I'd like to pay some money in using my card, please. 我想請你幫我用我的卡存一些錢。
No problem. Could you let me have your card and the money to be deposited? 沒問題。您能給我您的卡和要存入的錢嗎?
Here it is. I usually use the machine, but there seems to be such a long queue at the moment. 給你。我通常使用取款機,但是現(xiàn)在好像排上了很長的隊。
Yes, it's the same every day during the lunchtime rush. 是呀,這種情況在中午高峰期時天天如此。
We will be putting in a new ATM in the near future, though. 不過,我們最近將要增加一臺新的自動提款機。
That should help to ease the queues. 這樣應(yīng)該有助于減少排隊時間啦。
I'll look forward to that, I can't stand queuing. 我就盼著它吶,我無法忍受排隊。
I know what you mean. How much would you like to deposit with us today? 我理解您的意思。今天您想在我們這里存多少錢?
1,000 RMB, it should all be there. 1000元,應(yīng)該都在這里了。
That's correct, 1,000 RMB. 對,1000元整。
I'll need your personal code to deposit this. 我需要您的密碼來存款。
Could you enter it on this key pad, please? 請您在這個鍵盤上輸入密碼,好嗎?
OK, done. When will it show in my account? 好的,行了。這錢什么時候能在我的賬戶上顯示出來?
Not for withdrawal, I mean just registered. 不是要取款,我是說登錄。
It will show in your account straight away. 它馬上會在您的賬戶上顯示出來。
Here's your card back and could you please sign the slip here? 這是您的卡,然后請您在這張單子上簽字,好嗎?
That's fine. OK. Thanks. 好的。謝謝。