
2020-05-10 16:59:57  每日學(xué)英語


According to renowned sushi chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, founder of the Nobu restaurants, a lot of people eat sushi incorrectly.


He said that when you dip your sushi in soy sauce, you should keep it fish-side-down since the rice absorbs the salty sauce too quickly.


Matsuhisa also said that you can enjoy your sushi with your fingers, but chopsticks work just fine.





The classic New York slice — a hand-tossed, thin-crust pizza topped with marinara and mozzarella — is traditionally taken to-go, and local lore dictates that it be eaten in a very specific way.


Knife and fork? Absolutely not. Mopping the oil off the top? Don't even think about it.


Instead, Serious Eats' resident pizza aficionado Adam Kuban suggests a time-honored technique, which he calls the "Fold Hold." It's simple, really: just fold your slice in half, tip it over the plate to drain off any unnecessary grease, and go to town.

披薩的狂熱愛好者、食物博客Serious Eats的用戶亞當(dāng)·庫班建議人們采用一種歷史悠久的吃法,他稱之為“手卷式”。這種吃法真的很簡單:只要把你的那片披薩對(duì)半折疊,把一端放在盤子上方讓多余的油脂流掉,然后就可以盡情享用了。




Although cupcakes don't require utensils, taking the first bite of a cupcake can be messy and lead to a top-heavy cupcake with an uneven ratio of frosting to cake.


But according to Foodbeast, if you unwrap the cupcake, break off the bottom, and place it over the frosting on top, you'll wind up with a cupcake-icing sandwich that's compact, tidy, and still offers you both cake and frosting in every bite.





James Cornwall, head chef at London seafood restaurant J Sheekey, told British GQ that, when eating hot lobster, you'll want to eat the tail first because it gets cold the fastest.

倫敦海鮮餐廳J Sheekey的主廚詹姆斯·康沃爾告訴《英國紳士季刊》說,吃熱乎乎的龍蝦時(shí),應(yīng)該先吃蝦尾,因?yàn)槲r尾涼得最快。

Cornwall also advised eating the claws last because they typically stay warm longer and can be tough to break into.


Plus, eating lobster in this order can be cleaner when it comes to disposing of the lobster's shell.





Pomegranate seeds make for a highly versatile ingredient, working beautifully in salads, salsas, fruit salads, and many dishes in between. However, they can also be tricky to maneuver and just a little too much pressure will cause them to pop and stain your fingers.


To effectively shave the seeds away from the rest of the pomegranate, there are multiple removal methods out there, including one involving water.


If you're not interested in keeping the juice, submerge the pomegranate in a bowl of water and watch the pith float to the top, leaving you with clean, easy-to-remove seeds.



