wedding reception 婚宴 trousseau嫁妝 usher 引賓員 vows 婚誓 say one's vows 立下婚誓 wedding day 舉... [查看全文]
綠茶-Green tea 白茶-White tea 黃茶-Yellow tea 黑茶-Dark tea 紅茶-Black tea。 青茶-Oolong tea 普洱茶 P... [查看全文]
mummy 木乃伊 zombie 僵尸 ghost 鬼 vampire 吸血鬼 werewolf 狼人 monster 怪物 alien 外星人 wizard ... [查看全文]
嫩肉 tender meat;瘦肉 lean meat;肥肉 fat meat 或 fatty meat;生肉 raw meat;腌制肉 cured meat;煙燻肉 smoked meat;肉干... [查看全文]
agree to disagree求同存異;right and left到處;come and go往來;black and white 白紙黑字;from start to finish自始至終;fro... [查看全文]
win-win 雙贏的;zigzag 蜿蜒曲折;fifty-fifty 對半;pee-pee 尿尿;poo-poo 拉粑粑;dilly-dally 磨磨蹭蹭;flip-flops 人字拖;lovey-do... [查看全文]
dull鈍;elastic有彈性的;feathery如羽毛般柔軟;firm堅固、緊致;fleshy肉質(zhì)的;fragile脆弱的、易碎的;furry毛皮的;leathery皮質(zhì)的;oily油性... [查看全文]
①魔羯座 Capricorn②水瓶座 Aquarius③雙魚座 Pisces④牡羊座 Aries⑤金牛座 Taurus⑥雙子座 Gemini⑦巨蟹座 Cancer⑧獅子座 Leo... [查看全文]
stink 臭味;stench 惡臭的;sweet 甜的;aromatic, balmy 芬芳;briny 咸味的;burnt 燒焦味;earthy 泥土氣息;fishy 魚腥味的;fragran... [查看全文]
一級:省Province,自治區(qū)Autonomous region,直轄市Municipality,特別行政區(qū)Special administrative region;二級:地區(qū)Prefecture,市... [查看全文]