Bo, Barney, Socks, Millie, Lucky, Grits — they were all members of the U.S. government, but neither elected nor appointed. They were the adopted first dogs of U.S. presidents.
Teddy Roosevelt practically had a zoo. His family entered the White House carrying a lizard, a badger, assorted birds, guinea pigs, a hyena, a rabbit named Peter, a pony named Algonquin.
And while the nation's current leader has yet to name a canine companion, Vice President Mike Pence's family has hopped into the headlines with Marlon Bando.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The vice president and his wife could kiss their audience's attention goodbye once Marlon Bando was introduced.
KAREN PENCE, WIFE OF VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: He is the first bunny to ever ride on Air Force Two.
MOOS: At this White House event to honor military families, kids got up close and personal with the Pence's pet.
Marlon Bundo may not be as famous as Bugs —
BUGS BUNNY: Gosh, ain't I a stinker?
MOOS: He may not have his own story books like Peter Rabbit.
PETER RABBIT: True, true.
MOOS: But he's already got his own acronym.
You know there's POTUS, short for president of the United States. And there's FLOTUS, short for first lady of the United States. Well, now, there's BOTUS.
PENCE: So, he is the bunny of the United States.
MOOS: BOTUS has his own Instagram account regularly updated with photos and videos. A spokesperson says he thinks he's a cat and likes to hang out with Oreo and Pickle.
The Pence's daughter, Charlotte, then a film student, got the bunny to be in a movie, so Charlotte's roommate named him Marlon Bundo.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going to make an offer again with you.
MOOS: But at least this doesn't apply to Marlon Bundo.
MOVIE CHARACTER: I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody.
Bo, Barney, Socks, Millie, Lucky, Grits — they were all members of the U.S. government, but neither elected nor appointed. They were the adopted first dogs of U.S. presidents.
Teddy Roosevelt practically had a zoo. His family entered the White House carrying a lizard, a badger, assorted birds, guinea pigs, a hyena, a rabbit named Peter, a pony named Algonquin.
And while the nation's current leader has yet to name a canine companion, Vice President Mike Pence's family has hopped into the headlines with Marlon Bando.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The vice president and his wife could kiss their audience's attention goodbye once Marlon Bando was introduced.
KAREN PENCE, WIFE OF VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: He is the first bunny to ever ride on Air Force Two.
MOOS: At this White House event to honor military families, kids got up close and personal with the Pence's pet.
Marlon Bundo may not be as famous as Bugs —
BUGS BUNNY: Gosh, ain't I a stinker?
MOOS: He may not have his own story books like Peter Rabbit.
PETER RABBIT: True, true.
MOOS: But he's already got his own acronym.
You know there's POTUS, short for president of the United States. And there's FLOTUS, short for first lady of the United States. Well, now, there's BOTUS.
PENCE: So, he is the bunny of the United States.
MOOS: BOTUS has his own Instagram account regularly updated with photos and videos. A spokesperson says he thinks he's a cat and likes to hang out with Oreo and Pickle.
The Pence's daughter, Charlotte, then a film student, got the bunny to be in a movie, so Charlotte's roommate named him Marlon Bundo.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going to make an offer again with you.
MOOS: But at least this doesn't apply to Marlon Bundo.
MOVIE CHARACTER: I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody.