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2012-05-048.13 “It”的用法

It作形式主語和形式賓語用法,是中學(xué)階段英語學(xué)習(xí)的主要語法項(xiàng)目之一??v觀歷屆高考題,無論是單項(xiàng)選擇,還是完行填空,it用法始終是反復(fù)考... [查看全文]

2010-04-238.2 forget doing/to do

forget to do 忘記要去做某事?!?未做)  forget doing 忘記做過某事?! ?已做)  The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off.  ... [查看全文]

2010-04-238.1 stop doing/to do

stop to do 停止,中斷做某事后去做另一件事。 stop doing 停止做某事。   They stop to smoke a cigarette.  他們停下來,抽了根煙。   I must stop smok... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.12 感官動(dòng)詞 + doing/to do

  感官動(dòng)詞 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do  表示動(dòng)作的完整性,真實(shí)性;+doing 表示動(dòng)作的連續(xù)性,進(jìn)... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.11 begin(start) doing/to do

 begin / start to do sth  begin / start doing sth.1) 談及一項(xiàng)長期活動(dòng)或開始一種習(xí)慣時(shí),使用doing.  How old were you when you first started p... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.10 mean to doing/to do

 mean to do  打算、想 mean doing 意味著 I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. 我想去,但是我父親不肯讓我去。 To raise wage me... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.9 be interested doing/to do

 interested to do   對(duì)做某事感興趣,想了解某事?!nterested in doing  對(duì)某種想法感興趣,doing 通常為想法。 I shall be interested to know what h... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.8 be afraid doing/to do

be afraid to do 不敢,膽怯去做某事,是主觀上的原因不去做,意為"怕"; be afraid of doing 擔(dān)心出現(xiàn)doing的狀況、結(jié)果。 doing 是客觀上造成的,意為"生怕,... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.7 go on doing/to do

go on to do 做了一件事后,接著做另一件事。 go on doing  繼續(xù)做原來做的事?!?After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his physics.... [查看全文]

2007-12-018.6 try doing/to do

 try to do  努力,企圖做某事?!ry doing  試驗(yàn),試著做某事。 You must try to be more careful. 你可要多加小心。 I tried gardening but didn't succeed. 我試著種果木花卉,但未成功。 [查看全文]