
2020-04-13 21:01:42  每日學(xué)英語
highway robbery

/?ha?.we? ?r?b.?r.i/ (UK daylight robbery)

Most people would agree that paying $10 for your favorite cup of coffee is highway robbery. But the original definition of highway robbery once meant literally robbing travelers on or near the highway. The first known usage of the phrase was in 1611.

多數(shù)人會認(rèn)同一杯可口的咖啡要價10美元(68元人民幣)是highway robbery(敲竹杠)。但是highway robbery原來的意思就是在公路上或公路附近搶劫旅客。這個短語的使用最早見于1611年。

a situation in which you have to pay far too much money for something


$20 for two drinks? That's highway robbery!

