
2021-09-14 09:35:45  每日學(xué)英語

A flock of thousands of pink-footed geese flying over snow-covered ground, immortalized by the Norwegian photographer Terje Kolaas, is the overall winner of the Drone Awards 2021, the main international contest of aerial photography. The image, titled Pink-Footed Geese Meeting the Winter, was shot in central Norway and portrays geese flying towards Svalbard, in the Arctic, with the landscape still covered with snow. The birds’ early arrival is likely linked to climate change. The photo was selected from tens of thousands of images submitted by photographers from 102 countries and, together with the first-place shots classified in the eight categories of the Drone Photo Awards, will be showcased in the "Above Us Only Sky" exhibition, scheduled in Siena from October 23rd to December 5th as part of the Siena Awards festival dedicated to the visual arts.

成千上萬只粉紅色腳的鵝飛過白雪覆蓋的地面,被挪威攝影師Terje Kolaas永久記錄下來,是2021年無人機(jī)獎的總冠軍,該獎項是主要的國際航空攝影比賽。這張名為《粉足鵝迎冬》的照片拍攝于挪威中部,描繪了一群鵝飛向北極的斯瓦爾巴特群島,那里的風(fēng)景仍然被雪覆蓋著。鳥類的提前到來可能與氣候變化有關(guān)。這張照片是從來自102個國家的攝影師提交的數(shù)萬張照片中選出的,與無人機(jī)攝影獎八個類別的第一名照片一起,將在“我們之上只有天空”展覽中展出。計劃于10月23日至12月5日在錫耶納舉行,作為錫耶納視覺藝術(shù)獎節(jié)的一部分。












More info: droneawards.photo | Facebook | twitter.com | youtube.com
