
2022-02-16 17:19:59  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)
Figure skating is known for its dashing moves.花樣滑冰以動(dòng)作浪漫浮華而聞名。

Figure skating:花樣滑冰

There is one called the "quad Axel," or "4A," that is widely considered to be the hardest jump in figure skating.有一種動(dòng)作被稱為阿克塞爾四周跳(quad Axel),或“4A”,被廣泛認(rèn)為是花樣滑冰中最難的動(dòng)作。

By difficulty, there are six types of jumps in figure skating: the toe loop, the loop, the salchow, the flip, the lutz and the Axel.按難度計(jì)算,花樣滑冰有六種跳躍動(dòng)作: 后外點(diǎn)冰、后外結(jié)環(huán)、后內(nèi)結(jié)環(huán)、后內(nèi)點(diǎn)冰、勾手跳和阿克塞爾跳。

The Axel, also known as the Axel Paulsen jump after its creator, is the most difficult one.阿克塞爾跳,也被稱為阿克塞爾·保爾森跳,是最困難的一項(xiàng)跳躍動(dòng)作。

It is a type of "edge jump," meaning skaters have to skate on one side of the blade when lifting off the ice.這是一種“邊跳”,意思是花滑運(yùn)動(dòng)員在從冰上起跳落地后必須用單腳滑行。

Derived from the Axel jump, the quad Axel sits at the top when it comes to jump difficulty as it actually requires a skater to complete a quad Axel rotation and an extra half-revolution.從阿克塞爾跳衍生而來(lái)的4A在跳躍難度上處于最高點(diǎn),因?yàn)樗鼘?shí)際上需要運(yùn)動(dòng)員在空中完成4周半才能落地。


Among all the Axel jumps, it has a specific requirement for skaters to jump up while facing forward.在所有的阿克塞爾跳中,4A有一個(gè)特殊的要求,即花滑選手要向前起跳。

So in such cases, there is always an extra half turn that one needs to complete to ensure they land backwards.由于選手向前起跳,向后落冰,所以比一般跳躍在空中多轉(zhuǎn)半圈,以確保他們向后著陸。

Although no one skater has yet conquered the move at any competitions, the world's top-notch Japanese skater Yuzuru Hanyu had given it the closest go during the Japanese national championship in 2021.盡管還沒(méi)有人在任何比賽中完成這一動(dòng)作,但在2021年的日本全國(guó)錦標(biāo)賽上,世界頂尖的日本花滑選手羽生結(jié)弦做出了最接近這一動(dòng)作的成績(jī)。


However, as it was not quite a perfect success, it was downgraded due to his two-footed landing.然而,由于他雙腳落冰,這一跳躍被降組。

Hanyu, nicknamed by many fans as the "Ice Prince," has always dreamed of completing this most difficult move.許多粉絲稱羽生結(jié)弦為“冰上王子”,他也一直夢(mèng)想著完成這一最難的動(dòng)作。
