是五兄弟之一,我們會找到另一個(gè)
  It may take centuries, 也許會花上幾個(gè)世界的時(shí)間
  but we've got nothing but time, right? 但我們一無所有的就剩時(shí)間了,不是嗎
  You're using your calm voice today. Who's getting killed? 你今天說話平聲靜氣,誰要遭殃了
  Not you, if that's what you're worried about. 總之不是你,如果這是你所擔(dān)心的話
  But I am concerned about your beloved. 但我擔(dān)心你的那位摯愛
  Have the hallucinations started yet? 她開始出現(xiàn)幻覺了嗎
  What do you know about that? 你怎么知道這事
  I'll tell you. Where you are? 我會讓你知道的,你在哪里
  I'm at her house. How convenient. 我在她家,真是方便
  So am I. 我也到了
  You know, this would all be a lot more civilized16 我要是能被邀到屋里坐坐
  if I was just invited inside. 那該是個(gè)更加禮貌的舉措
  Bad enough I'm out here talking to you. 我出來這里跟你談話就夠糟了
  What do you know? 你知道些什么
  I killed the original five hunters, remember? 我殺死了五獵人的祖先,記得嗎
  When one kills a hunter, 當(dāng)有人殺死了獵人
  there's a bit of a consequence. 就會出點(diǎn)后果
  What kind of consequence? 什么樣的后果
  Hunters were spelled by witches to kill vampires. 獵人會被女巫施咒去殺吸血鬼
  If you prevent one from fulfilling his destiny, 如果你阻止他完成他的這一使命
  then he'll take you down with him. 他會解決掉你
  What do you mean? Connor's dead. 這話什么意思,康納已經(jīng)死了
  I mean, Connor's death won't prevent him 康納的死不會阻止他
  from making Elena his final vampire kill. 最終殺死埃琳娜
  She'll need to come with me now. 她現(xiàn)在得跟著我
  I'll lock her up; 我會鎖著她
  keep her away from any sharp, wooden objects. 讓她遠(yuǎn)離尖利的,木質(zhì)的東西
  She's not going anywhere with you. 她不會跟你去任何地方
  But if we leave her alone, 但我們要是讓她一個(gè)人
  she'll take her own life before the day is out. 在那天到來之前她會結(jié)束掉自己的生命
  She's stronger than that. Is she? 她遠(yuǎn)比這些來得堅(jiān)強(qiáng),是嗎
  Believe me, it's for her own good. 相信我,這是為了她好
  Would you like some? 你想來點(diǎn)嗎
  You seem to enjoy it when you drink from me. 當(dāng)你吸我血的時(shí)候,看上去很享受啊
  I wasn't myself. 我當(dāng)時(shí)不能自己
  I was angry. 我很憤怒
  Were you yourself when you snapped my neck 當(dāng)你徒手扭斷我脖子的時(shí)候
  with your bare hands? You staked me! 是你自己嗎,你用木樁要?dú)⑽?/div>
  'Cause you're a monster and you deserve to die. 因?yàn)槟闶莻€(gè)魔鬼,活該去死
  Admit it. No! 承認(rèn)吧,不是的
  Damon... 達(dá)蒙
  Decomposition17 starts in the first 24 hours. 前24小時(shí)之內(nèi)尸體會開始腐爛分解
  I'm rotting in an unmarked grave because of you. 因?yàn)槟?,我在荒墓中腐爛
  No! What's wrong? 不是這樣的,怎么了
  Elena! 埃琳娜
  Hey, do you see anything on my hand? 你能看到我手背上有什么嗎
  What if I told you I saw the beginning of a mark like Connor's? 我在自己手上看到了和康納類似的印記
  Are you serious? 你確定嗎
  It showed up after he died. 紋身是在他死后后才顯現(xiàn)的
  He told me that I was a potential; 他告訴我,我是個(gè)潛在的獵人
  that that's why I could see his mark. 所以才能看到他的紋身
  So what does that make you, like the next chosen one 那個(gè)紋身就是你成為獵人
  or something? Hey, guys. 或者什么的標(biāo)志嗎,大家好
  Hey, April. 你好,艾普莉
  Way to let her do the heavy lifting. 讓她舉著重物的借口
  I found her wandering the hallways with this. 我看到她在走廊里抱著這個(gè)亂轉(zhuǎn)
  Just teasing. I'm the guy 開玩笑,我就是那個(gè)喜歡
  who wrangles18 all the freaky stuff, 扯一些琢磨不清的東西的人
  Atticus Shane. Please, call me Shane, I beg you. 阿提庫斯·肖恩,請叫我肖恩
  Thank you guys for helping19, I really appreciate it. 謝謝你們的幫忙,我真的十分感謝
  Y'all get free admission to my free exhibit. 你們可以免費(fèi)參觀我的免費(fèi)展覽
  Why does he look so familiar? 為什么他看起來很眼熟
  No idea. 不知道
  Hey, um, have you guys seen Rebekah? 你們有誰看到麗貝卡了嗎
  She said she was going to 她說她會幫我看看
  help me look into what caused the explosion 是什么原因?qū)е挛野职洲r(nóng)場的
  at my dad's farm, and then she just... 爆炸,然后她就...
  Disappeared, yeah, I know. 消失了,沒錯(cuò),我知道
  You lost her?! Well, "Lost" 你失去她了,"失去"
  is a very strong word. 是個(gè)很嚴(yán)肅的詞
  We just technically20 don't know where she is. 嚴(yán)格的講,我們只是找不到她了
  I'm more worried about 我更擔(dān)心的是
  what Klaus said about this hunter's curse. 克勞斯說的那個(gè)獵人的詛咒
  How does Klaus even know about this? 克勞斯是怎么知道的
  How does Klaus know anything? 為什么克勞斯無所不曉
  The guy's like a billion year's old. 他就像活了十億年那么久
  He said it was a witch's curse. 他說那是一個(gè)女巫的詛咒
  You know if I could do anything to help, I would, but I 你知道如果可以幫忙,我一定盡力,但是
  But nothing. Wave your magic wand, hocus pocus, 沒有但是,揮起你的魔杖,耍?;ㄕ?/div>
  be gone, hunter, ghostess, whatever. 獵人和鬼魂什么的全部消失
  The spirits won't let me do the magic 圣靈們不讓我啟動魔法
  I need to break the curse. 我必須要打破詛咒
  But I can ask Shane for help. 但我可以叫肖恩來幫忙
  He knows everything about everything. 他幾乎無所不知
  Great. You two do your thing. 很好,你們各司其職
  Where you going? To get her back. 你去哪,把她找回來
  Let go of me! 放開我
  Certainly. 當(dāng)然了
  I apologize for the lack of windows. 抱歉沒有窗戶
  It's to preserve the art. 為了保護(hù)這些藝術(shù)品
  And, of course, 當(dāng)然
  to prevent you from taking off your daylight ring 也以防萬一你取下日光戒指
  and burning yourself to death in the sun. 在太陽下自殺
  I'm not going to kill myself. I would never do that. 我才不會自殺,我永遠(yuǎn)都不會那么做
  Oh, but you'll want to. 但你會有那樣的想法
  I did. 我曾經(jīng)就是
  Problem is, I'm immortal21. 問題是,我是不朽的
  You went through this? Yes, I did. 你也有過一樣的經(jīng)歷嗎,是的
  For 52 years, four months and nine days. 五十二年四個(gè)月零九天
  I was tormented23... 我無時(shí)無刻不受著折磨
  in my dreams. 在夢里
  My every waking moment. 睜開眼的一瞬間
  Relentless24, neverending torture. 殘酷的,永無止境的折磨
  It was the only period of my life when I actually felt time. 那是我生命中唯一一段數(shù)著日子活著的時(shí)期
  So you knew that this would happen if Connor died. 所以你知道如果康納死了,這些都會發(fā)生
  That's why you got involved. 這也是你牽扯進(jìn)來的原因
  Did Stefan know, too? 斯特凡也知道嗎
  All he knew was that the hunter had to be kept alive. 他只知道獵人必須要活著
  You should have listened 親愛的,當(dāng)他說
  to him when he said he had it covered, love. 他來搞定的時(shí)候,你就應(yīng)該乖乖聽話
  What else does Stefan know? 斯特凡還知道什么
  Well, that's one of life's little mysteries, isn't it? 有些事要保持神秘,不是嗎
  How did you make it stop? 怎么才能解脫
  I didn't. 我沒有
  Eventually it just stopped. 最后它自己就停止了
  The hallucinations tend to appear 幻想更會以各種
  in strange forms. 奇怪形式出現(xiàn)
  Don't say I didn't warn you. 不要說我沒有警告你
  He's got Elena. I need Tyler to get the other hybrids away 他抓了埃琳娜,我需要泰勒把混血兒支開
  so I can get her out. 這樣我就能救她出來了
  I know I'm probably asking the impossible, but... 我知道我的請求不太可能實(shí)現(xiàn),但是
  Actually... 其實(shí)
  you're not. 你的要求不過分
  Haley is the one that helped me break the sire bond. 海莉曾幫我打破認(rèn)祖歸忠
  She showed me what to do. How to help. 她教我要做什么,怎么幫忙
  When she showed up here, I thought it was just coincidence. 當(dāng)她在這出現(xiàn),我還以為是巧合
  But it turns out she's been helping one of them. 但結(jié)果是她在幫助其中一個(gè)混血兒
  Her friend chris. 她的朋友克里斯
  And she came to help us 然后她來幫我們
  get the rest of them out from under Klaus. 讓其他的混血兒擺脫克勞斯的控制
  So... 那么
  Are you telling me that Chris isn't sired anymore? 你是在說克里斯不再忠心了嗎
  That's exactly what he's telling you. 他就是這個(gè)意思
  Clothes, toothbrush. 衣服,牙刷
  Klaus said you're going to be here 克勞斯說你要一直在這
  until he figures out where to put you. 直到他為你想到另一個(gè)地方
  Just please go away. 請離開
  I can't. 我不能
  I'm going to be with you forever. 我會永遠(yuǎn)纏著你
  A constant reminder25 of what you've become. 不斷提醒,你已經(jīng)變成什么樣了
  So tell me. 那么告訴我
  How did it feel to drain the life out of me? 吸干我的血是什么感覺
  It was horrible. 很恐怖
  It was the worst thing that I've ever done. 是我所做過的最糟糕的事情
  You're lying. No, I'm not. 你撒謊,不,我沒有
  Yes, you are. Tell the truth. 你有的,告訴我真相
  I am telling the truth. You're lying. 我說的就是事實(shí),你在撒謊
  Fine! I liked it. I loved the taste of your blood. 好吧,我很享受,你的血嘗起來好極了
  Are you happy? 你滿意了
  I'm not happy, Elena. 我不滿意,埃琳娜
  I'm dead. 我死了
  Did you know I had a family? 你知道我有家庭嗎
  A brother? 兄弟
  Parents. 父母
  I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
  I'm really sorry. 我真的很抱歉
  Are you sorry about your parents? 為你的父母感到遺憾嗎
  It's your fault they died. Don't. 他們的死都?xì)w咎于你,不
  They ran off Wickery Bridge with you in the car, 他們開車載你,在維克利大橋上墜河了
  but they weren't supposed to be there, were they? 他們本來不會經(jīng)過那里的,不是嗎
  They died because of you. 不是你的話,他們不會死
  You know I'm not going to stop 我會一直出現(xiàn)
  until you've taken your last miserable26 breath. 直到你這悲劇的人生的終結(jié)
  I'm not going to let you do this to me. 我不會讓你得逞的
  Then get rid of me. 有本事擺脫我啊
  Kill yourself. 自殺吧
  You never wanted to be a vampire in the first place. 你不是從來就不想成為吸血鬼的嗎
  Now look at what you've become. 看看你自己現(xiàn)在都成了什么樣子
  You're a monster. 你是個(gè)怪物
  And you deserve to die. 你不該茍活于世
  You don't want to listen to me? 你不想聽我說
  Fine. 那好
  Then how about you and I have a little chat. 那我們倆來談?wù)勑娜绾?/div>
  Katherine? 凱瑟琳
  Did you miss me? 想我了嗎
  You're looking at what people believe to be 你們現(xiàn)在看到的這塊
  the world's first tombstone. 是世界上第一塊墓石
  This item was donated to Whitmore College last month. 它上個(gè)月被捐贈給惠特莫爾大學(xué)
  Oh, I just remembered how I know him. 我想起來了,我怎么會認(rèn)識他的
  Through my dad. 是我爸爸
  That guy knew your dad? 他認(rèn)識你爸爸
  Yeah. He taught a theology seminar at Whitmore last year. 沒錯(cuò),他去年在惠特莫爾大學(xué)教神學(xué)
  ...Belonged to a very powerful witch. 它屬于一個(gè)非常強(qiáng)大的巫師
  A witch so powerful, in fact, 他的力量強(qiáng)大到
  that Silasthat was his name 賽拉斯,這是他的名字
  created a spell that would grant him...immortality27. 創(chuàng)造了一個(gè)能讓人...永生的咒語
  Now legend says that Silas did the spell 傳說,賽拉斯是在一個(gè)女巫的幫助下
  with the help of a lady witch 完成這個(gè)咒語的
  who loved him, a woman named Qetsiyah. 這個(gè)叫凱茨雅的女巫傾心于賽拉斯
  Sadly for Qetsiyah, Silas wanted 可惜的是,賽拉斯想把永生
  to give immortality to another woman. 贈予另一個(gè)女人,而不是凱茨雅
  So Qetsiyah killed her and buried Silas alive, 凱茨雅殺了那個(gè)女人,活埋了賽拉斯
  leaving him powerless, immortal, and alone. 讓他無力而孤獨(dú)地,永生下去
  This might actually be the origin story 也許這就是地獄烈焰不及被拒女人之怒火
  of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 這一諺語的故事原型吧
  You got this? 你搞得定嗎
  Yeah. I'll bring him to you. 我會把他帶到你那去的
  Now it's said that 又有傳言說
  Silas wants to rise again. 賽拉斯想要東山再起
  Regain28 his power. 重拾巫力
  Wreak29 havoc30 on the world. 肆虐全球
  Maybe we should be afraid. 也許我們要當(dāng)心點(diǎn)了
  Or maybe it's all a bunch of crap 也有可能這些都是謠言
  and that's just an old rock. 這不過是一塊古老的石頭罷了
  All right, listen, enjoy exploring the exhibit. 好了,各位,好好參觀
  I'll be around to answer any questions. 我就在這里,有問題可以來找我
  Thank you for coming. 謝謝大家
  Hey. You made it. 你來了
  Nice cautionary tale. 引人入勝的故事
  Qetsiyah sounds like a bad ass12. 聽起來凱茨雅是個(gè)反面角色
  Nothing compared to Silas. 她可比不上賽拉斯
  Don't you ever stop crying? 你能別沒完沒了地哭嗎
  Poor Elena, always the victim. 可憐的埃琳娜,永遠(yuǎn)的受害者
  Except now you're a killer31. 可惜你現(xiàn)在是個(gè)殺人兇手了
  What does Stefan think of the new you? 斯特凡對現(xiàn)在的你怎么看
  Shut up. 別說了
  The girl he fell in love with is gone, you know. 他愛的那個(gè)姑娘已經(jīng)不復(fù)存在了
  You're like me now. Maybe worse. 你現(xiàn)在和我一樣,甚至比我更糟
  I made a mistake. I can do better. 這是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤,我會做好的
  No. You can't. 你做不到的
  You're a vampire. You'll kill again. 你是個(gè)吸血鬼,你還會再殺人的
  It'll change you, and it'll keep changing you 你會不斷被改變
  until you're just like me. 直到和我毫無區(qū)別
  I am nothing like you. 我和你不一樣
  I was you before you even existed. 在你出生之前,我也曾和你現(xiàn)在一樣
  And when Stefan knew the real me... 當(dāng)斯特凡看清我的真面目時(shí)
  He hated me. 他厭惡我
  Now he's going to hate you, too. 他也會開始厭惡你的
  Well, at least you still have Damon. 不過好歹你還有達(dá)蒙呢
  Shut up! 閉嘴
  You're missing all the adventure, pal32. 你可錯(cuò)過了不少好戲啊,伙計(jì)
  Shane, this is my friend Damon. 肖恩,這是我朋友,達(dá)蒙
  He's kind of an expert on this stuff, too. 他也對這些很有研究
  I audited33 your class. It's very enlightening. 我剛剛旁聽了你的課,獲益匪淺啊
  That's right, I remember you. 我看到你了
  What's your specialty34? 你研究哪一方面
  The origin of the species. 物種起源
  Oh, I think Darwin would arm wrestle35 you for that distinction. 關(guān)于這估計(jì)達(dá)爾文要和你較量一番了
  Not that species. 不是他研究的物種
  You're into the monster stuff. 你研究的是那些怪物
  All right, awesome36. 聽起來不錯(cuò)啊
  I was kind of hoping that you might have 不知道你能不能
  stumbled upon this at some point...maybe. 幫我解釋下這個(gè)
  This is the hunter's mark. Where did you get this? 這是吸血鬼獵人的印記,你從哪弄來的
  Came to me in a dream. 我夢到的
  You know anything about the hunter's curse? 你知道吸血鬼獵人的詛咒嗎
  Why, you got a dead hunter in the trunk 怎么了,你車后備箱里
  of your car or something? 是有死的獵人還是怎么的
  Metaphorically37 speaking. 打個(gè)比方而已
  Legend says that if a hunter 據(jù)傳說,如果獵人
  is killed by that which it hunts, 被自己追捕的生物殺掉
  then that person 那么那個(gè)人
  will be cursed to walk the earth and torment22 them till... 會被詛咒行走于世間,折磨他們直到...
  Until... 直到...
  until a new hunter's awakened38 直到新的獵人被喚醒
  and their legacy's passed on. 把他們的傳統(tǒng)傳遞下去
  They're called "Potentials". 他們被叫做"潛在勢力"
  Listen, I have a bunch of research on it, 聽著,我做了大量的調(diào)查
  why don't I go grab it for you. 不如讓我去幫你取來吧
  That would be great. Hey, thanks. 那太好了,謝了
  How are we supposed to find a potential hunter? 我們怎么才能找到潛在的獵人呢
  Yeah, about that... 是啊,關(guān)于這個(gè)...
  Little Gilbert. 小吉爾伯特
  Your services are needed. 需要你出場了
  Thanks for meeting us. 謝謝你能見我們
  Yeah, well, make it fast. Klaus will be back soon. 沒事,長話短說,克勞斯馬上就回來了
  No, he won't. 他不會這么快回來的
  Place looks pretty good 考慮到你的混血在這兒炸死了
  considering your hybrid got blown up in it. 這地方還是不錯(cuò)的
  Caroline. 卡羅琳
  To what do I owe the pleasure? 什么風(fēng)把你吹來了
  I want you to give Elena back. 我想讓你把埃琳娜還給我們
  They sent you to sweet talk me. 他們派你來跟我說好話
  Well, good form, but I'm afraid I can't do it. 想法不錯(cuò),不過我不能那么做
  Why not? 為什么
  She needs my help. 她需要我的幫助
  Look, I'm not going to burden you with the gory39 details. 我不會用血淋淋的細(xì)節(jié)來給你負(fù)擔(dān)
  I know you have enough on your plate already. 我知道你壓力已經(jīng)夠大了
  That's none of your business, actually. 那跟你沒有關(guān)系
  Yes, well, just know that if Tyler was still sired to me, 是啊,不過只要泰勒還對我認(rèn)祖歸忠
  he never would have hurt you. 他就絕不會傷害你的
  I wouldn't have let him. 我不會讓他這么做的
  Can I at least offer you a drink? 至少讓我請你喝杯酒吧
  Yeah. 好的
  Thanks. 謝謝
  All you need to do is give me access to Elena 你只需讓我們接近埃琳娜
  and I'll take it from there. Please, man. 我會把她帶走,拜托了,哥們兒
  Help us, and then you can disappear. You'll be free. 幫幫我們,你就可以消失了,你就自由了
  Yeah, until Klaus sends one of his other hybrids after me. 是啊,直到克勞斯派其他的混血來抓我
  Haley and I got your back. 海莉和我會幫你的
  We'll make sure nothing happens. 我們會確保什么都不發(fā)生
  You were such a good girl when you were a human. 你還是人類的時(shí)候真是個(gè)好女孩啊
  Always willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends. 總會為你的朋友兩肋插刀
  Except, weren't they usually the ones that ended up getting hurt? 但是,通常最終不都是他們受傷嗎
  I never wanted that. 我根本不想那樣
  Bonnie lost her Grams because of you. 邦妮因?yàn)槟闶チ怂耐馄?/div>
  Her mom almost turned into a vampire because of you. 她的媽媽因?yàn)槟悴铧c(diǎn)轉(zhuǎn)變成吸血鬼
  You know, she probably secretly hates you. 她或許暗地里挺恨你的
  Did you ever think of that? 你有想過嗎
  I bet she'd be relieved if you were gone. 我打賭你死了她一定很欣慰
  I'm not going to kill myself. 我是不會自殺的
  Why not? Your very existence 為什么不,你的存在
  brings people nothing but pain. 只會給別人帶來痛苦
  I mean, maybe it was worth it when you were worth it. 當(dāng)你有價(jià)值的時(shí)候或許還值得
  But you're nothing now. 但你現(xiàn)在什么也不是
  You're a monster, Elena. You deserve to die. 你是個(gè)怪物,埃琳娜,你應(yīng)該去死
  Klaus said you two have to go to Tyler. 克勞斯說讓你倆去找泰勒
  Why? Something about his girl Caroline. 為什么,一些關(guān)于他女朋友卡羅琳的事
  I'll take over here. 我來接管這里
  Elena. 埃琳娜
  No! 別過來
  No, no, no. 別過來
  Hey, it's me. 是我啊
  No, stay...stay away from me. 別過來,離我遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)
  Let me help you. 讓我?guī)湍?/div>
  No, Elena, stop! 不,埃琳娜,快停下
  How did I not know any of this stuff about Jeremy? 杰里米這些事我怎么一點(diǎn)都不知道
  The witch who loses her powers 失去能力的女巫
  get left out of the important conversations. 就不讓參加重要談話了
  Is everything ok?! Is it Elena? 一切都還好吧,是埃琳娜的事嗎
  We figured out how to help her. 我們知道怎么幫助她了
  You need to kill a vampire. 你需要去殺一個(gè)吸血鬼
  Oh, great. Give me a stake. I'll kill Damon right now. 很好,給我個(gè)木樁,我馬上殺死達(dá)蒙
  Easy, Van Helsing. We'll get you one. 放松點(diǎn),范海辛,我們會給你的
  Don't worry. Before you do this, 別擔(dān)心,在你動手之前
  you need to know what you're getting yourself into. 你要知道自己在做什么
  You can rest easy, brother. 你可以休息了,弟弟
  We figured out how to solve our little Elena problem. 我們知道怎么解決我們小埃琳娜的難題了
  Yeah, well, 是嗎,很好
  now we have a bigger one. I lost her. 現(xiàn)在我們有個(gè)更大的難題了,我把她弄丟了
  What? Again? 什么,又丟了
  She's in bad shape. 她思維很混亂
  I tried to help her, but she attacked me. 我試著幫她,但她襲擊了我
  Listen, you go find her, all right? 聽著,你去找她,好吧
  Talk her down. She'll listen to you. 讓她情緒穩(wěn)定下來,她會聽你的
  Just tell me what I need to do to end this. 告訴我怎么才能終結(jié)這件事
  So here's the thing. 有件事得跟你說
  I didn't just come here 我來這不僅僅是為了
  to try to get you to release Elena. 讓你放了埃琳娜
  You don't say. 還用你說
  I came here to distract you 我來讓你分心
  so that Stefan could go to your house and break her out, 這樣斯特凡就可以去你家救她了
  which he did. And don't get mad, 他救出了她,但不要生氣
  but then he lost her. 因?yàn)樗职阉獊G了
  Klaus! Caroline. 克勞斯,卡羅琳
  You're beautiful, 你是個(gè)美人兒
  but if you don't stop talking, I will kill you. 但你要繼續(xù)說下去,我會殺了你
  They figured out how to stop the hallucinations. 他們找到了停止幻想的辦法
  Ok. 好吧
  You have 10 seconds to tell me. 給你十秒鐘告訴我
  I was ready to die! 我都準(zhǔn)備好去死了
  You're a monster. 你是個(gè)怪物
  You'll kill again. 你還會殺人的
  I can't be a vampire! 我不能當(dāng)吸血鬼
  Are you ready to die yet? 準(zhǔn)備好去死了嗎
  You know it's your only way out of this. 你知道這是解脫的唯一方法
  You can't take back what you did. 做過的事情就已經(jīng)覆水難收
  It can never be undone40. 不可能當(dāng)做沒發(fā)生一樣
  You're a monster and you deserve to die. 你是個(gè)怪物,你應(yīng)該去死
  It's ok, sweetie. 沒事兒的,甜心
  Mom? 媽媽
  I know what you're going through. 我知道你經(jīng)歷了什么
  And it's ok. 沒關(guān)系的
  This bridge is... 這座橋應(yīng)該是...
  where your life should have ended. 你的生命終結(jié)點(diǎn)
  Not just once, but twice. 不是一次,而是兩次
  You were ready to die, remember? 你準(zhǔn)備好接受死亡了,記得嗎
  I don't know what to do. 我不知道該怎么辦
  Yes, you do, honey. 寶貝,你知道的
  You know exactly what to do. 你很清楚應(yīng)該怎么做
  That's right. 這樣做是對的
  The sun will come up and this will all be over. 太陽照常升起,一切都會結(jié)束
  It's the right thing to do, Elena. 這是正確的選擇,埃琳娜
  You know it is. 你知道的
  Admit it. 承認(rèn)吧
  Because I'm a monster. 因?yàn)槲沂且粋€(gè)怪物
  And I deserve to die. 我必須去死
  I can't do this. 我不能這么做
  I can't leave Jeremy. 我不能離開杰里米
  Jeremy is better off without you. 沒有你,杰里米會更好
  Don't you see that? 你還沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)嗎
  But mom, he won't have anyone! 但是媽媽,那樣他就沒有任何親人了
  He'll have you. 他擁有你
  You'll be a ghost who helps him, 你會變成鬼魂幫助他
  not a monster who hurts him. 而不是一個(gè)傷害他的怪物
  You'reyou're right. 你說的對
  I... 我...
  I'm sorry. 對不起
  Mommy, I didn't mean to disappoint you. 媽媽,我不想讓你失望
  You didn't. 你沒有
  You were everything I ever wanted you to be. 你是我的驕傲
  But you died. 但是你已經(jīng)死了
  And you were supposed to stay dead. 而且你不應(yīng)該活過來
  Elena. 埃琳娜
  Damon? 達(dá)蒙
  Howhow did you find me? 你怎么找到我的
  Didn't take a genius to figure it out. 找你又不是什么難事兒
  The third time's a charm? 一次兩次不行,三次總能找見吧
  You were right, Damon. 你說的對,達(dá)蒙
  Vampires kill people. 吸血鬼殺人
  And Stefan was right, too. 斯特凡說的也對
  I can't live with myself. 我不能自私地活著
  Look at you. 看看你
  Being all glass is half empty. 得到了還抱怨
  Let's just go talk about this before you do something stupid. 做傻事之前我們還是談?wù)劙?/div>
  Ok? 好嗎
  The sun will be up soon. 太陽很快就要升起來了
  It's almost over. 快要結(jié)束了
  Where's your ring? 你的戒指呢
  Where's your ring, Elena? 埃琳娜,你的戒指呢
  You're doing a good thing, Chris. 你這么做是對的,克里斯
  Yeah, well, let's see how 是啊,看看做好事兒
  fast a good thing could get me out of town. 能不能把我弄出鎮(zhèn)
  Call me when you're safe, ok? 安全以后給我打電話,好嗎
  Yeah. 好的
  Going somewhere? 要出門啊
  When I said don't let her out of your sight, 我告訴你不要讓她離開你的視線
  what did you think I meant? 你沒懂我的意思嗎
  It's not his fault! 不是他的錯(cuò)
  It's mine. I was distracting him. 是我的錯(cuò),是我讓他分心的
  It's my fault she got away! 她逃走也是我的錯(cuò)
  And maybe you should be the one to die for it. 那看來你應(yīng)該因此而去死了
  No one has to die! 沒人需要去死
  Did I not say mind your business?! 關(guān)心自己的死活去吧
  Tyler's covering for me. 泰勒是在掩護(hù)我
  I'm the one that let her go. Haley... 是我讓她走的,海莉...
  No. You want someone dead, 別管我,你不是想殺人嗎
  go ahead. Kill me. 來啊,殺了我
  I'd rather die anyway then end up as one 我寧可死也不愿
  of your sired little bitches. 終身當(dāng)你的小跟班
  Don't tempt41 me, little wolf. 小母狼,別激我
  Your existence is to serve me. 你的存在就是為了服侍我
  To please me. 取悅我
  Do you understand? 明白嗎
  I'm sorry. I won't fail you again. 對不起,我不會再讓你失望了
  No. You won't. 是啊,你不會了
  Get out of here. 給我滾
  No! 不
  Jeremy?! 杰里米
  We need to get you inside. 我要帶你回去
  It's almost time. 快到時(shí)候了
  What you're going through is a curse. 你現(xiàn)在所經(jīng)歷的是一個(gè)詛咒
  We know how to break it, we just have to get you inside! 我們知道怎么打破它,所以需要你回到屋里
  Don't let him stop you. 別讓他阻止你
  I know you want to. 我知道你想讓他阻止你
  But you can't. 但是你不能這么做
  Don't. 別這么做
  Damn it, Elena! 該死,埃琳娜
  What the hell, man?! 你這是干什么
  I'm sorry. 很抱歉
  He's gone. 他消失了
  It's OK. 沒事了
  Damon? 達(dá)蒙
  Fished it out of the river for you. 幫你從河里撈出來的
  Little tip 順便說一下
  Vampires hate to swim. 吸血鬼討厭游泳
  How you feeling? 感覺怎么樣
  My head's clear. 現(xiàn)在頭腦清醒了
  I can remember everything, 我記得每件事
  but not like I lived it. 但不像是我親身經(jīng)歷的
  Like it was a really bad dream. 而是像個(gè)噩夢
  You saved me. 是你救了我
  Thank you. 謝謝你
  Well, you know what they say about teenage suicide. 你知道大家對青少年自殺是什么態(tài)度嗎
  Don't do it. 千萬不要
  I just can't believe that I almost 真是不敢相信我竟然差點(diǎn)...
  You weren't yourself. 當(dāng)時(shí)的你不是真正的你
  Yeah, but if it wasn't for you... 但如果不是有你在...
  I'm about to take a very... 我要走一條
  high and annoying road 非常狗血的路線了
  and tell you something. 告訴你件事
  Because I know that you think Stefan's been lying to you. 我知道你一直以為斯特凡在騙你
  Which, yeah. He has. 當(dāng)然,確實(shí)是
  But this...rough patch 但是這段...
  that you two have been going through, 你們兩個(gè)經(jīng)歷的困難時(shí)期
  it's not what you think. 并不是你想的那樣
  Everything that he's been doing, he's been doing for you. 他做的一切都是為了你
  To help you. 為了幫你
  And after he kills me for telling you this, 如果因?yàn)槲腋嬖V你真相,他把我殺了
  I want you to throw my ashes 你要把我的骨灰從維克利大橋
  off of Wickery Bridge, OK? 撒到河里去,好嗎
  There may be a way out of this for you, Elena. 埃琳娜,讓你擺脫這一切的方法可能存在
  There may be a cure. 可能會有治愈方法
  Tyler. 泰勒
  It's just us. 就只有我們
  Paying our respects to Chris. 悼念一下克里斯
  Tyler...We didn't have a choice. 泰勒,我們別無選擇
  I told him we had his back. 我告訴他我們會支持保護(hù)他
  I told him if he helped us, 我告訴他如果他幫我們
  he'd be free. 就會獲得自由
  We needed to help our friend. 我們需要幫我們的朋友
  Yeah, we helped our friend by handing over another friend. 我們犧牲了另一個(gè)朋友來幫我們的朋友
  Chris wasn't... Chris was a friend, 克里斯不是...克里斯是朋友
  Caroline. He's like me. 卡羅琳,他跟我一樣
  He's part of my pack. 他是我所在群體的一員
  All he wanted to do was be unsired by that disgusting 他所求的就只是打破那個(gè)...
  piece of... 惡心的...
  How did you even get Klaus 你是怎么讓克勞斯同意
  to agree to give up one of his hybrids? 犧牲他的一個(gè)混血兒的
  I agreed to go on a date with him. 我同意跟他繼續(xù)約會
  I just thought that it might 我覺得這樣可能會
  help keep up the ruse42 between you and Haley. 幫我們實(shí)施你和海莉的計(jì)劃
  What the hell is going on? 搞什么啊
  Nothing. 沒事
  Nothing at all. 什么事都沒有
  Just celebrating the life of a fallen hybrid friend. 只是慶祝一個(gè)混血兒朋友的死
  Bourbon. 波本威士忌
  Make that two. 兩杯
  Still saving a spot for Mr. Saltzman, huh? 還想著薩爾茨曼老師會來是吧
  I'd say I'm in the market for a new drinking buddy43. 我只是想再找個(gè)喝酒的酒友
  You're not qualified44. 可你不夠格
  I know that you don't like me. 我知道你不喜歡我
  But I dug up some stuff about the explosion 但是我挖到了一些楊農(nóng)場爆炸案的事
  at the Young farm that I kind of need to tell someone about. 我覺得我需要找人說一說
  So April mentioned 艾普莉說
  that her dad knew that professor Shane guy. 她爸爸認(rèn)識謝恩教授
  Which wouldn't be creepy, 這倒不足為奇
  except he had all that info about the hunter's curse. 但是他還知道獵人詛咒的原委
  And we live in a town where, you know, anybody 而在我們這個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)上,凡是知道點(diǎn)什么的人
  who knows stuff is creepy until proven otherwise. 在經(jīng)證實(shí)前,通常都會是很可怕的人
  You're on the verge45 of impressing me. Drive it home. 你已經(jīng)快引起我的注意了,繼續(xù)
  I got the sheriff to dig up the pastor's phone records. 我讓警長查了牧師的電話記錄
  Turns out, he made like a call a day 發(fā)現(xiàn)他活著的最后一個(gè)月里
  to the same number the last month he was alive. 每天都會給同一個(gè)號碼打電話
  And on the day the council got blown up at the farm, 而委員會的人都在農(nóng)場炸死的那天
  he called it ten times. 他打了十次那個(gè)號碼
  The office of professor Atticus Shane. 阿提庫斯·謝恩教授辦公室的號碼
  Did your, uh, did your friend Damon... 你的朋友達(dá)蒙,他...
  Did he get everything he was looking for in my files? 他在我這邊找到需要的文件了嗎
  Yeah. Thanks. 找到了,謝謝你
  I, um... 我...
  I have to ask, how do you know all this stuff? 我想問問,你是怎么知道這么多事的
  Bonnie... 邦妮
  I have been around the world ten times over. 我已經(jīng)環(huán)游世界十幾次了
  I've studied every supernatural creature known to man. 我研究過人類所知的所有超自然生物
  And for the record, 順便說一句
  witches are hands down the most powerful, 女巫們世代相傳著最強(qiáng)大的力量
  so I'm in your corner all the way, 所以我會一直在你身邊支持你
  I'm your biggest ally. 我是你最強(qiáng)大的伙伴
  But let me just say one thing. 但請?jiān)试S我說一件事
  When your new hunter, and I know you have one... 等你的新獵人,我知道你有
  When he completes his mark, 等他完成他的印記
  you're going to want to come to me. 你會想要來找我的
  'Cause I'm going to be the only one who can help. 因?yàn)槲覍⑹俏ㄒ灰粋€(gè)能幫你的人
  Trust me on that, ok? 相信我,好嗎
  The only one. 我是唯一的那個(gè)
  I'm sorry that I stabbed you. 抱歉我刺了你
  No, it's all right. 沒事的
  I probably deserved it. 大概是我自找的吧
  So, um... 那么
  Damon told me that he clued you in. 達(dá)蒙告訴我,他把一切都告訴你了
  You didn't kill him, did you? 你沒殺了他吧
  Nah, screw the lies and the secrets. 謊言和秘密什么的都見鬼去吧
  We all want the same thing. 我們的目標(biāo)是一致的
  We just have to work together for it. 我們只需要一起去努力
  Stefan... 斯特凡
  Why did you send Damon 你為什么讓達(dá)蒙
  to come look for me instead of you? 來找我,而不是自己來
  I sent him because lately... 我讓他去,是因?yàn)樽罱?..
  It seems like he's able to get through to you 似乎他能夠用我不能的辦法
  in ways that I can't. 和你溝通
  You listen to him. 你聽他的
  You trust him. 你相信他
  Even when you can't trust me. 即使是在你無法相信我的時(shí)候
  I didn't mean to not... Come on, Elena. 我并不是...拜托,埃琳娜
  I mean, after everything that we've been through... 在我們經(jīng)歷了這么多之后
  You can admit it. 你可以承認(rèn)的
  You have been so strong for me. 為了我,你一直那么堅(jiān)強(qiáng)
  Helping me. 幫助我
  Fighting for that girl that chose you. 為了那個(gè)選擇了你的女孩而奮斗
  The girl that I was when I died on the bridge. 為了在橋上死去的那個(gè)我
  And I love you so much for wanting to find this cure, 我愛那個(gè)想要找到治愈方法的你
  because I'd like nothing more than to get her back. 因?yàn)槲乙卜浅O胍一啬莻€(gè)她
  Because the... the girl that she's become... 因?yàn)?..她所變成的那個(gè)女孩...
  That... 那個(gè)
  That I've become, 那個(gè)現(xiàn)在的我
  is different. 是不一樣的
  Somehow. 不知為何
  Darker. I... 更黑暗,我
  Who I am, what I want... 我是誰,我想要什么
  What you want? 你想要什么
  Or...who you want? 或者說...你想要誰
  Something's changed... 在我和達(dá)蒙之間
  between Damon and me. 有些東西改變了
  Much more than it ever used to be. 比以前改變得更多
  It's like... 就好像
  It's like everything that I felt for him 就好像我在變成吸血鬼之前
  before I was a vampire... 對他的所有感覺
  It's been magnified. 都被放大了
  Your feelings for him have been magnified. 你對他的感覺被放大了
  I'm sorry. 對不起
  I don't want to lie to you. 我不想騙你
  You know, before, when I was the, uh 你知道,以前,我還是...
  the ripper... 開膛手的時(shí)候
  I understood why you cared for him. 我理解你為什么在乎他
  I mean, I practically drove you to it. 事實(shí)上是我把你推向他的
  But now... 但是現(xiàn)在
  I can't do this, Elena. 我做不到,埃琳娜
  Not anymore. 我做不到了
  I know. 我明白

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