老外說 stand you up 可不是 “請你站起來”,真正的意思氣死人

2022-07-13 10:26:27  每日學英語
stand you up 和起立無關(guān)

Stand up與不同的介詞搭配有很多截然不同的意思,to stand up with someone 的意思就是和某人跳舞。后來在婚姻領域,stand up展現(xiàn)了一副在臨舉行婚禮前被人拋棄,站在教堂祭壇的樣子。自此之后, to stand someone up 便指對某人做出了浪漫的承諾,但最終卻沒有履行。

stand you up


stand someone up







@Gineva Kingsley:

You usually use stand someone up to talk about a situation where two people who don’t know each other very well just started becoming romantically involved with each other and one person agrees to go on a date with the other but purposely (or, more rarely, not purposely but knowingly) doesn’t show up for the date without telling that person they wouldn’t be there. I know this is kind of confusing, so let me just tell you a little story to make this less confusing:

你通常使用stand someone up這個短語表示兩個本來不熟悉的人準備進入一段浪漫的關(guān)系,然后其中有人同意去約會,但故意(或者極少情況不是故意的)在沒有告知對方的情況下沒有去約會。我知道這有點讓人迷惑,所以讓我告訴你們一個小故事讓它不那么迷惑:

Harry just met Sally. He thinks Sally is a very pretty girl, so he says, “Sally, will you go to the movies with me?” Sally nods yes. She is mute, but she is very pretty, and she very much wants to go to the movies with handsome Harry. They smile at each other.


Come Friday night, Harry is at the movie theater waiting for Sally (he didn’t pick her up because this is the kind of date where they were going to meet at the place). Sally heard a nasty, nasty thing about Harry from her friend Joe, who says that Harry is a rapist and is picking Sally to go on a date with him because if he rapes her she can’t scream for help, so Sally doesn’t want to go on the date. She doesn’t tell this to Harry, so she just doesn’t show up.


Sally is standing someone up.


She is standing Harry up.


Harry is being stood up by Sally.




