
2017-10-16 08:32:26  每日學英語



The weather in the Northern Hemisphere may be getting cooler, but there is still time left to enjoy frozen desserts typical of summer. One of the most traditional warm-weather treats is ice cream -- a frozen mixture of cream, sugar, milk and flavorings.


Many people believe the dessert first became popular in the United States after the wives of early presidents served it in the White House. According to the White House Historical Association, Dolley Madison, the wife of President James Madison, served ice cream there for the first time. That was in the early 1800s.


hemisphere /'hem?sf??/ n. 半球

dessert /d?'z?: t/ n. 餐后甜點;甜點心

typical /'t?p?k(?)l/ adj. 典型的;特有的

traditional /tr?'d??(?)n(?)l/ adj. 傳統(tǒng)的;慣例的

mixture /'m?kst??/ n. 混合;混合物

flavoring /'fle?v?r??/ n. 調(diào)味品

popular /'p?pj?l?/ adj. 流行的,通俗的;受歡迎的

association /??s??s??e??n/ n. 協(xié)會,聯(lián)盟,社團;聯(lián)合


But ice cream has changed a lot in the last 200 years.

And now, a new style of ice cream that started in Southeast Asia is spreading in the United States: rolled ice cream.

This summer, rolled ice cream could be found at street festivals from New York City to Nashville, Tennessee. At Sweet Charlie’s, a store in Philadelphia, customers often wait in line for over two hours to order their rolled ice cream.

今年夏天,從美國紐約到田納西州的納什維爾,大街小巷隨處可見冰淇淋卷的身影。費城的一家冰淇淋店(Sweet Charlie’s)門口常常有顧客排起長隊,人們不惜等候兩個多小時買冰淇淋卷。
Some people call it “Thai stir-fried ice cream.” That is because it looks like it is made on a hot grill, in the same way people cook meat and vegetables.



southeast /,sa?θ'i: st/ adj. 東南的;來自東南的

spread /spred/ v. 傳播;伸展;散布

festival /'f?st?vl/ n. 節(jié)日;節(jié)慶

grill /gr?l/ n. 烤架,鐵格子

But the grill used for making the treat is actually extremely cold.

The ice cream “chefs” add things like cookies, candy, and even pizza into the ice cream mixture. Then, the ice cream begins to freeze. Next, the chef spreads it in a thin layer over the cold surface. After a few seconds, the chef uses a tool to scrape the ice cream off the cold surface and turn it into a roll. The rolls are then put into a cup and covered with fruit or flavored syrup.

One serving costs about six dollars in most places in the United States.



extremely /?k'stri: ml?/ adv. 非常,極其;極端地

chef /?ef/ n. 廚師,大師傅

freeze /fri: z/ v. 凍結(jié);冷凍;僵硬

layer /'le??/ n. 層,層次;膜

surface /'s?: f?s/ n. 表面;表層;外觀

scrape /skre?p/ v. 刮;擦傷;挖成

syrup /'s?r?p/ n. 糖漿,果汁;含藥糖漿

Thailand most often gets credit for the creation; a popular YouTube channel called “Ice Cream Rolls” reports that the dessert started there. Millions of people watch the channel’s latest videos each week.



Asia has been coming up with new frozen treats for a long time. A recent New York Times article reported that “elaborate” frozen desserts were written about in Japanese literature nearly 1,000 years ago. And, as one Asian food expert in Seoul, South Korea, told the Times: “You would never be served plain ice cream in a cup here.That would be too boring.”


And that’s What’s Trending Today.


Thailand /'ta?lænd/ n. 泰國

credit /'kred?t/ n. 信用,信譽;名聲

creation /kri: 'e??(?)n/ n. 創(chuàng)造,創(chuàng)作;創(chuàng)作物

channel /'t?æn(?)l/ n. 通道;頻道

million /'m?lj?n/ n. 百萬;無數(shù)

latest /'le?t?st/ adj. 最新的,最近的

recent /'ri: s(?)nt/ adj. 最近的;近代的

elaborate /?'læb(?)r?t/ adj. 精心制作的;詳盡的

literature /'l?t(?)r?t??/ n. 文學;文獻;文藝;著作

expert /'eksp?: t/ n. 專家;行家;能手

boring /'b?: r??/ adj. 無聊的;令人厭煩的

