雙語閱讀 | 手機和馬桶圈哪個更臟?

2022-01-17 08:53:17  每日學英語


Toilet seats are far cleaner than the average mobile phone, a shocking new study has revealed.一項令人震驚的最新研究顯示,馬桶座圈比普通手機要干凈得多。

Initial Washroom Hygiene took swab samples from smartphones and found the average device is nearly seven times dirtier than a toilet seat.英國清潔公司Initial Washroom Hygiene從智能手機上提取了樣本,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),手機平均要比馬桶座圈幾乎臟7倍。

Those clad in leather cases harbored the most bacteria and even phones in easier-to-clean plastic cases have more than six times the germs found on toilet seats, the Mail Online reports.據(jù)英國《每日郵報》報道,使用皮質(zhì)手機套的手機里細菌最多,甚至連更易清洗的塑料手機套里的手機細菌都是馬桶座圈里細菌的六倍多。

Initial Washroom Hygiene took swabs using a handheld device that highlights live microbes on the surface.Initial Washroom Hygiene公司使用手持式設備取樣,以突出手機表面的活微生物。

While swabs from toilets showed bacteria on around 220 areas around the seat, the average mobile phone boasted a disgusting 1,479 such spots.盡管馬桶上的采樣顯示,馬桶座圈周圍約220個地方存在細菌,但手機上平均有1479個這樣令人作嘔的地方。

Experts have warned that mobile phones become filthy because people take them into the bathroom.專家警告說,把手機帶入浴室會讓手機變得很臟。

Professor Hugh Pennington, emeritus professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen, told the Mail: “Swabbing a smartphone is almost like checking your handkerchief for germs.阿伯丁大學細菌學名譽教授休·彭寧頓告訴《每日郵報》:“擦洗智能手機就像檢查手帕上的細菌一樣。”

“You are likely to find them because of the close physical contact you have with this device several times a day.”“你可以很容易地找到它們,因為你每天都會好幾次與這個設備有密切的身體接觸。”

He said that the bugs on mobiles will “probably be people’s own bacteria so the likelihood of passing on disease is low.”他說,手機上的細菌“很可能是人類自身的細菌,所以傳染疾病的可能性很低。”

Penning added, “It might be ill-advised to pass smartphones around between people.”彭寧補充說,“在人與人之間相互傳遞智能手機可能不明智。”

Earlier this year, disgusting pictures were released showing smartphones covered in bacteria.今年初,一些令人作嘔的照片被曝光,照片顯示智能手機上布滿了細菌。

Swabs were taken from an iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy 8 and Google Pixel to test for the levels of aerobic bacteria, yeast and mold.從iPhone 6、三星Galaxy 8和谷歌Pixel手機上進行了取樣,檢測好氧細菌、酵母和霉菌的含量。

The phones’ screens had the highest levels of bacteria, with 100 colony forming units (CFU) per square centimeter for the Samsung Galaxy, 40 CFU for the iPhone, and 12 CFU for the Google Pixel.手機屏幕上的細菌含量最高,三星Galaxy每平方厘米有100個菌落形成單位(CFU), iPhone有40個,谷歌Pixel有12個。

The study, carried out for Insurance2go, said this compared to 24 CFU on a toilet.這項為設備質(zhì)保服務提供商Insurance2Go開展的研究稱,與之相比,廁所里的CFU值為24。

Other heavily affected areas for the phones include the back of the handset, the lock button and the home button.手機其他被嚴重影響的區(qū)域包括電話聽筒背面、鎖定按鈕和home按鈕。

Meanwhile, a beauty blender was found to have 24 CFU per square centimeter, while a makeup brush had 0.4 CFU, with high levels of mold, the Mail Online reported.據(jù)英國《每日郵報》報道,與此同時,美妝蛋每平方厘米的CFU值為24,而化妝刷的CFU值為0.4,霉菌含量很高。

The study found 5 CFU per square centimeter of yeast and bacteria on an office keyboard and mouse.研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在辦公室的鍵盤和鼠標上,酵母菌和細菌每平方厘米的CFU值是5。

A third of people in the UK admit to never cleaning their phone, with one in 20 cleaning their phones less than once every six months.三分之一的英國人承認自己從不清洗手機,二十分之一的人每半年清洗的次數(shù)還不到一次。

Dr. Shirin Lakhani, from Elite Aesthetics, said: “Our smartphones are a really big source of skin contamination and skin problems, namely acne.精英美學公司的希林·拉哈尼博士說:“我們的智能手機確實是皮膚污染和皮膚問題(也就是粉刺)的一大來源。”

“High concentrations of microscopic bacteria from your phone’s screen mixed with oil and makeup from the skin, along with heat from the phone, breeds more bacteria.“手機屏幕上高濃度的微生物與皮膚上的油脂和化妝品混合在一起,再加上手機發(fā)出的熱量,會滋生更多的細菌。”

“This can clog pores and often result in inflammation and acne.這可能堵塞毛孔,經(jīng)常導致炎癥和痤瘡。

“To combat these problems use a headset when on the phone for a lengthy period of time and regularly wipe your smartphone with an alcohol wipe to remove as much bacteria as possible before using it.”“為了解決這些問題,長時間使用手機時要戴上耳機,在使用前要經(jīng)常用酒精棉擦拭手機,盡可能清除細菌。”

